479 research outputs found

    Online Modeling and Tuning of Parallel Stream Processing Systems

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    Writing performant computer programs is hard. Code for high performance applications is profiled, tweaked, and re-factored for months specifically for the hardware for which it is to run. Consumer application code doesn\u27t get the benefit of endless massaging that benefits high performance code, even though heterogeneous processor environments are beginning to resemble those in more performance oriented arenas. This thesis offers a path to performant, parallel code (through stream processing) which is tuned online and automatically adapts to the environment it is given. This approach has the potential to reduce the tuning costs associated with high performance code and brings the benefit of performance tuning to consumer applications where otherwise it would be cost prohibitive. This thesis introduces a stream processing library and multiple techniques to enable its online modeling and tuning. Stream processing (also termed data-flow programming) is a compute paradigm that views an application as a set of logical kernels connected via communications links or streams. Stream processing is increasingly used by computational-x and x-informatics fields (e.g., biology, astrophysics) where the focus is on safe and fast parallelization of specific big-data applications. A major advantage of stream processing is that it enables parallelization without necessitating manual end-user management of non-deterministic behavior often characteristic of more traditional parallel processing methods. Many big-data and high performance applications involve high throughput processing, necessitating usage of many parallel compute kernels on several compute cores. Optimizing the orchestration of kernels has been the focus of much theoretical and empirical modeling work. Purely theoretical parallel programming models can fail when the assumptions implicit within the model are mis-matched with reality (i.e., the model is incorrectly applied). Often it is unclear if the assumptions are actually being met, even when verified under controlled conditions. Full empirical optimization solves this problem by extensively searching the range of likely configurations under native operating conditions. This, however, is expensive in both time and energy. For large, massively parallel systems, even deciding which modeling paradigm to use is often prohibitively expensive and unfortunately transient (with workload and hardware). In an ideal world, a parallel run-time will re-optimize an application continuously to match its environment, with little additional overhead. This work presents methods aimed at doing just that through low overhead instrumentation, modeling, and optimization. Online optimization provides a good trade-off between static optimization and online heuristics. To enable online optimization, modeling decisions must be fast and relatively accurate. Online modeling and optimization of a stream processing system first requires the existence of a stream processing framework that is amenable to the intended type of dynamic manipulation. To fill this void, we developed the RaftLib C++ template library, which enables usage of the stream processing paradigm for C++ applications (it is the run-time which is the basis of almost all the work within this dissertation). An application topology is specified by the user, however almost everything else is optimizable by the run-time. RaftLib takes advantage of the knowledge gained during the design of several prior streaming languages (notably Auto-Pipe). The resultant framework enables online migration of tasks, auto-parallelization, online buffer-reallocation, and other useful dynamic behaviors that were not available in many previous stream processing systems. Several benchmark applications have been designed to assess the performance gains through our approaches and compare performance to other leading stream processing frameworks. Information is essential to any modeling task, to that end a low-overhead instrumentation framework has been developed which is both dynamic and adaptive. Discovering a fast and relatively optimal configuration for a stream processing application often necessitates solving for buffer sizes within a finite capacity queueing network. We show that a generalized gain/loss network flow model can bootstrap the process under certain conditions. Any modeling effort, requires that a model be selected; often a highly manual task, involving many expensive operations. This dissertation demonstrates that machine learning methods (such as a support vector machine) can successfully select models at run-time for a streaming application. The full set of approaches are incorporated into the open source RaftLib framework

    Artificial intelligence driven anomaly detection for big data systems

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    The main goal of this thesis is to contribute to the research on automated performance anomaly detection and interference prediction by implementing Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions for complex distributed systems, especially for Big Data platforms within cloud computing environments. The late detection and manual resolutions of performance anomalies and system interference in Big Data systems may lead to performance violations and financial penalties. Motivated by this issue, we propose AI-based methodologies for anomaly detection and interference prediction tailored to Big Data and containerized batch platforms to better analyze system performance and effectively utilize computing resources within cloud environments. Therefore, new precise and efficient performance management methods are the key to handling performance anomalies and interference impacts to improve the efficiency of data center resources. The first part of this thesis contributes to performance anomaly detection for in-memory Big Data platforms. We examine the performance of Big Data platforms and justify our choice of selecting the in-memory Apache Spark platform. An artificial neural network-driven methodology is proposed to detect and classify performance anomalies for batch workloads based on the RDD characteristics and operating system monitoring metrics. Our method is evaluated against other popular machine learning algorithms (ML), as well as against four different monitoring datasets. The results prove that our proposed method outperforms other ML methods, typically achieving 98–99% F-scores. Moreover, we prove that a random start instant, a random duration, and overlapped anomalies do not significantly impact the performance of our proposed methodology. The second contribution addresses the challenge of anomaly identification within an in-memory streaming Big Data platform by investigating agile hybrid learning techniques. We develop TRACK (neural neTwoRk Anomaly deteCtion in sparK) and TRACK-Plus, two methods to efficiently train a class of machine learning models for performance anomaly detection using a fixed number of experiments. Our model revolves around using artificial neural networks with Bayesian Optimization (BO) to find the optimal training dataset size and configuration parameters to efficiently train the anomaly detection model to achieve high accuracy. The objective is to accelerate the search process for finding the size of the training dataset, optimizing neural network configurations, and improving the performance of anomaly classification. A validation based on several datasets from a real Apache Spark Streaming system is performed, demonstrating that the proposed methodology can efficiently identify performance anomalies, near-optimal configuration parameters, and a near-optimal training dataset size while reducing the number of experiments up to 75% compared with naïve anomaly detection training. The last contribution overcomes the challenges of predicting completion time of containerized batch jobs and proactively avoiding performance interference by introducing an automated prediction solution to estimate interference among colocated batch jobs within the same computing environment. An AI-driven model is implemented to predict the interference among batch jobs before it occurs within system. Our interference detection model can alleviate and estimate the task slowdown affected by the interference. This model assists the system operators in making an accurate decision to optimize job placement. Our model is agnostic to the business logic internal to each job. Instead, it is learned from system performance data by applying artificial neural networks to establish the completion time prediction of batch jobs within the cloud environments. We compare our model with three other baseline models (queueing-theoretic model, operational analysis, and an empirical method) on historical measurements of job completion time and CPU run-queue size (i.e., the number of active threads in the system). The proposed model captures multithreading, operating system scheduling, sleeping time, and job priorities. A validation based on 4500 experiments based on the DaCapo benchmarking suite was carried out, confirming the predictive efficiency and capabilities of the proposed model by achieving up to 10% MAPE compared with the other models.Open Acces

    Performance and Reliability Evaluation of Apache Kafka Messaging System

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    Streaming data is now flowing across various devices and applications around us. This type of data means any unbounded, ever growing, infinite data set which is continuously generated by all kinds of sources. Examples include sensor data transmitted among different Internet of Things (IoT) devices, user activity records collected on websites and payment requests sent from mobile devices. In many application scenarios, streaming data needs to be processed in real-time because its value can be futile over time. A variety of stream processing systems have been developed in the last decade and are evolving to address rising challenges. A typical stream processing system consists of multiple processing nodes in the topology of a DAG (directed acyclic graph). To build real-time streaming data pipelines across those nodes, message middleware technology is widely applied. As a distributed messaging system with high durability and scalability, Apache Kafka has become very popular among modern companies. It ingests streaming data from upstream applications and store the data in its distributed cluster, which provides a fault-tolerant data source for stream processors. Therefore, Kafka plays a critical role to ensure the completeness, correctness and timeliness of streaming data delivery. However, it is impossible to meet all the user requirements in real-time cases with a simple and fixed data delivery strategy. In this thesis, we address the challenge of choosing a proper configuration to guarantee both performance and reliability of Kafka for complex streaming application scenarios. We investigate the features that have an impact on the performance and reliability metrics. We propose a queueing based prediction model to predict the performance metrics, including producer throughput and packet latency of Kafka. We define two reliability metrics, the probability of message loss and the probability of message duplication. We create an ANN model to predict these metrics given unstable network metrics like network delay and packet loss rate. To collect sufficient training data we build a Docker-based Kafka testbed with a fault injection module. We use a new quality-of-service metric, timely throughput to help us choosing proper batch size in Kafka. Based on this metric, we propose a dynamic configuration method, which reactively guarantees both performance and reliability of Kafka under complex operation conditions

    Advanced Information Systems and Technologies

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    This book comprises the proceedings of the V International Scientific Conference "Advanced Information Systems and Technologies, AIST-2017". The proceeding papers cover issues related to system analysis and modeling, project management, information system engineering, intelligent data processing computer networking and telecomunications. They will be useful for students, graduate students, researchers who interested in computer science

    Advanced Information Systems and Technologies

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    This book comprises the proceedings of the V International Scientific Conference "Advanced Information Systems and Technologies, AIST-2017". The proceeding papers cover issues related to system analysis and modeling, project management, information system engineering, intelligent data processing computer networking and telecomunications. They will be useful for students, graduate students, researchers who interested in computer science

    A Survey on Automatic Parameter Tuning for Big Data Processing Systems

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    Big data processing systems (e.g., Hadoop, Spark, Storm) contain a vast number of configuration parameters controlling parallelism, I/O behavior, memory settings, and compression. Improper parameter settings can cause significant performance degradation and stability issues. However, regular users and even expert administrators grapple with understanding and tuning them to achieve good performance. We investigate existing approaches on parameter tuning for both batch and stream data processing systems and classify them into six categories: rule-based, cost modeling, simulation-based, experiment-driven, machine learning, and adaptive tuning. We summarize the pros and cons of each approach and raise some open research problems for automatic parameter tuning.Peer reviewe

    Calidad de servicio en computación en la nube: técnicas de modelado y sus aplicaciones

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    Recent years have seen the massive migration of enterprise applications to the cloud. One of the challenges posed by cloud applications is Quality-of-Service (QoS) management, which is the problem of allocating resources to the application to guarantee a service level along dimensions such as performance, availability and reliability. This paper aims at supporting research in this area by providing a survey of the state of the art of QoS modeling approaches suitable for cloud systems. We also review and classify their early application to some decision-making problems arising in cloud QoS management

    User-Centric Traffic Engineering in Software Defined Networks

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    Software defined networking (SDN) is a relatively new paradigm that decouples individual network elements from the control logic, offering real-time network programmability, translating high level policy abstractions into low level device configurations. The framework comprises of the data (forwarding) plane incorporating network devices, while the control logic and network services reside in the control and application planes respectively. Operators can optimize the network fabric to yield performance gains for individual applications and services utilizing flow metering and application-awareness, the default traffic management method in SDN. Existing approaches to traffic optimization, however, do not explicitly consider user application trends. Recent SDN traffic engineering designs either offer improvements for typical time-critical applications or focus on devising monitoring solutions aimed at measuring performance metrics of the respective services. The performance caveats of isolated service differentiation on the end users may be substantial considering the growth in Internet and network applications on offer and the resulting diversity in user activities. Application-level flow metering schemes therefore, fall short of fully exploiting the real-time network provisioning capability offered by SDN instead relying on rather static traffic control primitives frequent in legacy networking. For individual users, SDN may lead to substantial improvements if the framework allows operators to allocate resources while accounting for a user-centric mix of applications. This thesis explores the user traffic application trends in different network environments and proposes a novel user traffic profiling framework to aid the SDN control plane (controller) in accurately configuring network elements for a broad spectrum of users without impeding specific application requirements. This thesis starts with a critical review of existing traffic engineering solutions in SDN and highlights recent and ongoing work in network optimization studies. Predominant existing segregated application policy based controls in SDN do not consider the cost of isolated application gains on parallel SDN services and resulting consequence for users having varying application usage. Therefore, attention is given to investigating techniques which may capture the user behaviour for possible integration in SDN traffic controls. To this end, profiling of user application traffic trends is identified as a technique which may offer insight into the inherent diversity in user activities and offer possible incorporation in SDN based traffic engineering. A series of subsequent user traffic profiling studies are carried out in this regard employing network flow statistics collected from residential and enterprise network environments. Utilizing machine learning techniques including the prominent unsupervised k-means cluster analysis, user generated traffic flows are cluster analysed and the derived profiles in each networking environment are benchmarked for stability before integration in SDN control solutions. In parallel, a novel flow-based traffic classifier is designed to yield high accuracy in identifying user application flows and the traffic profiling mechanism is automated. The core functions of the novel user-centric traffic engineering solution are validated by the implementation of traffic profiling based SDN network control applications in residential, data center and campus based SDN environments. A series of simulations highlighting varying traffic conditions and profile based policy controls are designed and evaluated in each network setting using the traffic profiles derived from realistic environments to demonstrate the effectiveness of the traffic management solution. The overall network performance metrics per profile show substantive gains, proportional to operator defined user profile prioritization policies despite high traffic load conditions. The proposed user-centric SDN traffic engineering framework therefore, dynamically provisions data plane resources among different user traffic classes (profiles), capturing user behaviour to define and implement network policy controls, going beyond isolated application management

    Investigating the Effects of Network Dynamics on Quality of Delivery Prediction and Monitoring for Video Delivery Networks

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    Video streaming over the Internet requires an optimized delivery system given the advances in network architecture, for example, Software Defined Networks. Machine Learning (ML) models have been deployed in an attempt to predict the quality of the video streams. Some of these efforts have considered the prediction of Quality of Delivery (QoD) metrics of the video stream in an effort to measure the quality of the video stream from the network perspective. In most cases, these models have either treated the ML algorithms as black-boxes or failed to capture the network dynamics of the associated video streams. This PhD investigates the effects of network dynamics in QoD prediction using ML techniques. The hypothesis that this thesis investigates is that ML techniques that model the underlying network dynamics achieve accurate QoD and video quality predictions and measurements. The thesis results demonstrate that the proposed techniques offer performance gains over approaches that fail to consider network dynamics. This thesis results highlight that adopting the correct model by modelling the dynamics of the network infrastructure is crucial to the accuracy of the ML predictions. These results are significant as they demonstrate that improved performance is achieved at no additional computational or storage cost. These techniques can help the network manager, data center operatives and video service providers take proactive and corrective actions for improved network efficiency and effectiveness

    Identificação de aplicações de vídeo em canais protegidos com aprendizagem automática

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    As encrypted traffic is becoming a standard and traffic obfuscation techniques become more accessible and common, companies are struggling to enforce their network usage policies and ensure optimal operational network performance. Users are more technologically knowledgeable, being able to circumvent web content filtering tools with the usage of protected tunnels such as VPNs. Consequently, techniques such as DPI, which already were considered outdated due to their impracticality, become even more ineffective. Furthermore, the continuous regulations being established by governments and international unions regarding citizen privacy rights makes network monitoring increasingly challenging. This work presents a scalable and easily deployable network-based framework for application identification in a corporate environment, focusing on video applications. This framework should be effective regardless of the environment and network setup, with the objective of being a useful tool in the network monitoring process. The proposed framework offers a compromise between allowing network supervision and assuring workers’ privacy. The results evaluation indicates that we can identify web services that are running over a protected channel with an accuracy of 95%, using low-level packet information that does not jeopardize sensitive worker data.Com a adoção de tráfego cifrado a tornar-se a norma e a crescente utilização de técnicas de obfuscação de tráfego, as empresas têm cada vez mais dificuldades em aplicar políticas de uso nas suas redes, bem como garantir o seu bom funcionamento. Os utilizadores têm mais conhecimentos tecnológicos, sendo facilmente capazes de contornar ferramentas de filtros de conteúdo online com a utilização de túneis protegidos como VPNs. Consequentemente, técnicas como DPI, que já estão ultrapassadas devido à sua impraticabilidade, tornam-se cada vez mais ineficazes. Além disso, todos os regulamentos que têm vindo a ser estabelecidos por governos e organizações internacionais sobre a privacidade dos cidadãos tornam a tarefa de monitorização de uma rede cada vez mais difícil. Este documento apresenta uma plataforma escalável e facilmente instalável para identificação de aplicações numa rede empresarial, focando-se em aplicações de vídeo. Esta abordagem deve ser eficaz independentemente do contexto e organização da rede, com o objectivo de ser uma ferramenta útil no processo de supervisão de redes. O modelo proposto oferece um compromisso entre a capacidade de supervisionar uma rede e assegurar a privacidade dos trabalhadores. A avaliação de resultados indica que é possível identificar serviços web em ligações estabelecidas sobre canais protegidos com uma precisão geral de 95%, usando informações de baixo-nível dos pacotes que não comprometem informação sensível dos trabalhadores.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic