550 research outputs found

    Radio-Communications Architectures

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    Wireless communications, i.e. radio-communications, are widely used for our different daily needs. Examples are numerous and standard names like BLUETOOTH, WiFI, WiMAX, UMTS, GSM and, more recently, LTE are well-known [Baudoin et al. 2007]. General applications in the RFID or UWB contexts are the subject of many papers. This chapter presents radio-frequency (RF) communication systems architecture for mobile, wireless local area networks (WLAN) and connectivity terminals. An important aspect of today's applications is the data rate increase, especially in connectivity standards like WiFI and WiMAX, because the user demands high Quality of Service (QoS). To increase the data rate we tend to use wideband or multi-standard architecture. The concept of software radio includes a self-reconfigurable radio link and is described here on its RF aspects. The term multi-radio is preferred. This chapter focuses on the transmitter, yet some considerations about the receiver are given. An important aspect of the architecture is that a transceiver is built with respect to the radio-communications signals. We classify them in section 2 by differentiating Continuous Wave (CW) and Impulse Radio (IR) systems. Section 3 is the technical background one has to consider for actual applications. Section 4 summarizes state-of-the-art high data rate architectures and the latest research in multi-radio systems. In section 5, IR architectures for Ultra Wide Band (UWB) systems complete this overview; we will also underline the coexistence and compatibility challenges between CW and IR systems

    Characterization and design of coherent optical OFDM transmission systems based on Hartley Transform

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    Nowadays, due to huge deployment of optical transport networks, a continuous increase towards higher data rates up to 100 Gb/s and beyond is observed. Furthermore, an evolution of the current optical networks is forecasted, acquiring new functionalities, e.g. elastic spectrum assignment for the optical signals. The target for these new challenges in transmission is to find techniques ready to deal with a growth of demand for bandwidth continuously asked by network operators, for whom the standard systems do not meet the new functionalities while higher rates are being set up. A solution for covering all of those needs is to adapt techniques capable to deal with such enormous data rates, and ensuring the same high efficiency for long distances and mitigate the optical impairments accumulated along the transmission path. Additionally, these transmission techniques are expected to provide some degree of flexibility, in order to enhance the network flexibility. A promising technology that can fully cope with those requires is the coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CO-OFDM). CO-OFDM provides several advantages, namely high sensitivity and spectral efficiency, simple integration and possibility to fully recover a signal in phase, amplitude and polarization. These systems are composed by digital signal processing (DSP) blocks that easily process data and can equalize and compensate the main impairments, providing high tolerance for dispersion effects. However, CO-OFDM systems are not free from drawbacks. Their high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) reduce their tolerance to nonlinearities. Furthermore, CO-OFDM systems are sensitive to any frequency shift and phase offset. Hence, a constant envelope optical OFDM (CE-OFDM) is proposed for significantly reducing the PAPR and solving high sensitivity to nonlinear impairments. It consists in a phase modulated discrete multi-tone signal, which is coherently detected at the receiver side. An alternative transform, the discrete Hartley transform, is proposed to speed up calculations in the DSP and eliminate the need to have a Hermitian symmetry. The optical CE-OFDM by its unique flexibility and rate scalability turns out as a great technology applicable to different configurations, ranging from access to core networks. In case of access solutions, several cases are investigated. First, the optical CE-OFDM is applied for radio access network signals delivery by means of a wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) overlay in deployed access architecture. A decomposed radio access network is deployed over an existing standard passive optical network (PON), capable to avoid interference and cross talks with access signals between network clients. The system exhibited narrow channel spacing, while reducing losses fed into the access equipment path. Next, a full duplex 10 Gb/s bidirectional PON transmission over a single wavelength with RSOA based ONU is investigated. The key point of that system is the upstream transmission, which is achieved re-modulating the phase of a downstream intensity modulated signal after proper saturation. The reported sensitivity performances show a power budget matching the PON standards and an OSNR easy to reach on non-amplified PON. Next, a flexible metropolitan area network of up to 100km with traffic add/drop using WDM is investigated. There the narrowing effect of the optical filters is studied. Finally, an elastic upgrade of the existing Telefonica model of the Spanish national core network is proposed. For that, the transceiver architecture is proposed to be operated featuring polarization multiplexing. Respect to the existing fixed grid, the flexible approach (enabled by the CE-OFDM transceiver) results into reduced bandwidth occupancy and low OSNR requirement.Hoy en día, debido al gran despliegue de las redes de ópticas de transporte, se espera un aumento continuado hacia mayores velocidades de datos, hasta 100 Gb/s y más allá. Por otra parte, la evolución que se prevé para las redes ópticas actuales, incluye la adquisición de nuevas funcionalidades, por ejemplo, la asignación del espectro de forma elástica para las señales ópticas. Por tanto, el claro desafío en cuanto a las tecnologías de transmisión es encontrar técnicas preparadas para hacer frente a un crecimiento de la demanda de ancho de banda; demanda que continuamente se incrementa por parte de los operadores de red, para quienes los sistemas estándar no se acaban de ajustar a las nuevas funcionalidades que esperan para la red. Una solución para cubrir todas estas necesidades es la adaptación de técnicas capaces de hacer frente a estas velocidades de datos enormes, y garantizar el mismo nivel de eficiencia para las largas distancias y mitigar las deficiencias ópticas acumuladas a lo largo de la ruta de transmisión. Además, se espera que estas técnicas de transmisión puedan proporcionar cierto grado de flexibilidad, a fin de mejorar y hacer más eficiente la gestión de la red. Una tecnología prometedora que puede hacer frente a estos requisitos es lo que se llama multiplexación por división de frecuencias ortogonales, combinado con la detección óptica coherente (CO-OFDM). CO-OFDM ofrece varias ventajas, entre otras: alta sensibilidad y eficiencia espectral y, sobre todo, la posibilidad de recuperar por completo de una señal en fase, la amplitud y la polarización. Estos sistemas están compuestos por bloques de procesado de señales digitales (DSP) que permiten detectar los datos fácilmente así como también compensar las principales degradaciones, proporcionando alta tolerancia a los efectos de dispersión. Sin embargo, los sistemas CO-OFDM no están exentos de inconvenientes. Su alta relación de potencia de pico a potencia media (PAPR) reduce sensiblemente la tolerancia no linealidades. Por otra parte, los sistemas CO-OFDM son sensibles a cualquier cambio de frecuencia y desplazamiento de fase. Por tanto, se propone un sistema OFDM de envolvente constante (CE-OFDM) para reducir significativamente la PAPR y solucionar la alta sensibilidad a las degradaciones no lineales. Consiste en una señal OFDM modulada en fase, que se detecta coherentemente en el receptor. Una transformada alternativa, la transformada discreta de Hartley, se propone para acelerar los cálculos en el DSP. El sistema CE-OFDM por su flexibilidad y escalabilidad única, resulta una tecnología aplicable a diferentes escenarios, que van desde las redes de acceso hasta las redes troncales. En el caso de las soluciones de acceso, se investigan varios casos. En primer lugar, el CE-OFDM aplica para el desarrollo y soporte de datos de una red radio, reutilizando una red óptica de acceso ya desplegada. A continuación, se investiga la transmisión bidireccional dúplex a 10 Gb / s sobre una sola longitud de onda empleando un RSOA a las unidades de usuario. El punto clave de este sistema es la transmisión en sentido ascendente, que se consigue re-modulando la fase de una señal de intensidad modulada después de saturar de forma adecuada. A continuación, se estudia una red de área metropolitana flexible de hasta 100 km. Concretamente el efecto de concatenación de filtros ópticos es el objetivo de este estudio. Finalmente, se propone una actualización elástica del modelo de Telefónica I+D para la red troncal española. Por ello, se propone operar el CE-OFDM en multiplexación de polarización. Los resultados muestran que esta combinación reduce sensiblemente el empleo de ancho de banda esto como los requisitos de los enlaces transmisión, reduciendo también los costes tanto de desarrollo como de operación y mantenimiento de la red.Avui dia, a causa del gran desplegament de les xarxes de òptiques de transport, s'espera un augment continuat cap a majors velocitats de dades, fins a 100 Gb/s i més enllà. D'altra banda, l'evolució que es preveu per a les xarxes òptiques actuals, inclou l'adquisició de noves funcionalitats, per exemple, assignació de l'espectre de forma elàstica per als senyals òptics. Per tant, el clar desafiament pel que fa a les tecnologies de transmissió és trobar tècniques preparades per fer front a un creixement de la demanda d'ample de banda; demanda que contínuament es fa per part dels operadors de xarxa, per als qui els sistemes estàndard no s'acaben d'ajustar a les noves funcionalitats que esperen per a la xarxa. Una solució per a cobrir totes aquestes necessitats és l'adaptació de tècniques capaces de fer front a aquestes velocitats de dades enormes, i garantir el mateix nivell d'eficiència per a les llargues distàncies i mitigar les deficiències òptiques acumulades al llarg de la ruta de transmissió. A més, s'espera que aquestes tècniques de transmissió puguin proporcionar cert grau de flexibilitat, per tal de millorar i tornar més eficient la gestió de la xarxa. Una tecnologia prometedora que pot fer front a aquests requisits és el que s'anomena multiplexació per divisió de freqüències ortogonals, combinat amb la detecció òptica coherent (CO-OFDM). CO-OFDM ofereix diversos avantatges, entre altres: alta sensibilitat i eficiència espectral i, sobretot, la possibilitat de recuperar per complet d'una senyal en fase, l'amplitud i la polarització. Aquests sistemes estan compostos per blocs de processament de senyals digitals (DSP) que permeten detectar les dades fàcilment així com també compensar les principals degradacions, proporcionant alta tolerància pels efectes de dispersió. No obstant això, els sistemes CO-OFDM no estan exempts d'inconvenients. La seva alta relació de potència de pic a potència mitjana (PAPR) redueix sensiblement la tolerància a no linealitats. D'altra banda, els sistemes de CO-OFDM són sensibles a qualsevol canvi de freqüència i desplaçament de fase. Per tant, es proposa un sistema OFDM d'envolvent constant (CE-OFDM) per a reduir significativament la PAPR i solucionar l'alta sensibilitat a les degradacions no lineals. Consisteix en un senyal OFDM modulat en fase, que es detecta coherentment en el receptor. Una transformada alternativa, la transformada discreta d'Hartley, es proposa accelerar els càlculs en el DSP. El sistema CE-OFDM per la seva flexibilitat i escalabilitat única, resulta una tecnologia aplicable a diferents escenaris, que van des de les xarxes d'accés fins a les xarxes troncals. En el cas de les solucions d'accés, s'investiguen diversos casos. En primer lloc, el CE-OFDM s'aplica per al desplegament i suport de dades d'una xarxa radio, reutilitzant una xarxa òptica d'accés ja desplegada. A continuació, s'investiga la transmissió bidireccional dúplex a 10 Gb/s sobre una sola longitud d'ona emprant un RSOA a les unitats d'usuari. El punt clau d'aquest sistema és la transmissió en sentit ascendent, que s'aconsegueix re-modulant la fase d'un senyal d'intensitat modulada després de saturar-la de forma adequada. A continuació, s'estudia una xarxa d'àrea metropolitana flexible de fins a 100 km. Concretament l'efecte de concatenació de filtres òptics és l'objectiu d'aquest estudi. Finalment, es proposa una actualització elàstica del model de Telefónica I+D per a la xarxa troncal espanyola. Per això, es proposa operar el CE-OFDM en multiplexació de polarització. Els resultats mostren que aquesta combinació redueix sensiblement l'ocupació d'ample de banda això com també els requisits dels enllaços transmissió, reduint també els costos tant de desplegament com d'operació i manteniment de la xarxa

    Integrated measurement techniques for RF-power amplifiers

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    Digital Front-End Signal Processing with Widely-Linear Signal Models in Radio Devices

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    Necessitated by the demand for ever higher data rates, modern communications waveforms have increasingly wider bandwidths and higher signal dynamics. Furthermore, radio devices are expected to transmit and receive a growing number of different waveforms from cellular networks, wireless local area networks, wireless personal area networks, positioning and navigation systems, as well as broadcast systems. On the other hand, commercial wireless devices are expected to be cheap, be relatively small in size, and have a long battery life. The demands for flexibility and higher data rates on one hand, and the constraints on production cost, device size, and energy efficiency on the other, pose difficult challenges on the design and implementation of future radio transceivers. Under these diametric constraints, in order to keep the overall implementation cost and size feasible, the use of simplified radio architectures and relatively low-cost radio electronics are necessary. This notion is even more relevant for multiple antenna systems, where each antenna has a dedicated radio front-end. The combination of simplified radio front-ends and low-cost electronics implies that various nonidealities in the remaining analog radio frequency (RF) modules, stemming from unavoidable physical limitations and material variations of the used electronics, are expected to play a critical role in these devices. Instead of tightening the specifications and tolerances of the analog circuits themselves, a more cost-effective solution in many cases is to compensate for these nonidealities in the digital domain. This line of research has been gaining increasing interest in the last 10-15 years, and is also the main topic area of this work. The direct-conversion radio principle is the current and future choice for building low-cost but flexible, multi-standard radio transmitters and receivers. The direct-conversion radio, while simple in structure and integrable on a single chip, suffers from several performance degrading circuit impairments, which have historically prevented its use in wideband, high-rate, and multi-user systems. In the last 15 years, with advances in integrated circuit technologies and digital signal processing, the direct-conversion principle has started gaining popularity. Still, however, much work is needed to fully realize the potential of the direct-conversion principle. This thesis deals with the analysis and digital mitigation of the implementation nonidealities of direct-conversion transmitters and receivers. The contributions can be divided into three parts. First, techniques are proposed for the joint estimation and predistortion of in-phase/quadrature-phase (I/Q) imbalance, power amplifier (PA) nonlinearity, and local oscillator (LO) leakage in wideband direct-conversion transmitters. Second, methods are developed for estimation and compensation of I/Q imbalance in wideband direct-conversion receivers, based on second-order statistics of the received communication waveforms. Third, these second-order statistics are analyzed for second-order stationary and cyclostationary signals under several other system impairments related to circuit implementation and the radio channel. This analysis brings new insights on I/Q imbalances and their compensation using the proposed algorithms. The proposed algorithms utilize complex-valued signal processing throughout, and naturally assume a widely-linear form, where both the signal and its complex-conjugate are filtered and then summed. The compensation processing is situated in the digital front-end of the transceiver, as the last step before digital-to-analog conversion in transmitters, or in receivers, as the first step after analog-to-digital conversion. The compensation techniques proposed herein have several common, unique, attributes: they are designed for the compensation of frequency-dependent impairments, which is seen critical for future wideband systems; they require no dedicated training data for learning; the estimators are computationally efficient, relying on simple signal models, gradient-like learning rules, and solving sets of linear equations; they can be applied in any transceiver type that utilizes the direct-conversion principle, whether single-user or multi-user, or single-carrier or multi-carrier; they are modulation, waveform, and standard independent; they can also be applied in multi-antenna transceivers to each antenna subsystem separately. Therefore, the proposed techniques provide practical and effective solutions to real-life circuit implementation problems of modern communications transceivers. Altogether, considering the algorithm developments with the extensive experimental results performed to verify their functionality, this thesis builds strong confidence that low-complexity digital compensation of analog circuit impairments is indeed applicable and efficient

    Transmissores-recetores de baixa complexidade para redes óticas

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    Traditional coherent (COH) transceivers allow encoding of information in both quadratures and the two orthogonal polarizations of the electric field. Nevertheless, such transceivers used today are based on the intradyne scheme, which requires two 90o optical hybrids and four pairs of balanced photodetectors for dual-polarization transmission systems, making its overall cost unattractive for short-reach applications. Therefore, SSB methods with DD reception, commonly referred to as self-coherent (SCOH) transceivers, can be employed as a cost-effective alternative to the traditional COH transceivers. Nevertheless, the performance of SSB systems is severely degraded. This work provides a novel SCOH transceiver architecture with improved performance for short-reach applications. In particular, the development of phase reconstruction digital signal processing (DSP) techniques, the development of other DSP subsystems that relax the hardware requirement, and their performance optimization are the main highlights of this research. The fundamental principle of the proposed transceiver is based on the reception of the signal that satisfies the minimum phase condition upon DD. To reconstruct the missing phase information imposed by DD, a novel DCValue method exploring the SSB and the DC-Value properties of the minimum phase signal is developed in this Ph.D. study. The DC-Value method facilitates the phase reconstruction process at the Nyquist sampling rate and requires a low intensity pilot signal. Also, the experimental validation of the DC-Value method was successfully carried out for short-reach optical networks. Additionally, an extensive study was performed on the DC-Value method to optimize the system performance. In the optimization process, it was found that the estimation of the CCF is an important parameter to exploit all advantages of the DC-Value method. A novel CCF estimation technique was proposed. Further, the performance of the DC-Value method is optimized employing the rate-adaptive probabilistic constellation shaping.Os sistemas de transcetores coerentes tradicionais permitem a codificação de informação em ambas quadraturas e em duas polarizações ortogonais do campo elétrico. Contudo, estes transcetores utilizados atualmente são baseados num esquema intradino, que requer dois híbridos óticos de 90o e quatro pares de foto detetores para sistemas de transmissão com polarização dupla, fazendo com que o custo destes sistemas seja pouco atrativo para aplicações de curto alcance. Por isso, métodos de banda lateral única com deteção direta, também referidos como transcetores coerentes simplificados, podem ser implementados como uma alternativa de baixo custo aos sistemas coerentes tradicionais. Contudo, o desempenho de sistemas de banda lateral única tradicionais é gravemente degradado pelo batimento sinal-sinal. Nesta tese foi desenvolvida uma nova arquitetura de transcetor coerente simplificada com um melhor desempenho para aplicações de curto alcance. Em particular, o desenvolvimento de técnicas de processamento digital de sinal para a reconstrução de fase, bem como de outros subsistemas de processamento digital de sinal que minimizem os requerimentos de hardware e a sua otimização de desempenho são o foco principal desta tese. O princípio fundamental do transcetor proposto é baseado na receção de um sinal que satisfaz a condição mínima de fase na deteção direta. Para reconstruir a informação de fase em falta causada pela deteção direta, um novo método de valor DC que explora sinais de banda lateral única e as propriedades DC da condição de fase mínima é desenvolvido nesta tese. O método de valor DC facilita a reconstrução da fase à frequência de amostragem de Nyquist e requer um sinal piloto de baixa intensidade. Além disso, a validação experimental do método de valor DC foi executada com sucesso em ligações óticas de curto alcance. Adicionalmente, foi realizado um estudo intensivo do método de valor DC para otimizar o desempenho do sistema. Neste processo de otimização, verificou-se que o fator de contribuição da portadora é um parâmetro importante para explorar todas as vantagens do método de valor DC. Neste contexto, é proposto um novo método para a sua estimativa. Por último, o desempenho do método de valor DC é otimizado recorrendo a mapeamento probabilístico de constelação com taxa adaptativa.Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Eletrotécnic

    Performance enhancement for LTE and beyond systems

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyWireless communication systems have undergone fast development in recent years. Based on GSM/EDGE and UMTS/HSPA, the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) specified the Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard to cope with rapidly increasing demands, including capacity, coverage, and data rate. To achieve this goal, several key techniques have been adopted by LTE, such as Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output (MIMO), Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM), and heterogeneous network (HetNet). However, there are some inherent drawbacks regarding these techniques. Direct conversion architecture is adopted to provide a simple, low cost transmitter solution. The problem of I/Q imbalance arises due to the imperfection of circuit components; the orthogonality of OFDM is vulnerable to carrier frequency offset (CFO) and sampling frequency offset (SFO). The doubly selective channel can also severely deteriorate the receiver performance. In addition, the deployment of Heterogeneous Network (HetNet), which permits the co-existence of macro and pico cells, incurs inter-cell interference for cell edge users. The impact of these factors then results in significant degradation in relation to system performance. This dissertation aims to investigate the key techniques which can be used to mitigate the above problems. First, I/Q imbalance for the wideband transmitter is studied and a self-IQ-demodulation based compensation scheme for frequencydependent (FD) I/Q imbalance is proposed. This combats the FD I/Q imbalance by using the internal diode of the transmitter and a specially designed test signal without any external calibration instruments or internal low-IF feedback path. The instrument test results show that the proposed scheme can enhance signal quality by 10 dB in terms of image rejection ratio (IRR). In addition to the I/Q imbalance, the system suffers from CFO, SFO and frequency-time selective channel. To mitigate this, a hybrid optimum OFDM receiver with decision feedback equalizer (DFE) to cope with the CFO, SFO and doubly selective channel. The algorithm firstly estimates the CFO and channel frequency response (CFR) in the coarse estimation, with the help of hybrid classical timing and frequency synchronization algorithms. Afterwards, a pilot-aided polynomial interpolation channel estimation, combined with a low complexity DFE scheme, based on minimum mean squared error (MMSE) criteria, is developed to alleviate the impact of the residual SFO, CFO, and Doppler effect. A subspace-based signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) estimation algorithm is proposed to estimate the SNR in the doubly selective channel. This provides prior knowledge for MMSE-DFE and automatic modulation and coding (AMC). Simulation results show that this proposed estimation algorithm significantly improves the system performance. In order to speed up algorithm verification process, an FPGA based co-simulation is developed. Inter-cell interference caused by the co-existence of macro and pico cells has a big impact on system performance. Although an almost blank subframe (ABS) is proposed to mitigate this problem, the residual control signal in the ABS still inevitably causes interference. Hence, a cell-specific reference signal (CRS) interference cancellation algorithm, utilizing the information in the ABS, is proposed. First, the timing and carrier frequency offset of the interference signal is compensated by utilizing the cross-correlation properties of the synchronization signal. Afterwards, the reference signal is generated locally and channel response is estimated by making use of channel statistics. Then, the interference signal is reconstructed based on the previous estimate of the channel, timing and carrier frequency offset. The interference is mitigated by subtracting the estimation of the interference signal and LLR puncturing. The block error rate (BLER) performance of the signal is notably improved by this algorithm, according to the simulation results of different channel scenarios. The proposed techniques provide low cost, low complexity solutions for LTE and beyond systems. The simulation and measurements show good overall system performance can be achieved

    Low-Overhead Built-In Self-Test for Advanced RF Transceiver Architectures

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    abstract: Due to high level of integration in RF System on Chip (SOC), the test access points are limited to the baseband and RF inputs/outputs of the system. This limited access poses a big challenge particularly for advanced RF architectures where calibration of internal parameters is necessary and ensure proper operation. Therefore low-overhead built-in Self-Test (BIST) solution for advanced RF transceiver is proposed. In this dissertation. Firstly, comprehensive BIST solution for RF polar transceivers using on-chip resources is presented. In the receiver, phase and gain mismatches degrade sensitivity and error vector magnitude (EVM). In the transmitter, delay skew between the envelope and phase signals and the finite envelope bandwidth can create intermodulation distortion (IMD) that leads to violation of spectral mask requirements. Characterization and calibration of these parameters with analytical model would reduce the test time and cost considerably. Hence, a technique to measure and calibrate impairments of the polar transceiver in the loop-back mode is proposed. Secondly, robust amplitude measurement technique for RF BIST application and BIST circuits for loop-back connection are discussed. Test techniques using analytical model are explained and BIST circuits are introduced. Next, a self-compensating built-in self-test solution for RF Phased Array Mismatch is proposed. In the proposed method, a sinusoidal test signal with unknown amplitude is applied to the inputs of two adjacent phased array elements and measure the baseband output signal after down-conversion. Mathematical modeling of the circuit impairments and phased array behavior indicates that by using two distinct input amplitudes, both of which can remain unknown, it is possible to measure the important parameters of the phased array, such as gain and phase mismatch. In addition, proposed BIST system is designed and fabricated using IBM 180nm process and a prototype four-element phased-array PCB is also designed and fabricated for verifying the proposed method. Finally, process independent gain measurement via BIST/DUT co-design is explained. Design methodology how to reduce performance impact significantly is discussed. Simulation and hardware measurements results for the proposed techniques show that the proposed technique can characterize the targeted impairments accurately.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201