38 research outputs found

    Global evaluation of SMAP/Sentinel-1 soil moisture products

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    MAP/Sentinel-1 soil moisture is the latest SMAP (Soil Moisture Active Passive) product derived from synergistic utilization of the radiometry observations of SMAP and radar backscattering data of Sentinel-1. This product is the first and only global soil moisture (SM) map at 1 km and 3 km spatial resolutions. In this paper, we evaluated the SMAP/Sentinel-1 SM product from different viewpoints to better understand its quality, advantages, and likely limitations. A comparative analysis of this product and in situ measurements, for the time period March 2015 to January 2022, from 35 dense and sparse SM networks and 561 stations distributed around the world was carried out. We examined the effects of land cover, vegetation fraction, water bodies, urban areas, soil characteristics, and seasonal climatic conditions on the performance of active–passive SMAP/Sentinel-1 in estimating the SM. We also compared the performance metrics of enhanced SMAP (9 km) and SMAP/Sentinel-1 products (3 km) to analyze the effects of the active–passive disaggregation algorithm on various features of the SMAP SM maps. Results showed satisfactory agreement between SMAP/Sentinel-1 and in situ SM measurements for most sites (r values between 0.19 and 0.95 and ub-RMSE between 0.03 and 0.17), especially for dense sites without representativeness errors. Thanks to the vegetation effect correction applied in the active–passive algorithm, the SMAP/Sentinel-1 product had the highest correlation with the reference data in grasslands and croplands. Results also showed that the accuracy of the SMAP/Sentinel-1 SM product in different networks is independent of the presence of water bodies, urban areas, and soil types.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Microwave Indices from Active and Passive Sensors for Remote Sensing Applications

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    Past research has comprehensively assessed the capabilities of satellite sensors operating at microwave frequencies, both active (SAR, scatterometers) and passive (radiometers), for the remote sensing of Earth’s surface. Besides brightness temperature and backscattering coefficient, microwave indices, defined as a combination of data collected at different frequencies and polarizations, revealed a good sensitivity to hydrological cycle parameters such as surface soil moisture, vegetation water content, and snow depth and its water equivalent. The differences between microwave backscattering and emission at more frequencies and polarizations have been well established in relation to these parameters, enabling operational retrieval algorithms based on microwave indices to be developed. This Special Issue aims at providing an overview of microwave signal capabilities in estimating the main land parameters of the hydrological cycle, e.g., soil moisture, vegetation water content, and snow water equivalent, on both local and global scales, with a particular focus on the applications of microwave indices

    Perspective Chapter: Downscaling of Satellite Soil Moisture Estimates

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    Soil moisture is a key parameter in the hydrological cycle and plays a critical role in global climate. The capacity to forecast drought and floods, manage water resources, and make field-scale decisions depends on accurate and thorough information on soil moisture. In addition to the instrument-based field observation approaches, dynamic mapping of soil moisture has been made possible by satellite remote sensing technologies. Estimates of soil moisture at a global and regional scale from optical and thermal remote sensing have been explored, and considerable advancements have been made. However, these global soil moisture products have coarse spatial resolutions and are typically unsuitable for field-level hydrological and agricultural applications. In this regard, this chapter presents a comprehensive review of the latest downscaling methods to improve the coarse-spatial and temporal resolution of soil moisture products. The main approaches discussed in the chapter include active passive fusion, optical/thermal based, topography based, and data assimilation methods. The physical background, current status, advantages and limitations associated with each downscaling approach has been thoroughly examined. Each of these optical/thermal, microwave-based methods for soil moisture estimation involves intricate derivation at different spatiotemporal scales, which can be combined using recent advances in machine learning

    Assessment of Multi-Scale SMOS and SMAP Soil Moisture Products across the Iberian Peninsula

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    In the last decade, technological advances led to the launch of two satellite missions dedicated to measure the Earth's surface soil moisture (SSM): the ESA's Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) launched in 2009, and the NASA's Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) launched in 2015. The two satellites have an L-band microwave radiometer on-board to measure the Earth's surface emission. These measurements (brightness temperatures TB) are then used to generate global maps of SSM every three days with a spatial resolution of about 30-40 km and a target accuracy of 0.04 m3/m3. To meet local applications needs, different approaches have been proposed to spatially disaggregate SMOS and SMAP TB or their SSM products. They rely on synergies between multi-sensor observations and are built upon different physical assumptions. In this study, temporal and spatial characteristics of six operational SSM products derived from SMOS and SMAP are assessed in order to diagnose their distinct features, and the rationale behind them. The study is focused on the Iberian Peninsula and covers the period from April 2015 to December 2017. A temporal inter-comparison analysis is carried out using in situ SSM data from the Soil Moisture Measurements Station Network of the University of Salamanca (REMEDHUS) to evaluate the impact of the spatial scale of the different products (1, 3, 9, 25, and 36 km), and their correspondence in terms of temporal dynamics. A spatial analysis is conducted for the whole Iberian Peninsula with emphasis on the added-value that the enhanced resolution products provide based on the microwave-optical (SMOS/ERA5/MODIS) or the active-passive microwave (SMAP/Sentinel-1) sensor fusion. Our results show overall agreement among time series of the products regardless their spatial scale when compared to in situ measurements. Still, higher spatial resolutions would be needed to capture local features such as small irrigated areas that are not dominant at the 1-km pixel scale. The degree to which spatial features are resolved by the enhanced resolution products depend on the multi-sensor synergies employed (at TB or soil moisture level), and on the nature of the fine-scale information used. The largest disparities between these products occur in forested areas, which may be related to the reduced sensitivity of high-resolution active microwave and optical data to soil properties under dense vegetation. Keywords: soil moisture; moisture variability; temporal dynamics; moisture patterns; spatial disaggregation; Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP); Soil Moisure and Ocean Salinity (SMOS); REMEDHUSSobre la continuidad de las misiones satelitales debanda L. Nuevos paradigmas en productos y aplicaciones, grant numbers ESP2017-89463-C3-2-R (UPC part) andESP2017-89463-C3-1-R (ICM part)Unidad de Excelencia María de Maeztu MDM-2016-060

    A Typical Review of Current and Prospective Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing Datasets for Soil Moisture Retrieval

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    Soil Moisture content is a vital indicator of both the weather and the water cycle. It has been a long-standing difficulty for the field of remote sensing to make sense of soil moisture's spatial and temporal distribution. For over five decades, researchers across the world have exclusively investigated the optical and microwave datasets for estimating soil moisture by developing various models, and algorithms. Nevertheless, challenges are faced in the consistent retrieval of SM at local, and global scales with higher accuracy in space and time resolution. The review was conducted in-depth, looking at the methods using optical and microwave data to determine soil moisture, and outlining the benefits and drawbacks considering the current needs.  With this research, a new age of widespread use of space technology for remote sensing of soil moisture has been ushered in. The study also acknowledges the scientific challenges of utilizing remote sensing datasets for soil moisture measurement

    Advanced methods for earth observation data synergy for geophysical parameter retrieval

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    The first part of the thesis focuses on the analysis of relevant factors to estimate the response time between satellite-based and in-situ soil moisture (SM) using a Dynamic Time Warping (DTW). DTW was applied to the SMOS L4 SM, and was compared to in-situ root-zone SM in the REMEDHUS network in Western Spain. The method was customized to control the evolution of time lag during wetting and drying conditions. Climate factors in combination with crop growing seasons were studied to reveal SM-related processes. The heterogeneity of land use was analyzed using high-resolution images of NDVI from Sentinel-2 to provide information about the level of spatial representativity of SMOS data to each in-situ station. The comparison of long-term precipitation records and potential evapotranspiration allowed estimation of SM seasons describing different SM conditions depending on climate and soil properties. The second part of the thesis focuses on data-driven methods for sea ice segmentation and parameter retrieval. A Bayesian framework is employed to segment sets of multi-source satellite data. The Bayesian unsupervised learning algorithm allows to investigate the ‘hidden link’ between multiple data. The statistical properties are accounted for by a Gaussian Mixture Model, and the spatial interactions are reflected using Hidden Markov Random Fields. The algorithm segments spatial data into a number of classes, which are represented as a latent field in physical space and as clusters in feature space. In a first application, a two-step probabilistic approach based on Expectation-Maximization and the Bayesian segmentation algorithm was used to segment SAR images to discriminate surface water from sea ice types. Information on surface roughness is contained in the radar backscattering images which can be - in principle - used to detect melt ponds and to estimate high-resolution sea ice concentration (SIC). In a second study, the algorithm was applied to multi-incidence angle TB data from the SMOS L1C product to harness the its sensitivity to thin ice. The spatial patterns clearly discriminate well-determined areas of open water, old sea ice and a transition zone, which is sensitive to thin sea ice thickness (SIT) and SIC. In a third application, SMOS and the AMSR2 data are used to examine the joint effect of CIMR-like observations. The information contained in the low-frequency channels allows to reveal ranges of thin sea ice, and thicker ice can be determined from the relationship between the high-frequency channels and changing conditions as the sea ice ages. The proposed approach is suitable for merging large data sets and provides metrics for class analysis, and to make informed choices about integrating data from future missions into sea ice products. A regression neural network approach was investigated with the goal to infer SIT using TB data from the Flexible Microwave Payload 2 (FMPL-2) of the FSSCat mission. Two models - covering thin ice up to 0.6m and the full-range of SIT - were trained on Arctic data using ground truth data derived from the SMOS and Cryosat-2. This work demonstrates that moderate-cost CubeSat missions can provide valuable data for applications in Earth observation.La primera parte de la tesis se centra en el análisis de los factores relevantes para estimar el tiempo de respuesta entre la humedad del suelo (SM) basada en el satélite y la in-situ, utilizando una deformación temporal dinámica (DTW). El DTW se aplicó al SMOS L4 SM, y se comparó con la SM in-situ en la red REMEDHUS en el oeste de España. El método se adaptó para controlar la evolución del desfase temporal durante diferentes condiciones de humedad y secado. Se estudiaron los factores climáticos en combinación con los períodos de crecimiento de los cultivos para revelar los procesos relacionados con la SM. La heterogeneidad del uso del suelo se analizó utilizando imágenes de alta resolución de NDVI de Sentinel-2 para proporcionar información sobre el nivel de representatividad espacial de los datos de SMOS a cada estación in situ. La comparación de los patrones de precipitación a largo plazo y la evapotranspiración potencial permitió estimar las estaciones de SM que describen diferentes condiciones de SM en función del clima y las propiedades del suelo. La segunda parte de esta tesis se centra en métodos dirigidos por datos para la segmentación del hielo marino y la obtención de parámetros. Se emplea un método de inferencia bayesiano para segmentar conjuntos de datos satelitales de múltiples fuentes. El algoritmo de aprendizaje bayesiano no supervisado permite investigar el “vínculo oculto” entre múltiples datos. Las propiedades estadísticas se contabilizan mediante un modelo de mezcla gaussiana, y las interacciones espaciales se reflejan mediante campos aleatorios ocultos de Markov. El algoritmo segmenta los datos espaciales en una serie de clases, que se representan como un campo latente en el espacio físico y como clústeres en el espacio de las variables. En una primera aplicación, se utilizó un enfoque probabilístico de dos pasos basado en la maximización de expectativas y el algoritmo de segmentación bayesiano para segmentar imágenes SAR con el objetivo de discriminar el agua superficial de los tipos de hielo marino. La información sobre la rugosidad de la superficie está contenida en las imágenes de backscattering del radar, que puede utilizarse -en principio- para detectar estanques de deshielo y estimar la concentración de hielo marino (SIC) de alta resolución. En un segundo estudio, el algoritmo se aplicó a los datos TB de múltiples ángulos de incidencia del producto SMOS L1C para aprovechar su sensibilidad al hielo fino. Los patrones espaciales discriminan claramente áreas bien determinadas de aguas abiertas, hielo marino viejo y una zona de transición, que es sensible al espesor del hielo marino fino (SIT) y al SIC. En una tercera aplicación, se utilizan los datos de SMOS y de AMSR2 para examinar el efecto conjunto de las observaciones tipo CIMR. La información contenida en los canales de baja frecuencia permite revelar rangos de hielo marino delgado, y el hielo más grueso puede determinarse a partir de la relación entre los canales de alta frecuencia y las condiciones cambiantes a medida que el hielo marino envejece. El enfoque propuesto es adecuado para fusionar grandes conjuntos de datos y proporciona métricas para el análisis de clases, y para tomar decisiones informadas sobre la integración de datos de futuras misiones en los productos de hielo marino. Se investigó un enfoque de red neuronal de regresión con el objetivo de inferir el SIT utilizando datos de TB de la carga útil de microondas flexible 2 (FMPL-2) de la misión FSSCat. Se entrenaron dos modelos - que cubren el hielo fino hasta 0.6 m y el rango completo del SIT - con datos del Ártico utilizando datos de “ground truth” derivados del SMOS y del Cryosat-2. Este trabajo demuestra que las misiones CubeSat de coste moderado pueden proporcionar datos valiosos para aplicaciones de observación de la Tierra.Postprint (published version

    A roadmap for high-resolution satellite soil moisture applications – confronting product characteristics with user requirements

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    Soil moisture observations are of broad scientific interest and practical value for a wide range of applications. The scientific community has made significant progress in estimating soil moisture from satellite-based Earth observation data, particularly in operationalizing coarse-resolution (25-50 km) soil moisture products. This review summarizes existing applications of satellite-derived soil moisture products and identifies gaps between the characteristics of currently available soil moisture products and the application requirements from various disciplines. We discuss the efforts devoted to the generation of high-resolution soil moisture products from satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data such as Sentinel-1 C-band backscatter observations and/or through downscaling of existing coarse-resolution microwave soil moisture products. Open issues and future opportunities of satellite-derived soil moisture are discussed, providing guidance for further development of operational soil moisture products and bridging the gap between the soil moisture user and supplier communities

    Earth observation-based operational estimation of soil moisture and evapotranspiration for agricultural crops in support of sustainable water management

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    Global information on the spatio-temporal variation of parameters driving the Earth’s terrestrial water and energy cycles, such as evapotranspiration (ET) rates and surface soil moisture (SSM), is of key significance. The water and energy cycles underpin global food and water security and need to be fully understood as the climate changes. In the last few decades, Earth Observation (EO) technology has played an increasingly important role in determining both ET and SSM. This paper reviews the state of the art in the use specifically of operational EO of both ET and SSM estimates. We discuss the key technical and operational considerations to derive accurate estimates of those parameters from space. The review suggests significant progress has been made in the recent years in retrieving ET and SSM operationally; yet, further work is required to optimize parameter accuracy and to improve the operational capability of services developed using EO data. Emerging applications on which ET/SSM operational products may be included in the context specifically in relation to agriculture are also highlighted; the operational use of those operational products in such applications remains to be seen

    The International Soil Moisture Network:Serving Earth system science for over a decade

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    In 2009, the International Soil Moisture Network (ISMN) was initiated as a community effort, funded by the European Space Agency, to serve as a centralised data hosting facility for globally available in situ soil moisture measurements (Dorigo et al., 2011b, a). The ISMN brings together in situ soil moisture measurements collected and freely shared by a multitude of organisations, harmonises them in terms of units and sampling rates, applies advanced quality control, and stores them in a database. Users can freely retrieve the data from this database through an online web portal (https://ismn.earth/en/, last access: 28 October 2021). Meanwhile, the ISMN has evolved into the primary in situ soil moisture reference database worldwide, as evidenced by more than 3000 active users and over 1000 scientific publications referencing the data sets provided by the network. As of July 2021, the ISMN now contains the data of 71 networks and 2842 stations located all over the globe, with a time period spanning from 1952 to the present. The number of networks and stations covered by the ISMN is still growing, and approximately 70 % of the data sets contained in the database continue to be updated on a regular or irregular basis. The main scope of this paper is to inform readers about the evolution of the ISMN over the past decade, including a description of network and data set updates and quality control procedures. A comprehensive review of the existing literature making use of ISMN data is also provided in order to identify current limitations in functionality and data usage and to shape priorities for the next decade of operations of this unique community-based data repository

    Synergistic optical and microwave remote sensing approaches for soil moisture mapping at high resolution

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    Aplicat embargament des de la data de defensa fins al dia 1 d'octubre de 2022Soil moisture is an essential climate variable that plays a crucial role linking the Earth’s water, energy, and carbon cycles. It is responsible for the water exchange between the Earth’s surface and the atmosphere, and provides key information about soil evaporation, plant transpiration, and the allocation of precipitation into runoff, surface flow and infiltration. Therefore, an accurate estimation of soil moisture is needed to enhance our current climate and meteorological forecasting skills, and to improve our current understanding of the hydrological cycle and its extremes (e.g., droughts and floods). L-band Microwave passive and active sensors have been used during the last decades to estimate soil moisture, since there is a strong relationship between this variable and the soil dielectric properties. Currently, there are two operational L-band missions specifically devoted to globally measure soil moisture: the ESA’s Soil Moisture and the Ocean Salinity (SMOS), launched in November 2009; and the NASA’s Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP), launched in January 2015. The spatial resolution of the SMOS and SMAP radiometers, in the order of tens of kilometers (~40 km), is adequate for global applications. However, to fulfill the needs of a growing number of applications at local or regional scale, higher spatial detail (< 1 km) is required. To bridge this gap and improve the spatial resolution of the soil moisture maps, a variety of spatial enhancement or spatial (sub-pixel) disaggregation approaches have been proposed. This Ph.D. Thesis focuses on the study of the Earth’s surface soil moisture from remotely sensed observations. This work includes the implementation of several soil moisture retrieval techniques and the development, implementation, validation and comparison of different spatial enhancement or downscaling techniques, applied at local, regional, and continental scale. To meet these objectives, synergies between several active/passive microwave sensors (SMOS, SMAP and Sentinel-1) and optical/thermal sensors (MODIS) have been explored. The results are presented as follows: - Spatially consistent downscaling approach for SMOS using an adaptive moving window A passive microwave/optical downscaling algorithm for SMOS is proposed to obtain fine-scale soil moisture maps (1 km) from the native resolution (~40 km) of the instrument. This algorithm introduces the concept of a shape-adaptive window as a central improvement of the disaggregation technique presented by Piles et al. (2014), allowing its application at continental scales. - Assessment of multi-scale SMOS and SMAP soil moisture products across the Iberian Peninsula The temporal and spatial characteristics of SMOS and SMAP soil moisture products at coarse- and fine-scales are assessed in order to learn about their distinct features and the rationale behind them, tracing back to the physical assumptions they are based upon. - Impact of incidence angle diversity on soil moisture retrievals at coarse and fine scales An incidence angle (32.5°, 42.5° and 52.5°)-adaptive calibration of radiative transfer effective parameters single scattering albedo and soil roughness has been carried out, highlighting the importance of such parameterization to accurately estimate soil moisture at coarse-resolution. Then, these parameterizations are used to examine the potential application of a physically-based active-passive downscaling approach to upcoming microwave missions, namely CIMR, ROSE-L and Sentinel-1 Next Generation. Soil moisture maps obtained for the Iberian Peninsula at the three different angles, and at coarse and fine scales are inter-compared using in situ measurements and model data as benchmarks.La humedad del suelo es una variable climática esencial que juega un papel crucial en la relación de los ciclos del agua, la energía y el carbono de la Tierra. Es responsable del intercambio de agua entre la superficie de la Tierra y la atmósfera, y proporciona información crucial sobre la evaporación del suelo, la transpiración de las plantas y la distribución de la precipitación en escorrentía, flujo superficial e infiltración. Por lo tanto, es necesaria una estimación precisa de la humedad del suelo para mejorar las predicciones climáticas y meteorológicas, y comprender mejor el ciclo hidrológico y sus extremos (v.g., sequías e inundaciones). Los sensores pasivos y activos en banda L se han usado durante las últimas décadas para estimar la humedad del suelo debido a la relación directa que existe entre esta variable y las propiedades dieléctricas del suelo. Actualmente, hay dos misiones operativas en banda L específicamente dedicadas a medir la humedad del suelo a escala global: la misión Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) de la ESA, lanzada en noviembre de 2009; y la misión Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) de la NASA, lanzada en enero de 2015. La resolución espacial de los radiómetros SMOS y SMAP, del orden de unas decenas de kilómetros (~40 km), es adecuada para aplicaciones a escala global. Sin embargo, para satisfacer las necesidades de un número creciente de aplicaciones a escala local o regional, se requiere más detalle espacial (<1 km). Para solventar esta limitación y mejorar la resolución espacial de los mapas de humedad, se han propuesto diferentes técnicas de mejora o desagregación espacial. Esta Tesis se centra en el estudio de la humedad de la superficie terrestre a partir de datos obtenidos a través de teledetección. Este trabajo incluye la implementación de distintos algoritmos de recuperación de la humedad del suelo y el desarrollo, implementación, validación y comparación de distintas técnicas de desagregación, aplicadas a escala local, regional y continental. Para cumplir estos objetivos, se han explorado sinergias entre diferentes sensores de microondas activos/pasivos (SMOS, SMAP y Sentinel-1) y sensores ópticos/térmicos. Los resultados se presentan de la siguiente manera: - Técnica de desagregación espacialmente consistente, basada en una ventana móvil adaptativa, aplicada a los datos SMOS Se propone un algoritmo de desagregación del píxel basado en datos obtenidos de medidas radiométricas de microondas en banda L y datos ópticos, para mejorar la resolución espacial de los mapas de humedad del suelo desde la resolución nativa del instrumento (~40 km) hasta resoluciones de 1 km. El algoritmo introduce el concepto de una ventana de contorno adaptativo, como mejora principal sobre la técnica de desagregación presentada en Piles et al. (2014), permitiendo su implementación a escala continental. - Análisis multiescalar de productos de humedad del suelo SMAP y SMOS sobre la Península Ibérica Se han evaluado las características temporales y espaciales de distintos productos de humedad del suelo SMOS y SMAP, a baja y a alta resolución, para conocer sus características distintivas y comprender las razones de sus diferencias. Para ello, ha sido necesario rastrear los supuestos físicos en los que se basan. - Impacto del ángulo de incidencia en la recuperación de la humedad del suelo a baja y a alta resolución Se ha llevado a cabo una calibración adaptada al ángulo de incidencia (32.5°, 42.5° y 52.5°) de los parámetros efectivos, albedo de dispersión simple y rugosidad del suelo, descritos en el modelo de transferencia radiativa � − �, incidiendo en la importancia de esta parametrización para estimar la humedad del suelo de forma precisa a baja resolución. El resultado de las mismas se ha utilizado para estudiar la potencial aplicación de un algoritmo activo/pasivo de desagregación basado en la física para las próximas misiones de microondas, llamadas CIMR, ROSE-L y Sentinel-1 Next Generation. Los mapas de humedad recuperados a los tres ángulos de incidencia, tanto a baja como a alta resolución, se han obtenido para la Península Ibérica y se han comparado entre ellos usando como referencia mediciones de humedad in situ.Postprint (published version