161,295 research outputs found

    Architecture and psychoanalysis: Peter Eisenman and Jacques Lacan

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    Architecture and Psychoanalysis is an analysis of the relation between psychoanalytic theory and compositional strategies in architecture. In psychoanalysis it focuses on the writing of Jacques Lacan as well as theories of the structure of the psyche, linguistics, and perception. In architecture it focuses on the writings and projects of Peter Eisenman. There are extended discussions on the thought of figures such as Sigmund Freud, Ferdinand de Saussure, and Jacques Derrida, and of the architecture of figures such as Leon Battista Alberti, Francesco Borromini, Giuseppe Terragni, and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Keywords: architecture, psychoanalysis, Peter Eisenman (Barenholtz Pavilion, Frank House, Falk House, Wexner Center, Columbus Convention Center, Aronoff Center), Jacques Lacan (Écrits, A Selection; The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psycho-Analysis), psyche, linguistics, perception, Plato (Timaeus, Republic, Parmenides, Phaedrus), Proclus (Commentary on the First Book of Euclid’s Elements), Plotinus (Enneads), Nicolas Cusanus (De circuli quadratura, De coniecturis), Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (Phenomenology of Spirit, Reason in History, Philosophy of Mind), Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling (The Philosophy of Art, System of Transcendental Idealism), Sigmund Freud (The Interpretation of Dreams, On Dreams, Civilization and Its Discontents, Beyond the Pleasure Principle, An Outline of Psycho-Analysis, Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis, The Ego and the Id), Ferdinand de Saussure (Course in General Linguistics), Structural Linguistics, Noam Chomsky (Language and Mind, Cartesian Linguistics), Jacques Derrida (Writing and Difference, Of Grammatology, Margins of Philosophy), Deconstruction, Claude LĂ©vi-Strauss, Georges Bataille, Roger Caillois, William Empson (Seven Types of Ambiguity), Leon Battista Alberti (Sant’Andrea in Mantua, De pictura), Giulio Romano (Palazzo del TĂš), Andrea Palladio, Francesco Borrmomini (San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane), Le Corbusier (Villa Shodhan), Giuseppe Terragni (Casa Giuliani Frigerio, Casa del Fascio), Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Philip Johnson (Glass House), Colin Rowe, Bernard Tschumi (Parc de la Villette), mirror stage, the Other, Imaginary Ego, Symbolic Ego, dreams, subconscious, manifest content, latent content, Vorstellun

    A logical Reconstruction of Leonard Bloomfield's Linguistic Theory

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    In this work we present a logical reconstruction of Leonard Bloom- field’s theory of structural linguistics. First, the central notions of this theory are analyzed and discussed. In the following section, a recon- struction with the so-called structuralist approach in the philosophy of science is presented. After defining the general framework of Bloom- field’s theory, questions of lawlikeness and theoretical terms will be discussed. In a further step, this work aims to contribute to the dis- cussion of theory change and scientific realism, applied to linguistic theory. After the reconstruction of further theories of linguistics, it can be studied whether certain inter theoretical relations hold. It aims to be a contribution to the discussion on the foundations of linguistics

    Of productive germs and the immortal soul : Friedrich Schlegel’s writings on language and early biological theory

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    Friedrich Schlegel's lasting contribution to linguistics is usually seen in the impact that his book "Über die Sprache und Weisheit der Indier" from 1808 left on comparative linguistics and on the study of Sanskrit. Schlegel was one of the first European scholars to have studied Sanskrit extensively and he made a number of translations of Sanskrit literature into German which make up one third of "Über die Sprache und Weisheit der Indier". Schlegel's book is widely regarded as a founding document both of comparative linguistics and of indology, a fact which is quite remarkable in light of the development of Schlegel's thought after this text. His interest in Indian studies ceased more or less directly with the publication of this work, while his thoughts on language became more and more suffused by transcendental philosophy


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    This study discusses a children's folksong which is usually sung in a children game. The folksong, then, is analyzed using an anthropological linguistics approach. Anthropological linguistics emphasizes on language as a major source as expressing mindset of society. Cublak-CublakSuweng is a games song that comes from Central Java. Song -which is part of the culture of grown society- in essence, teaches children about life precepts. This study uses a structural approach which analyzes the use of language in the cultural dimensions include: form, meaning, and value. Having studied the song, it turns out that Cublak-CublakSuweng has great philosophy that reflects the Javanese society

    From 'scientific revolution' to 'unscientific revolution': an analysis of approaches to the history of generative linguistics

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    This paper is devoted to the challenge that generative linguistics poses for linguistic historiography. As a first step, it presents a systematic overview of 19 approaches to the history of generative linguistics. Second, it analyzes the approaches overviewed by asking and answering the following questions: (a) To what extent and how are the views at issue biased? (b) What central topics do the approaches discuss, how successfully do they tackle them, and how do the various standpoints converge and diverge? (c) How do the approaches relate to general trends in the philosophy and history of science? The concluding step summarizes our findings with respect to Chomsky’s impact on linguistic historiography


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    In this Introduction, we provide an overview of the papers included in the special issue of the e-journal Esercizi Filosofici, entitled “La dimensione pragmatica in filosofia, linguistica e semiotica” (The pragmatic dimension in philosophy, linguistics, and semiotics). The paper is divided into three parts, which are concerned with the application of pragmatics to philosophy, linguistics and semiotics respectively


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    In this Introduction, we provide an overview of the papers included in the special issue of the e-journal Esercizi Filosofici, entitled \u201cLa dimensione pragmatica in filosofia, linguistica e semiotica\u201d (The pragmatic dimension in philosophy, linguistics, and semiotics). The paper is divided into three parts, which are concerned with the application of pragmatics to philosophy, linguistics and semiotics respectively

    La conciencia filosĂłfica de la lingĂŒĂ­stica

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    El artĂ­culo describe e interpreta la preferencia de la lingĂŒĂ­stica axiomĂĄtica por una de las diversas corrientes de la filosofĂ­a del lenguaje del siglo XX, la filosofĂ­a analĂ­tica del lenguaje ideal. El artĂ­culo estudia las principales contribuciones de los Ășltimos cincuenta años de la filosofĂ­a del lenguaje. Son las compilaciones editadas por K. A. Fodor y J. J. Katz (The Structure of Language. Readings in the Philosophy of Language, 1964), J. R. Searle (The philosophy of language, 1971) y G. Grewendorf y G. Meggle (Linguistik und Philosophie, 1974). TambiĂ©n se toma en cuenta las obras de M. Bunge (LingĂŒĂ­stica y filosofĂ­a, 1983), J. Ferrater Mora (Indagaciones sobre el lenguaje, 1970) y E. LledĂł (FilosofĂ­a y lenguaje, 1970). La apertura o elecciĂłn general de la lingĂŒĂ­stica a la filosofĂ­a del lenguaje ideal ha comportado el cierre a corrientes como la filosofĂ­a del lenguaje ordinario, la hermenĂ©utica y el pragmatismo. La filosofĂ­a del lenguaje ordinario teoriza sobre los actos de habla, la hermenĂ©utica se ocupa de la conciencia histĂłrica y el pragmatismo trata de la aplicaciĂłn de la filosofĂ­a a la vida social. La tesis de este estudio es que la lingĂŒĂ­stica puede madurar con una filosofĂ­a del lenguaje integradora, abierta a multiplicidad de corrientes, a la historicidad, a la diversidad del canon y a una praxis crĂ­tica.This paper describes the relationship between Linguistics and Philosophy of language, and it interprets the choice made by axiomatic Linguistics of Analytic Philosophy of the ideal language, from a variety of options. The paper reviews the major contributions of the past fifty years of Philosophy of language. They are compilations edited by K.A. Fodor and J.J. Katz (The Structure of Language. Readings in the Philosophy of Language, 1964), J.R. Searle (The philosophy of language, 1971) and G. Grewendorf and G. Meggle (Linguistik und Philosophie, 1974). It also takes into account the works of M. Bunge (Linguistics and Philosophy, 1983), J. Ferrater Mora (Inquiries about language, 1970) and E. LledĂł (Philosophy and Language, 1970). The opening –the election– of Linguistics to Analytic Philosophy of the ideal language has led to the rejection of disciplines such as Analytic Philosophy of ordinary language, Hermeneutics and Pragmatism. The Philosophy of ordinary language theorizes about speech acts, Hermeneutics deals with the historical consciousness and Pragmatism is the application of philosophy to social life. The thesis of this study is that Linguistics can grow with an inclusive Philosophy of language, open to multiple flows, to the historicity, to diversity of canon and to critical praxis
