92 research outputs found

    On optimal and near-optimal turbo decoding using generalized max operator

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    Motivated by a recently published robust geometric programming approximation, a generalized approach for approximating efficiently the max* operator is presented. Using this approach, the max* operator is approximated by means of a generic and yet very simple max operator, instead of using additional correction term as previous approximation methods require. Following that, several turbo decoding algorithms are obtained with optimal and near-optimal bit error rate (BER) performance depending on a single parameter, namely the number of piecewise linear (PWL) approximation terms. It turns out that the known max-log-MAP algorithm can be viewed as special case of this new generalized approach. Furthermore, the decoding complexity of the most popular previously published methods is estimated, for the first time, in a unified way by hardware synthesis results, showing the practical implementation advantages of the proposed approximations against these method

    Non-recursive max* operator with reduced implementation complexity for turbo decoding

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    In this study, the authors deal with the problem of how to effectively approximate the max?? operator when having n > 2 input values, with the aim of reducing implementation complexity of conventional Log-MAP turbo decoders. They show that, contrary to previous approaches, it is not necessary to apply the max?? operator recursively over pairs of values. Instead, a simple, yet effective, solution for the max?? operator is revealed having the advantage of being in non-recursive form and thus, requiring less computational effort. Hardware synthesis results for practical turbo decoders have shown implementation savings for the proposed method against the most recent published efficient turbo decoding algorithms by providing near optimal bit error rate (BER) performance

    Simplified Log-MAP Algorithm for Very Low-Complexity Turbo Decoder Hardware Architectures

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    Motivated by the importance of hardware implementation in practical turbo decoders, a simplified, yet effective, n-input max∗ approximation algorithm is proposed with the aim being its efficient implementation for very low-complexity turbo decoder hardware architectures. The simplification is obtained using an appropriate digital circuit for finding the first two maximum values in a set of n data that embeds the computation of a correction term. Various implementation results show that the proposed architecture is simpler by 30%, on average, than the constant logarithmic-maximum a posteriori (Log-MAP) one, in terms of chip area with the same delay. This comes at the expense of very small performance degradation, in the order of 0.1 dB for up to moderate bit error rates, e.g., 10e−5, assuming binary turbo codes. However, when applying scaling to the extrinsic information, the proposed algorithm achieves almost identical Log-MAP turbo code performance for both binary and double-binary turbo codes, without increasing noticeably the implementation complexity

    Autonomous energy harvesting and prevention of cell reversal in MFC stacks

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    © The Author(s) 2016. This study presents a novel method for avoiding cell reversal whilst optimising energy harvesting from stacked Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) by dynamically reconfiguring the electrical connections between them. The sequential changing of in-parallel and in-series electrical connections in an 8-MFC stack resulted in energy being transferred twice as fast into a super-capacitor avoiding cell reversal in MFCs as opposed to a fixed in-series configuration. This approach, allows for a lower internal resistance state within the stack compared to a fixed electrical configuration. This is critical in the initial stages of energy extraction from MFCs connected electrically in-series where the impedance of the capacitor is drawing high levels of current and cell reversals are likely to occur and hinder performance. Automation of electrical connections doubled the extracted power from the stack whilst halving the charging times without any cell reversal occurrence. The electrical reconfiguring of MFCs was performed by a USB-powered switch-box that modulated the stack's connections. This lead to the development of an energy autonomous switch-box circuitry powered solely by the MFC stack with negligible impact on the overall energy harvesting efficiency (i.e. above 90%)

    3D printed components of microbial fuel cells: Towards monolithic microbial fuel cell fabrication using additive layer manufacturing

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    © 2016 The Authors For practical applications of the MFC technology, the design as well as the processes of manufacturing and assembly, should be optimised for the specific target use. Another burgeoning technology, additive manufacturing (3D printing), can contribute significantly to this approach by offering a high degree of design freedom. In this study, we investigated the use of commercially available 3D printable polymer materials as the MFC membrane and anode. The best performing membrane material, Gel-Lay, produced a maximum power of 240 ± 11 ÎŒW, which was 1.4-fold higher than the control CEM with PMAX of 177 ± 29 ÎŒW. Peak power values of Gel-Lay (133.8–184.6 ÎŒW) during fed-batch cycles were also higher than the control (133.4–160.5 ÎŒW). In terms of material cost, the tested membranes were slightly higher than the control CEM, primarily due to the small purchased quantity. Finally, the first 3D printable polymer anode, a conductive PLA material, showed significant potential as a low-cost and easy to fabricate MFC anode, producing a stable level of power output, despite poor conductivity and relatively small surface area per unit volume. These results demonstrate the practicality of monolithic MFC fabrication with individually optimised components at relatively low cost

    Microbial fuel cells directly powering a microcomputer

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    © 2019 The Authors Many studies have demonstrated that microbial fuel cells (MFC) can be energy-positive systems and power various low power applications. However, to be employed as a low-level power source, MFC systems rely on energy management circuitry, used to increase voltage levels and act as energy buffers, thus delivering stable power outputs. But stability comes at a cost, one that needs to be kept minimal for the technology to be deployed into society. The present study reports, for the first time, the use of a MFC system that directly and continuously powered a small application without any electronic intermediary. A cascade comprising four membrane-less MFCs modules and producing an average of 62 mA at 2550 mV (158 mW) was used to directly power a microcomputer and its screen (Gameboy Color, NintendoÂź). The polarisation experiment showed that the cascade produced 164 mA, at the minimum voltage required to run the microcomputer (ca. 1.850 V). As the microcomputer only needed ≈70 mA, the cascade ran at a higher voltage (2.550 V), thus, maintaining the individual modules at a high potential (>0.55 V). Running the system at these high potentials helped avoid cell reversal, thus delivering a stable level of energy without the support of any electronics

    Miniaturized ceramic-based microbial fuel cell for efficient power generation from urine and stack development

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    © 2018 Gajda, Stinchcombe, Merino-Jimenez, Pasternak, Sanchez-Herranz, Greenman and Ieropoulos. One of the challenges in Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) technology is the improvement of the power output and the lowering of the cost required to scale up the system to reach usable energy levels for real life applications. This can be achieved by stacking multiple MFC units in modules and using cost effective ceramic as a membrane/chassis for the reactor architecture. The main aim of this work is to increase the power output efficiency of the ceramic based MFCs by compacting the design and exploring the ceramic support as the building block for small scale modular multi-unit systems. The comparison of the power output showed that the small reactors outperform the large MFCs by improving the power density reaching up to 20.4 W/m3 (mean value) and 25.7 W/m3 (maximum). This can be related to the increased surface-area-to-volume ratio of the ceramic membrane and a decreased electrode distance. The power performance was also influenced by the type and thickness of the ceramic separator as well as the total surface area of the anode electrode. The study showed that the larger anode electrode area gives an increased power output. The miniaturized design implemented in 560-units MFC stack showed an output up to 245 mW of power and increased power density. Such strategy would allow to utilize the energy locked in urine more efficiently, making MFCs more applicable in industrial and municipal wastewater treatment facilities, and scale-up-ready for real world implementation
