63 research outputs found

    Strict Minimal Siphon-Based Colored Petri Net Supervisor Synthesis for Automated Manufacturing Systems With Unreliable Resources

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    Various deadlock control policies for automated manufacturing systems with reliable and shared resources have been developed, based on Petri nets. In practical applications, a resource may be unreliable. Thus, the deadlock control policies proposed in previous studies are not applicable to such applications. This paper proposes a two-step robust deadlock control strategy for systems with unreliable and shared resources. In the first step, a live (deadlock-free) controlled system that does not consider the failure of resources is derived by using strict minimal siphon control. The second step deals with deadlock control issues caused by the failures of the resources. Considering all resource failures, a common recovery subnet based on colored Petri nets is proposed for all resource failures in the Petri net model. The recovery subnet is added to the derived system at the first step to make the system reliable. The proposed method has been tested using an automated manufacturing system deployed at King Saud University.publishedVersio

    Special Issue on Recent Advances in Petri Nets, Automata, and Discrete-Event Hybrid Systems

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    On the decidability of problems in liveness of controlled Discrete Event Systems modeled by Petri Nets

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    A Discrete Event System (DES) is a discrete-state system, where the state changes at discrete-time instants due to the occurrence of events. Informally, a liveness property stipulates that a 'good thing' happens during the evolution of a system. Some examples of liveness properties include starvation freedom -- where the 'good thing' is the process making progress; termination -- in which the good thing is for an evolution to not run forever; and guaranteed service -- such as in resource allocation systems, when every request for resource is satisfied eventually. In this thesis, we consider supervisory policies for DESs that, when they exist, enforce a liveness property by appropriately disabling a subset of preventable events at certain states in the evolution of DES. One of the main contributions of this thesis is the development of a system-theoretic framework for the analysis of Liveness Enforcing Supervisory Policies (LESPs) for DESs. We model uncertainties in the forward- and feedback-path, and present necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of Liveness Enforcing Supervisory Policies (LESPs) for a general model of DESs in this framework. The existence of an LESP reduces to the membership of the initial state to an appropriately defined set. The membership problem is undecidable. For characterizing decidable instances of this membership problem, we consider a modeling paradigm of DESs known as Petri Nets, which have applications in modeling concurrent systems, software design, manufacturing systems, etc. Petri Net (PN) models are inherently monotonic in the sense that if a transition (which loosely represents an event of the DES) can fire from a marking (a non-negative integer-valued vector that represents the state of the DES being modeled), then it can also fire from any larger marking. The monotonicity creates a possibility of representing an infinite-state system using what can be called a "finite basis" that can lead to decidability. However, we prove that several problems of our interest are still undecidable for arbitrary PN models. That is, informally, a general PN model is still too powerful for the analysis that we are interested in. Much of the thesis is devoted to the characterization of decidable instances of the existence of LESPs for arbitrary PN models within the system-theoretic framework introduced in the thesis. The philosophical implication of the results in this thesis is the existence of what can be called a "finite basis" of an infinite state system under supervision, on which the membership tests can be performed in finite time; hence resulting in the decidability of problems and finite-time termination of algorithms. The thesis discusses various scenarios where such a finite basis exists and how to find them

    Discrete Event Systems: Models and Applications; Proceedings of an IIASA Conference, Sopron, Hungary, August 3-7, 1987

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    Work in discrete event systems has just begun. There is a great deal of activity now, and much enthusiasm. There is considerable diversity reflecting differences in the intellectual formation of workers in the field and in the applications that guide their effort. This diversity is manifested in a proliferation of DEM formalisms. Some of the formalisms are essentially different. Some of the "new" formalisms are reinventions of existing formalisms presented in new terms. These "duplications" reveal both the new domains of intended application as well as the difficulty in keeping up with work that is published in journals on computer science, communications, signal processing, automatic control, and mathematical systems theory - to name the main disciplines with active research programs in discrete event systems. The first eight papers deal with models at the logical level, the next four are at the temporal level and the last six are at the stochastic level. Of these eighteen papers, three focus on manufacturing, four on communication networks, one on digital signal processing, the remaining ten papers address methodological issues ranging from simulation to computational complexity of some synthesis problems. The authors have made good efforts to make their contributions self-contained and to provide a representative bibliography. The volume should therefore be both accessible and useful to those who are just getting interested in discrete event systems

    Scheduling of flexible manufacturing systems integrating petri nets and artificial intelligence methods.

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    The work undertaken in this thesis is about the integration of two well-known methodologies: Petri net (PN) model Ii ng/analysis of industrial production processes and Artificial Intelligence (AI) optimisation search techniques. The objective of this integration is to demonstrate its potential in solving a difficult and widely studied problem, the scheduling of Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FIVIS). This work builds on existing results that clearly show the convenience of PNs as a modelling tool for FIVIS. It addresses the problem of the integration of PN and Al based search methods. Whilst this is recognised as a potentially important approach to the scheduling of FIVIS there is a lack of any clear evidence that practical systems might be built. This thesis presents a novel scheduling methodology that takes forward the current state of the art in the area by: Firstly presenting a novel modelling procedure based on a new class of PN (cb-NETS) and a language to define the essential features of basic FIVIS, demonstrating that the inclusion of high level FIVIS constraints is straight forward. Secondly, we demonstrate that PN analysis is useful in reducing search complexity and presents two main results: a novel heuristic function based on PN analysis that is more efficient than existing methods and a novel reachability scheme that avoids futile exploration of candidate schedules. Thirdly a novel scheduling algorithm that overcomes the efficiency drawbacks of previous algorithms is presented. This algorithm satisfactorily overcomes the complexity issue while achieving very promising results in terms of optimality. Finally, this thesis presents a novel hybrid scheduler that demonstrates the convenience of the use of PN as a representation paradigm to support hybridisation between traditional OR methods, Al systematic search and stochastic optimisation algorithms. Initial results show that the approach is promising

    Design and Management of Manufacturing Systems

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    Although the design and management of manufacturing systems have been explored in the literature for many years now, they still remain topical problems in the current scientific research. The changing market trends, globalization, the constant pressure to reduce production costs, and technical and technological progress make it necessary to search for new manufacturing methods and ways of organizing them, and to modify manufacturing system design paradigms. This book presents current research in different areas connected with the design and management of manufacturing systems and covers such subject areas as: methods supporting the design of manufacturing systems, methods of improving maintenance processes in companies, the design and improvement of manufacturing processes, the control of production processes in modern manufacturing systems production methods and techniques used in modern manufacturing systems and environmental aspects of production and their impact on the design and management of manufacturing systems. The wide range of research findings reported in this book confirms that the design of manufacturing systems is a complex problem and that the achievement of goals set for modern manufacturing systems requires interdisciplinary knowledge and the simultaneous design of the product, process and system, as well as the knowledge of modern manufacturing and organizational methods and techniques

    Supervisory machine control by predictive-reactive scheduling

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    Engineering Benchmarks for Planning: the Domains Used in the Deterministic Part of IPC-4

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    In a field of research about general reasoning mechanisms, it is essential to have appropriate benchmarks. Ideally, the benchmarks should reflect possible applications of the developed technology. In AI Planning, researchers more and more tend to draw their testing examples from the benchmark collections used in the International Planning Competition (IPC). In the organization of (the deterministic part of) the fourth IPC, IPC-4, the authors therefore invested significant effort to create a useful set of benchmarks. They come from five different (potential) real-world applications of planning: airport ground traffic control, oil derivative transportation in pipeline networks, model-checking safety properties, power supply restoration, and UMTS call setup. Adapting and preparing such an application for use as a benchmark in the IPC involves, at the time, inevitable (often drastic) simplifications, as well as careful choice between, and engineering of, domain encodings. For the first time in the IPC, we used compilations to formulate complex domain features in simple languages such as STRIPS, rather than just dropping the more interesting problem constraints in the simpler language subsets. The article explains and discusses the five application domains and their adaptation to form the PDDL test suites used in IPC-4. We summarize known theoretical results on structural properties of the domains, regarding their computational complexity and provable properties of their topology under the h+ function (an idealized version of the relaxed plan heuristic). We present new (empirical) results illuminating properties such as the quality of the most wide-spread heuristic functions (planning graph, serial planning graph, and relaxed plan), the growth of propositional representations over instance size, and the number of actions available to achieve each fact; we discuss these data in conjunction with the best results achieved by the different kinds of planners participating in IPC-4

    Operational Control of Internal Transport

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    Operational Control of Internal Transport considers the control of guided vehicles in vehicle-based internal transport systems found in facilities such as warehouses, production plants, distribution centers and transshipment terminals. The author's interest of research having direct use for practice has resulted in a combination of theoretical and practical research in vehicle-based internal transport systems. An overview is given of the related literature and results are presented that show how different vehicle dispatching rules behave in different environments