193 research outputs found

    Adopting Scenario-Based approach to solve optimal reactive power Dispatch problem with integration of wind and solar energy using improved Marine predator algorithm

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    The penetration of renewable energy resources into electric power networks has been increased considerably to reduce the dependence of conventional energy resources, reducing the generation cost and greenhouse emissions. The wind and photovoltaic (PV) based systems are the most applied technologies in electrical systems compared to other technologies of renewable energy resources. However, there are some complications and challenges to incorporating these resources due to their stochastic nature, intermittency, and variability of output powers. Therefore, solving the optimal reactive power dispatch (ORPD) problem with considering the uncertainties of renewable energy resources is a challenging task. Application of the Marine Predators Algorithm (MPA) for solving complex multimodal and non-linear problems such as ORPD under system uncertainties may cause entrapment into local optima and suffer from stagnation. The aim of this paper is to solve the ORPD problem under deterministic and probabilistic states of the system using an improved marine predator algorithm (IMPA). The IMPA is based on enhancing the exploitation phase of the conventional MPA. The proposed enhancement is based on updating the locations of the populations in spiral orientation around the sorted populations in the first iteration process, while in the final stage, the locations of the populations are updated their locations in adaptive steps closed to the best population only. The scenario-based approach is utilized for uncertainties representation where a set of scenarios are generated with the combination of uncertainties the load demands and power of the renewable resources. The proposed algorithm is validated and tested on the IEEE 30-bus system as well as the captured results are compared with those outcomes from the state-of-the-art algorithms. A computational study shows the superiority of the proposed algorithm over the other reported algorithms

    An improved C-DEEPSO algorithm for optimal active-reactive power dispatch in microgrids with electric vehicles

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    In the last years, our society's high energy demand has led to the proposal of novel ways of consuming and producing electricity. In this sense, many countries have encouraged micro generation, including the use of renewable sources such as solar irradiation and wind generation, or considering the insertion of electric vehicles as dispatchable units on the grid. This work addresses the Optimal active&-reactive power dispatch (OARPD) problem (a type of optimal power flow (OPF) task) in microgrids considering electric vehicles. We used the modified IEEE 57 and IEEE 118 bus-systems test scenarios, in which thermoelectric generators were replaced by renewable generators. In particular, under the IEEE 118 bus system, electric vehicles were integrated into the grid. To solve the OARDP problem, we proposed the use and improvement of the Canonical Differential Evolutionary Particle Swarm Optimization (C-DEEPSO) algorithm. For further refinement in the search space, C-DEEPSO relies on local search operators. The results indicated that the proposed improved C-DEEPSO was able to show generation savings (in terms ofmillions of dollars) acting as a dispatch controller against two algorithms based on swarm intelligence.European CommissionAgencia Estatal de InvestigaciónComunidad de Madri

    Real power loss reduction by Rock Dove optimization and Fuligo Septica optimization algorithms

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    This paper aims to use the Rock Dove (RD) optimization algorithm and the Fuligo Septica optimization (FSO) algorithm for power loss reduction. Rock Dove towards a particular place is based on the familiar (sight) objects on the traveling directions. In the formulation of the RD algorithm, atlas and range operator, and familiar sight operators have been defined and modeled. Every generation number of Rock Dove is reduced to half in the familiar sight operator and Rock Dove segment, which hold the low fitness value that occupying the lower half of the generation will be discarded. Because it is implicit that individual’s Rock Dove is unknown with familiar sights and very far from the destination place, a few Rock Doves will be at the center of the iteration. Each Rock Dove can fly towards the final target place. Then in this work, the FSO algorithm is designed for real power loss reduction. The natural vacillation mode of Fuligo Septica has been imitated to develop the algorithm. Fuligo Septica connects the food through swinging action and possesses exploration and exploitation capabilities. Fuligo Septica naturally lives in chilly and moist conditions. Mainly the organic matter in the Fuligo Septica will search for the food and enzymes formed will digest the food. In the movement of Fuligo Septica it will spread like a venous network, and cytoplasm will flow inside the Fuligo Septica in all ends. THE proposed RD optimization algorithm and FSO algorithm have been tested in IEEE 14, 30, 57, 118 and 300 bus test systems and simulation results show the projected RD and FSO algorithm reduced the real power loss

    Optimal power flow solutions for power system operations using moth-flame optimization algorithm

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    Optimal power flow (OPF) has gained a growing attention from electrical power researchers since it is a significant tool that assists utilities of power system to determine the optimal economic and secure operation of the electric grid. The key OPF objective is to optimize a certain objective function such as: minimization of total fuel cost, emission, real power transmission loss, voltage deviation, etc. while fulfilling certain operation constraints like bus voltage, line capacity, generator capability and power flow balance. Optimal reactive power dispatch (ORPD) is a sub-problem of optimal power flow. ORPD has a considerable impact on the economic and the security of the electric power system operation and control. ORPD is considered a mixed nonlinear problem because it contains continuous and discrete control variables. Another sub-problem of OPF is Economic dispatch (ED) which one of the complex problems in the power system which its purposes is to determine the optimal allocation output of generator unit to satisfy the load demand at the minimum economic cost of generation while meeting the equality and inequality constraints. In this thesis, a recent metaheuristic nature-inspired optimization algorithm namely: Moth-Flame Optimizer (MFO) is applied to solve the two subproblems of Optimal power flow (OPF) namely: Economic dispatch (ED) and Optimal reactive power dispatch (ORPD) simultaneously. Three objective functions will be considered: generation cost minimization, transmission power loss minimization, and voltage deviation minimization using a weighted factor. The IEEE 30-bus test system and IEEE 57-bus test system will be employed, to investigate the effectiveness of the proposed MFO in solving the above-mentioned problems. Then the obtained MFO methods results is compared with other reported well-known methods. The comparison proves that MFO offers a better result compared to the other selected methods. In IEEE 30-bus test system, MFO outperform the other optimization methods with 967.589961/hcomparedto971.411400/h compared to 971.411400 /h, 983.738069/h,975.346233/h, 975.346233/h, 985.198050/h,1035.537820/h, 1035.537820/h for Improved Grey Wolf Optimizer (IGWO), Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO), Ant Loin Optimizer (ALO), Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA), and Sine Cosine Algorithm (SCA) respectively. In IEEE 57-bus test system, MFO offers a minimization of 19.16% compared to 19.03% and 18.98% for Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO), Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) respectively. Moreover, the MFO have speedy convergence rate and smooth curves more than the other algorithms

    Algoritmo de Optimización de Mapeo de Media Varianza Aplicado al Despacho Óptimo de Potencia Reactiva

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    Introduction: The optimal reactive power dispatch (ORPD) problem consists on finding the optimal settings of several reactive power resources in order to minimize system power losses. The ORPD is a complex combinatorial optimization problem that involves discrete and continuous variables as well as a nonlinear objective function and nonlinear constraints. Objective: This article seeks to compare the performance of the mean-variance mapping optimization (MVMO) algorithm with other techniques reported in the specialized literature applied to the ORPD solution. Methodology: Two different constraint handling approaches are implemented within the MVMO algorithm: a conventional penalization of deviations from feasible solutions and a penalization  by means of  a product of subfunctions that serves to identify both when a solution is optimal and feasible. Several tests are carried out in IEEE benchmark power systems of 30 and 57 buses. Conclusions: The MVMO algorithm is effective in solving the ORPD problem. Results evidence that the MVMO algorithm outperforms or matches the quality of solutions reported by several solution techniques reported in the technical literature. The alternative handling constraint proposed for the MVMO reduces the computation time and guarantees both feasibility and optimality of the solutions found.  Introducción: El problema del despacho óptimo de potencia reactiva (DOPR) consiste en encontrar la configuración óptima de diferentes recursos de potencia reactiva para minimizar las pérdidas de potencia del sistema. El DOPR es un problema complejo de optimización combinatorial que involucra variables discretas y continuas, así como una función objetivo no lineal y restricciones no lineales.   Objetivo: En este artículo se busca comparar el desempeño del algoritmo de optimización de mapeo de media varianza (MVMO, por sus siglas en inglés) con otras técnicas reportadas en la literatura especializada aplicadas a la solución del DOPR. Metodología: En el algoritmo MVMO se aplican dos enfoques diferentes de manejo de restricciones: penalización convencional de las desviaciones de las soluciones factibles y penalización por medio del producto de subfunciones que sirve para identificar cuándo una solución es óptima y factible. Se realizan simulaciones en sistemas de prueba IEEE de 30 y  57 barras. Conclusiones: El algoritmo MVMO es efectivo para solucionar el DOPR. Los resultados evidencian que el algoritmo MVMO supera o iguala a varias técnicas reportadas en la literatura técnica en la calidad de soluciones. El manejo alternativo de restricciones propuesto para el  MVMO  reduce el tiempo de cálculo y garantiza tanto factibilidad como optimalidad de las soluciones encontradas.   &nbsp

    Review of Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms for Power Systems Problems

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    Metaheuristic optimization algorithms are tools based on mathematical concepts that are used to solve complicated optimization issues. These algorithms are intended to locate or develop a sufficiently good solution to an optimization issue, particularly when information is sparse or inaccurate or computer capability is restricted. Power systems play a crucial role in promoting environmental sustainability by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and supporting renewable energy sources. Using metaheuristics to optimize the performance of modern power systems is an attractive topic. This research paper investigates the applicability of several metaheuristic optimization algorithms to power system challenges. Firstly, this paper reviews the fundamental concepts of metaheuristic optimization algorithms. Then, six problems regarding the power systems are presented and discussed. These problems are optimizing the power flow in transmission and distribution networks, optimizing the reactive power dispatching, optimizing the combined economic and emission dispatching, optimal Volt/Var controlling in the distribution power systems, and optimizing the size and placement of DGs. A list of several used metaheuristic optimization algorithms is presented and discussed. The relevant results approved the ability of the metaheuristic optimization algorithm to solve the power system problems effectively. This, in particular, explains their wide deployment in this field

    Symbiotic Organisms Search Algorithm: theory, recent advances and applications

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    The symbiotic organisms search algorithm is a very promising recent metaheuristic algorithm. It has received a plethora of attention from all areas of numerical optimization research, as well as engineering design practices. it has since undergone several modifications, either in the form of hybridization or as some other improved variants of the original algorithm. However, despite all the remarkable achievements and rapidly expanding body of literature regarding the symbiotic organisms search algorithm within its short appearance in the field of swarm intelligence optimization techniques, there has been no collective and comprehensive study on the success of the various implementations of this algorithm. As a way forward, this paper provides an overview of the research conducted on symbiotic organisms search algorithms from inception to the time of writing, in the form of details of various application scenarios with variants and hybrid implementations, and suggestions for future research directions