1,041 research outputs found

    A Data Distribution Service in a hierarchical SDN architecture: implementation and evaluation

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Software-defined networks (SDNs) have caused a paradigm shift in communication networks as they enable network programmability using either centralized or distributed controllers. With the development of the industry and society, new verticals have emerged, such as Industry 4.0, cooperative sensing and augmented reality. These verticals require network robustness and availability, which forces the use of distributed domains to improve network scalability and resilience. To this aim, this paper proposes a new solution to distribute SDN domains by using Data Distribution Services (DDS). The DDS allows the exchange of network information, synchronization among controllers and auto-discovery. Moreover, it increases the control plane robustness, an important characteristic in 5G networks (e.g., if a controller fails, its resources and devices can be managed by other controllers in a short amount of time as they already know this information). To verify the effectiveness of the DDS, we design a testbed by integrating the DDS in SDN controllers and deploying these controllers in different regions of Spain. The communication among the controllers was evaluated in terms of latency and overhead.Postprint (author's final draft

    Intelligent Management and Efficient Operation of Big Data

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    This chapter details how Big Data can be used and implemented in networking and computing infrastructures. Specifically, it addresses three main aspects: the timely extraction of relevant knowledge from heterogeneous, and very often unstructured large data sources, the enhancement on the performance of processing and networking (cloud) infrastructures that are the most important foundational pillars of Big Data applications or services, and novel ways to efficiently manage network infrastructures with high-level composed policies for supporting the transmission of large amounts of data with distinct requisites (video vs. non-video). A case study involving an intelligent management solution to route data traffic with diverse requirements in a wide area Internet Exchange Point is presented, discussed in the context of Big Data, and evaluated.Comment: In book Handbook of Research on Trends and Future Directions in Big Data and Web Intelligence, IGI Global, 201

    A survey of evaluation platforms for ad hoc routing protocols: a resilience perspective

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    Routing protocols allow for the spontaneous formation of wireless multi-hop networks without dedicated infrastructure, also known as ad hoc networks. Despite significant technological advances, difficulties associated with the evaluation of ad hoc routing protocols under realistic conditions, still hamper their maturation and significant roll out in real world deployments. In particular, the resilience evaluation of ad hoc routing protocols is essential to determine their ability of keeping the routing service working despite the presence of changes, such as accidental faults or malicious ones (attacks). However, the resilience dimension is not always addressed by the evaluation platforms that are in charge of assessing these routing protocols. In this paper, we provide a survey covering current state-of-the-art evaluation platforms in the domain of ad hoc routing protocols paying special attention to the resilience dimension. The goal is threefold. First, we identify the most representative evaluation platforms and the routing protocols they have evaluated. Then, we analyse the experimental methodologies followed by such evaluation platforms. Finally, we create a taxonomy to characterise experimental properties of such evaluation platforms.This work is partially supported by the Spanish Project ARENES (TIN2012-38308-C02-01), the ANR French Project AMORES (ANR-11-INSE-010), and the Intel Doctoral Student Honour Programme 2012.Friginal López, J.; Andrés Martínez, DD.; Ruiz García, JC.; Martínez Raga, M. (2014). A survey of evaluation platforms for ad hoc routing protocols: a resilience perspective. Computer Networks. 75(A):395-413. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2014.09.010S39541375

    Evolution, testing and configuration of variability intensive systems

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    Tesis descargada desde ResearchGateOne of the key characteristics of software is its ability to be adapted and configured to different scenarios. Recently, software variability has been studied as a first-class concept in different domains ranging from software product lines to pervasive systems. Variability is the ability of a software product to vary depending on different circumstances. Variability intensive systems are those software products where variability management is a core engineering activity. The varying parts of those systems are commonly modeled by us- ing different variability model flavors, being feature modeling one of the most common ones. Feature models were first introduced by Kang et al. back in 1990 and are a compact representation of a set of configurations in a variability intensive system. The large number of configurations that a feature model can encode makes the manual analysis of feature models an error prone and costly task. Then, computer-aided mechanisms appeared as a solution to extract useful information from feature models. This process of extracting information from feature models is known as ¿Automated Analysis of Feature models¿ that has been one of the main areas of research in the last years where more than thirty analysis operations have been proposed.Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado U

    A Novel Graph Neural Network-based Framework for Automatic Modulation Classification in Mobile Environments

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    Automatic modulation classification (AMC) refers to a signal processing procedure through which the modulation type and order of an observed signal are identified without any prior information about the communications setup. AMC has been recognized as one of the essential measures in various communications research fields such as intelligent modem design, spectrum sensing and management, and threat detection. The research literature in AMC is limited to accounting only for the noise that affects the received signal, which makes their models applicable for stationary environments. However, a more practical and real-world application of AMC can be found in mobile environments where a higher number of distorting effects is present. Hence, in this dissertation, we have developed a solution in which the distorting effects of mobile environments, e.g., multipath, Doppler shift, frequency, phase and timing offset, do not influence the process of identifying the modulation type and order classification. This solution has two major parts: recording an emulated dataset in mobile environments with real-world parameters (MIMOSigRef-SD), and developing an efficient feature-based AMC classifier. The latter itself includes two modules: feature extraction and classification. The feature extraction module runs upon a dynamic spatio-temporal graph convolutional neural network architecture, which tackles the challenges of statistical pattern recognition of received samples and assignment of constellation points. After organizing the feature space in the classification module, a support vector machine is adopted to be trained and perform classification operation. The designed robust feature extraction modules enable the developed solution to outperform other state-of-the-art AMC platforms in terms of classification accuracy and efficiency, which is an important factor for real-world implementations. We validated the performance of our developed solution in a prototyping and field-testing process in environments similar to MIMOSigRef-SD. Therefore, taking all aspects into consideration, our developed solution is deemed to be more practical and feasible for implementation in the next generations of communication systems. Advisor: Hamid R. Sharif-Kashan

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationNetwork emulation has become an indispensable tool for the conduct of research in networking and distributed systems. It offers more realism than simulation and more control and repeatability than experimentation on a live network. However, emulation testbeds face a number of challenges, most prominently realism and scale. Because emulation allows the creation of arbitrary networks exhibiting a wide range of conditions, there is no guarantee that emulated topologies reflect real networks; the burden of selecting parameters to create a realistic environment is on the experimenter. While there are a number of techniques for measuring the end-to-end properties of real networks, directly importing such properties into an emulation has been a challenge. Similarly, while there exist numerous models for creating realistic network topologies, the lack of addresses on these generated topologies has been a barrier to using them in emulators. Once an experimenter obtains a suitable topology, that topology must be mapped onto the physical resources of the testbed so that it can be instantiated. A number of restrictions make this an interesting problem: testbeds typically have heterogeneous hardware, scarce resources which must be conserved, and bottlenecks that must not be overused. User requests for particular types of nodes or links must also be met. In light of these constraints, the network testbed mapping problem is NP-hard. Though the complexity of the problem increases rapidly with the size of the experimenter's topology and the size of the physical network, the runtime of the mapper must not; long mapping times can hinder the usability of the testbed. This dissertation makes three contributions towards improving realism and scale in emulation testbeds. First, it meets the need for realistic network conditions by creating Flexlab, a hybrid environment that couples an emulation testbed with a live-network testbed, inheriting strengths from each. Second, it attends to the need for realistic topologies by presenting a set of algorithms for automatically annotating generated topologies with realistic IP addresses. Third, it presents a mapper, assign, that is capable of assigning experimenters' requested topologies to testbeds' physical resources in a manner that scales well enough to handle large environments

    Advanced Techniques to Detect Complex Android Malware

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    Android is currently the most popular operating system for mobile devices in the world. However, its openness is the main reason for the majority of malware to be targeting Android devices. Various approaches have been developed to detect malware. Unfortunately, new breeds of malware utilize sophisticated techniques to defeat malware detectors. For example, to defeat signature-based detectors, malware authors change the malware’s signatures to avoid detection. As such, a more effective approach to detect malware is by leveraging malware’s behavioral characteristics. However, if a behavior-based detector is based on static analysis, its reported results may contain a large number of false positives. In real-world usage, completing static analysis within a short time budget can also be challenging. Because of the time constraint, analysts adopt approaches based on dynamic analyses to detect malware. However, dynamic analysis is inherently unsound as it only reports analysis results of the executed paths. Besides, recently discovered malware also employs structure-changing obfuscation techniques to evade detection by state-of-the-art systems. Obfuscation allows malware authors to redistribute known malware samples by changing their structures. These factors motivate a need for malware detection systems that are efficient, effective, and resilient when faced with such evasive tactics. In this dissertation, we describe the developments of three malware detection systems to detect complex malware: DroidClassifier, GranDroid, and Obfusifier. DroidClassifier is a systematic framework for classifying network traffic generated by mobile malware. GranDroid is a graph-based malware detection system that combines dynamic analysis, incremental and partial static analysis, and machine learning to provide time-sensitive malicious network behavior detection with high accuracy. Obfusifier is a highly effective machine-learning-based malware detection system that can sustain its effectiveness even when malware authors obfuscate these malicious apps using complex and composite techniques. Our empirical evaluations reveal that DroidClassifier can successfully identify different families of malware with 94.33% accuracy on average. We have also shown GranDroid is quite effective in detecting network-related malware. It achieves 93.0% accuracy, which outperforms other related systems. Lastly, we demonstrate that Obfusifier can achieve 95% precision, recall, and F-measure, collaborating its resilience to complex obfuscation techniques. Adviser: Qiben Yan and Witawas Srisa-a

    Robust Mobile Malware Detection

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    The increasing popularity and use of smartphones and hand-held devices have made them the most popular target for malware attackers. Researchers have proposed machine learning-based models to automatically detect malware attacks on these devices. Since these models learn application behaviors solely from the extracted features, choosing an appropriate and meaningful feature set is one of the most crucial steps for designing an effective mobile malware detection system. There are four categories of features for mobile applications. Previous works have taken arbitrary combinations of these categories to design models, resulting in sub-optimal performance. This thesis systematically investigates the individual impact of these feature categories on mobile malware detection systems. Feature categories that complement each other are investigated and categories that add redundancy to the feature space (thereby degrading the performance) are analyzed. In the process, the combination of feature categories that provides the best detection results is identified. Ensuring reliability and robustness of the above-mentioned malware detection systems is of utmost importance as newer techniques to break down such systems continue to surface. Adversarial attack is one such evasive attack that can bypass a detection system by carefully morphing a malicious sample even though the sample was originally correctly identified by the same system. Self-crafted adversarial samples can be used to retrain a model to defend against such attacks. However, randomly using too many such samples, as is currently done in the literature, can further degrade detection performance. This work proposed two intelligent approaches to retrain a classifier through the intelligent selection of adversarial samples. The first approach adopts a distance-based scheme where the samples are chosen based on their distance from malware and benign cluster centers while the second selects the samples based on a probability measure derived from a kernel-based learning method. The second method achieved a 6% improvement in terms of accuracy. To ensure practical deployment of malware detection systems, it is necessary to keep the real-world data characteristics in mind. For example, the benign applications deployed in the market greatly outnumber malware applications. However, most studies have assumed a balanced data distribution. Also, techniques to handle imbalanced data in other domains cannot be applied directly to mobile malware detection since they generate synthetic samples with broken functionality, making them invalid. In this regard, this thesis introduces a novel synthetic over-sampling technique that ensures valid sample generation. This technique is subsequently combined with a dynamic cost function in the learning scheme that automatically adjusts minority class weight during model training which counters the bias towards the majority class and stabilizes the model. This hybrid method provided a 9% improvement in terms of F1-score. Aiming to design a robust malware detection system, this thesis extensively studies machine learning-based mobile malware detection in terms of best feature category combination, resilience against evasive attacks, and practical deployment of detection models. Given the increasing technological advancements in mobile and hand-held devices, this study will be very useful for designing robust cybersecurity systems to ensure safe usage of these devices.Doctor of Philosoph

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationIn computer science, functional software testing is a method of ensuring that software gives expected output on specific inputs. Software testing is conducted to ensure desired levels of quality in light of uncertainty resulting from the complexity of software. Most of today's software is written by people and software development is a creative activity. However, due to the complexity of computer systems and software development processes, this activity leads to a mismatch between the expected software functionality and the implemented one. If not addressed in a timely and proper manner, this mismatch can cause serious consequences to users of the software, such as security and privacy breaches, financial loss, and adversarial human health issues. Because of manual effort, software testing is costly. Software testing that is performed without human intervention is automatic software testing and it is one way of addressing the issue. In this work, we build upon and extend several techniques for automatic software testing. The techniques do not require any guidance from the user. Goals that are achieved with the techniques are checking for yet unknown errors, automatically testing object-oriented software, and detecting malicious software. To meet these goals, we explored several techniques and related challenges: automatic test case generation, runtime verification, dynamic symbolic execution, and the type and size of test inputs for efficient detection of malicious software via machine learning. Our work targets software written in the Java programming language, though the techniques are general and applicable to other languages. We performed an extensive evaluation on freely available Java software projects, a flight collision avoidance system, and thousands of applications for the Android operating system. Evaluation results show to what extent dynamic symbolic execution is applicable in testing object-oriented software, they show correctness of the flight system on millions of automatically customized and generated test cases, and they show that simple and relatively small inputs in random testing can lead to effective malicious software detection