5,318 research outputs found

    Welcome to OR&S! Where students, academics and professionals come together

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    In this manuscript, an overview is given of the activities done at the Operations Research and Scheduling (OR&S) research group of the faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Ghent University. Unlike the book published by [1] that gives a summary of all academic and professional activities done in the field of Project Management in collaboration with the OR&S group, the focus of the current manuscript lies on academic publications and the integration of these published results in teaching activities. An overview is given of the publications from the very beginning till today, and some of the topics that have led to publications are discussed in somewhat more detail. Moreover, it is shown how the research results have been used in the classroom to actively involve students in our research activities

    Employee substitutability as a tool to improve the robustness in personnel scheduling

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    SALBPGen - A systematic data generator for (simple) assembly line balancing

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    Assembly line balancing is a well-known and extensively researched decision problem which arises when assembly line production systems are designed and operated. A large variety of real-world problem variations and elaborate solution methods were developed and presented in the academic literature in the past 60 years. Nevertheless, computational experiments examining and comparing the performance of solution procedures were mostly based on very limited data sets unsystematically collected from the literature and from some real-world cases. In particular, the precedence graphs used as the basis of former tests are limited in number and characteristics. As a consequence, former performance analyses suffer from a lack of systematics and statistical evidence. In this article, we propose SALPBGen, a new instance generator for the simple assembly line balancing problem (SALBP) which can be applied to any other assembly line balancing problem, too. It is able to systematically create instances with very diverse structures under full control of the experiment's designer. In particular, based on our analysis of real-world problems from automotive and related industries, typical substructures of the precedence graph like chains, bottlenecks and modules can be generated and combined as required based on a detailed analysis of graph structures and structure measures like the order strength. We also present a collection of new challenging benchmark data sets which are suited for comprehensive statistical tests in comparative studies of solution methods for SALBP and generalized problems as well. Researchers are invited to participate in a challenge to solve these new problem instances.manufacturing, benchmark data set, assembly line balancing, precedence graph, structure analysis, complexity measures

    On Matrices, Automata, and Double Counting

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    Matrix models are ubiquitous for constraint problems. Many such problems have a matrix of variables M, with the same constraint defined by a finite-state automaton A on each row of M and a global cardinality constraint gcc on each column of M. We give two methods for deriving, by double counting, necessary conditions on the cardinality variables of the gcc constraints from the automaton A. The first method yields linear necessary conditions and simple arithmetic constraints. The second method introduces the cardinality automaton, which abstracts the overall behaviour of all the row automata and can be encoded by a set of linear constraints. We evaluate the impact of our methods on a large set of nurse rostering problem instances

    Fairness aspects in personnel scheduling

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    In industries like health care, public transport or call centers a shift-based system ensures permanent availability of employees for covering needed services. The resource allocation problem – assigning employees to shifts – is known as personnel scheduling in literature and often aims at minimizing staffing costs. Working in shifts, though, impacts employees’ private lives which adds to the problem of increasing staff shortage in recent years. Therefore, more and more effort is spent on incorporating fairness into scheduling approaches in order to increase employees’ satisfaction. This paper presents a literature review of approaches for personnel scheduling considering fairness aspects. Since fairness is not a quantitative objective, but can be evaluated from different point of views, a large number of fairness measurements exists in the literature. Furthermore, perspective (group vs individual fairness) or time horizon (short-term vs long-term fairness) are often considered very differently. To conclude, we show that a uniform definition and approach for considering fairness in personnel scheduling is challenging and point out gaps for future research

    Design of an Information System for optimizing the Programming of nursing work shifts

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    Health institutions operate twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. They face a demand that fluctuates daily. Unlike jobs with fixed hours and obligatory days off, in health, operational continuity is required. The allocation for nursing shifts generates a rotation of people for health services according to legal and casuistic guidelines. Assigning and planning shifts results in a workload that takes an average of five to six extra hours. Existing applications offer a partial solution because they do not consider the news and contingencies of a health service. A web application is presented that, given a list of nurses, historical shifts and restrictions, a work shift planning is generated. This application comes to support the current shift allocation method based on electronic spreadsheets. The development consists of two modules. The first module has a shift allocation algorithm developed in C ++ and the second module has a graphical interface. As a case study, a set of health services from Chile and Colombia was used. The services have a defined number of nurses, who work different shifts according to the role and need of the institution. The results obtained are similar to a historical one. The proposed system takes less time and delivers various files and parameters that can be useful for nurses, the service and the health institutio

    A hybrid approach to operational planning in home health care

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    Home health care (HHC) management needs to plan their operations to synchronize professionals and allocate resources to perform several HHC services needed by patients. The growing demand for this type of service dictates the interest of all the stakeholders (professionalsand patients) in finding high-quality daily solutions and logistics. Routing and scheduling are problems of combinatorial nature, extremely complex, and require sophisticated optimization approaches. This work aims to contribute to cost-efficient decision-making in the general improvement of the service quality. Thus, a mixed integer linear programming model, a genetic algorithm, and a hybrid approach were used to solve the operational planning through test instances of different sizes for public home care providers. Computational results are presented, followed by a discussion on the advantages and shortcomings, highlighting the strength of each approach.The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support through national funds FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) to CeDRI (UIDB/05757/2020 and UIDP/05757/2020), SusTEC (LA/P/0007/2021) and ALGORITMI Center (UIDB/00319/2020). Filipe Alves thanks the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for supporting its research with the PhD grant SFRH/BD/143745/2019.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Bus driver rostering by hybrid methods based on column generation

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    Tese de doutoramento, Informática (Engenharia Informática), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2018Rostering problems arise in a diversity of areas where, according to the business and labor rules, distinct variants of the problem are obtained with different constraints and objectives considered. The diversity of existing rostering problems, allied with their complexity, justifies the activity of the research community addressing them. The current research on rostering problems is mainly devoted to achieving near-optimal solutions since, most of the times, the time needed to obtain optimal solutions is very high. In this thesis, a Bus Driver Rostering Problem is addressed, to which an integer programming model is adapted from the literature, and a new decomposition model with three distinct subproblems representations is proposed. The main objective of this research is to develop and evaluate a new approach to obtain solutions to the problem in study. The new approach follows the concept of search based on column generation, which consists in using the column generation method to solve problems represented by decomposition models and, after, applying metaheuristics to search for the best combination of subproblem solutions that, when combined, result in a feasible integer solution to the complete problem. Besides the new decomposition models proposed for the Bus Driver Rostering Problem, this thesis proposes the extension of the concept of search by column generation to allow using population-based metaheuristics and presents the implementation of the first metaheuristic using populations, based on the extension, which is an evolutionary algorithm. There are two additional contributions of this thesis. The first is an heuristic allowing to obtain solutions for the subproblems in an individual or aggregated way and the second is a repair operator which can be used by the metaheuristics to repair infeasible solutions and, eventually, generate missing subproblem solutions needed. The thesis includes the description and results from an extensive set of computational tests. Multiple configurations of the column generation with three decomposition models are tested to assess the best configuration to use in the generation of the search space for the metaheuristic. Additional tests compare distinct single-solution metaheuristics and our basic evolutionary algorithm in the search for integer solutions in the search space obtained by the column generation. A final set of tests compares the results of our final algorithm (with the best column generation configuration and the evolutionary algorithm using the repair operator) and the solutions obtained by solving the problem represented by the integer programming model with a commercial solver.Programa de Apoio à Formação Avançada de Docentes do Ensino Superior Politécnico (PROTEC), SFRH/PROTEC/67405/201
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