79 research outputs found

    Digital Color Imaging

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    This paper surveys current technology and research in the area of digital color imaging. In order to establish the background and lay down terminology, fundamental concepts of color perception and measurement are first presented us-ing vector-space notation and terminology. Present-day color recording and reproduction systems are reviewed along with the common mathematical models used for representing these devices. Algorithms for processing color images for display and communication are surveyed, and a forecast of research trends is attempted. An extensive bibliography is provided

    Determining the ideal initial printing colorants in electrophotography by the discrete gradation trajectories

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    The accuracy and repeatability of the color reproduction in print is determined by the fine-tuning of the tone reproduction curves of the basic printing colorants (most often this is CMYK). However, the diversity of manufacturers of printing equipment and dyes introduces an element of significant uncertainty about color uniformity. In addition, the traditional approach does not take into account the effect of hue change when applying the original dyes, as well as the nonlinearity of the hue rise in high- and low-density areas. Determining the color of base colorants that produces the most uniform tone change is an important engineering challenge. Previously, there was no scientific basis for such calculations. We recently proposed an alternative color correction model based on gradation trajectories as an analogue of gradation curves in the CIE Lab space. We have also described the extension of the approach to double color overlay (gradation surfaces) and its analytical and discrete implications. The trajectories are the geodetic lines on gradation surfaces. In this paper, we propose using the gradation trajectories to determine “ideal” or “true” initial printing dyes for electrophotography. To simplify calculations, natural color discretization in digital printing is used. © 2022 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Wake Forest University, WFUSupport for this research was provided by the Babcock Graduate School of Management, Wake Forest University; Rutgers Business School – Newark and New Brunswick, Rutgers University; and the Jones Graduate School of Management, Rice University. Helpful comments on earlier versions of this chapter were provided by Jack Brittain, Margaret Duval, Reuben McDaniel, Tim Ruefli, John Slocum, Kathie Sutcliffe, and Doug Wholey

    Basic mathematics of color space invariants

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    Color management in printing processes has been traditionally based on an analysis of the behavior of tone reproduction curves (TRC) calculated for the initial color channels. The tone curves, as well as, the color channels, are considered separately. This approach does not take into account the mutual influence of colorants when they overlap. We propose replacing two-dimensional tone reproduction curves with three-dimensional gradation trajectories in the CIE Lab metric space. When two colors overlap, one considers the space between two gradation trajectories that forms a gradation surface. These objects are described using the apparatus of differential geometry of spatial curves and surfaces, respectively, and are also invariants of color spaces. In this paper, we offer their analytical description. © 2020 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society. All rights reserved

    디스플레이 및 이미징 시스템으로의 응용을 위한 3D 프린팅 기반 맞춤형 광학 요소의 개발

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    학위논문 (박사) -- 서울대학교 대학원 : 공과대학 전기·정보공학부, 2021. 2. 홍용택.일반적으로 제조 공정은 절삭 방식과 적층 방식으로 구분된다. 이 중에서 적층 방식 공정은 저비용 및 단시간으로 복잡한 형태의 구조를 만들 수 있어서 이에 대한 연구와 개발이 꾸준히 진행되어왔다. 특히 3D 프린팅은 적층 방식 공정 중에서 가장 대표적인 방법으로, 기계 부품 및 생체 기관 제조 등의 분야에서는 이미 상용화가 진행되고 있다. 하지만 전자 소자 및 광학 요소 분야에서의 3D 프린팅의 활용은 여전히 연구 개발 또는 시제품 제작 단계에 머무르고 있다. 특히 마이크로 렌즈, 컬러 필터 등이 3D 프린팅으로 응용할 수 있는 가장 가능성 있는 광학 요소로서 디스플레이 및 이미징 시스템에 널리 사용될 것으로 예상되지만 여전히 상용화를 위한 연구가 진행 중이다. 또한 3D 프린팅을 이용한 광학 요소의 제작은 소재, 길이 스케일, 형상 및 응용 방안 등에서도 제한이 많은 상황이다. 따라서 이러한 문제를 극복하기 위해서는 디스플레이 및 이미징 시스템에서의 3D 프린팅 된 광학 요소의 유용성을 확장해야 하며, 다음과 같이 세 가지 측면에서 향상된 성능을 달성해야 한다. 첫째, 다양한 방식의 3D 프린팅 방법을 통해 마이크로미터에서 센티미터까지 광범위의 길이 스케일을 가지는 구조물의 제작이 가능해야 한다. 둘째, 임의의 곡면, 계층적 구조 등 복잡한 형상의 구조물을 쉽게 제작할 수 있어야 한다. 셋째, 단단한 소재 대신 탄성체와 같은 소프트 소재를 이용하여 광학적인 기능을 용이하게 조절할 수 있어야 한다. 이와 같은 동기를 바탕으로 본 학위 논문에서는 디스플레이 및 이미징 시스템으로의 응용을 위한 3D 프린팅 기반 맞춤형 광학 요소의 개발에 대한 내용을 보고한다. 3D 프린팅 기반 광학 요소를 매크로 스케일, 마이크로 스케일 그리고 매크로 및 마이크로 스케일이 혼합된 계층적 구조 등 세 가지 유형으로 분류하고 각각에 대한 응용 분야를 제시한다. 매크로 스케일의 광학 요소로는 가장 기본적인 요소인 렌즈와 거울을 선택한다. 렌즈는 공압식 디스펜싱 방법을 이용하여 실린드리컬 쌍 형태로 제작되었으며, 심리스 모듈러 평판식 디스플레이의 구현을 위해 적용된다. 또한 용융 적층 방식의 3D 프린팅으로 만들어진 몰드를 이용하여 거울을 제작하고, 이를 이용하여 심리스 모듈러 커브드 엣지 디스플레이를 구현한다. 이와 같이 모듈러 디스플레이의 이음새 부분에 3D 프린팅으로 제작된 렌즈 또는 거울을 부착하는 방식으로 화면을 심리스로 확장하는 기술을 제시하고, 다양한 형태의 디스플레이에 적용할 수 있는 가능성을 보여준다. 마이크로 스케일의 광학 요소로는 발광 다이오드에서 색 변환과 광 추출 기능을 동시에 나타내는 색 변환 마이크로 렌즈를 선택한다. 양자 점/광 경화성 고분자 복합체의 전기수력학적 프린팅을 통해 양자 점이 내장된 다양한 형태의 색 변환 마이크로 렌즈를 제작하며, 이를 청색 마이크로 발광 다이오드 어레이의 발광부 상에 적용하여 풀 컬러 마이크로 발광 다이오드 디스플레이로의 응용 가능성을 제시한다. 마지막으로 매크로 및 마이크로 스케일이 혼합된 계층적 구조의 광학 요소로서 디스펜싱 및 건식 러빙 과정의 조합으로 제작된 겹눈 형태를 모사한 렌즈 구조를 제시한다. 반구 형태의 매크로 렌즈를 디스펜싱으로 형성하고, 매크로 렌즈의 곡면 상에 단층의 마이크로 입자의 배열을 얻기 위해 건식 러빙 공정을 진행한다. 이러한 방식으로 형성된 계층적 구조가 소프트한 소재로 복제되어서 신축성을 가지는 겹눈 형태 모사 구조가 완성된다. 마이크로 렌즈 어레이는 매크로 렌즈의 표면을 따라 형성되고 리지드 아일랜드로 역할을 하여, 전체 계층적 구조에 기계적 변형이 가해져 매크로 렌즈의 모양이 변형되어도 마이크로 렌즈는 형상과 해상도, 초점 거리 등의 광학적 특성을 유지할 수 있다. 본 학위 논문은 3D 프린팅을 이용하여 다양한 형태와 스케일의 광학 요소를 제작하고 디스플레이 및 이미징 시스템으로의 여러 응용을 보여줌으로서 앞으로의 새로운 연구 및 개발 방향성을 제시하는 것을 주요 목적으로 한다. 3D 프린팅 설비의 단가가 낮아지고 정밀도 및 해상도가 높아지는 추세에 따라, 광학 요소를 쉽게 만들고 응용할 수 있는 맞춤형 광학 또는 스스로 구현하는 광학 분야가 변형 가능하고 멀티 스케일의 광학계로 점차 확대될 것으로 예상된다. 궁극적으로는 차세대 디스플레이 및 이미징 시스템에 필요한 광학 요소를 위한 기술의 저변을 넓히고, 이를 산업 전반에 응용할 수 있는 기반을 마련하고자 한다.Generally, the manufacturing process is divided into the subtractive (top-down) type and additive type (bottom-up). Among them, the additive manufacturing process has attracted a lot of attention because it can manufacture products with complex shapes in a low-cost and short-time process. In particular, three-dimensional (3D) printing is a representative method, which has already been commercialized in the field of mechanical components and biomedical organ. However, it remains in the research and development step in the field of electronic devices and optical components. Especially, although 3D printed optical components including microlens and color filter are expected to be widely used in display and imaging systems, it is still under investigation for commercialized products, and there are limitations in terms of materials, length scale, shape, and practical applications of components. Therefore, to overcome these issues, it is required for investigating and expanding the potential usefulness for 3D printed optical components in display and imaging systems to achieve better performance, productivity, and usability in three aspects. First, it should be possible to manufacture structures with a wide range of length scales from micrometer to centimeter through various 3D printing methods. Second, complex shapes such as free-from curved surfaces and hierarchical structures should be easily fabricated. Third, it is necessary to add functionality by manufacturing structures in which tunable functions are introduced using soft materials like an elastomer. Based on the above motivations, 3D printing-based customized optical components for display and imaging system applications are introduced in this dissertation. 3D printed optical components are classified into three types and their applications are showed to verify the scalability of 3D printing: macro-scale, microscale, and hierarchical macro/micro-scale. As macro-scale printed optical components, lens and mirror which are the most basic optical components are selected. The lens is fabricated by a pneumatic-type dispensing method with the form of a cylindrical pair and adopted for demonstration of seamless modular flat panel display. Besides, a seamless modular curved-edge display is also demonstrated with a mirror, which is fabricated from fused deposition modeling (FDM)-type 3D printed mold. By simply attaching a printed lens or mirror onto the seam of the modular display, it is possible to secure seamless screen expansion technology with the various form factor of the display panel. In the case of micro-scale printed optical components, the color-convertible microlens is chosen, which act as a color converter and light extractor simultaneously in a light-emitting diode (LED). By electrohydrodynamic (EHD) printing of quantum dot (QD)/photocurable polymer composite, QD-embedded hemispherical lens shape structures with various sizes are fabricated by adjusting printing conditions. Furthermore, it is applied to a blue micro-LED array for full-color micro-LED display applications. Finally, a tunable bio-inspired compound (BIC) eyes structure with a combination of dispensing and a dry-phase rubbing process is suggested as a hierarchical macro/micro-scale printed optical components. A hemispherical macrolens is formed by the dispensing method, followed by a dry-phase rubbing process for arranging micro particles in monolayer onto the curved surface of the macrolens. This hierarchical structure is replicated in soft materials, which have intrinsic stretchability. Microlens array is formed on the surface of the macrolens and acts as a rigid island, thereby maintaining lens shape, resolution, and focal length even though the mechanical strain is applied to overall hierarchical structures and the shape of the macrolens is changed. The primary purposes of this dissertation are to introduce new concepts of the enabling technologies for 3D printed optical components and to shed new light on them. Optical components can be easily made as 3D printing equipment becomes cheaper and more precise, so the field of Consumer optics or Do it yourself (DIY) optics will be gradually expanded on deformable and multi-scale optics. It is expected that this dissertation can contribute to providing a guideline for utilizing and customizing 3D printed optical components in next-generation display and imaging system applications.Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Manufacturing Process 1 1.2. Additive Manufacturing 4 1.3. Printed Optical Components 8 1.4. Motivation and Organization of Dissertation 11 Chapter 2. Macro-scale Printed Optical Components 15 2.1. Introduction 15 2.2. Seamless Modular Flat Display with Printed Lens 20 2.2.1. Main Concept 20 2.2.2. Experimental Section 23 2.2.3. Results and Discussion 26 2.3. Seamless Modular Curved-edge Display with Printed Mirror 32 2.3.1. Main Concept 32 2.3.2. Experimental Section 33 2.3.3. Results and Discussion 36 2.4. Conclusion 46 Chapter 3. Micro-scale Printed Optical Components 47 3.1. Introduction 47 3.2. Full-color Micro-LED Array with Printed Color-convertible Microlens 52 3.2.1. Main Concept 52 3.2.2. Experimental Section 54 3.2.3. Results and Discussion 57 3.3. Conclusion 65 Chapter 4. Hierarchical Macro/Micro-scale Printed Optical Components 66 4.1. Introduction 66 4.2. Tunable Bio-inspired Compound Eye with Printing and Dry-phase Rubbing Process 69 4.2.1. Main Concept 69 4.2.2. Experimental Section 71 4.2.3. Results and Discussion 73 4.3. Conclusion 79 Chapter 5. Conclusion 80 5.1. Summary 80 5.2. Limitations and Suggestions for Future Researches 83 References 88 Abstract in Korean (국문 초록) 107Docto

    Novel patterning techniques for manufacturing organic and nanostructured electronics

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, 2007.Page 206 blank.Includes bibliographical references.Molecular organic semiconductors and nanometer size particles are two new classes of functional materials allowing fabrication of electronic devices on low-cost and large area substrates. Patterning these electronic materials requires the development of unconventional techniques, and the scientific understanding behind the manufacture processes. We introduce the first-generation Molecular Jet (MoJet) printing technique for vacuum deposition of evaporated thin films and apply it to the fabrication of high-resolution pixelated (800 ppi) molecular organic light emitting devices (OLEDs) based on aluminum tris(8-hydroxyquinoline) (Alq3), and the fabrication of pentacene based organic field effect transistors (OFETs) with narrow channel (15 gm) and asymmetric silver/gold contacts. Patterned printing of both organic and metal films is demonstrated, with the operating properties of MoJet-printed OLEDs and OFETs shown to be comparable with the performance of devices fabricated by conventional evaporative deposition through a metal stencil. This MoJet printing technique is reconfigurable for digital fabrication of arbitrary patterns with multiple material sets and a high print accuracy of better than 5gtm, and scalable to large area substrates.(cont.) Analogous to the concept of "drop-on-demand" in Inkjet printing technology, MoJet printing is a "flux-on-demand" process and we show it capable of fabricating multi-layer stacked film structures, as needed for engineered organic devices. We present the concept and the applications of the second-generation MoJet printing technique. Using this technique, we demonstrate patterned molecular organic semiconducting thin films directly printed by a three-step local evaporative deposition, in conjunction with using the HP thermal InkJet printing technology. This MoJet printing technique can be applied to pattern solution-processable molecular organic thin films, providing flux-on-demand in an ambient environment. We develop an Inkjet assisted micro-contact printing technique for the patterning of colloidal semiconductor nanoparticles. Active OLEDs incorporated with a uniform thickness layer of colloidal nanoparticles are fabricated by using this Inkjet printing plus stamp transferring technique. The material usage efficiency is largely boosted. To our knowledge, these three novel patterning techniques presented in this study provide for the first time unprecedented capabilities for manufacturing organic and nanostructured electronic devices.by Jianglong Chen.Ph.D

    Visible spectrometer utilizing organic thin film absorption

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2004.Includes bibliographical references (p. 133-134).In this thesis, I modeled and developed a spectrometer for the visible wavelength spectrum, based on absorption characteristics of organic thin films. The device uses fundamental principles of linear algebra to reconstruct spectral components of a signal from the transmission through an organic thin film. Best possible performance of the device is characterized, effects of noise and filtering techniques are observed, and results from several organic films are tested. The implemented device is optimized for cost, spectral reconstruction quality is tested, and guidelines for optimal device performance are proposed.by Laura C. Tiefenbruck.S.M

    An investigation of the performance of photochromic dyes and their application to polyester and cotton fabrics

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    Six commercial photochromic dyes were applied to polyester and, to a lesser extent, cotton fabrics by different dyeing and printing methods. The photochromic performance of the dyed and printed fabrics was investigated in terms of the degree of photocoloration, background colour, fading characteristics, fatigue resistance and storage stability. A traditional aqueous-based disperse dyeing method was used to apply the photochromic dyes to polyester fabric. Solvent-based dyeing methods also were investigated for application of the photochromic dyes to polyester fabric. Solvent-based inks were formulated and applied to polyester and cotton fabrics by digital inkjet printing. The photochromic performance and colour fastness to light and washing of the photochromic fabrics were evaluated and comparison made. UV/visible spectra of the commercial photochromic dyes in a range of solvents were obtained and interpreted in terms of solvent polarity. On the basis of this study, the photochromic performance of the fabrics was improved by selecting the appropriate application solvents which transferred minimum background colours onto the fabrics. A new method of evaluating lightfastness of photochromic fabrics was established, aimed at replacing the conventional method by an instrumental method. This method was based on comparing the decrease in the degree of photocoloration of photochromic fabrics after light exposure with measured values of the colour differences of the blue wool references after fixed periods of light exposure. Two photochromic dyes were synthesized by azo coupling of a spironaphtho[2,1-b]oxazine with diazonium salts obtained from p-nitroaniline, and m-nitroaniline. Molecular modeling of the new photochromic systems, which are referred to as azospirooxazine dyes, showed that the dyes were predicted to have the potential to show photochromism. Thus, the photochromism of the azospirooxazine dyes in a range of solvents was investigated. The investigations showed that the dyes performed differently in different solvents in terms of the hue, the rate of the photochromic colour change and the colour reversibility

    Additive manufacturing: unlocking the evolution of energy materials

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    The global energy infrastructure is undergoing a drastic transformation towards renewable energy, posing huge challenges on the energy materials research, development and manufacturing. Additive manufacturing has shown its promise to change the way how future energy system can be designed and delivered. It offers capability in manufacturing complex 3D structures, with near-complete design freedom and high sustainability due to minimal use of materials and toxic chemicals. Recent literatures have reported that additive manufacturing could unlock the evolution of energy materials and chemistries with unprecedented performance in the way that could never be achieved by conventional manufacturing techniques. This comprehensive review will fill the gap in communicating on recent breakthroughs in additive manufacturing for energy material and device applications. It will underpin the discoveries on what 3D functional energy structures can be created without design constraints, which bespoke energy materials could be additively manufactured with customised solutions, and how the additively manufactured devices could be integrated into energy systems. This review will also highlight emerging and important applications in energy additive manufacturing, including fuel cells, batteries, hydrogen, solar cell as well as carbon capture and storage

    Troubleshooting Ink Jet Printing Of Cotton Substrates Using A Knowledge-based Expert System

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    (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2012(PhD) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2012Bu çalışmada, pamuklu kumaşların ink jet baskısında karşılaşılan hataların belirlenmesi ve çözülmesine yönelik uzman sistem geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla literatür detaylı olarak taranmış, bununla birlikte baskıda uzman kişilerle de tartışılarak ink jet baskıda sık karşılaşılan on üç hata belirlenmiştir. Bunlar, kafa sürtmesi, renksiz bölge, yanlış renkli bölge mürekkep damlası(mürekkep lekesi), enine çizgilenme, çarpıklık, boya akması, desen kayması, kumaş sararması, düşük sürtme haslığı, düşük yıkama haslığı, renk şiddeti farklılığı/ton farklılığı, düşük keskinlik, beyaz veya solgun bölge olarak adlandırılmıştır. Daha sonra bu hataların nedeni olabilecek altmış bir adet sebep, detaylı literatür taraması ve yine uzman kişilerle yapılan görüşmeler sonunda belirlenmiştir. Bu hatalarla sebepler arasındaki ilişkiyi belirleyebilmek amacıyla uzmanlara sormak üzere anket hazırlanmıştır. Ankete katılan uzmanların her bir hata ile her bir sebebin ilişkisini beşli likert skalası kullanarak belirlemeleri istenmiştir. Ankete katılan bütün uzmanların cevap sayıları dikkate alınarak her bir hata ve altmış bir sebep arasında sayısal bir ilişki kurulabilmesi amacıyla çeşitli istatistik yöntemlerinden yararlanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, sisteme entegre edilen çıkarım motorunun hataların sebeplerini ortak sebeplerden başlayarak belirlemesiyle iyi bir performans ortaya koymuştur. Ayrıca, sistem ink jet baskıda karşılaşılan problemlerin çözümünde iyi bir araç olarak kullanılabileceği gösterilmiştir. Bununla birlikte, yapılan anket değerlendirmeleri sonucunda, ankete katılan uzmanların ortak paydada da buluşamadığı ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu sebeple böyle bir sistemin geliştirilmesi hatalara objektif bir çözüm sunabilmesi açısından önemlidir. Ayrıca sistem, bu alanda yeni çalışmaya başlayanlar için iyi bir başvuru kaynağı ve eğitim aracı olarak da kullanılabilmektedir. Bundan sonraki aşamalarda, sistemin gerçek üretim hatalarıyla denemeleri yapılarak, uzman kişilerin hatayı çözerken ortaya koydukları yaklaşımla karşılaştırılmasının yapılması gerekmektedir. Bu şekilde, üretim esnasında daha efektif kullanılabilen bir başvuru kaynağı olarak da kullanılabilecektir.In this study, it is aimed to develop an expert system for troubleshooting of faults encountered in ink jet printing of cotton substrates. The possible faults may be observed during ink jet printing, prior to printing, such as fabric production or preparation, and after printing, such as fixation. Hence, at the analysis and selection of the most encountered faults in ink jet printing, the processes, which start with cotton production and end at fixation, are examined. After the detailed review of the literature and interviews with the experts, thirteen symptoms are selected as the most encountered problems in ink jet printing of cotton substrates. In addition, sixty-one causes are suggested as the possible causes of thirteen symptoms. Fifteen experts are asked to match each symptoms with sixty-one causes by using a five point likert scale, including most likely, likely, not sure, least likely and not related. In addition, the knowledge acquired from the survey and literature is embodied to the system. A different approach is adopted for the inference of the system in order to solve the problems that are selected by the users of software. The system demonstrates a good performance with embodied inference engine, which starts to solve problem from the common cause in the case of multiple selection of the faults. Moreover, the system shows that, it can be used as a tool for troubleshooting of ink jet printing of the cotton substrates. In addition, it is also possible to use the system as a training tool for the people who are new at ink jet printing.DoktoraPh