3,594 research outputs found

    Open source hardware based sensor platform suitable for human gait identification

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    Most initiatives about embedded sensing capabilities in computational systems lead to de- vise an ad hoc sensor platform, usually poorly reusable, as a first stage to prepare a data corpus or production prototype. In this paper, an open source hardware platform for sensing is described. This platform was intended to be used in data acquisition for gait identification, and is designed in a way general enough so many other projects could reuse the design to accelerate prototyping. The platform is based on popular open source hardware and software like Arduino and Raspberry Pi using well known languages and libraries. Some experimental results about the throughput of the overall system are reported showing the feasibility of acquiring data from up to 6 sensors with a sampling frequency no less than 118 Hz

    Real-time human ambulation, activity, and physiological monitoring:taxonomy of issues, techniques, applications, challenges and limitations

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    Automated methods of real-time, unobtrusive, human ambulation, activity, and wellness monitoring and data analysis using various algorithmic techniques have been subjects of intense research. The general aim is to devise effective means of addressing the demands of assisted living, rehabilitation, and clinical observation and assessment through sensor-based monitoring. The research studies have resulted in a large amount of literature. This paper presents a holistic articulation of the research studies and offers comprehensive insights along four main axes: distribution of existing studies; monitoring device framework and sensor types; data collection, processing and analysis; and applications, limitations and challenges. The aim is to present a systematic and most complete study of literature in the area in order to identify research gaps and prioritize future research directions

    Non-Contact Human Motion Sensing Using Radar Techniques

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    Human motion analysis has recently gained a lot of interest in the research community due to its widespread applications. A full understanding of normal motion from human limb joint trajectory tracking could be essential to develop and establish a scientific basis for correcting any abnormalities. Technology to analyze human motion has significantly advanced in the last few years. However, there is a need to develop a non-invasive, cost effective gait analysis system that can be functional indoors or outdoors 24/7 without hindering the normal daily activities for the subjects being monitored or invading their privacy. Out of the various methods for human gait analysis, radar technique is a non-invasive method, and can be carried out remotely. For one subject monitoring, single tone radars can be utilized for motion capturing of a single target, while ultra-wideband radars can be used for multi-subject tracking. But there are still some challenges that need to be overcome for utilizing radars for motion analysis, such as sophisticated signal processing requirements, sensitivity to noise, and hardware imperfections. The goal of this research is to overcome these challenges and realize a non-contact gait analysis system capable of extracting different organ trajectories (like the torso, hands and legs) from a complex human motion such as walking. The implemented system can be hugely beneficial for applications such as treating patients with joint problems, athlete performance analysis, motion classification, and so on

    Identifying users from the interaction with a door handle

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    Ambient intelligence pursues the integration of intelligent approaches on an IoT infrastructure, mainly using everyday objects of the environment. The main hypothesis of the work is that the way in which a user interacts with a door handle is suitable to be used in the identification task. Our proposal contributes with a new method to identify persons in a seamless and un-obstrusive way, suitable to be used in a smart building scenery without the need to bring any additional device. In this case, we embed accelerometers and gyroscopes in a door handle in order to obtain a data set comprising samples of 47 individuals. A parametric approximation is adopted to reduce each sample to a feature vector by using a dynamic time warping technique. A study has been made of the outcomes of different classification techniques over six different feature sets in order to assess the feasibility of this identification challenge. The AUC values observed with the selected feature set show promising results above 0.90 using neural networks and SVM classifiers

    Identification of Motion Controllers In Human Standing And Walking

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    The method of trajectory optimization with direct collocation has the potential to extract generalized and realistic motion controllers from long duration movement data without requiring extensive measurement equipment. Knowing motion controllers not only can improve clinic assessments on locomotor disabilities, but also can inspire the control of powered exoskeletons and prostheses for better performance. Three aims were included in this dissertation. Aim 1 was to apply and validate the trajectory optimization for identification of the postural controllers in standing balance. The trajectory optimization approach was first validated on the simulated standing balance data and demonstrated that it can extract the correct postural control parameters. Then, six types of postural feedback controllers, from simple linear to complex nonlinear, were identified on six young adults’ motion data that was collected in a standing balance experiment. Results indicated that nonlinear controllers with multiple time delay paths can best explain their balance motions. A stochastic trajectory optimization approach was proposed that can help finding practically stable controllers in the identification process. Aim 2 focused on the foot placement control in walking. Foot placement controllers were successfully identified through the trajectory optimization method on nine young adults’ perturbed walking motions. It was shown that a linear controller with pelvis position and velocity feedback, suggested by the linear inverted pendulum model, was not sufficient to explain their foot placement among multiple walking speeds. Nonlinear controllers or more feedback signals, such as pelvis acceleration, are needed. Foot placement control was applied on a powered leg exoskeleton to control its legs’ swing motion. Two healthy participants were able to achieve stable walking with the controlled exoskeleton. v Results suggested that the foot placement controller helped decelerate the swing motion at late swing. In Aim 3, the trajectory optimization method was used to identify joint impedance properties in walking. Results of the synthetic study showed that relatively close impedance parameters can be identified. Then, a preliminary study was done to identify the ankle joint impedance properties of two participants at two walking speeds. The identified impedance properties were close to previous studies and consistent between different participants and walking speeds

    Earables: Wearable Computing on the Ears

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    Kopfhörer haben sich bei Verbrauchern durchgesetzt, da sie private AudiokanĂ€le anbieten, zum Beispiel zum Hören von Musik, zum Anschauen der neuesten Filme wĂ€hrend dem Pendeln oder zum freihĂ€ndigen Telefonieren. Dank diesem eindeutigen primĂ€ren Einsatzzweck haben sich Kopfhörer im Vergleich zu anderen Wearables, wie zum Beispiel Smartglasses, bereits stĂ€rker durchgesetzt. In den letzten Jahren hat sich eine neue Klasse von Wearables herausgebildet, die als "Earables" bezeichnet werden. Diese GerĂ€te sind so konzipiert, dass sie in oder um die Ohren getragen werden können. Sie enthalten verschiedene Sensoren, um die FunktionalitĂ€t von Kopfhörern zu erweitern. Die rĂ€umliche NĂ€he von Earables zu wichtigen anatomischen Strukturen des menschlichen Körpers bietet eine ausgezeichnete Plattform fĂŒr die Erfassung einer Vielzahl von Eigenschaften, Prozessen und AktivitĂ€ten. Auch wenn im Bereich der Earables-Forschung bereits einige Fortschritte erzielt wurden, wird deren Potenzial aktuell nicht vollstĂ€ndig abgeschöpft. Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es daher, neue Einblicke in die Möglichkeiten von Earables zu geben, indem fortschrittliche SensorikansĂ€tze erforscht werden, welche die Erkennung von bisher unzugĂ€nglichen PhĂ€nomenen ermöglichen. Durch die EinfĂŒhrung von neuartiger Hardware und Algorithmik zielt diese Dissertation darauf ab, die Grenzen des Erreichbaren im Bereich Earables zu verschieben und diese letztlich als vielseitige Sensorplattform zur Erweiterung menschlicher FĂ€higkeiten zu etablieren. Um eine fundierte Grundlage fĂŒr die Dissertation zu schaffen, synthetisiert die vorliegende Arbeit den Stand der Technik im Bereich der ohr-basierten Sensorik und stellt eine einzigartig umfassende Taxonomie auf der Basis von 271 relevanten Publikationen vor. Durch die Verbindung von Low-Level-Sensor-Prinzipien mit Higher-Level-PhĂ€nomenen werden in der Dissertation anschließ-end Arbeiten aus verschiedenen Bereichen zusammengefasst, darunter (i) physiologische Überwachung und Gesundheit, (ii) Bewegung und AktivitĂ€t, (iii) Interaktion und (iv) Authentifizierung und Identifizierung. Diese Dissertation baut auf der bestehenden Forschung im Bereich der physiologischen Überwachung und Gesundheit mit Hilfe von Earables auf und stellt fortschrittliche Algorithmen, statistische Auswertungen und empirische Studien vor, um die Machbarkeit der Messung der Atemfrequenz und der Erkennung von Episoden erhöhter Hustenfrequenz durch den Einsatz von In-Ear-Beschleunigungsmessern und Gyroskopen zu demonstrieren. Diese neuartigen Sensorfunktionen unterstreichen das Potenzial von Earables, einen gesĂŒnderen Lebensstil zu fördern und eine proaktive Gesundheitsversorgung zu ermöglichen. DarĂŒber hinaus wird in dieser Dissertation ein innovativer Eye-Tracking-Ansatz namens "earEOG" vorgestellt, welcher AktivitĂ€tserkennung erleichtern soll. Durch die systematische Auswertung von Elektrodenpotentialen, die um die Ohren herum mittels eines modifizierten Kopfhörers gemessen werden, eröffnet diese Dissertation einen neuen Weg zur Messung der Blickrichtung. Dabei ist das Verfahren weniger aufdringlich und komfortabler als bisherige AnsĂ€tze. DarĂŒber hinaus wird ein Regressionsmodell eingefĂŒhrt, um absolute Änderungen des Blickwinkels auf der Grundlage von earEOG vorherzusagen. Diese Entwicklung eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten fĂŒr Forschung, welche sich nahtlos in das tĂ€gliche Leben integrieren lĂ€sst und tiefere Einblicke in das menschliche Verhalten ermöglicht. Weiterhin zeigt diese Arbeit, wie sich die einzigarte Bauform von Earables mit Sensorik kombinieren lĂ€sst, um neuartige PhĂ€nomene zu erkennen. Um die Interaktionsmöglichkeiten von Earables zu verbessern, wird in dieser Dissertation eine diskrete Eingabetechnik namens "EarRumble" vorgestellt, die auf der freiwilligen Kontrolle des Tensor Tympani Muskels im Mittelohr beruht. Die Dissertation bietet Einblicke in die Verbreitung, die Benutzerfreundlichkeit und den Komfort von EarRumble, zusammen mit praktischen Anwendungen in zwei realen Szenarien. Der EarRumble-Ansatz erweitert das Ohr von einem rein rezeptiven Organ zu einem Organ, das nicht nur Signale empfangen, sondern auch Ausgangssignale erzeugen kann. Im Wesentlichen wird das Ohr als zusĂ€tzliches interaktives Medium eingesetzt, welches eine freihĂ€ndige und augenfreie Kommunikation zwischen Mensch und Maschine ermöglicht. EarRumble stellt eine Interaktionstechnik vor, die von den Nutzern als "magisch und fast telepathisch" beschrieben wird, und zeigt ein erhebliches ungenutztes Potenzial im Bereich der Earables auf. Aufbauend auf den vorhergehenden Ergebnissen der verschiedenen Anwendungsbereiche und Forschungserkenntnisse mĂŒndet die Dissertation in einer offenen Hard- und Software-Plattform fĂŒr Earables namens "OpenEarable". OpenEarable umfasst eine Reihe fortschrittlicher Sensorfunktionen, die fĂŒr verschiedene ohrbasierte Forschungsanwendungen geeignet sind, und ist gleichzeitig einfach herzustellen. Hierdurch werden die EinstiegshĂŒrden in die ohrbasierte Sensorforschung gesenkt und OpenEarable trĂ€gt somit dazu bei, das gesamte Potenzial von Earables auszuschöpfen. DarĂŒber hinaus trĂ€gt die Dissertation grundlegenden Designrichtlinien und Referenzarchitekturen fĂŒr Earables bei. Durch diese Forschung schließt die Dissertation die LĂŒcke zwischen der Grundlagenforschung zu ohrbasierten Sensoren und deren praktischem Einsatz in realen Szenarien. Zusammenfassend liefert die Dissertation neue Nutzungsszenarien, Algorithmen, Hardware-Prototypen, statistische Auswertungen, empirische Studien und Designrichtlinien, um das Feld des Earable Computing voranzutreiben. DarĂŒber hinaus erweitert diese Dissertation den traditionellen Anwendungsbereich von Kopfhörern, indem sie die auf Audio fokussierten GerĂ€te zu einer Plattform erweitert, welche eine Vielzahl fortschrittlicher SensorfĂ€higkeiten bietet, um Eigenschaften, Prozesse und AktivitĂ€ten zu erfassen. Diese Neuausrichtung ermöglicht es Earables sich als bedeutende Wearable Kategorie zu etablieren, und die Vision von Earables als eine vielseitige Sensorenplattform zur Erweiterung der menschlichen FĂ€higkeiten wird somit zunehmend realer

    Biometrics Authentication of Fingerprint with Using Fingerprint Reader and Microcontroller Arduino

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    The idea of security is as old as humanity itself. Between oldest methods of security were included simple mechanical locks whose authentication element was the key. At first, a universal–simple type, later unique for each lock. A long time had mechanical locks been the sole option for protection against unauthorized access. The boom of biometrics has come in the 20th century, and especially in recent years, biometrics is much expanded in the various areas of our life. Opposite of traditional security methods such as passwords, access cards, and hardware keys, it offers many benefits. The main benefits are the uniqueness and the impossibility of their loss. The main benefits are the uniqueness and the impossibility of their loss. Therefore we focussed in this paper on the the design of low cost biometric fingerprint system and subsequent implementation of this system in praxtise. Our main goal was to create a system that is capable of recognizing fingerprints from a user and then processing them. The main part of this system is the microcontroller Arduino Yun with an external interface to the scan of the fingerprint with a name Adafruit R305 (special reader). This microcontroller communicates with the external database, which ensures the exchange of data between Arduino Yun and user application. This application was created for (currently) most widespread mobile operating system-Android

    Recent Application in Biometrics

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    In the recent years, a number of recognition and authentication systems based on biometric measurements have been proposed. Algorithms and sensors have been developed to acquire and process many different biometric traits. Moreover, the biometric technology is being used in novel ways, with potential commercial and practical implications to our daily activities. The key objective of the book is to provide a collection of comprehensive references on some recent theoretical development as well as novel applications in biometrics. The topics covered in this book reflect well both aspects of development. They include biometric sample quality, privacy preserving and cancellable biometrics, contactless biometrics, novel and unconventional biometrics, and the technical challenges in implementing the technology in portable devices. The book consists of 15 chapters. It is divided into four sections, namely, biometric applications on mobile platforms, cancelable biometrics, biometric encryption, and other applications. The book was reviewed by editors Dr. Jucheng Yang and Dr. Norman Poh. We deeply appreciate the efforts of our guest editors: Dr. Girija Chetty, Dr. Loris Nanni, Dr. Jianjiang Feng, Dr. Dongsun Park and Dr. Sook Yoon, as well as a number of anonymous reviewers

    A survey on the feasibility of sound classification on wireless sensor nodes

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    Wireless sensor networks are suitable to gain context awareness for indoor environments. As sound waves form a rich source of context information, equipping the nodes with microphones can be of great benefit. The algorithms to extract features from sound waves are often highly computationally intensive. This can be problematic as wireless nodes are usually restricted in resources. In order to be able to make a proper decision about which features to use, we survey how sound is used in the literature for global sound classification, age and gender classification, emotion recognition, person verification and identification and indoor and outdoor environmental sound classification. The results of the surveyed algorithms are compared with respect to accuracy and computational load. The accuracies are taken from the surveyed papers; the computational loads are determined by benchmarking the algorithms on an actual sensor node. We conclude that for indoor context awareness, the low-cost algorithms for feature extraction perform equally well as the more computationally-intensive variants. As the feature extraction still requires a large amount of processing time, we present four possible strategies to deal with this problem
