28 research outputs found

    Using case based data stream processing for smart house systems

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    The latest technological advances have allowed the development of smart home systems that establish a connection between humans and the devices that surround them, living in homes and working in fully automated companies. While these systems improve the quality of life of people in terms of comfort, safety and energy savings, as they automate aspects such as lighting, temperature, humidity, among others; they lack an organizational memory that manages the knowledge of the preferences, customs and behavior patterns of the inhabitants of the home or company they automate. The aforementioned lack shows an opportunity to improve these products, taking into account that the market trend in domestic devices, is to maximize automation, making them increasingly intelligent, to make decisions proactively, and to collaborate with each other and with the human being for his better quality of life. In this paper we show that it is possible to improve the management of the data stream captured by the devices, providing them with interoperability through the use of ontologies and metadata, so that "intelligent modules" process the acquired knowledge automatically, with little intervention from the humans. Specifically, we will use the Processing Architecture based on Measurement Metadata (PAbMM) and the Case based Reasoning (CBR) technology to intelligently establish the environmental conditions of the home, in order to improve comfort and reduce energy consumption.Sociedad Argentina de Informátic

    Domain ontology learning from the web

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    El Aprendizaje de Ontologías se define como el conjunto de métodos utilizados para construir, enriquecer o adaptar una ontología existente de forma semiautomática, utilizando fuentes de información heterogéneas. En este proceso se emplea texto, diccionarios electrónicos, ontologías lingüísticas e información estructurada y semiestructurada para extraer conocimiento. Recientemente, gracias al enorme crecimiento de la Sociedad de la Información, la Web se ha convertido en una valiosa fuente de información para casi cualquier dominio. Esto ha provocado que los investigadores empiecen a considerar a la Web como un repositorio válido para Recuperar Información y Adquirir Conocimiento. No obstante, la Web presenta algunos problemas que no se observan en repositorios de información clásicos: presentación orientada al usuario, ruido, fuentes no confiables, alta dinamicidad y tamaño abrumador. Pese a ello, también presenta algunas características que pueden ser interesantes para la adquisición de conocimiento: debido a su enorme tamaño y heterogeneidad, se asume que la Web aproxima la distribución real de la información a nivel global. Este trabajo describe una aproximación novedosa para el aprendizaje de ontologías, presentando nuevos métodos para adquirir conocimiento de la Web. La propuesta se distingue de otros trabajos previos principalmente en la particular adaptación de algunas técnicas clásicas de aprendizaje al corpus Web y en la explotación de las características interesantes del entorno Web para componer una aproximación automática, no supervisada e independiente del dominio. Con respecto al proceso de construcción de la ontologías, se han desarrollado los siguientes métodos: i) extracción y selección de términos relacionados con el dominio, organizándolos de forma taxonómica; ii) descubrimiento y etiquetado de relaciones no taxonómicas entre los conceptos; iii) métodos adicionales para mejorar la estructura final, incluyendo la detección de entidades con nombre, atributos, herencia múltiple e incluso un cierto grado de desambiguación semántica. La metodología de aprendizaje al completo se ha implementado mediante un sistema distribuido basado en agentes, proporcionando una solución escalable. También se ha evaluado para varios dominios de conocimiento bien diferenciados, obteniendo resultados de buena calidad. Finalmente, se han desarrollado varias aplicaciones referentes a la estructuración automática de librerías digitales y recursos Web, y la recuperación de información basada en ontologías.Ontology Learning is defined as the set of methods used for building from scratch, enriching or adapting an existing ontology in a semi-automatic fashion using heterogeneous information sources. This data-driven procedure uses text, electronic dictionaries, linguistic ontologies and structured and semi-structured information to acquire knowledge. Recently, with the enormous growth of the Information Society, the Web has become a valuable source of information for almost every possible domain of knowledge. This has motivated researchers to start considering the Web as a valid repository for Information Retrieval and Knowledge Acquisition. However, the Web suffers from problems that are not typically observed in classical information repositories: human oriented presentation, noise, untrusted sources, high dynamicity and overwhelming size. Even though, it also presents characteristics that can be interesting for knowledge acquisition: due to its huge size and heterogeneity it has been assumed that the Web approximates the real distribution of the information in humankind. The present work introduces a novel approach for ontology learning, introducing new methods for knowledge acquisition from the Web. The adaptation of several well known learning techniques to the web corpus and the exploitation of particular characteristics of the Web environment composing an automatic, unsupervised and domain independent approach distinguishes the present proposal from previous works.With respect to the ontology building process, the following methods have been developed: i) extraction and selection of domain related terms, organising them in a taxonomical way; ii) discovery and label of non-taxonomical relationships between concepts; iii) additional methods for improving the final structure, including the detection of named entities, class features, multiple inheritance and also a certain degree of semantic disambiguation. The full learning methodology has been implemented in a distributed agent-based fashion, providing a scalable solution. It has been evaluated for several well distinguished domains of knowledge, obtaining good quality results. Finally, several direct applications have been developed, including automatic structuring of digital libraries and web resources, and ontology-based Web Information Retrieval

    Menetelmiä mielenkiintoisten solmujen löytämiseen verkostoista

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    With the increasing amount of graph-structured data available, finding interesting objects, i.e., nodes in graphs, becomes more and more important. In this thesis we focus on finding interesting nodes and sets of nodes in graphs or networks. We propose several definitions of node interestingness as well as different methods to find such nodes. Specifically, we propose to consider nodes as interesting based on their relevance and non-redundancy or representativeness w.r.t. the graph topology, as well as based on their characterisation for a class, such as a given node attribute value. Identifying nodes that are relevant, but non-redundant to each other is motivated by the need to get an overview of different pieces of information related to a set of given nodes. Finding representative nodes is of interest, e.g. when the user needs or wants to select a few nodes that abstract the large set of nodes. Discovering nodes characteristic for a class helps to understand the causes behind that class. Next, four methods are proposed to find a representative set of interesting nodes. The first one incrementally picks one interesting node after another. The second iteratively changes the set of nodes to improve its overall interestingness. The third method clusters nodes and picks a medoid node as a representative for each cluster. Finally, the fourth method contrasts diverse sets of nodes in order to select nodes characteristic for their class, even if the classes are not identical across the selected nodes. The first three methods are relatively simple and are based on the graph topology and a similarity or distance function for nodes. For the second and third, the user needs to specify one parameter, either an initial set of k nodes or k, the size of the set. The fourth method assumes attributes and class attributes for each node, a class-related interesting measure, and possible sets of nodes which the user wants to contrast, such as sets of nodes that represent different time points. All four methods are flexible and generic. They can, in principle, be applied on any weighted graph or network regardless of what nodes, edges, weights, or attributes represent. Application areas for the methods developed in this thesis include word co-occurrence networks, biological networks, social networks, data traffic networks, and the World Wide Web. As an illustrating example, consider a word co-occurrence network. There, finding terms (nodes in the graph) that are relevant to some given nodes, e.g. branch and root, may help to identify different, shared contexts such as botanics, mathematics, and linguistics. A real life application lies in biology where finding nodes (biological entities, e.g. biological processes or pathways) that are relevant to other, given nodes (e.g. some genes or proteins) may help in identifying biological mechanisms that are possibly shared by both the genes and proteins.Väitöskirja käsittelee verkostojen louhinnan menetelmiä. Sen tavoitteena on löytää mielenkiintoisia tietoja painotetuista verkoista. Painotettuna verkkona voi tarkastella esim. tekstiainestoja, biologisia ainestoja, ihmisten välisiä yhteyksiä tai internettiä. Tällaisissa verkoissa solmut edustavat käsitteitä (esim. sanoja, geenejä, ihmisiä tai internetsivuja) ja kaaret niiden välisiä suhteita (esim. kaksi sanaa esiintyy samassa lauseessa, geeni koodaa proteiinia, ihmisten ystävyyksiä tai internetsivu viittaa toiseen internetsivuun). Kaarten painot voivat vastata esimerkiksi yhteyden voimakuutta tai luotettavuutta. Väitöskirjassa esitetään erilaisia verkon rakenteeseen tai solmujen attribuutteihin perustuvia määritelmiä solmujen mielenkiintoisuudelle sekä useita menetelmiä mielenkiintoisten solmujen löytämiseksi. Mielenkiintoisuuden voi määritellä esim. merkityksellisyytenä suhteessa joihinkin annettuihin solmuihin ja toisaalta mielenkiintoisten solmujen keskinäisenä erilaisuutena. Esimerkiksi ns. ahneella menetelmällä voidaan löytää keskenään erilaisia solmuja yksi kerrallaan. Väitöskirjan tuloksia voidaan soveltaa esimerkiksi tekstiaineistoa käsittelemällä saatuun sanojen väliseen verkostoon, jossa kahden sanan välillä on sitä voimakkaampi yhteys mitä useammin ne tapaavat esiintyä keskenään samoissa lauseissa. Sanojen erilaisia käyttöyhteyksiä ja jopa merkityksiä voidaan nyt löytää automaattisesti. Jos kohdesanaksi otetaan vaikkapa "juuri", niin siihen liittyviä mutta keskenään toisiinsa liittymättömiä sanoja ovat "puu" (biologinen merkitys: kasvin juuri), "yhtälö" (matemaattinen merkitys: yhtälön ratkaisu eli juuri) sekä "indoeurooppalainen" (kielitieteellinen merkitys: sanan vartalo eli juuri). Tällaisia menetelmiä voidaan soveltaa esimerkiksi hakukoneessa: sanalla "juuri" tehtyihin hakutuloksiin sisällytetään tuloksia mahdollisimman erilaisista käyttöyhteyksistä, jotta käyttäjän tarkoittama merkitys tulisi todennäköisemmin katetuksi hakutuloksissa. Merkittävä sovelluskohde väitöskirjan menetelmille ovat biologiset verkot, joissa solmut edustavat biologisia käsitteitä (esim. geenejä, proteiineja tai sairauksia) ja kaaret niiden välisiä suhteita (esim. geeni koodaa proteiinia tai proteiini on aktiivinen tietyssä sairauksessa). Menetelmillä voidaan etsiä esimerkiksi sairauksiin vaikuttavia biologisia mekanismeja paikantamalla edustava joukko sairauteen ja siihen mahdollisesti liittyviin geeneihin verkostossa kytkeytyviä muita solmuja. Nämä voivat auttaa biologeja ymmärtämään geenien ja sairauden mahdollisia kytköksiä ja siten kohdentamaan jatkotutkimustaan lupaavimpiin geeneihin, proteiineihin tms. Väitöskirjassa esitetyt solmujen mielenkiintoisuuden määritelmät sekä niiden löytämiseen ehdotetut menetelmät ovat yleispäteviä ja niitä voi soveltaa periaatteessa mihin tahansa verkkoon riippumatta siitä, mitä solmut, kaaret tai painot edustavat. Kokeet erilaisilla verkoilla osoittavat että ne löytävät mielenkiintoisia solmuja

    A benefit-oriented framework for the decision-making process on the application of KMS in SME

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    The result of the presented PhD project is an artifact providing the SME practitioner with the KinS conceptual framework including method support. Therefore concepts from KM and KMS are newly combined and validated applying the perceived benefit approach of the KMS Success Model. The KinS framework uses the demand for support as the starting point for the perceived benefit and analyzes it with regard to the support opportunities by knowledge services. With the help of the framework, the gap in the knowledge base can be addressed and benefit-orientation in the KMS support can be provided

    Sustav za upravljanje laboratorijskim ispitivanjima materijala

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    U radu je prikazan postojeći ručni način rada u laboratorijima građevinskog instituta i njegovi nedostaci te se razmatra poboljšanje rada informatizacijom. Slijedilo je koncipiranje informacijskog sustava za upravljanje laboratorijskim ispitivanjima materijala naziva e- Laboratorij sa primjenom na Internetu. Provedena je analiza laboratorijskog procesa pri čemu su definirane faze i opisan njegov tijek. Sistematizirana su podatkovna obilježja i organizirana u bazu podataka. Stvorena je radna baza i baza podataka stručnog znanja. Definirane su korisničke okoline sustava. Oblikovana je radna okolina sa stranicama svakog radnog procesa i pripadajućim podatkovnim obilježjima te njihove veze sa stranicama okoline za korištenje znanja. Oblikovanjem okoline za stvaranje znanja definirajna su sva obilježja potrebna za opisivanje ekspertnog znanja koje se pohranjuje u bazu podataka stručnog znanja. Definirani su procesi učenja sustava sa svrhom proširivanja i nadograđivanja baze podataka stručnog znanja. U radu je opisano korištenje svake pojedine okoline, a simulacijom rada prikazano je funkcioniranje sustava za slučajeve poznate i nove situacije. \Na primjerima ispitivanja čelika za armiranje prikazano je pregledavanje podataka iz baze podataka prema različitim kriterijima. Za odabrano vlačno svojstvo rebrastog čelika za armiranje provedena je obrada metodama opisne statistike i statističkih testiranja hipoteza: ttest, F-test i analiza varijance. Kao primjer eksploratorne analize primijenjena je metoda faktorske analize armirano-betonskog nosača. Provedena je kvantitativna usporedba informacijskog i ručnog načina rada. Opisane su stranice e-Laboratorij sustava i principi njegove primjene na Internetu. \Na kraju se iznose zaključci o doprinosima u poboljšanju rada, razmatraju perspektive daljnjeg razvoja te moguće prepreke i ograničenja

    Computer-based tools for supporting forest management. The experience and the expertise world-wide

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    Report of Cost Action FP 0804 Forest Management Decision Support Systems (FORSYS)Computer-based tools for supporting forest management. The experience and the expertise world-wide answers a call from both the research and the professional communities for a synthesis of current knowledge about the use of computerized tools in forest management planning. According to the aims of the Forest Management Decision Support Systems (FORSYS) (http://fp0804.emu.ee/) this synthesis is a critical success factor to develop a comprehensive quality reference for forest management decision support systems. The emphasis of the book is on identifying and assessing the support provided by computerized tools to enhance forest management planning in real-world contexts. The book thus identifies the management planning problems that prevail world-wide to discuss the architecture and the components of the tools used to address them. Of importance is the report of architecture approaches, models and methods, knowledge management and participatory planning techniques used to address specific management planning problems. We think that this synthesis may provide effective support to research and outreach activities that focus on the development of forest management decision support systems. It may contribute further to support forest managers when defining the requirements for a tool that best meets their needs. The first chapter of the book provides an introduction to the use of decision support systems in the forest sector and lays out the FORSYS framework for reporting the experience and expertise acquired in each country. Emphasis is on the FORSYS ontology to facilitate the sharing of experiences needed to characterize and evaluate the use of computerized tools when addressing forest management planning problems. The twenty six country reports share a structure designed to underline a problem-centric focus. Specifically, they all start with the identification of the management planning problems that are prevalent in the country and they move on to the characterization and assessment of the computerized tools used to address them. The reports were led by researchers with background and expertise in areas that range from ecological modeling to forest modeling, management planning and information and communication technology development. They benefited from the input provided by forest practitioners and by organizations that are responsible for developing and implementing forest management plans. A conclusions chapter highlights the success of bringing together such a wide range of disciplines and perspectives. This book benefited from voluntary contributions by 94 authors and from the involvement of several forest stakeholders from twenty six countries in Europe, North and South America, Africa and Asia over a three-year period. We, the chair of FORSYS and the editorial committee of the publication, acknowledge and thank for the valuable contributions from all authors, editors, stakeholders and FORSYS actors involved in this project

    Opinion mining with the SentWordNet lexical resource

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    Sentiment classification concerns the application of automatic methods for predicting the orientation of sentiment present on text documents. It is an important subject in opinion mining research, with applications on a number of areas including recommender and advertising systems, customer intelligence and information retrieval. SentiWordNet is a lexical resource of sentiment information for terms in the English language designed to assist in opinion mining tasks, where each term is associated with numerical scores for positive and negative sentiment information. A resource that makes term level sentiment information readily available could be of use in building more effective sentiment classification methods. This research presents the results of an experiment that applied the SentiWordNet lexical resource to the problem of automatic sentiment classification of film reviews. First, a data set of relevant features extracted from text documents using SentiWordNet was designed and implemented. The resulting feature set is then used as input for training a support vector machine classifier for predicting the sentiment orientation of the underlying film review. Several scenarios exploring variations on the parameters that generate the data set, outlier removal and feature selection were executed. The results obtained are compared to other methods documented in the literature. It was found that they are in line with other experiments that propose similar approaches and use the same data set of film reviews, indicating SentiWordNet could become an important resource for the task of sentiment classification. Considerations on future improvements are also presented based on a detailed analysis of classification results

    Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2006, nr 2

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