1,237 research outputs found

    Hardware Implementation of the GPS authentication

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    In this paper, we explore new area/throughput trade- offs for the Girault, Poupard and Stern authentication protocol (GPS). This authentication protocol was selected in the NESSIE competition and is even part of the standard ISO/IEC 9798. The originality of our work comes from the fact that we exploit a fixed key to increase the throughput. It leads us to implement GPS using the Chapman constant multiplier. This parallel implementation is 40 times faster but 10 times bigger than the reference serial one. We propose to serialize this multiplier to reduce its area at the cost of lower throughput. Our hybrid Chapman's multiplier is 8 times faster but only twice bigger than the reference. Results presented here allow designers to adapt the performance of GPS authentication to their hardware resources. The complete GPS prover side is also integrated in the network stack of the PowWow sensor which contains an Actel IGLOO AGL250 FPGA as a proof of concept.Comment: ReConFig - International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs (2012

    Digital implementation of the cellular sensor-computers

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    Two different kinds of cellular sensor-processor architectures are used nowadays in various applications. The first is the traditional sensor-processor architecture, where the sensor and the processor arrays are mapped into each other. The second is the foveal architecture, in which a small active fovea is navigating in a large sensor array. This second architecture is introduced and compared here. Both of these architectures can be implemented with analog and digital processor arrays. The efficiency of the different implementation types, depending on the used CMOS technology, is analyzed. It turned out, that the finer the technology is, the better to use digital implementation rather than analog

    Design and implementation of DA FIR filter for bio-inspired computing architecture

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    This paper elucidates the system construct of DA-FIR filter optimized for design of distributed arithmetic (DA) finite impulse response (FIR) filter and is based on architecture with tightly coupled co-processor based data processing units. With a series of look-up-table (LUT) accesses in order to emulate multiply and accumulate operations the constructed DA based FIR filter is implemented on FPGA. The very high speed integrated circuit hardware description language (VHDL) is used implement the proposed filter and the design is verified using simulation. This paper discusses two optimization algorithms and resulting optimizations are incorporated into LUT layer and architecture extractions. The proposed method offers an optimized design in the form of offers average miminimizations of the number of LUT, reduction in populated slices and gate minimization for DA-finite impulse response filter. This research paves a direction towards development of bio inspired computing architectures developed without logically intensive operations, obtaining the desired specifications with respect to performance, timing, and reliability

    LUT-NN: Empower Efficient Neural Network Inference with Centroid Learning and Table Lookup

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    On-device Deep Neural Network (DNN) inference consumes significant computing resources and development efforts. To alleviate that, we propose LUT-NN, the first system to empower inference by table lookup, to reduce inference cost. LUT-NN learns the typical features for each operator, named centroid, and precompute the results for these centroids to save in lookup tables. During inference, the results of the closest centroids with the inputs can be read directly from the table, as the approximated outputs without computations. LUT-NN integrates two major novel techniques: (1) differentiable centroid learning through backpropagation, which adapts three levels of approximation to minimize the accuracy impact by centroids; (2) table lookup inference execution, which comprehensively considers different levels of parallelism, memory access reduction, and dedicated hardware units for optimal performance. LUT-NN is evaluated on multiple real tasks, covering image and speech recognition, and nature language processing. Compared to related work, LUT-NN improves accuracy by 66% to 92%, achieving similar level with the original models. LUT-NN reduces the cost at all dimensions, including FLOPs (≀\leq 16x), model size (≀\leq 7x), latency (≀\leq 6.8x), memory (≀\leq 6.5x), and power (≀\leq 41.7%)

    Time-Precision Flexible Arithmetic Unit

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    Paper submitted to the XVIII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS), Ciudad Real, España, 2003.A new conception of flexible calculation that allows us to adjust an operation depending on the available time computation is presented. The proposed arithmetic unit is based on this principle. It contains a control operation module that determines the process time of each calculation. The operation method design uses precalculated data stored in look-up tables, which provide, above all, quality results and systematization in the implementation of low level primitives that set parameters for the processing time. We report an evaluation of the architecture in area, delay and computation error, as well as a suitable implementation in FPGA to validate the design.This work is being backed by grant DPI2002-04434-C04-01 from the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología of the Spanish Government

    Efficient hardware implementations of low bit depth motion estimation algorithms

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    In this paper, we present efficient hardware implementation of multiplication free one-bit transform (MF1BT) based and constraint one-bit transform (C-1BT) based motion estimation (ME) algorithms, in order to provide low bit-depth representation based full search block ME hardware for real-time video encoding. We used a source pixel based linear array (SPBLA) hardware architecture for low bit depth ME for the first time in the literature. The proposed SPBLA based implementation results in a genuine data flow scheme which significantly reduces the number of data reads from the current block memory, which in turn reduces the power consumption by at least 50% compared to conventional 1BT based ME hardware architecture presented in the literature. Because of the binary nature of low bit-depth ME algorithms, their hardware architectures are more efficient than existing 8 bits/pixel representation based ME architectures
