63 research outputs found

    High-Performance Computational and Information Technologies for Numerical Models and Data Processing

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    This chapter discusses high-performance computational and information technologies for numerical models and data processing. In the first part of the chapter, the numerical model of the oil displacement problem was considered by injection of chemical reagents to increase oil recovery of reservoir. Moreover the fragmented algorithm was developed for solving this problem and the algorithm for high-performance visualization of calculated data. Analysis and comparison of parallel algorithms based on the fragmented approach and using MPI technologies are also presented. The algorithm for solving given problem on mobile platforms and analysis of computational results is given too. In the second part of the chapter, the problem of unstructured and semi-structured data processing was considered. It was decided to address the task of n-gram extraction which requires a lot of computing with large amount of textual data. In order to deal with such complexity, there was a need to adopt and implement parallelization patterns. The second part of the chapter also describes parallel implementation of the document clustering algorithm that used a heuristic genetic algorithm. Finally, a novel UPC implementation of MapReduce framework for semi-structured data processing was introduced which allows to express data parallel applications using simple sequential code

    Extended collectives library for unified parallel C

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    [Abstract] Current multicore processors mitigate single-core processor problems (e.g., power, memory and instruction-level parallelism walls), but they have raised the programmability wall. In this scenario, the use of a suitable parallel programming model is key to facilitate a paradigm shift from sequential application development while maximizing the productivity of code developers. At this point, the PGAS (Partitioned Global Address Space) paradigm represents a relevant research advance for its application to multicore systems, as its memory model, with a shared memory view while providing private memory for taking advantage of data locality, mimics the memory structure provided by these architectures. Unified Parallel C (UPC), a PGAS-based extension of ANSI C, has been grabbing the attention of developers for the last years. Nevertheless, the focus on improving performance of current UPC compilers/ runtimes has been relegating the goal of providing higher programmability, where the available constructs have not always guaranteed good performance. Therefore, this Thesis focuses on making original contributions to the state of the art of UPC programmability by means of two main tasks: (1) presenting an analytical and empirical study of the features of the language, and (2) providing new functionalities that favor programmability, while not hampering performance. Thus, the main contribution of this Thesis is the development of a library of extended collective functions, which complements and improves the existing UPC standard library with programmable constructs based on efficient algorithms. A UPC MapReduce framework (UPC-MR) has also been implemented to support this highly scalable computing model for UPC applications. Finally, the analysis and development of relevant kernels and applications (e.g., a large parallel particle simulation based on Brownian dynamics) confirm the usability of these libraries, concluding that UPC can provide high performance and scalability, especially for environments with a large number of threads at a competitive development cost

    The Parallelism Motifs of Genomic Data Analysis

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    Genomic data sets are growing dramatically as the cost of sequencing continues to decline and small sequencing devices become available. Enormous community databases store and share this data with the research community, but some of these genomic data analysis problems require large scale computational platforms to meet both the memory and computational requirements. These applications differ from scientific simulations that dominate the workload on high end parallel systems today and place different requirements on programming support, software libraries, and parallel architectural design. For example, they involve irregular communication patterns such as asynchronous updates to shared data structures. We consider several problems in high performance genomics analysis, including alignment, profiling, clustering, and assembly for both single genomes and metagenomes. We identify some of the common computational patterns or motifs that help inform parallelization strategies and compare our motifs to some of the established lists, arguing that at least two key patterns, sorting and hashing, are missing

    Exascale machines require new programming paradigms and runtimes

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    Extreme scale parallel computing systems will have tens of thousands of optionally accelerator-equiped nodes with hundreds of cores each, as well as deep memory hierarchies and complex interconnect topologies. Such Exascale systems will provide hardware parallelism at multiple levels and will be energy constrained. Their extreme scale and the rapidly deteriorating reliablity of their hardware components means that Exascale systems will exhibit low mean-time-between-failure values. Furthermore, existing programming models already require heroic programming and optimisation efforts to achieve high efficiency on current supercomputers. Invariably, these efforts are platform-specific and non-portable. In this paper we will explore the shortcomings of existing programming models and runtime systems for large scale computing systems. We then propose and discuss important features of programming paradigms and runtime system to deal with large scale computing systems with a special focus on data-intensive applications and resilience. Finally, we also discuss code sustainability issues and propose several software metrics that are of paramount importance for code development for large scale computing systems

    A system’s approach to cache hierarchy-aware decomposition of data-parallel computations

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia InformáticaThe architecture of nowadays’ processors is very complex, comprising several computational cores and an intricate hierarchy of cache memories. The latter, in particular, differ considerably between the many processors currently available in the market, resulting in a wide variety of configurations. Application development is typically oblivious of this complexity and diversity, taking only into consideration the number of available execution cores. This oblivion prevents such applications from fully harnessing the computing power available in these architectures. This problem has been recognized by the community, which has proposed languages and models to express and tune applications according to the underlying machine’s hierarchy. These, however, lack the desired abstraction level, forcing the programmer to have deep knowledge of computer architecture and parallel programming, in order to ensure performance portability across a wide range of architectures. Realizing these limitations, the goal of this thesis is to delegate these hierarchy-aware optimizations to the runtime system. Accordingly, the programmer’s responsibilities are confined to the definition of procedures for decomposing an application’s domain, into an arbitrary number of partitions. With this, the programmer has only to reason about the application’s data representation and manipulation. We prototyped our proposal on top of a Java parallel programming framework, and evaluated it from a performance perspective, against cache neglectful domain decompositions. The results demonstrate that our optimizations deliver significant speedups against decomposition strategies based solely on the number of execution cores, without requiring the programmer to reason about the machine’s hardware. These facts allow us to conclude that it is possible to obtain performance gains by transferring hierarchyaware optimizations concerns to the runtime system

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationPlaces and distributed places bring new support for message-passing parallelism to Racket. This dissertation describes the programming model and how Racket's sequential runtime-system was modified to support places and distributed places. The freedom to design the places programming model helped make the implementation tractable; specifically, the conventional pain of adding just the right amount of locking to a big, legacy runtime system was avoided. The dissertation presents an evaluation of the places design that includes both real-world applications and standard parallel benchmarks. Distributed places are introduced as a language extension of the places design and architecture. The distributed places extension augments places with the features of remote process launch, remote place invocation, and distributed message passing. Distributed places provide a foundation for constructing higher-level distributed frameworks. Example implementations of RPC, MPI, map reduce, and nested data parallelism demonstrate the extensibility of the distributed places API

    A hierarchic task-based programming model for distributed heterogeneous computing

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    Distributed computing platforms are evolving to heterogeneous ecosystems with Clusters, Grids and Clouds introducing in its computing nodes, processors with different core architectures, accelerators (i.e. GPUs, FPGAs), as well as different memories and storage devices in order to achieve better performance with lower energy consumption. As a consequence of this heterogeneity, programming applications for these distributed heterogeneous platforms becomes a complex task. Additionally to the complexity of developing an application for distributed platforms, developers must also deal now with the complexity of the different computing devices inside the node. In this article, we present a programming model that aims to facilitate the development and execution of applications in current and future distributed heterogeneous parallel architectures. This programming model is based on the hierarchical composition of the COMP Superscalar and Omp Superscalar programming models that allow developers to implement infrastructure-agnostic applications. The underlying runtime enables applications to adapt to the infrastructure without the need of maintaining different versions of the code. Our programming model proposal has been evaluated on real platforms, in terms of heterogeneous resource usage, performance and adaptation.This work has been supported by the European Commission through the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under contract 687584 (TANGO project) by the Spanish Government under contract TIN2015-65316 and grant SEV-2015-0493 (Severo Ochoa Program) and by Generalitat de Catalunya under contracts 2014-SGR-1051 and 2014-SGR-1272.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Parallel Programming with Global Asynchronous Memory: Models, C++ APIs and Implementations

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    In the realm of High Performance Computing (HPC), message passing has been the programming paradigm of choice for over twenty years. The durable MPI (Message Passing Interface) standard, with send/receive communication, broadcast, gather/scatter, and reduction collectives is still used to construct parallel programs where each communication is orchestrated by the developer-based precise knowledge of data distribution and overheads; collective communications simplify the orchestration but might induce excessive synchronization. Early attempts to bring shared-memory programming model—with its programming advantages—to distributed computing, referred as the Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) model, faded away; one of the main issue was to combine performance and programmability with the memory consistency model. The recently proposed Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) model is a modern revamp of DSM that exposes data placement to enable optimizations based on locality, but it still addresses (simple) data- parallelism only and it relies on expensive sharing protocols. We advocate an alternative programming model for distributed computing based on a Global Asynchronous Memory (GAM), aiming to avoid coherency and consistency problems rather than solving them. We materialize GAM by designing and implementing a distributed smart pointers library, inspired by C++ smart pointers. In this model, public and pri- vate pointers (resembling C++ shared and unique pointers, respectively) are moved around instead of messages (i.e., data), thus alleviating the user from the burden of minimizing transfers. On top of smart pointers, we propose a high-level C++ template library for writing applications in terms of dataflow-like networks, namely GAM nets, consisting of stateful processors exchanging pointers in fully asynchronous fashion. We demonstrate the validity of the proposed approach, from the expressiveness perspective, by showing how GAM nets can be exploited to implement both standalone applications and higher-level parallel program- ming models, such as data and task parallelism. As for the performance perspective, preliminary experiments show both close-to-ideal scalability and negligible overhead with respect to state-of-the-art benchmark implementations. For instance, the GAM implementation of a high-quality video restoration filter sustains a 100 fps throughput over 70%-noisy high-quality video streams on a 4-node cluster of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), with minimal programming effort

    DDS: integrating data analytics transformations in task-based workflows [version 1; peer review: 1 approved, 2 approved with reservations]

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    High-performance data analytics (HPDA) is a current trend in e-science research that aims to integrate traditional HPC with recent data analytic frameworks. Most of the work done in this field has focused on improving data analytic frameworks by implementing their engines on top of HPC technologies such as Message Passing Interface. However, there is a lack of integration from an application development perspective. HPC workflows have their own parallel programming models, while data analytic (DA) algorithms are mainly implemented using data transformations and executed with frameworks like Spark. Task-based programming models (TBPMs) are a very efficient approach for implementing HPC workflows. Data analytic transformations can also be decomposed as a set of tasks and implemented with a task-based programming model. In this paper, we present a methodology to develop HPDA applications on top of TBPMs that allow developers to combine HPC workflows and data analytic transformations seamlessly. A prototype of this approach has been implemented on top of the PyCOMPSs task- based programming model to validate two aspects: HPDA applications can be seamlessly developed and have better performance than Spark. We compare our results using different programs. Finally, we conclude with the idea of integrating DA into HPC applications and evaluation of our method against Spark.This research was financially supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 780622; and the Spanish Government (PID2019-107255GB), Generalitat de Catalunya (2014-SGR-1051).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version