87 research outputs found

    The Effects of Evidence Bounds on Decision-Making: Theoretical and Empirical Developments

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    Converging findings from behavioral, neurophysiological, and neuroimaging studies suggest an integration-to-boundary mechanism governing decision formation and choice selection. This mechanism is supported by sequential sampling models of choice decisions, which can implement statistically optimal decision strategies for selecting between multiple alternative options on the basis of sensory evidence. This review focuses on recent developments in understanding the evidence boundary, an important component of decision-making raised by experimental findings and models. The article starts by reviewing the neurobiology of perceptual decisions and several influential sequential sampling models, in particular the drift-diffusion model, the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck model and the leaky-competing-accumulator model. In the second part, the article examines how the boundary may affect a model’s dynamics and performance and to what extent it may improve a model’s fits to experimental data. In the third part, the article examines recent findings that support the presence and site of boundaries in the brain. The article considers two questions: (1) whether the boundary is a spontaneous property of neural integrators, or is controlled by dedicated neural circuits; (2) if the boundary is variable, what could be the driving factors behind boundary changes? The review brings together studies using different experimental methods in seeking answers to these questions, highlights psychological and physiological factors that may be associated with the boundary and its changes, and further considers the evidence boundary as a generic mechanism to guide complex behavior

    Coupling and stochasticity in mesoscopic brain dynamics

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    The brain is known to operate under the constant influence of noise arising from a variety of sources. It also organises its activity into rhythms spanning multiple frequency bands. These rhythms originate from neuronal oscillations which can be detected via measurements such as electroen-cephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance (fMRI). Experimental evidence suggests that interactions between rhythms from distinct frequency bands play a key role in brain processing, but the dynamical mechanisms underlying this cross-frequency interactions are still under investigation. Some rhythms are pathological and harmful to brain function. Such is the case of epileptiform rhythms characterising epileptic seizures. Much has been learnt about the dynamics of the brain from computational modelling. Particularly relevant is mesoscopic scale modelling, which is concerned with spatial scales exceeding those of individual neurons and corresponding to processes and structures underlying the generation of signals registered in the EEG and fMRI recordings. Such modelling usually involves assumptions regarding the characteristics of the background noise, which represents afferents from remote, non-modelled brain areas. To this end, Gaussian white noise, characterised by a flat power spectrum, is often used. In contrast, macroscopic fluctuations in the brain typically follow a `1/f b ¿ spectrum, which is a characteristic feature of temporally correlated, coloured noise. In Chapters 3-5 of this Thesis we address by means of a stochastically driven mesoscopic neuronal model, the three following questions. First, in Chapter 3 we ask about the significance of deviations from the assumption of white noise in the context of brain dynamics, and in particular we study the role that temporally correlated noise plays in eliciting aberrant rhythms in the model of an epileptic brain. We find that the generation of epileptiform dynamics in the model depends non-monotonically on the noise correlation time. We show that this is due to the maximisation of the spectral content of epileptogenic rhythms in the noise. These rhythms fall into frequency bands that indeed were experimentally shown to increase in power prior to epileptic seizures. We explain these effects in terms of the interplay between specific driving frequencies and bifurcation structure of the model. Second, in Chapter 4 we show how coupling between cortical modules leads to complex activity patterns and to the emergence of a phenomenon that we term collective excitability. Temporal patterns generated by this model bear resemblance to clinically observed characteristics of epileptic seizures. In that chapter we also introduce a fast method of tracking a loss of stability caused by excessive inter-modular coupling in a neuronal network. Third, in Chapter 5 we focus on cross-frequency interactions occurring in a network of cortical modules, in the presence of coloured noise. We suggest a mechanism that underlies the increase of power in a fast rhythm due to driving with a slow rhythm, and we find the noise parameters that best recapitulate experimental power spectra. Finally, in Chapter 6, we examine models of haemodynamic and metabolic brain processes, we test them on experimental data, and we consider the consequences of coupling them with mesoscopic neuronal models. Taken together, our results show the combined influence of noise and coupling in computational models of neuronal activity. Moreover, they demonstrate the relevance of dynamical properties of neuronal systems to specific physiological phenomena, in particular related to cross-frequency interactions and epilepsy. Insights from this Thesis could in the future empower studies of epilepsy as a dynamic disease, and could contribute to the development of treatment methods applicable to drug-resistant epileptic patients.El cervell opera sota la influència de sorolls amb diversos orígens. També organitza la seva activitat en una sèrie de ritmes que s'expandeixen en diverses bandes de freqüència. Aquests ritmes tenen el seu origen en les osci∙lacions neuronals i poden detectar-se via mesures com les electroencefalogràfiques (EEG) o la ressonància magnètica funcional (fMRI). Les evidències experimentals suggereixen que les interaccions entre ritmes operant en bandes de freqüència diferents juguen un paper central en el processat cerebral però els mecanismes dinàmics subjacents a les interaccions inter-freqüència encara estan investigant-se. Alguns ritmes són patològics i fan malbé el funcionament cerebral. És el cas dels ritmes epileptiformes que caracteritzen les convulsions epilèptiques. Fent servir el modelatge computacional s'ha après molt sobre la dinàmica del cervell. Especialment rellevant és el modelatge a l’escala mesoscòpica, que té a veure amb les escales espacials superiors a les de les neurones individuals i que correspon als processos que generen EEG i fMRI. Tal modelatge, en general, implica supòsits relatius a les característiques del soroll de fons que representa zones remotes del cervell no modelades. Amb aquesta finalitat s'utilitza sovint el soroll blanc gaussià, que es caracteritza per un espectre de potència pla. Les fluctuacions macroscòpiques en el cervell, però, normalment segueixen un espectre '1/fb', que és un tret característic de les correlacions temporals i el soroll de color. Als Capítols 3-5 d'aquesta tesi abordem mitjançant un model neuronal mesoscòpic forçat estocàsticament, les tres preguntes següents. En primer lloc, en el Capítol 3 ens preguntem sobre la importància de les desviacions de l'assumpció de soroll blanc en el context de la dinàmica del cervell i, en particular, estudiem el paper que juga el soroll amb correlació temporal en l'obtenció de ritmes aberrants d'un cervell epilèptic. Trobem que la generació de les dinàmiques epileptiformes depèn de forma monòtona del temps de correlació del soroll. Aquests ritmes es divideixen en bandes de freqüència que, segons, s'ha mostrat experimentalment, augmenten la seva potència espectral abans de les crisis epilèptiques. Expliquem aquests efectes en termes de la interacció entre les freqüències específiques del forçament i l'estructura de bifurcació del model. En segon lloc, en el Capítol 4 es mostra com l'acoblament entre mòduls corticals condueix a patrons d'activitat complexes i a l'aparició d'un fenomen que anomenem excitabilitat col∙lectiva. Els patrons temporals generats per aquest model s'assemblen a les observacions clíniques de les convulsions epilèptiques. En aquest capítol també introduïm un mètode d'anàlisi de la pèrdua d'estabilitat causada per l'acoblament inter-modular excessiu en les xarxes neuronals. En tercer lloc, en el Capítol 5 ens centrem en les interaccions inter-freqüència que es produeixen en una xarxa de mòduls corticals en presència de soroll de color. Suggerim un mecanisme subjacent a l'augment de la potència spectral de ritmes ràpids a causa del forçament amb un ritme lent, i veiem quins paràmetres del soroll descriuen millor els espectres de potència experimental. Finalment, en el Capítol 6, estudiem models dels processos hemodinàmics i metabòlics del cervell, els comparem amb dades experimentals i considerem les conseqüències del seu acoblament amb models neuronals mesoscopics. En conjunt, els nostres resultats mostren la influència combinada del soroll i l'acoblament en models computacionals de l'activitat neuronal. D'altra banda, també demostren la importància de les propietats dinàmiques dels sistemes neuronals en fenòmens fisiològics específics com les interaccions inter-frequència i l'epilèpsia. Els resultats d'aquesta Tesi contribueixen a potenciar l’estudi de l'epilèpsia com una malaltia dinàmica, i el desenvolupament de mètodes de tractament aplicables a pacients epilèptics resistents als fàrmacs.Postprint (published version

    Gaussian Process in Computational Biology: Covariance Functions for Transcriptomics

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    In the field of machine learning, Gaussian process models are widely used families of stochastic process for modelling data observed over time, space or both. Gaussian processes models are nonparametric, meaning that the models are developed on an infinite-dimensional parameter space. The parameter space is then typically learnt as the set of all possible solutions for a given learning problem. Gaussian process distributions are distribution over functions. The covariance function determines the properties of functions samples drawn from the process. Once the decision to model with a Gaussian process has been made the choice of the covariance function is a central step in modelling. In molecular biology and genetics, a transcription factor is a protein that binds to specific DNA sequences and controls the flow of genetic information from DNA to mRNA. To develop models of cellular processes, quantitative estimation of the regulatory relationship between transcription factors and genes is a basic requirement. Quantitative estimation is complex due to various reasons. Many of the transcription factors' activities and their own transcription level are post transcriptionally modified; very often the levels of the transcription factors' expressions are low and noisy. So, from the expression levels of their target genes, it is useful to infer the activity of the transcription factors. Here we developed a Gaussian process based nonparametric regression model to infer the exact transcription factor activities from a combination of mRNA expression levels and DNA-protein binding measurements. Clustering of gene expression time series gives insight into which genes may be coregulated, allowing us to discern the activity of pathways in a given microarray experiment. Of particular interest is how a given group of genes varies with different conditions or genetic backgrounds. In this thesis, we developed a new clustering method that allows each cluster to be parametrized according to the behaviour of the genes across conditions whether they are correlated or anti-correlated. By specifying the correlation between such genes, we gain more information within the cluster about how the genes interrelate. Our study shows the effectiveness of sharing information between replicates and different model conditions while modelling gene expression time series

    A Neuromorphic Prosthesis to Restore Communication in Neuronal Networks

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    Recent advances in bioelectronics and neural engineering allowed the development of brain machine interfaces and neuroprostheses, capable of facilitating or recovering functionality in people with neurological disability. To realize energy-efficient and real-time capable devices, neuromorphic computing systems are envisaged as the core of next-generation systems for brain repair. We demonstrate here a real-time hardware neuromorphic prosthesis to restore bidirectional interactions between two neuronal populations, even when one is damaged or missing. We used in vitro modular cell cultures to mimic the mutual interaction between neuronal assemblies and created a focal lesion to functionally disconnect the two populations. Then, we employed our neuromorphic prosthesis for bidirectional bridging to artificially reconnect two disconnected neuronal modules and for hybrid bidirectional bridging to replace the activity of one module with a real-time hardware neuromorphic Spiking Neural Network. Our neuroprosthetic system opens avenues for the exploitation of neuromorphic-based devices in bioelectrical therapeutics for health care

    Noise-induced synchronization and anti-resonance in excitable systems; Implications for information processing in Parkinson's Disease and Deep Brain Stimulation

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    We study the statistical physics of a surprising phenomenon arising in large networks of excitable elements in response to noise: while at low noise, solutions remain in the vicinity of the resting state and large-noise solutions show asynchronous activity, the network displays orderly, perfectly synchronized periodic responses at intermediate level of noise. We show that this phenomenon is fundamentally stochastic and collective in nature. Indeed, for noise and coupling within specific ranges, an asymmetry in the transition rates between a resting and an excited regime progressively builds up, leading to an increase in the fraction of excited neurons eventually triggering a chain reaction associated with a macroscopic synchronized excursion and a collective return to rest where this process starts afresh, thus yielding the observed periodic synchronized oscillations. We further uncover a novel anti-resonance phenomenon: noise-induced synchronized oscillations disappear when the system is driven by periodic stimulation with frequency within a specific range. In that anti-resonance regime, the system is optimal for measures of information capacity. This observation provides a new hypothesis accounting for the efficiency of Deep Brain Stimulation therapies in Parkinson's disease, a neurodegenerative disease characterized by an increased synchronization of brain motor circuits. We further discuss the universality of these phenomena in the class of stochastic networks of excitable elements with confining coupling, and illustrate this universality by analyzing various classical models of neuronal networks. Altogether, these results uncover some universal mechanisms supporting a regularizing impact of noise in excitable systems, reveal a novel anti-resonance phenomenon in these systems, and propose a new hypothesis for the efficiency of high-frequency stimulation in Parkinson's disease

    Stochastic neural network dynamics: synchronisation and control

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    Biological brains exhibit many interesting and complex behaviours. Understanding of the mechanisms behind brain behaviours is critical for continuing advancement in fields of research such as artificial intelligence and medicine. In particular, synchronisation of neuronal firing is associated with both improvements to and degeneration of the brain’s performance; increased synchronisation can lead to enhanced information-processing or neurological disorders such as epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease. As a result, it is desirable to research under which conditions synchronisation arises in neural networks and the possibility of controlling its prevalence. Stochastic ensembles of FitzHugh-Nagumo elements are used to model neural networks for numerical simulations and bifurcation analysis. The FitzHugh-Nagumo model is employed because of its realistic representation of the flow of sodium and potassium ions in addition to its advantageous property of allowing phase plane dynamics to be observed. Network characteristics such as connectivity, configuration and size are explored to determine their influences on global synchronisation generation in their respective systems. Oscillations in the mean-field are used to detect the presence of synchronisation over a range of coupling strength values. To ensure simulation efficiency, coupling strengths between neurons that are identical and fixed with time are investigated initially. Such networks where the interaction strengths are fixed are referred to as homogeneously coupled. The capacity of controlling and altering behaviours produced by homogeneously coupled networks is assessed through the application of weak and strong delayed feedback independently with various time delays. To imitate learning, the coupling strengths later deviate from one another and evolve with time in networks that are referred to as heterogeneously coupled. The intensity of coupling strength fluctuations and the rate at which coupling strengths converge to a desired mean value are studied to determine their impact upon synchronisation performance. The stochastic delay differential equations governing the numerically simulated networks are then converted into a finite set of deterministic cumulant equations by virtue of the Gaussian approximation method. Cumulant equations for maximal and sub-maximal connectivity are used to generate two-parameter bifurcation diagrams on the noise intensity and coupling strength plane, which provides qualitative agreement with numerical simulations. Analysis of artificial brain networks, in respect to biological brain networks, are discussed in light of recent research in sleep theor

    The Role of Synaptic Tagging and Capture for Memory Dynamics in Spiking Neural Networks

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    Memory serves to process and store information about experiences such that this information can be used in future situations. The transfer from transient storage into long-term memory, which retains information for hours, days, and even years, is called consolidation. In brains, information is primarily stored via alteration of synapses, so-called synaptic plasticity. While these changes are at first in a transient early phase, they can be transferred to a late phase, meaning that they become stabilized over the course of several hours. This stabilization has been explained by so-called synaptic tagging and capture (STC) mechanisms. To store and recall memory representations, emergent dynamics arise from the synaptic structure of recurrent networks of neurons. This happens through so-called cell assemblies, which feature particularly strong synapses. It has been proposed that the stabilization of such cell assemblies by STC corresponds to so-called synaptic consolidation, which is observed in humans and other animals in the first hours after acquiring a new memory. The exact connection between the physiological mechanisms of STC and memory consolidation remains, however, unclear. It is equally unknown which influence STC mechanisms exert on further cognitive functions that guide behavior. On timescales of minutes to hours (that means, the timescales of STC) such functions include memory improvement, modification of memories, interference and enhancement of similar memories, and transient priming of certain memories. Thus, diverse memory dynamics may be linked to STC, which can be investigated by employing theoretical methods based on experimental data from the neuronal and the behavioral level. In this thesis, we present a theoretical model of STC-based memory consolidation in recurrent networks of spiking neurons, which are particularly suited to reproduce biologically realistic dynamics. Furthermore, we combine the STC mechanisms with calcium dynamics, which have been found to guide the major processes of early-phase synaptic plasticity in vivo. In three included research articles as well as additional sections, we develop this model and investigate how it can account for a variety of behavioral effects. We find that the model enables the robust implementation of the cognitive memory functions mentioned above. The main steps to this are: 1. demonstrating the formation, consolidation, and improvement of memories represented by cell assemblies, 2. showing that neuromodulator-dependent STC can retroactively control whether information is stored in a temporal or rate-based neural code, and 3. examining interaction of multiple cell assemblies with transient and attractor dynamics in different organizational paradigms. In summary, we demonstrate several ways by which STC controls the late-phase synaptic structure of cell assemblies. Linking these structures to functional dynamics, we show that our STC-based model implements functionality that can be related to long-term memory. Thereby, we provide a basis for the mechanistic explanation of various neuropsychological effects.2021-09-0

    Mechanisms of Value-Biased Prioritization in Fast Sensorimotor Decision Making

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    In dynamic environments, split-second sensorimotor decisions must be prioritized according to potential payoffs to maximize overall rewards. The impact of relative value on deliberative perceptual judgments has been examined extensively, but relatively little is known about value-biasing mechanisms in the common situation where physical evidence is strong but the time to act is severely limited. This research examines the behavioral and electrophysiological indices of how value biases split-second perceptual decisions and the possible mechanisms underlying the process. In prominent decision models, a noisy but statistically stationary representation of sensory evidence is integrated over time to an action-triggering bound, and value-biases are effected by starting the integrator closer to the more valuable bound. Here we show significant departures from this account for humans making rapid sensory-instructed action choices. We show that on a time-constrained color discrimination task, behavior is best explained by a simple model in which accumulator “drift rate” (effectively, the mean of the evidence being accumulated) is itself biased by value and is non-stationary, increasing over the short decision time frame. Because the value bias initially dominates, the model uniquely predicts a dynamic ‘‘turn-around’’ effect on low-value cues, where the accumulator first launches toward the incorrect action but is then re-routed to the correct one. This was clearly exhibited in electrophysiological signals reflecting motor preparation and evidence accumulation. Furthermore, we constructed an extended model that implements this dynamic effect through plausible sensory neural response modulations and demonstrates the correspondence between decision signal dynamics simulated from a behavioral fit of that model and the empirical decision signals. To follow up on the finding that drift rate biases dominate over starting point biases, we examined the generality of this effect across different forms of value association. We found that drift rate biases dominate not only when value has a long-term association with the sensory alternatives as in the first experiment, but also when value has a long-term association with motor alternative. To follow up on the proposed sensory neural response modulation model, we further examined whether the model can capture dynamic manipulations of the sensory stimulus onset, and confirmed that it can. This model shows that value and sensory information can exert simultaneous and dynamically countervailing influences on the trajectory of the accumulation-to-bound process, driving rapid, sensory-guided actions. We thus conclude that 1) value-based prioritization is clearly not only exerted through shifting starting points, but also through strong modulations of the rate of evidence accumulation ( drift rate ), 2) in order to accurately quantify these biases in very fast decisions, it is necessary for models to allow for dynamic changes in drift rate