674 research outputs found

    D.1.3 – Protocols for emergent localities

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    GDD_HCERES2020This report presents two contributions that illustrate the potential of emerging-locality protocols in large-scale decentralized systems, in two areas of decentralized social computing: recommendation, and eventual consistency of mutable data structures. The first contribution consists of a framework supporting the development of dynamically adaptive decen-tralised recommendation systems. Decentralised recommenders have been proposed to deliver privacy-preserving, personalised and highly scalable on-line recommendations. Current implementations tend, however, to rely on a hard-wired similarity metric that cannot adapt. This constitutes a strong limitation in the face of evolving needs. Our framework address this through a decentralised form of adaptation, in which individual nodes can independently select, and update their own recommendation algorithm, while still collectively contributing to the overall system's mission. Our second contribution addresses the growing demand for differentiated consistency requirements in large-scale applications. A large number of today's applications rely on Eventual Consistency, a consistency model that emphasizes liveness over safety. Designers generally adopt this consistency model uniformly throughout a distributed system due to its ability to scale as the number of users or devices grows larger. But this clashes with the need for differentiated consistency requirements. In this contribution, we address this need by introducing UPS, a novel consistency mechanism that offers differentiated eventual consistency and delivery speed by working in pair with a two-phase epidemic broadcast protocol. We propose a closed-form analysis of our approach's delivery speed, and we evaluate our complete protocol experimentally on a simulated network of one million nodes. To measure the consistency trade-off, we formally define a novel and scalable consistency metric operating at runtime

    User-Centric Quality of Service Provisioning in IP Networks

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    The Internet has become the preferred transport medium for almost every type of communication, continuing to grow, both in terms of the number of users and delivered services. Efforts have been made to ensure that time sensitive applications receive sufficient resources and subsequently receive an acceptable Quality of Service (QoS). However, typical Internet users no longer use a single service at a given point in time, as they are instead engaged in a multimedia-rich experience, comprising of many different concurrent services. Given the scalability problems raised by the diversity of the users and traffic, in conjunction with their increasing expectations, the task of QoS provisioning can no longer be approached from the perspective of providing priority to specific traffic types over coexisting services; either through explicit resource reservation, or traffic classification using static policies, as is the case with the current approach to QoS provisioning, Differentiated Services (Diffserv). This current use of static resource allocation and traffic shaping methods reveals a distinct lack of synergy between current QoS practices and user activities, thus highlighting a need for a QoS solution reflecting the user services. The aim of this thesis is to investigate and propose a novel QoS architecture, which considers the activities of the user and manages resources from a user-centric perspective. The research begins with a comprehensive examination of existing QoS technologies and mechanisms, arguing that current QoS practises are too static in their configuration and typically give priority to specific individual services rather than considering the user experience. The analysis also reveals the potential threat that unresponsive application traffic presents to coexisting Internet services and QoS efforts, and introduces the requirement for a balance between application QoS and fairness. This thesis proposes a novel architecture, the Congestion Aware Packet Scheduler (CAPS), which manages and controls traffic at the point of service aggregation, in order to optimise the overall QoS of the user experience. The CAPS architecture, in contrast to traditional QoS alternatives, places no predetermined precedence on a specific traffic; instead, it adapts QoS policies to each individual’s Internet traffic profile and dynamically controls the ratio of user services to maintain an optimised QoS experience. The rationale behind this approach was to enable a QoS optimised experience to each Internet user and not just those using preferred services. Furthermore, unresponsive bandwidth intensive applications, such as Peer-to-Peer, are managed fairly while minimising their impact on coexisting services. The CAPS architecture has been validated through extensive simulations with the topologies used replicating the complexity and scale of real-network ISP infrastructures. The results show that for a number of different user-traffic profiles, the proposed approach achieves an improved aggregate QoS for each user when compared with Best effort Internet, Traditional Diffserv and Weighted-RED configurations. Furthermore, the results demonstrate that the proposed architecture not only provides an optimised QoS to the user, irrespective of their traffic profile, but through the avoidance of static resource allocation, can adapt with the Internet user as their use of services change.France Teleco

    Quadri-dimensional approach for data analytics in mobile networks

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    The telecommunication market is growing at a very fast pace with the evolution of new technologies to support high speed throughput and the availability of a wide range of services and applications in the mobile networks. This has led to a need for communication service providers (CSPs) to shift their focus from network elements monitoring towards services monitoring and subscribers’ satisfaction by introducing the service quality management (SQM) and the customer experience management (CEM) that require fast responses to reduce the time to find and solve network problems, to ensure efficiency and proactive maintenance, to improve the quality of service (QoS) and the quality of experience (QoE) of the subscribers. While both the SQM and the CEM demand multiple information from different interfaces, managing multiple data sources adds an extra layer of complexity with the collection of data. While several studies and researches have been conducted for data analytics in mobile networks, most of them did not consider analytics based on the four dimensions involved in the mobile networks environment which are the subscriber, the handset, the service and the network element with multiple interface correlation. The main objective of this research was to develop mobile network analytics models applied to the 3G packet-switched domain by analysing data from the radio network with the Iub interface and the core network with the Gn interface to provide a fast root cause analysis (RCA) approach considering the four dimensions involved in the mobile networks. This was achieved by using the latest computer engineering advancements which are Big Data platforms and data mining techniques through machine learning algorithms.Electrical and Mining EngineeringM. Tech. (Electrical Engineering

    D.1.3 – Protocols for emergent localities

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    GDD_HCERES2020This report presents two contributions that illustrate the potential of emerging-locality protocols in large-scale decentralized systems, in two areas of decentralized social computing: recommendation, and eventual consistency of mutable data structures. The first contribution consists of a framework supporting the development of dynamically adaptive decen-tralised recommendation systems. Decentralised recommenders have been proposed to deliver privacy-preserving, personalised and highly scalable on-line recommendations. Current implementations tend, however, to rely on a hard-wired similarity metric that cannot adapt. This constitutes a strong limitation in the face of evolving needs. Our framework address this through a decentralised form of adaptation, in which individual nodes can independently select, and update their own recommendation algorithm, while still collectively contributing to the overall system's mission. Our second contribution addresses the growing demand for differentiated consistency requirements in large-scale applications. A large number of today's applications rely on Eventual Consistency, a consistency model that emphasizes liveness over safety. Designers generally adopt this consistency model uniformly throughout a distributed system due to its ability to scale as the number of users or devices grows larger. But this clashes with the need for differentiated consistency requirements. In this contribution, we address this need by introducing UPS, a novel consistency mechanism that offers differentiated eventual consistency and delivery speed by working in pair with a two-phase epidemic broadcast protocol. We propose a closed-form analysis of our approach's delivery speed, and we evaluate our complete protocol experimentally on a simulated network of one million nodes. To measure the consistency trade-off, we formally define a novel and scalable consistency metric operating at runtime

    Trade-off among timeliness, messages and accuracy for large-Ssale information management

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    The increasing amount of data and the number of nodes in large-scale environments require new techniques for information management. Examples of such environments are the decentralized infrastructures of Computational Grid and Computational Cloud applications. These large-scale applications need different kinds of aggregated information such as resource monitoring, resource discovery or economic information. The challenge of providing timely and accurate information in large scale environments arise from the distribution of the information. Reasons for delays in distributed information system are a long information transmission time due to the distribution, churn and failures. A problem of large applications such as peer-to-peer (P2P) systems is the increasing retrieval time of the information due to the decentralization of the data and the failure proneness. However, many applications need a timely information provision. Another problem is an increasing network consumption when the application scales to millions of users and data. Using approximation techniques allows reducing the retrieval time and the network consumption. However, the usage of approximation techniques decreases the accuracy of the results. Thus, the remaining problem is to offer a trade-off in order to solve the conflicting requirements of fast information retrieval, accurate results and low messaging cost. Our goal is to reach a self-adaptive decision mechanism to offer a trade-off among the retrieval time, the network consumption and the accuracy of the result. Self-adaption enables distributed software to modify its behavior based on changes in the operating environment. In large-scale information systems that use hierarchical data aggregation, we apply self-adaptation to control the approximation used for the information retrieval and reduces the network consumption and the retrieval time. The hypothesis of the thesis is that approximation techniquescan reduce the retrieval time and the network consumption while guaranteeing an accuracy of the results, while considering user’s defined priorities. First, this presented research addresses the problem of a trade-off among a timely information retrieval, accurate results and low messaging cost by proposing a summarization algorithm for resource discovery in P2P-content networks. After identifying how summarization can improve the discovery process, we propose an algorithm which uses a precision-recall metric to compare the accuracy and to offer a user-driven trade-off. Second, we propose an algorithm that applies a self-adaptive decision making on each node. The decision is about the pruning of the query and returning the result instead of continuing the query. The pruning reduces the retrieval time and the network consumption at the cost of a lower accuracy in contrast to continuing the query. The algorithm uses an analytic hierarchy process to assess the user’s priorities and to propose a trade-off in order to satisfy the accuracy requirements with a low message cost and a short delay. A quantitative analysis evaluates our presented algorithms with a simulator, which is fed with real data of a network topology and the nodes’ attributes. The usage of a simulator instead of the prototype allows the evaluation in a large scale of several thousands of nodes. The algorithm for content summarization is evaluated with half a million of resources and with different query types. The selfadaptive algorithm is evaluated with a simulator of several thousands of nodes that are created from real data. A qualitative analysis addresses the integration of the simulator’s components in existing market frameworks for Computational Grid and Cloud applications. The proposed content summarization algorithm reduces the information retrieval time from a logarithmic increase to a constant factor. Furthermore, the message size is reduced significantly by applying the summarization technique. For the user, a precision-recall metric allows defining the relation between the retrieval time and the accuracy. The self-adaptive algorithm reduces the number of messages needed from an exponential increase to a constant factor. At the same time, the retrieval time is reduced to a constant factor under an increasing number of nodes. Finally, the algorithm delivers the data with the required accuracy adjusting the depth of the query according to the network conditions.La gestió de la informació exigeix noves tècniques que tractin amb la creixent quantitat de dades i nodes en entorns a gran escala. Alguns exemples d’aquests entorns són les infraestructures descentralitzades de Computacional Grid i Cloud. Les aplicacions a gran escala necessiten diferents classes d’informació agregada com monitorització de recursos i informació econòmica. El desafiament de proporcionar una provisió ràpida i acurada d’informació en ambients de grans escala sorgeix de la distribució de la informació. Una raó és que el sistema d’informació ha de tractar amb l’adaptabilitat i fracassos d’aquests ambients. Un problema amb aplicacions molt grans com en sistemes peer-to-peer (P2P) és el creixent temps de recuperació de l’informació a causa de la descentralització de les dades i la facilitat al fracàs. No obstant això, moltes aplicacions necessiten una provisió d’informació puntual. A més, alguns usuaris i aplicacions accepten inexactituds dels resultats si la informació es reparteix a temps. A més i més, el consum de xarxa creixent fa que sorgeixi un altre problema per l’escalabilitat del sistema. La utilització de tècniques d’aproximació permet reduir el temps de recuperació i el consum de xarxa. No obstant això, l’ús de tècniques d’aproximació disminueix la precisió dels resultats. Així, el problema restant és oferir un compromís per resoldre els requisits en conflicte d’extracció de la informació ràpida, resultats acurats i cost d’enviament baix. El nostre objectiu és obtenir un mecanisme de decisió completament autoadaptatiu per tal d’oferir el compromís entre temps de recuperació, consum de xarxa i precisió del resultat. Autoadaptacío permet al programari distribuït modificar el seu comportament en funció dels canvis a l’entorn d’operació. En sistemes d’informació de gran escala que utilitzen agregació de dades jeràrquica, l’auto-adaptació permet controlar l’aproximació utilitzada per a l’extracció de la informació i redueixen el consum de xarxa i el temps de recuperació. La hipòtesi principal d’aquesta tesi és que els tècniques d’aproximació permeten reduir el temps de recuperació i el consum de xarxa mentre es garanteix una precisió adequada definida per l’usari. La recerca que es presenta, introdueix un algoritme de sumarització de continguts per a la descoberta de recursos a xarxes de contingut P2P. Després d’identificar com sumarització pot millorar el procés de descoberta, proposem una mètrica que s’utilitza per comparar la precisió i oferir un compromís definit per l’usuari. Després, introduïm un algoritme nou que aplica l’auto-adaptació a un ordre per satisfer els requisits de precisió amb un cost de missatge baix i un retard curt. Basat en les prioritats d’usuari, l’algoritme troba automàticament un compromís. L’anàlisi quantitativa avalua els algoritmes presentats amb un simulador per permetre l’evacuació d’uns quants milers de nodes. El simulador s’alimenta amb dades d’una topologia de xarxa i uns atributs dels nodes reals. L’algoritme de sumarització de contingut s’avalua amb mig milió de recursos i amb diferents tipus de sol·licituds. L’anàlisi qualitativa avalua la integració del components del simulador en estructures de mercat existents per a aplicacions de Computacional Grid i Cloud. Així, la funcionalitat implementada del simulador (com el procés d’agregació i la query language) és comprovada per la integració de prototips. L’algoritme de sumarització de contingut proposat redueix el temps d’extracció de l’informació d’un augment logarítmic a un factor constant. A més, també permet que la mida del missatge es redueix significativament. Per a l’usuari, una precision-recall mètric permet definir la relació entre el nivell de precisió i el temps d’extracció de la informació. Alhora, el temps de recuperació es redueix a un factor constant sota un nombre creixent de nodes. Finalment, l’algoritme reparteix les dades amb la precisió exigida i ajusta la profunditat de la sol·licitud segons les condicions de xarxa. Els algoritmes introduïts són prometedors per ser utilitzats per l’agregació d’informació en nous sistemes de gestió de la informació de gran escala en el futur

    User generated content for IMS-based IPTV

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references.Web 2.0 services have been on the rise due to improved bandwidth availability. Users can now connect to the internet with a variety of portable devices which are capable of performing multiple tasks. Due to this, services such as Voice over IP (VoIP), presence, social networks, instant messaging (IM) and Internet Protocol television (IPTV) to mention but a few, started to emerge...This thesis proposed a framework that will offer user-generated content on an IMS-Based IPTV and the framework will include a personalised advertising system..

    Network overload avoidance by traffic engineering and content caching

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    The Internet traffic volume continues to grow at a great rate, now driven by video and TV distribution. For network operators it is important to avoid congestion in the network, and to meet service level agreements with their customers. This thesis presents work on two methods operators can use to reduce links loads in their networks: traffic engineering and content caching. This thesis studies access patterns for TV and video and the potential for caching. The investigation is done both using simulation and by analysis of logs from a large TV-on-Demand system over four months. The results show that there is a small set of programs that account for a large fraction of the requests and that a comparatively small local cache can be used to significantly reduce the peak link loads during prime time. The investigation also demonstrates how the popularity of programs changes over time and shows that the access pattern in a TV-on-Demand system very much depends on the content type. For traffic engineering the objective is to avoid congestion in the network and to make better use of available resources by adapting the routing to the current traffic situation. The main challenge for traffic engineering in IP networks is to cope with the dynamics of Internet traffic demands. This thesis proposes L-balanced routings that route the traffic on the shortest paths possible but make sure that no link is utilised to more than a given level L. L-balanced routing gives efficient routing of traffic and controlled spare capacity to handle unpredictable changes in traffic. We present an L-balanced routing algorithm and a heuristic search method for finding L-balanced weight settings for the legacy routing protocols OSPF and IS-IS. We show that the search and the resulting weight settings work well in real network scenarios

    Trade-off among timeliness, messages and accuracy for large-Ssale information management

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    The increasing amount of data and the number of nodes in large-scale environments require new techniques for information management. Examples of such environments are the decentralized infrastructures of Computational Grid and Computational Cloud applications. These large-scale applications need different kinds of aggregated information such as resource monitoring, resource discovery or economic information. The challenge of providing timely and accurate information in large scale environments arise from the distribution of the information. Reasons for delays in distributed information system are a long information transmission time due to the distribution, churn and failures. A problem of large applications such as peer-to-peer (P2P) systems is the increasing retrieval time of the information due to the decentralization of the data and the failure proneness. However, many applications need a timely information provision. Another problem is an increasing network consumption when the application scales to millions of users and data. Using approximation techniques allows reducing the retrieval time and the network consumption. However, the usage of approximation techniques decreases the accuracy of the results. Thus, the remaining problem is to offer a trade-off in order to solve the conflicting requirements of fast information retrieval, accurate results and low messaging cost. Our goal is to reach a self-adaptive decision mechanism to offer a trade-off among the retrieval time, the network consumption and the accuracy of the result. Self-adaption enables distributed software to modify its behavior based on changes in the operating environment. In large-scale information systems that use hierarchical data aggregation, we apply self-adaptation to control the approximation used for the information retrieval and reduces the network consumption and the retrieval time. The hypothesis of the thesis is that approximation techniquescan reduce the retrieval time and the network consumption while guaranteeing an accuracy of the results, while considering user’s defined priorities. First, this presented research addresses the problem of a trade-off among a timely information retrieval, accurate results and low messaging cost by proposing a summarization algorithm for resource discovery in P2P-content networks. After identifying how summarization can improve the discovery process, we propose an algorithm which uses a precision-recall metric to compare the accuracy and to offer a user-driven trade-off. Second, we propose an algorithm that applies a self-adaptive decision making on each node. The decision is about the pruning of the query and returning the result instead of continuing the query. The pruning reduces the retrieval time and the network consumption at the cost of a lower accuracy in contrast to continuing the query. The algorithm uses an analytic hierarchy process to assess the user’s priorities and to propose a trade-off in order to satisfy the accuracy requirements with a low message cost and a short delay. A quantitative analysis evaluates our presented algorithms with a simulator, which is fed with real data of a network topology and the nodes’ attributes. The usage of a simulator instead of the prototype allows the evaluation in a large scale of several thousands of nodes. The algorithm for content summarization is evaluated with half a million of resources and with different query types. The selfadaptive algorithm is evaluated with a simulator of several thousands of nodes that are created from real data. A qualitative analysis addresses the integration of the simulator’s components in existing market frameworks for Computational Grid and Cloud applications. The proposed content summarization algorithm reduces the information retrieval time from a logarithmic increase to a constant factor. Furthermore, the message size is reduced significantly by applying the summarization technique. For the user, a precision-recall metric allows defining the relation between the retrieval time and the accuracy. The self-adaptive algorithm reduces the number of messages needed from an exponential increase to a constant factor. At the same time, the retrieval time is reduced to a constant factor under an increasing number of nodes. Finally, the algorithm delivers the data with the required accuracy adjusting the depth of the query according to the network conditions.La gestió de la informació exigeix noves tècniques que tractin amb la creixent quantitat de dades i nodes en entorns a gran escala. Alguns exemples d’aquests entorns són les infraestructures descentralitzades de Computacional Grid i Cloud. Les aplicacions a gran escala necessiten diferents classes d’informació agregada com monitorització de recursos i informació econòmica. El desafiament de proporcionar una provisió ràpida i acurada d’informació en ambients de grans escala sorgeix de la distribució de la informació. Una raó és que el sistema d’informació ha de tractar amb l’adaptabilitat i fracassos d’aquests ambients. Un problema amb aplicacions molt grans com en sistemes peer-to-peer (P2P) és el creixent temps de recuperació de l’informació a causa de la descentralització de les dades i la facilitat al fracàs. No obstant això, moltes aplicacions necessiten una provisió d’informació puntual. A més, alguns usuaris i aplicacions accepten inexactituds dels resultats si la informació es reparteix a temps. A més i més, el consum de xarxa creixent fa que sorgeixi un altre problema per l’escalabilitat del sistema. La utilització de tècniques d’aproximació permet reduir el temps de recuperació i el consum de xarxa. No obstant això, l’ús de tècniques d’aproximació disminueix la precisió dels resultats. Així, el problema restant és oferir un compromís per resoldre els requisits en conflicte d’extracció de la informació ràpida, resultats acurats i cost d’enviament baix. El nostre objectiu és obtenir un mecanisme de decisió completament autoadaptatiu per tal d’oferir el compromís entre temps de recuperació, consum de xarxa i precisió del resultat. Autoadaptacío permet al programari distribuït modificar el seu comportament en funció dels canvis a l’entorn d’operació. En sistemes d’informació de gran escala que utilitzen agregació de dades jeràrquica, l’auto-adaptació permet controlar l’aproximació utilitzada per a l’extracció de la informació i redueixen el consum de xarxa i el temps de recuperació. La hipòtesi principal d’aquesta tesi és que els tècniques d’aproximació permeten reduir el temps de recuperació i el consum de xarxa mentre es garanteix una precisió adequada definida per l’usari. La recerca que es presenta, introdueix un algoritme de sumarització de continguts per a la descoberta de recursos a xarxes de contingut P2P. Després d’identificar com sumarització pot millorar el procés de descoberta, proposem una mètrica que s’utilitza per comparar la precisió i oferir un compromís definit per l’usuari. Després, introduïm un algoritme nou que aplica l’auto-adaptació a un ordre per satisfer els requisits de precisió amb un cost de missatge baix i un retard curt. Basat en les prioritats d’usuari, l’algoritme troba automàticament un compromís. L’anàlisi quantitativa avalua els algoritmes presentats amb un simulador per permetre l’evacuació d’uns quants milers de nodes. El simulador s’alimenta amb dades d’una topologia de xarxa i uns atributs dels nodes reals. L’algoritme de sumarització de contingut s’avalua amb mig milió de recursos i amb diferents tipus de sol·licituds. L’anàlisi qualitativa avalua la integració del components del simulador en estructures de mercat existents per a aplicacions de Computacional Grid i Cloud. Així, la funcionalitat implementada del simulador (com el procés d’agregació i la query language) és comprovada per la integració de prototips. L’algoritme de sumarització de contingut proposat redueix el temps d’extracció de l’informació d’un augment logarítmic a un factor constant. A més, també permet que la mida del missatge es redueix significativament. Per a l’usuari, una precision-recall mètric permet definir la relació entre el nivell de precisió i el temps d’extracció de la informació. Alhora, el temps de recuperació es redueix a un factor constant sota un nombre creixent de nodes. Finalment, l’algoritme reparteix les dades amb la precisió exigida i ajusta la profunditat de la sol·licitud segons les condicions de xarxa. Els algoritmes introduïts són prometedors per ser utilitzats per l’agregació d’informació en nous sistemes de gestió de la informació de gran escala en el futur.Postprint (published version

    Videosisällön jakelu Internetin välityksellä

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    Popularity of multimedia streaming services has created great demand for reliable and effective content delivery over unreliable networks, such as the Internet. Currently, a significant part of the Internet data traffic is generated by video streaming applications. The multimedia streaming services are often bandwidth-heavy and are prone to delays or any other varying network conditions. In order to address high demands of real-time multimedia streaming applications, specialized solutions called content delivery networks, have emerged. A content delivery network consists of many geographically distributed replica servers, often deployed close to the end-users. This study consists of two parts and a set of interviews. First part explores development of video technologies and their relation to network bandwidth requirements. Second part proceeds to present the content delivery mechanisms related to video distribution over the Internet. Lastly, the interviews of selected experts was used to gain more relevant and realistic insights for two first parts. The results offer a wide overview of content delivery related findings ranging from streaming techniques to quality of experience. How the video related development progress would affect the future networks and what kind of content delivery models are mostly used in the modern Internet.Multimediapalveluiden suosio on noussut huomattavasti viime vuosina. Videoliikenteen osuus kaikesta tiedonsiirrosta Internetissä on kasvanut merkittävästi. Tämä on luonut suuren tarpeen luotettaville ja tehokkaille videosisällön siirtämisen keinoille epäluotettavien verkkojen yli. Videon suoratoistopalvelut ovat herkkiä verkossa tapahtuville häiriöille ja lisäksi ne vaativat usein verkolta paljon tiedonsiirtokapasiteettia. Ratkaistakseen multimedian reaaliaikaisen tiedonsiirron vaatimukset on kehitetty sisällönsiirtoon erikoistuneita verkkoja (eng. content deliver network - CDN). Nämä sisällönjakoon erikoistuneet verkot ovat fyysisesti hajautettuja kokonaisuuksia. Yleensä ne sijoitetaan mahdollisimman lähelle kohdekäyttäjäryhmää. Tämä työ koostuu kahdesta osasta ja asiantuntijahaastatteluista. Ensimmäinen osa keskittyy taustatietojen keräämiseen, videotekniikoiden kehitykseen ja sen siirtoon liittyviin haasteisiin. Toinen osa esittelee sisällönjaon toiminnot liittyen suoratoistopalveluiden toteutukseen. Haastatteluiden tarkoitus on tuoda esille asiantuntijoiden näkemyksiä kirjallisuuskatsauksen tueksi. Tulokset tarjoavat laajan katsauksen suoratoistopalveluiden sisällönjakotekniikoista, aina videon kehityksestä palvelun käyttökokemukseen saakka. Miten videon kuvanlaadun ja pakkaamisen kehitys voisi vaikuttaa tulevien verkkoteknologioiden kehitykseen Internet-pohjaisessa sisällönjakelussa

    Smart PIN: performance and cost-oriented context-aware personal information network

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    The next generation of networks will involve interconnection of heterogeneous individual networks such as WPAN, WLAN, WMAN and Cellular network, adopting the IP as common infrastructural protocol and providing virtually always-connected network. Furthermore, there are many devices which enable easy acquisition and storage of information as pictures, movies, emails, etc. Therefore, the information overload and divergent content’s characteristics make it difficult for users to handle their data in manual way. Consequently, there is a need for personalised automatic services which would enable data exchange across heterogeneous network and devices. To support these personalised services, user centric approaches for data delivery across the heterogeneous network are also required. In this context, this thesis proposes Smart PIN - a novel performance and cost-oriented context-aware Personal Information Network. Smart PIN's architecture is detailed including its network, service and management components. Within the service component, two novel schemes for efficient delivery of context and content data are proposed: Multimedia Data Replication Scheme (MDRS) and Quality-oriented Algorithm for Multiple-source Multimedia Delivery (QAMMD). MDRS supports efficient data accessibility among distributed devices using data replication which is based on a utility function and a minimum data set. QAMMD employs a buffer underflow avoidance scheme for streaming, which achieves high multimedia quality without content adaptation to network conditions. Simulation models for MDRS and QAMMD were built which are based on various heterogeneous network scenarios. Additionally a multiple-source streaming based on QAMMS was implemented as a prototype and tested in an emulated network environment. Comparative tests show that MDRS and QAMMD perform significantly better than other approaches