664 research outputs found

    Remote sensing data from CLARET: A prototype CART data set

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    The data set containing radiation, meteorological , and cloud sensor observations is documented. It was prepared for use by the Department of Energy's Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program and other interested scientists. These data are a precursor of the types of data that ARM Cloud And Radiation Testbed (CART) sites will provide. The data are from the Cloud Lidar And Radar Exploratory Test (CLARET) conducted by the Wave Propagation Laboratory during autumn 1989 in the Denver-Boulder area of Colorado primarily for the purpose of developing new cloud-sensing techniques on cirrus. After becoming aware of the experiment, ARM scientists requested archival of subsets of the data to assist in the developing ARM program. Five CLARET cases were selected: two with cirrus, one with stratus, one with mixed-phase clouds, and one with clear skies. Satellite data from the stratus case and one cirrus case were analyzed for statistics on cloud cover and top height. The main body of the selected data are available on diskette from the Wave Propagation Laboratory or Los Alamos National Laboratory

    Temporal Variation and Vertical Structure of the Marine Atmospheric Mixed Layer over the East China Sea from Mie-Scattering Lidar Data

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    The marine atmospheric mixed layer (MAML) has an important influence on the diffusion of air pollutants over the East China Sea. We analyzed seasonal and diurnal variations and the vertical structure of the MAML by using continuous Mie-scattering lidar data recorded from March 2008 to February 2010 at Cape Hedo, Okinawa Island, Japan. The height of the MAML showed clear seasonal variation: a summer minimum and a winter maximum, and was significantly correlated with thermal stability (St), which we defined as sea surface temperature minus the temperature at the 850 hPa level. The height of the MAML showed minor diurnal variations in summer: a nighttime minimum and a daytime maximum. We detected the entrainment layer between the MAML and the free atmosphere by analysis of the intensity of fluctuations of aerosol concentrations determined from lidar data. Both the intensity of the fluctuations and the thickness of the entrainment zone increased with increasing St. The altitude of maximum fluctuation was a little above the top of the MAML

    Master of Science

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    thesisThis thesis investigates the utility of lidar ceilometers, a type of aerosol lidar, in improving the understanding of meteorology and air quality in persistent wintertime stable boundary layers, or cold-air pools, that form in urbanized valley and basin topography. This thesis reviews the scientific literature to survey the present knowledge of persistent cold-air pools, the operating principles of lidar ceilometers, and their demonstrated utility in meteorological investigations. Lidar ceilometer data from the Persistent Cold-Air Pool Study (PCAPS) are then used with meteorological and air quality data from other in situ and remote sensing equipment to investigate cold-air pools that formed in Utah's Salt Lake Valley during the winter of 2010-2011. The lidar ceilometer is shown to accurately measure aerosol layer depth and aerosol loading, when compared to visual observations. A linear relationship is found between low-level lidar backscatter and surface particulate measurements. Convective boundary layer lidar analysis techniques applied to cold-air pool ceilometer profiles can detect useful layer haracteristics. Fine-scale waves are observed and analyzed within the aerosol layer, with emphasis on Kelvin-Helmholz waves. Ceilometer aerosol backscatter profiles are analyzed to quantify and describe mixing processes in persistent cold-air pools. Overlays of other remote and in-situ observations are combined with ceilometer particle backscatter to describe specific events during PCAPS. This analysis describes the relationship between the aerosol layer and the valley inversion as well as interactions with large-scale meteorology. The ceilometer observations of hydrometers are used to quantify cloudiness and precipitation during the project, observing that 50% of hours when a PCAP was present had clouds or precipitation below 5 km above ground level (AGL). Then, combining an objective technique for determining hourly aerosol layer depths and correcting this subjectively during periods with low clouds or precipitation, a time series of aerosol depths was obtained. The mean depth of the surface-based aerosol layer during PCAP events was 1861 m MSL with a standard deviation of 135 m. The aerosol layer depth, given the approximate 1300 m altitude of the valley floor, is thus about 550 m, about 46% of the basin depth. The aerosol layer is present during much of the winter and is removed only during strong or prolonged precipitation periods or when surface winds are strong. Nocturnal fogs that formed near the end of high-stability PCAP episodes had a limited effect on aerosol layer depth. Aerosol layer depth was relatively invariant during the winter and during the persistent cold-air pools, while PMio concentrations at the valley floor varied with bulk atmospheric stability associated primarily with passage of large-scale high- and low-pressure weather systems. PM10 concentrations also increased with cold-air pool duration. Mean aerosol loading in the surface-based aerosol layer, as determined from ceilometer backscatter coefficients, showed weaker variations than those of surface PM10 concentrations, suggesting that ineffective vertical mixing and aerosol layering are present in the cold-air pools. This is supported by higher time-resolution backscatter data, and it distinguishes the persistent cold-air pools from well-mixed convective boundary layers where ground-based air pollution concentrations are closely related to time-dependent convective boundary layer/aerosol depths. These results are discussed along with recommendations for future explorations of the ceilometer and cold-air pool topics

    Arctic low-level mixed-phase clouds and their complex interactions with aerosol and radiation: Remote sensing of the Arctic troposphere with the shipborne supersite OCEANET-Atmosphere

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    In the course of this thesis, Arctic low-level mixed-phase clouds and their interaction with aerosol and radiation have been investigated. To do so, measurements with the shipborne remote sensing supersite OCEANET-Atmosphere were conducted during the PS106 expedition in the Arctic summer 2017. OCEANET-Atmosphere comprises among other instruments a multiwavelength polarization lidar PollyXT and a microwave radiometer HATPRO. For PS106 the OCEANET-Atmosphere facility was complemented for the first time with a motion-stabilized vertically pointing Doppler cloud radar Mira-35. The cloud radar Doppler velocity was corrected for the ship’s vertical movement. The stabilization and the correction enabled, e.g., the derivation of eddy dissipation rates from the Doppler velocities. A data set of cloud microphysical and macrophysical properties was derived by applying the synergistic Cloudnet algorithm to the combined measurements of cloud radar, lidar, and microwave radiometer. Within this thesis, the set of the Cloudnet retrievals was improved to account for the complex structure of the Arctic cloud system. A new detection approach for the frequently observed low-level stratus clouds was developed based on the lidar signal-to-noise ratio. These clouds, which were below the lowest range gate of the cloud radar were observed during 50 % of the observational time. A new approach for the continuous determination of the ice crystal effective radius was introduced. This new retrieval made the data set suitable to perform high-resolved radiative transfer simulations. The retrieved data set was utilized to derive the first temperature relationship for heterogeneous ice formation in Arctic mixed-phase clouds. A strong dependence of the surface coupling state for high subzero ice-formation temperatures was found. For an ice-formation temperature above -15 °C, surface-coupled ice-containing clouds occur more frequently by a factor of 5 in numbers of observed clouds and by a factor of 2 in frequency of occurrence. Possible causes of the observed effect were discussed by sensitivity studies and a literature survey. Instrumental and methodological effects, and previously published similar observations of an increased ice occurrence at such high subzero temperatures have been ruled out as a possible explanation. The most likely cause of the observed effect was attributed to a larger reservoir of biogenic ice-nucleating particles in the surface-coupled marine boundary layer. This larger reservoir led to a higher freezing efficiency in these clouds which had at least their base in that layer. Finally, the importance of the detailed classification of the low-level clouds was highlighted by the evaluation of radiative transfer simulations. A difference in the cloud radiative effect of up to 100 W m-2 was calculated when these clouds were considered.:1 Introduction 2 Arctic — Amplified climate change 2.1 The Arctic climate system 2.2 Cloud radiation budget 2.3 Arctic mixed-phase clouds 2.4 Heterogeneous ice formation in Arctic mixed-phase clouds — constraints and previous findings 2.5 Motivating research questions 3 Data set — Applied instrumentation, processing, and retrievals 3.1 Introduction to ground-based active remote sensing of aerosol and clouds 3.1.1 Lidar principle 3.1.2 Radio Detection and Ranging — Radar 3.2 The Arctic expedition PS106 3.3 Instrumentation 3.3.1 The OCEANET-Atmosphere observatory 3.3.2 Other instruments used in this study 3.4 Data processing and synergistic retrievals 3.4.1 Correction of vertical-stare cloud radar observations for ship motion 3.4.2 Retrieval of eddy dissipation rate from Doppler radar spectra 3.4.3 Cloud macro- and microphysical properties from instrument-synergies 3.5 Summary of the data processing for PS106 4 Cloud and aerosol observations during PS106 4.1 Meteorological conditions during PS106 4.2 Case studies 4.3 Cloud and aerosol statistics during PS106 4.4 Discussion of the observational data sets 5 Contrasting surface-coupling effects on heterogeneous ice formation 5.1 Methodology 5.1.1 Ice-containing cloud analysis 5.1.2 Surface-coupling state 5.2 Results: influence of surface coupling on heterogeneous ice formation temperature 5.3 Discussion of the observed surface-coupling effects 5.3.1 Methodological and instrumental effects 5.3.2 Possible causes for increased ice occurrence in surface-coupled clouds 6 Application of the data set in collaborative studies and radiative transfer simulations within (AC)3 6.1 Radiative transfer simulations and cloud radiative effect 6.2 LLS treatment for improved radiative transfer simulations 6.3 Discussion 7 Summary and outlook Appendices A Determination of a volume depolarization threshold forlidar-based ice detection BibliographyIm Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden niedrige arktische Mischphasenwolken und ihre Wechselwirkung mit Aerosolen und Strahlung untersucht. Dazu wurden Messungen mit der schiffsgestĂŒtzten Fernerkundungs-Supersite OCEANET-Atmosphere wĂ€hrend der PS106-Expedition im arktischen Sommer 2017 durchgefĂŒhrt. OCEANET-Atmosphere vereint, u.a., ein MultiwellenlĂ€ngen-Polarisations-Lidar PollyXT und ein Mikrowellen-Radiometer HATPRO. FĂŒr PS106 wurde OCEANET-Atmosphere erstmalig um ein stabilisiertes, vertikal ausgerichtetes Doppler-Wolkenradar Mira-35 erweitert. Die Doppler-Geschwindigkeit wurde in Bezug auf die Vertikalbewegung des Schiffes korrigiert. Dank Stabilisierung und Korrektur war, z.B., die Ableitung von Wirbeldissipationsraten aus den Doppler-Geschwindigkeiten möglich. Unter Anwendung des synergetischen Cloudnet-Algorithmus wurde aus den kombinierten Wolkenradar, Lidar und Mikrowellenradiometer Messungen ein Datensatz der mikro- und makrophysikalischen Wolkeneigenschaften fĂŒr PS106 erstellt. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde Cloudnet verbessert, um der komplexen Struktur der arktischen Wolken Rechnung zu tragen. Ein neuer Ansatz zur Erkennung der hĂ€ufig beobachteten niedrigen Stratuswolken wurde entwickelt, basierend auf dem Lidar-Signal-zu-Rausch-VerhĂ€ltnis. Diese Wolken, die unterhalb des untersten Höhenlevels des Wolkenradars auftraten, wurden wĂ€hrend 50% der Beobachtungszeit identifiziert. Ein neuer Ansatz fĂŒr die kontinuierliche Bestimmung des effektiven Radius der Eiskristalle wurde eingefĂŒhrt. Dank dieser neuen Methode eignet sich der erstellte Datensatz fĂŒr die DurchfĂŒhrung von Strahlungstransfersimulationen. Zum ersten Mal wurde eine Temperaturbeziehung fĂŒr heterogene Eisbildung in arktischen Mischphasenwolken in AbhĂ€ngigkeit ihres OberflĂ€chen-Kopplungsstatus abgeleitet. Bei Temperaturen ĂŒber -15°C war die relative HĂ€ufigkeit von Eis beinhaltenden Wolken doppelt so hoch und die Anzahl fĂŒnf Mal höher wenn sie mxit der OberflĂ€che gekoppelt waren, als bei entkoppelte Wolken. Mögliche Ursachen fĂŒr den beobachteten Effekt wurden anhand von SensitivitĂ€tsstudien und einer Literaturanalyse diskutiert. Instrumentelle und methodische Effekte sowie frĂŒher veröffentlichte Ă€hnliche Beobachtungen konnten als mögliche ErklĂ€rung ausgeschlossen werden. Die wahrscheinlichste Ursache fĂŒr den beobachteten Effekt wurde auf ein grĂ¶ĂŸeres Reservoir an biogenen Eiskristallisationskeimen in der oberflĂ€chengekoppelten marinen Grenzschicht zurĂŒckgefĂŒhrt. Dieses grĂ¶ĂŸere Reservoir hat zu einer höheren Gefriereffizienz in Wolken gefĂŒhrt, die zumindest ihre Basis in dieser Schicht hatten. Die Bedeutung der detaillierten Klassifizierung von tiefliegenden Wolken auf Strahlungstransfersimulationen wurde hervorgehoben. Der simulierte Effekt der Wolken auf den Strahlungshaushalt unterschied sich bis zu 100 W m-2, unter BerĂŒcksichtigung dieser Wolken.:1 Introduction 2 Arctic — Amplified climate change 2.1 The Arctic climate system 2.2 Cloud radiation budget 2.3 Arctic mixed-phase clouds 2.4 Heterogeneous ice formation in Arctic mixed-phase clouds — constraints and previous findings 2.5 Motivating research questions 3 Data set — Applied instrumentation, processing, and retrievals 3.1 Introduction to ground-based active remote sensing of aerosol and clouds 3.1.1 Lidar principle 3.1.2 Radio Detection and Ranging — Radar 3.2 The Arctic expedition PS106 3.3 Instrumentation 3.3.1 The OCEANET-Atmosphere observatory 3.3.2 Other instruments used in this study 3.4 Data processing and synergistic retrievals 3.4.1 Correction of vertical-stare cloud radar observations for ship motion 3.4.2 Retrieval of eddy dissipation rate from Doppler radar spectra 3.4.3 Cloud macro- and microphysical properties from instrument-synergies 3.5 Summary of the data processing for PS106 4 Cloud and aerosol observations during PS106 4.1 Meteorological conditions during PS106 4.2 Case studies 4.3 Cloud and aerosol statistics during PS106 4.4 Discussion of the observational data sets 5 Contrasting surface-coupling effects on heterogeneous ice formation 5.1 Methodology 5.1.1 Ice-containing cloud analysis 5.1.2 Surface-coupling state 5.2 Results: influence of surface coupling on heterogeneous ice formation temperature 5.3 Discussion of the observed surface-coupling effects 5.3.1 Methodological and instrumental effects 5.3.2 Possible causes for increased ice occurrence in surface-coupled clouds 6 Application of the data set in collaborative studies and radiative transfer simulations within (AC)3 6.1 Radiative transfer simulations and cloud radiative effect 6.2 LLS treatment for improved radiative transfer simulations 6.3 Discussion 7 Summary and outlook Appendices A Determination of a volume depolarization threshold forlidar-based ice detection Bibliograph

    NASA/MSFC FY88 Global Scale Atmospheric Processes Research Program Review

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    Interest in environmental issues and the magnitude of the environmental changes continues. One way to gain more understanding of the atmosphere is to make measurements on a global scale from space. The Earth Observation System is a series of new sensors to measure globally atmospheric parameters. Analysis of satellite data by developing algorithms to interpret the radiance information improves the understanding and also defines requirements for these sensors. One measure of knowledge of the atmosphere lies in the ability to predict its behavior. Use of numerical and experimental models provides a better understanding of these processes. These efforts are described in the context of satellite data analysis and fundamental studies of atmospheric dynamics which examine selected processes important to the global circulation

    Mixing layer height and its implications for air pollution over Beijing, China

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    The mixing layer is an important meteorological factor that affects air pollution. In this study, the atmospheric mixing layer height (MLH) was observed in Beijing from July 2009 to December 2012 using a ceilometer. By comparison with radiosonde data, we found that the ceilometer underestimates the MLH under conditions of neutral stratification caused by strong winds, whereas it overestimates the MLH when sand-dust is crossing. Using meteorological, PM2.5_{2.5}, and PM10_{10} observational data, we screened the observed MLH automatically; the ceilometer observations were fairly consistent with the radiosondes, with a correlation coefficient greater than 0.9. Further analysis indicated that the MLH is low in autumn and winter and high in spring and summer in Beijing. There is a significant correlation between the sensible heat flux and MLH, and the diurnal cycle of the MLH in summer is also affected by the circulation of mountainous plain winds. Using visibility as an index to classify the degree of air pollution, we found that the variation in the sensible heat and buoyancy term in turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) is insignificant when visibility decreases from 10 to 5 km, but the reduction of shear term in TKE is near 70 %. When visibility decreases from 5 to 1 km, the variation of the shear term in TKE is insignificant, but the decrease in the sensible heat and buoyancy term in TKE is approximately 60 %. Although the correlation between the daily variation of the MLH and visibility is very poor, the correlation between them is significantly enhanced when the relative humidity increases beyond 80 %. This indicates that humidity-related physicochemical processes is the primary source of atmospheric particles under heavy pollution and that the dissipation of atmospheric particles mainly depends on the MLH. The presented results of the atmospheric mixing layer provide useful empirical information for improving meteorological and atmospheric chemistry models and the forecasting and warning of air pollution

    Wildfire smoke, Arctic haze, and aerosol effects on mixed-phase and cirrus clouds over the North Pole region during MOSAiC: an introduction

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    An advanced multiwavelength polarization Raman lidar was operated aboard the icebreaker Polarstern during the MOSAiC (Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate) expedition to continuously monitor aerosol and cloud layers in the central Arctic up to 30gkm height. The expedition lasted from September 2019 to October 2020 and measurements were mostly taken between 85 and 88.5ggN. The lidar was integrated into a complex remote-sensing infrastructure aboard the Polarstern. In this article, novel lidar techniques, innovative concepts to study aerosol-cloud interaction in the Arctic, and unique MOSAiC findings will be presented. The highlight of the lidar measurements was the detection of a 10gkm deep wildfire smoke layer over the North Pole region between 7-8gkm and 17-18gkm height with an aerosol optical thickness (AOT) at 532gnm of around 0.1 (in October-November 2019) and 0.05 from December to March. The dual-wavelength Raman lidar technique allowed us to unambiguously identify smoke as the dominating aerosol type in the aerosol layer in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS). An additional contribution to the 532gnm AOT by volcanic sulfate aerosol (Raikoke eruption) was estimated to always be lower than 15g%. The optical and microphysical properties of the UTLS smoke layer are presented in an accompanying paper . This smoke event offered the unique opportunity to study the influence of organic aerosol particles (serving as ice-nucleating particles, INPs) on cirrus formation in the upper troposphere. An example of a closure study is presented to explain our concept of investigating aerosol-cloud interaction in this field. The smoke particles were obviously able to control the evolution of the cirrus system and caused low ice crystal number concentration. After the discussion of two typical Arctic haze events, we present a case study of the evolution of a long-lasting mixed-phase cloud layer embedded in Arctic haze in the free troposphere. The recently introduced dual-field-of-view polarization lidar technique was applied, for the first time, to mixed-phase cloud observations in order to determine the microphysical properties of the water droplets. The mixed-phase cloud closure experiment (based on combined lidar and radar observations) indicated that the observed aerosol levels controlled the number concentrations of nucleated droplets and ice crystals

    Aerometry instrumentation study Final report

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    Techniques and instruments for meteorological measurements in Mars and Venus atmosphere


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    The atmosphere surrounding our planet is vital for the existence of many living organisms, including humans. Although this layer is quite thin, there are numerous components interacting with each other with processes taking place across widely different spatial and temporal scales. No single instrument is able to cover all of these scales, and therefore, in order to advance our knowledge of atmospheric processes and composition, different instruments, methods and synergy of instruments have to be applied. Remote sensing techniques offer a variety of possibilities for atmospheric research. Satellite remote sensing is exploited to get a regional or global view on the problems, to verify climate models, as well as to reach locations which are not accessible for measurements otherwise. Ground-based remote sensing allows a continuous monitoring of the vertical structure of the atmosphere and, due to exploiting various wavelengths, the observation of atmospheric compounds of various sizes from gases to aerosol particles to snowflakes. In this thesis, several remote sensing techniques have been utilized to find new methods of utilizing existing observations as well as the application of known methods to new geographical locations. A novel method is proposed for retrieving convective boundary layer height during spring and summer months using insect echoes in radar returns. Observations from several different radar frequencies were analysed and the proposed method was proven applicable at all frequencies given some limitations. Moreover, this method can serve as a platform for future research in different geographical locations where insects might behave differently. The synergy of ground-based lidar and airborne in situ measurements were used to study elevated aerosol layers in Southern Finland. Based on two cases, a clear-sky and partly cloudy case, the temporal and spatial variability of aerosol particle number concentration in the boundary layer and several elevated layers were investigated. Nucleation mode particles (the smallest aerosol sizes) were also detected in one of the elevated layers, which was probably not mixing with the boundary layer during a new particle formation event. In addition to aerosol particles, some lidars have the capability to measure water vapor profiles. Several calibration methods for this type of lidar were analysed in order to find an alternative to the usual method of using a radiosonde launched close by, since radiosondes may not always be available at every site. Output from a weather forecast model, or a radiosonde profile which was 100 km away, were both found to be reliable, whereas the use of satellite products required more caution in the absence of other methods. The seasonal variability of water vapour profiles was also studied. Satellite remote sensing observations were probed to obtain proxies of nucleation mode aerosol particles, which are otherwise not seen from space. So far, the results were not very successful, however, some bottlenecks were identified with a potential to improve the proxies in the future.AtmosfÀren som omger vÄr planet Àr avgörande för existensen av olika levande organismer, inklusive mÀnniskor. Trots att detta lager Àr ganska tunt, finns det massor av komponenter som interagerar med varandra och processer som Àger rum i olika rumsliga och tidsmÀssiga skalor. Inget enskilt instrument kan tÀcka alla dessa skalor och dÀrför mÄste olika instrument, metoder och synergier av instrument anvÀndas för att föra fram vÄr kunskap om atmosfÀriska processer och sammansÀttningar. FjÀrranalysmetoder erbjuder en mÀngd olika möjligheter för atmosfÀrisk forskning. SatellitfjÀrranalys utnyttjas för att fÄ en regional eller global syn pÄ problemen, för att verifiera klimatmodeller, samt för att nÄ platser som annars inte Àr tillgÀngliga för mÀtningar. Markbaserad fjÀrranalys möjliggör en kontinuerlig övervakning av atmosfÀrens vertikala struktur och, genom att utnyttja olika vÄglÀngder, observation av atmosfÀriska sammansÀttningar av olika storlekar frÄn aerosolpartiklar till snöflingor. I denna avhandling har flera fjÀrranalysmetoder anvÀnts för att hitta nya sÀtt att utnyttja befintliga observationer samt för att tillÀmpa kÀnda metoder pÄ nya geografiska platser. En ny metod föreslÄs för att skapa en konvektiv grÀnsskiktshöjd under vÄr- och sommarmÄnaderna med hjÀlp av insektsekon i radarsignalen. Observationer frÄn flera olika radarfrekvenser analyserades och den föreslagna metoden visade sig vara tillÀmpbar pÄ alla frekvenser med vissa begrÀnsningar. Dessutom kan denna metod fungera som en plattform för framtida forskning pÄ olika geografiska platser dÀr insekter kan bete sig annorlunda. Synergin mellan markbaserad lidar och luftburna in situ-mÀtningar anvÀndes för att studera förhöjda aerosollager i södra Finland. Den temporala och rumsliga variationen av aerosolpartikelkoncentrationen i grÀnsskiktet och förhöjda lager undersöktes baserat pÄ tvÄ fall, ett med klar himmel och ett delvis molnigt. Nukleationsmodpartiklar (de minsta aerosolstorlekarna) detekterades ocksÄ i ett av de förhöjda skikten, som troligtvis inte blandades med grÀnsskiktet under en ny partikelbildningshÀndelse. Förutom aerosolpartiklar har vissa lidarer förmÄgan att mÀta vattenÄngsprofiler. Flera kalibreringsmetoder för denna typ av lidar analyserades för att hitta ett alternativ till den vanliga metoden att anvÀnda en radiosonde som lanseras i nÀrheten, eftersom radiosonder inte alltid Àr tillgÀngliga pÄ alla platser. Utdata frÄn en vÀderprognosmodell eller en radiosondeprofil pÄ 100 km avstÄnd, visade sig bÄda vara tillförlitliga, medan anvÀndningen av satellitprodukter krÀvde mer försiktighet i avsaknad av andra metoder. Den sÀsongsmÀssiga variationen av vattenÄngprofiler studerades ocksÄ. SatellitfjÀrranalysobservationer undersöktes för att erhÄlla proxies för aerosolpartiklar i kÀrnbildningslÀge, vilka annars inte kan ses frÄn rymden. Hittills har resultaten dock inte varit sÀrskilt framgÄngsrika, men vissa flaskhalsar har identifierats med potential att förbÀttra fullmakterna i framtiden

    Lidar measurements of boundary layers, aerosol scattering and clouds during project FIFE

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    A detailed account of progress achieved under this grant funding is contained in five journal papers. The titles of these papers are: The calculation of area-averaged vertical profiles of the horizontal wind velocity using volume imaging lidar data; Volume imaging lidar observation of the convective structure surrounding the flight path of an instrumented aircraft; Convective boundary layer mean depths, cloud base altitudes, cloud top altitudes, cloud coverages, and cloud shadows obtained from Volume Imaging Lidar data; An accuracy analysis of the wind profiles calculated from Volume Imaging Lidar data; and Calculation of divergence and vertical motion from volume-imaging lidar data. Copies of these papers form the body of this report
