196 research outputs found

    Applications of satellite ‘hyper-sensing’ in Chinese agriculture:Challenges and opportunities

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    Ensuring adequate food supplies to a large and increasing population continues to be the key challenge for China. Given the increasing integration of China within global markets for agricultural products, this issue is of considerable significance for global food security. Over the last 50 years, China has increased the production of its staple crops mainly by increasing yield per unit land area. However, this has largely been achieved through inappropriate agricultural practices, which have caused environmental degradation, with deleterious consequences for future agricultural productivity. Hence, there is now a pressing need to intensify agriculture in China using practices that are environmentally and economically sustainable. Given the dynamic nature of crops over space and time, the use of remote sensing technology has proven to be a valuable asset providing end-users in many countries with information to guide sustainable agricultural practices. Recently, the field has experienced considerable technological advancements reflected in the availability of ‘hyper-sensing’ (high spectral, spatial and temporal) satellite imagery useful for monitoring, modelling and mapping of agricultural crops. However, there still remains a significant challenge in fully exploiting such technologies for addressing agricultural problems in China. This review paper evaluates the potential contributions of satellite ‘hyper-sensing’ to agriculture in China and identifies the opportunities and challenges for future work. We perform a critical evaluation of current capabilities in satellite ‘hyper-sensing’ in agriculture with an emphasis on Chinese sensors. Our analysis draws on a series of in-depth examples based on recent and on-going projects in China that are developing ‘hyper-sensing’ approaches for (i) measuring crop phenology parameters and predicting yields; (ii) specifying crop fertiliser requirements; (iii) optimising management responses to abiotic and biotic stress in crops; (iv) maximising yields while minimising water use in arid regions; (v) large-scale crop/cropland mapping; and (vi) management zone delineation. The paper concludes with a synthesis of these application areas in order to define the requirements for future research, technological innovation and knowledge exchange in order to deliver yield sustainability in China

    Evaluating and Developing Methods for Non-Destructive Monitoring of Biomass and Nitrogen in Wheat and Rice Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing

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    Aboveground plant biomass and plant nitrogen are two important parameters for plant growth monitoring, which have a decisive influence on the final yield. Mismanagement of fertilizer or pesticide inputs leads to poor plant growth, environmental pollution, and accordingly, yield loss. Biomass development is driven by nutrient supply, temperature, and phenology. Crop biomass reaches its highest weight at the harvest time. In contrast, plant nitrogen is dependent from fertilizer inputs to the soil and from biomass. Destructive measurement of both parameters is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Remote sensing offers remotely non-direct observation methods from outer space, air space, or close-range in the field by sensors. This dissertation focuses on non-destructive monitoring of plant biomass (the primary parameter) and plant nitrogen (the secondary parameter) using hyperspectral data from non-imaging field spectrometers and the imaging EO-1 Hyperion satellite. The study was conducted on two field crops: winter wheat of two growing seasons of the Huimin test site in the North China Plain; and rice of three growing seasons of the Jiansanjiang test site in the Sanjiang Plain of China. Study fields were set up in different spatial scales, from small experimental scale to large farmers' scale. Extensive field measurements were carried out, including both destructive measuring and non-destructive hyperspectral remote sensing of biomass and plant nitrogen. Besides, two years' Hyperion images were acquired at the Huimin test site. Four different approaches were used to develop the estimation models, which include: vegetation indices (VIs), band combinations, Optimum Multiple Narrow Band Reflectance (OMNBR) and stepwise Multiple Linear Regression (MLR), and derivatives of reflectance. Based on these four approaches, models were constructed, compared, and improved step by step. Additionally, a multiscale approach and a new VI, named GnyLi, were developed. Since experimental and farmers' fields were differently managed, several calibration and validation methods were tested and the field datasets were pooled. All tested approaches and band selections were greatly influenced by single growth stages. The broad band VIs saturated for both crops at the booting stage at the latest and were greatly outperformed by the narrow band VIs with optimized band combinations. Model applications from experimental to farmers' scale using the narrow bands measured by field spectrometers mostly failed due to the effects of different management practices and crop cultivars at both spatial scales. In contrast, the multiscale approach was successfully applied in winter wheat monitoring to transfer data and knowledge from field spectrometer measurements from the experimental scale to the farmers' field scale and the scale that is covered by the Hyperion imagery. The GnyLi and the Normalized Ratio Index (NRI) based on the optimized band combinations performed the best in the up-scaling process in the winter wheat study. In the rice study, MLR or OMNBR models based on 4–6 narrow bands better explained biomass variability compared to VIs based on broad bands and optimized band combinations. The models were more robust when data from different scales were pooled and then randomly divided into calibration and validation datasets. Additional model improvements were obtained using derivatives of reflectance. This dissertation evaluates different hyperspectral remote sensing approaches for non-destructive biomass and plant nitrogen monitoring, with the main focus on biomass estimation. The results and comparisons of different approaches revealed their potentials and limits. Development of new VIs, such as GnyLi, is advantageous due to the saturation problem of broad band VIs. However, the developed VIs need to be tested and improved for different crops and sites. Detection of optimized band combinations facilitates the development of new VIs, which are site-specific and crop-specific. MLR-based models may better explain the biomass variability; nevertheless, with more bands, they are prone to the issues of over-fitting and collinearity. Hence, no more than six bands were recommended to select from the hyperspectral data. Derivatives of reflectance were beneficial at the early growing season of rice when the canopy was strongly influenced by background signals from soil and water. However, their benefits were reduced when more bands were used

    Pengaruh Resolusi Spasial Citra terhadap Hasil Pemetaan Kandungan Hara Nitrogen Perkebunan Karet

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    Nitrogen merupakan salah satu unsur hara yang dibutuhkan dalam jumlah banyak oleh tanaman. Tanaman yang mengalami kekurangan unsur hara nitrogen akan menyebabkan terhambatnya pertumbuhan dan penurunan produktivitas tanaman. Penerapan sistem pertanian presisi pada kegiatan pemupukan di perkebunan karet dilakukan dengan cara dosis pemupukan dibuat berdasarkan kandungan hara tanah dan kandungan hara pada tanaman. Pada areal yang luas membutuhkan biaya analisa hara tanaman yang cukup mahal. Oleh karena itu sangat dibutuhkan suatu teknologi yang dapat mengestimasi kondisi hara tanaman dengan cepat dan biaya yang murah. Teknologi penginderaan jauh merupakan alternatif yang dapat digunakan untuk areal yang luas dan dengan waktu yang cepat serta biaya yang relatif murah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh resolusi spasial citra terhadap peta hasil estimasi kandungan nitrogen perkebunan karet. Citra multi resolusi yang digunakan antara lain GeoEye-1 (2 m) Sentinel-2A (10 dan 20 m) dan Landsat 8 OLI (30 m). Metode yang digunakan adalah membangun hubungan semi-empiris antara band tunggal dan indeks vegetasi citra dengan kandungan hara nitrogen perkebunan karet. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peta hasil estimasi kandungan hara nitrogen perkebunan karet menggunakan citra Sentinel-2A (SE 0,369) memiliki akurasi yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan menggunakan citra GeoEye-1 (SE 0,519) dan Landsat 8 OLI (SE 0,462)

    Remote sensing for biodiversity monitoring: a review of methods for biodiversity indicator extraction and assessment of progress towards international targets

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    Recognizing the imperative need for biodiversity protection, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has recently established new targets towards 2020, the so-called Aichi targets, and updated proposed sets of indicators to quantitatively monitor the progress towards these targets. Remote sensing has been increasingly contributing to timely, accurate, and cost-effective assessment of biodiversity-related characteristics and functions during the last years. However, most relevant studies constitute individual research efforts, rarely related with the extraction of widely adopted CBD biodiversity indicators. Furthermore, systematic operational use of remote sensing data by managing authorities has still been limited. In this study, the Aichi targets and the related CBD indicators whose monitoring can be facilitated by remote sensing are identified. For each headline indicator a number of recent remote sensing approaches able for the extraction of related properties are reviewed. Methods cover a wide range of fields, including: habitat extent and condition monitoring; species distribution; pressures from unsustainable management, pollution and climate change; ecosystem service monitoring; and conservation status assessment of protected areas. The advantages and limitations of different remote sensing data and algorithms are discussed. Sorting of the methods based on their reported accuracies is attempted, when possible. The extensive literature survey aims at reviewing highly performing methods that can be used for large-area, effective, and timely biodiversity assessment, to encourage the more systematic use of remote sensing solutions in monitoring progress towards the Aichi targets, and to decrease the gaps between the remote sensing and management communities

    Testing the temporal ability of landsat imagery and precision agriculture technology to provide high resolution historical estimates of wheat yield at the farm scale

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    The long term archiving of both Landsat imagery and wheat yield mapping datasets sensed by precision agriculture technology has the potential through the development of statistical relationships to predict high resolution estimates of wheat yield over large areas for multiple seasons. Quantifying past yield performance over different growing seasons can inform agricultural management decisions ranging from fertilizer applications at the sub-paddock scale to changes in land use at a landscape scale. However, an understanding of the magnitude of prediction errors is needed. In this study, we examine the predictive wheat yield relationships developed from Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) acquired Landsat imagery and combine-mounted yield monitors for three Western Australian farms over different growing seasons. We further analysed their predictive capability when these relationships are used to extrapolate yield from one farm to another. Over all seasons, the best predictions were achieved with imagery acquired in September. Of the five seasons reviewed, three showed very reasonable prediction accuracies, with the low and high rainfall years providing good predictions. Medium rainfall years showed the greatest variation in prediction accuracy with marginal to poor predictions resulting from narrow ranges of measured wheat yield and NDVI values. These results demonstrate the potential benefit of fusing together two high resolution datasets to create robust wheat yield prediction models over different growing seasons, the outputs of which can be used to inform agricultural decision making.Greg Lyle, Megan Lewis and Bertram Ostendor

    Remote Sensing Of Rice-Based Irrigated Agriculture: A Review

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    The ‘Green Revolution’ in rice farming of the late 1960’s denotes the beginning of the extensive breeding programs that have led to the many improved rice varieties that are now planted on more than 60% of the world’s riceland (Khush, 1987). This revolution led to increases in yield potential of 2 to 3 times that of traditional varieties (Khush, 1987). Similar trends have also been seen in the Irrigation Areas and Districts of southern New South Wales (NSW) as the local breeding program has produced many improved varieties of rice adapted to local growing conditions since the 1960’s (Brennan et al., 1994). Increases in area of rice planted, rice quality, and paddy yield resulted (Brennan et al., 1994). Increased rice area, however, has led to the development of high water tables and risk of large tracts of land becoming salt-affected in southern NSW (Humphreys et al., 1994b). These concerns have led to various environmental regulations on rice in the region, culminating in 1994 when restrictions on rice area, soil suitability, and water consumption were fully enacted (Humphreys et al., 1994b). Strict environmental restrictions in combination with large areas of land make the management of this region a difficult task. Land managers require, among other things, a way of regulating water use, assessing or predicting crop area and productivity, and making management decisions in support of environmentally and economically sustainable agriculture. In the search for more time and cost effective methods for attaining these goals, while monitoring complex management situations, many have turned to remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) technologies for assistance. The spectral information and spatial density of remote sensing data lends itself well to the measurement of large areas. Since the launch of LANDSAT-1 in 1972, this technology has been used extensively in agricultural systems for crop identification and area estimation, crop yield estimation and prediction, and crop damage assessment. The incorporation of remote sensing and GIS can also help integrate management practices and develop effective management plans. However, in order to take advantage of these tools, users must have an understanding of both what remote sensing is and what sensors are now available, and how the technology is being used in applied agricultural research. Accordingly, a description of both follows: first a description of the technology, and then how it is currently being applied. The applications of remote sensing relevant to this discussion can be separated into crop type identification; crop area measurement; crop yield; crop damage; water use/ moisture availability (ma) mapping; and water use efficiency monitoring/mapping. This report focuses on satellite remote sensing for broad-scale rice-based irrigation agricultural applications. It also discusses related regional GIS analyses that may or may not include remote sensing data, and briefly addresses other sources of finer-scale remote sensing and geospatial data as they relate to agriculture. Since a complete review of the remote sensing research was not provided in the rice literature alone, some generic agricultural issues have been learned from applications not specifically dealing with rice. Remote sensing specialists may wish to skip to section 2

    Remote Sensing Of Rice-Based Irrigated Agriculture: A Review

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    The ‘Green Revolution’ in rice farming of the late 1960’s denotes the beginning of the extensive breeding programs that have led to the many improved rice varieties that are now planted on more than 60% of the world’s riceland (Khush, 1987). This revolution led to increases in yield potential of 2 to 3 times that of traditional varieties (Khush, 1987). Similar trends have also been seen in the Irrigation Areas and Districts of southern New South Wales (NSW) as the local breeding program has produced many improved varieties of rice adapted to local growing conditions since the 1960’s (Brennan et al., 1994). Increases in area of rice planted, rice quality, and paddy yield resulted (Brennan et al., 1994). Increased rice area, however, has led to the development of high water tables and risk of large tracts of land becoming salt-affected in southern NSW (Humphreys et al., 1994b). These concerns have led to various environmental regulations on rice in the region, culminating in 1994 when restrictions on rice area, soil suitability, and water consumption were fully enacted (Humphreys et al., 1994b). Strict environmental restrictions in combination with large areas of land make the management of this region a difficult task. Land managers require, among other things, a way of regulating water use, assessing or predicting crop area and productivity, and making management decisions in support of environmentally and economically sustainable agriculture. In the search for more time and cost effective methods for attaining these goals, while monitoring complex management situations, many have turned to remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) technologies for assistance. The spectral information and spatial density of remote sensing data lends itself well to the measurement of large areas. Since the launch of LANDSAT-1 in 1972, this technology has been used extensively in agricultural systems for crop identification and area estimation, crop yield estimation and prediction, and crop damage assessment. The incorporation of remote sensing and GIS can also help integrate management practices and develop effective management plans. However, in order to take advantage of these tools, users must have an understanding of both what remote sensing is and what sensors are now available, and how the technology is being used in applied agricultural research. Accordingly, a description of both follows: first a description of the technology, and then how it is currently being applied. The applications of remote sensing relevant to this discussion can be separated into crop type identification; crop area measurement; crop yield; crop damage; water use/ moisture availability (ma) mapping; and water use efficiency monitoring/mapping. This report focuses on satellite remote sensing for broad-scale rice-based irrigation agricultural applications. It also discusses related regional GIS analyses that may or may not include remote sensing data, and briefly addresses other sources of finer-scale remote sensing and geospatial data as they relate to agriculture. Since a complete review of the remote sensing research was not provided in the rice literature alone, some generic agricultural issues have been learned from applications not specifically dealing with rice. Remote sensing specialists may wish to skip to section 2

    High-throughput estimation of crop traits: A review of ground and aerial phenotyping platforms

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    Crop yields need to be improved in a sustainable manner to meet the expected worldwide increase in population over the coming decades as well as the effects of anticipated climate change. Recently, genomics-assisted breeding has become a popular approach to food security; in this regard, the crop breeding community must better link the relationships between the phenotype and the genotype. While high-throughput genotyping is feasible at a low cost, highthroughput crop phenotyping methods and data analytical capacities need to be improved. High-throughput phenotyping offers a powerful way to assess particular phenotypes in large-scale experiments, using high-tech sensors, advanced robotics, and imageprocessing systems to monitor and quantify plants in breeding nurseries and field experiments at multiple scales. In addition, new bioinformatics platforms are able to embrace large-scale, multidimensional phenotypic datasets. Through the combined analysis of phenotyping and genotyping data, environmental responses and gene functions can now be dissected at unprecedented resolution. This will aid in finding solutions to currently limited and incremental improvements in crop yields

    Satellite and Fluorescence Remote Sensing for Rice Nitrogen Status Diagnosis in Northeast China

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    Nitrogen (N), as the most important element of crop growth and development, plays a decisive role in ensuring yield. However, the problems of over-application of N fertilizers have been repeatedly reported in China, which resulted in low N use efficiency and high risk of environmental pollution. The requirements of developing technologies for real-time and site-specific diagnosis of crop N status are the foundation to realize the precision N management, and also benefit to the improvement of the N use efficiency. Remote sensing technology provides a promising non-intrusive solution to monitor rice N status and to realize the precision N management over large areas. This research focuses on proposing N nutrition diagnosis methods and developing N fertilizer management strategies for paddy rice of cold regions in Northeast China. The main contents and results are presented as follows: (1)This study developed a new critical N (Nc) dilution curve for paddy rice of cold regions in Northeast China. The curve could be described by the equation Nc=27.7W^(-0.34) if W≥1 t/ha for dry matter (DM) or Nc=27.7g/kg DM if W<1 t/ha, where W is the aboveground biomass. Results indicated that the new Nc dilution curve was suitable for diagnosing short-season Japonica rice N status in Northeast China. The validation result indicated that it worked well to diagnose plant N status of the 11-leaf variety rice. (2)This study investigated the potential of the satellite remote sensing data for diagnosing rice N status and guiding the topdressing N application at the stem elongation stage in Northeast China. 50 vegetation indices (VIs) were computed based on the FORMOSAT-2 satellite data, and they were correlated with the field-based agronomic variables, i.e., aboveground biomass (AGB), leaf area index (LAI), plant N concentration (PNC), plant N uptake (PNU), chlorophyll meter readings, and N nutrition index (NNI, defined as the ratio of actual PNC and critical PNC according to the new Nc dilution curves). The results presented that 45% of variation in the NNI was obtained by using a direct estimation method based on the best VI according to the FORMOSAT-2 satellite data, while 52% of the variation in the NNI was yielded by an indirect estimation method, which firstly used the VIs to estimate AGB and PNU, respectively, then estimated NNI according to these two variables. Moreover, based on the critical N uptake curve, a N recommendation algorithm was proposed. The algorithm was based on the difference between the estimated PNU and the critical PNU to adjust the topdressing N application rate. The results demonstrated that FORMOSAT-2 images have the potential to estimate rice N status and guide panicle N fertilizer applications in Northeast China. (3)This study also evaluated the potential improvements of the newest satellite sensors with the red edge band for diagnosing rice N status in Northeast China. The canopy-scale hyperspectral data were upscaled to simulate the wavebands of RapidEye, WorldView-2, and FORMOSAT-2, respectively. The VI analysis, stepwise multiple linear regression (SMLR), and partial least squares regression (PLSR) were performed to evaluate the N status indicators. The results indicated that the VIs based on the RE band from RapidEye and WorldView-2 data could explain more variability for N indicators than the VIs from FORMOSAT-2 data having no RE band. Moreover, the SMLR and PLSR results revealed that both the near-infrared and red edge band were important for N status estimation. (4)The proximal fluorescence sensor Multiplex_3 was used to evaluate the potential of fluorescence spectrum for estimating the N status of the cold regional paddy rice at different growth stages. The Multiplex indices and their normalized N sufficient indices (NSI) were used to estimate the five N status indicators, i.e., AGB, leaf N concentration (LNC), PNC, PNU, and NNI. The results indicated that there were strong relationships between the fluorescence indices (i.e., BRR_FRF, FLAV, NBI_G, and NBI_R) and (i.e., LNC, PNC, NNI), with the coefficient of determination between 0.40 and 0.78. In particular, NNI was well estimated by these fluorescence indices. Moreover, the NSI data improved the accuracy of the N diagnosis. These results of this study were useful for N nutrition diagnosis and variable fertilization of the cold regional paddy rice, which were significant for the ecological environment protection and the national food security
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