45 research outputs found

    Efficient Path Planning in Narrow Passages via Closed-Form Minkowski Operations

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    Path planning has long been one of the major research areas in robotics, with PRM and RRT being two of the most effective classes of path planners. Though generally very efficient, these sampling-based planners can become computationally expensive in the important case of "narrow passages". This paper develops a path planning paradigm specifically formulated for narrow passage problems. The core is based on planning for rigid-body robots encapsulated by unions of ellipsoids. The environmental features are enclosed geometrically using convex differentiable surfaces (e.g., superquadrics). The main benefit of doing this is that configuration-space obstacles can be parameterized explicitly in closed form, thereby allowing prior knowledge to be used to avoid sampling infeasible configurations. Then, by characterizing a tight volume bound for multiple ellipsoids, robot transitions involving rotations are guaranteed to be collision-free without traditional collision detection. Furthermore, combining the stochastic sampling strategy, the proposed planning framework can be extended to solving higher dimensional problems in which the robot has a moving base and articulated appendages. Benchmark results show that, remarkably, the proposed framework outperforms the popular sampling-based planners in terms of computational time and success rate in finding a path through narrow corridors and in higher dimensional configuration spaces

    Quantization, Calibration and Planning for Euclidean Motions in Robotic Systems

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    The properties of Euclidean motions are fundamental in all areas of robotics research. Throughout the past several decades, investigations on some low-level tasks like parameterizing specific movements and generating effective motion plans have fostered high-level operations in an autonomous robotic system. In typical applications, before executing robot motions, a proper quantization of basic motion primitives could simplify online computations; a precise calibration of sensor readings could elevate the accuracy of the system controls. Of particular importance in the whole autonomous robotic task, a safe and efficient motion planning framework would make the whole system operate in a well-organized and effective way. All these modules encourage huge amounts of efforts in solving various fundamental problems, such as the uniformity of quantization in non-Euclidean manifolds, the calibration errors on unknown rigid transformations due to the lack of data correspondence and noise, the narrow passage and the curse of dimensionality bottlenecks in developing motion planning algorithms, etc. Therefore, the goal of this dissertation is to tackle these challenges in the topics of quantization, calibration and planning for Euclidean motions

    Clustering-Based Robot Navigation and Control

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    In robotics, it is essential to model and understand the topologies of configuration spaces in order to design provably correct motion planners. The common practice in motion planning for modelling configuration spaces requires either a global, explicit representation of a configuration space in terms of standard geometric and topological models, or an asymptotically dense collection of sample configurations connected by simple paths, capturing the connectivity of the underlying space. This dissertation introduces the use of clustering for closing the gap between these two complementary approaches. Traditionally an unsupervised learning method, clustering offers automated tools to discover hidden intrinsic structures in generally complex-shaped and high-dimensional configuration spaces of robotic systems. We demonstrate some potential applications of such clustering tools to the problem of feedback motion planning and control. The first part of the dissertation presents the use of hierarchical clustering for relaxed, deterministic coordination and control of multiple robots. We reinterpret this classical method for unsupervised learning as an abstract formalism for identifying and representing spatially cohesive and segregated robot groups at different resolutions, by relating the continuous space of configurations to the combinatorial space of trees. Based on this new abstraction and a careful topological characterization of the associated hierarchical structure, a provably correct, computationally efficient hierarchical navigation framework is proposed for collision-free coordinated motion design towards a designated multirobot configuration via a sequence of hierarchy-preserving local controllers. The second part of the dissertation introduces a new, robot-centric application of Voronoi diagrams to identify a collision-free neighborhood of a robot configuration that captures the local geometric structure of a configuration space around the robot’s instantaneous position. Based on robot-centric Voronoi diagrams, a provably correct, collision-free coverage and congestion control algorithm is proposed for distributed mobile sensing applications of heterogeneous disk-shaped robots; and a sensor-based reactive navigation algorithm is proposed for exact navigation of a disk-shaped robot in forest-like cluttered environments. These results strongly suggest that clustering is, indeed, an effective approach for automatically extracting intrinsic structures in configuration spaces and that it might play a key role in the design of computationally efficient, provably correct motion planners in complex, high-dimensional configuration spaces

    Geometric-based Optimization Algorithms for Cable Routing and Branching in Cluttered Environments

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    The need for designing lighter and more compact systems often leaves limited space for planning routes for the connectors that enable interactions among the system’s components. Finding optimal routes for these connectors in a densely populated environment left behind at the detail design stage has been a challenging problem for decades. A variety of deterministic as well as heuristic methods has been developed to address different instances of this problem. While the focus of the deterministic methods is primarily on the optimality of the final solution, the heuristics offer acceptable solutions, especially for such problems, in a reasonable amount of time without guaranteeing to find optimal solutions. This study is an attempt to furthering the efforts in deterministic optimization methods to tackle the routing problem in two and three dimensions by focusing on the optimality of final solutions. The objective of this research is twofold. First, a mathematical framework is proposed for the optimization of the layout of wiring connectors in planar cluttered environments. The problem looks at finding the optimal tree network that spans multiple components to be connected with the aim of minimizing the overall length of the connectors while maximizing their common length (for maintainability and traceability of connectors). The optimization problem is formulated as a bi-objective problem and two solution methods are proposed: (1) to solve for the optimal locations of a known number of breakouts (where the connectors branch out) using mixed-binary optimization and visibility notion and (2) to find the minimum length tree that spans multiple components of the system and generates the optimal layout using the previously-developed convex hull based routing. The computational performance of these methods in solving a variety of problems is further evaluated. Second, the problem of finding the shortest route connecting two given nodes in a 3D cluttered environment is considered and addressed through deterministically generating a graphical representation of the collision-free space and searching for the shortest path on the found graph. The method is tested on sample workspaces with scattered convex polyhedra and its computational performance is evaluated. The work demonstrates the NP-hardness aspect of the problem which becomes quickly intractable as added components or increase in facets are considered

    Commande sous contraintes de systèmes dynamiques multi-agents

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    The goal of this thesis is to propose solutions for the optimal control of multi-agent dynamical systems under constraints. Elements from control theory and optimization are merged together in order to provide useful tools which are further applied to different problems involving multi-agent formations. The thesis considers the challenging case of agents subject to dynamical constraints. To deal with these issues, well established concepts like set-theory, differential flatness, Model Predictive Control (MPC), Mixed-Integer Programming (MIP) are adapted and enhanced. Using these theoretical notions, the thesis concentrates on understanding the geometrical properties of the multi-agent group formation and on providing a novel synthesis framework which exploits the group structure. In particular, the formation design and the collision avoidance conditions are casted as geometrical problems and optimization-based procedures are developed to solve them. Moreover, considerable advances in this direction are obtained by efficiently using MIP techniques (in order to derive an efficient description of the non-convex, non-connected feasible region which results from multi-agent collision and obstacle avoidance constraints) and stability properties (in order to analyze the uniqueness and existence of formation configurations). Lastly, some of the obtained theoretical results are applied on a challenging practical application. A novel combination of MPC and differential flatness (for reference generation) is used for the flight control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).L'objectif de cette thèse est de proposer des solutions aux problèmes liés à la commande optimale de systèmes dynamiques multi-agents en présence de contraintes. Des éléments de la théorie de commande et d'optimisation sont appliqués à différents problèmes impliquant des formations de systèmes multi-agents. La thèse examine le cas d'agents soumis à des contraintes dynamiques. Pour faire face à ces problèmes, les concepts bien établis tels que la théorie des ensembles, la platitude différentielle, la commande prédictive (Model Predictive Control - MPC), la programmation mixte en nombres entiers (Mixed-Integer Programming - MIP) sont adaptés et améliorés. En utilisant ces notions théoriques, ce travail de thèse a porté sur les propriétés géométriques de la formation d'un groupe multi-agents et propose un cadre de synthèse original qui exploite cette structure. En particulier, le problème de conception de formation et les conditions d'évitement des collisions sont formulés comme des problèmes géométriques et d'optimisation pour lesquels il existe des procédures de résolution. En outre, des progrès considérables dans ce sens ont été obtenus en utilisant de façon efficace les techniques MIP (dans le but d'en déduire une description efficace des propriétés de non convexité et de non connexion d'une région de faisabilité résultant d'une collision de type multi-agents avec des contraintes d'évitement d'obstacles) et des propriétés de stabilité (afin d'analyser l'unicité et l'existence de configurations de formation de systèmes multi-agents). Enfin, certains résultats théoriques obtenus ont été appliqués dans un cas pratique très intéressant. On utilise une nouvelle combinaison de la commande prédictive et de platitude différentielle (pour la génération de référence) dans la commande et la navigation de véhicules aériens sans pilote (UAVs)

    Optimization-based control and planning for highly dynamic legged locomotion in complex environments

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    Legged animals can dynamically traverse unstructured environments in an elegant and efficient manner, whether it be running down a steep hill or leaping between branches. To harness part of the animal agility to the legged robot would unlock potential applications such as disaster response and planetary exploration. The unique challenge of these tasks is that the robot has to produce highly dynamic maneuvers in complex environments with minimum human guidance. This thesis explores how an optimization-based method can be applied in the control and planning of highly dynamic legged motions to address the locomotion problem in complex environments. Specifically, this work first describes the design synthesis of a small and agile quadrupedal robot \panther. Based on the quadruped platform, we developed a model predictive control (MPC) control framework to realize complex 3D acrobatic motions without resorting to switching among controllers. We present the MPC formulation that directly uses the rotation matrix, which avoids the singularity issue associated with Euler angles. Motion planning algorithms are developed for planar-legged robot traversing challenging terrains. Dynamic trajectories that simultaneously reason about contact, centroidal dynamics, and joint torque limit are obtained by solving mixed-integer convex programs (MICP) without requiring any initial guess from the operator. We further reduce the computational expense of long-horizon planning by leveraging the benefits of both optimization and sampling-based approaches for a simple legged robot. Finally, we present experimental results for each topic on legged robot hardware to validate the proposed method. It is our hope that the results presented in this thesis will eventually enable legged robots to achieve mobility autonomy at the level of biological systems

    State Estimation for Distributed Systems with Stochastic and Set-membership Uncertainties

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    State estimation techniques for centralized, distributed, and decentralized systems are studied. An easy-to-implement state estimation concept is introduced that generalizes and combines basic principles of Kalman filter theory and ellipsoidal calculus. By means of this method, stochastic and set-membership uncertainties can be taken into consideration simultaneously. Different solutions for implementing these estimation algorithms in distributed networked systems are presented