709 research outputs found

    Performance of Anti-Lock Braking Systems Based on Adaptive and Intelligent Control Methodologies

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    Automobiles of today must constantly change their speeds in reaction to changing road and traffic circumstances as the pace and density of road traffic increases. In sophisticated automobiles, the Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) is a vehicle safety system that enhances the vehicle's stability and steering capabilities by varying the torque to maintain the slip ratio at a safe level. This paper analyzes the performance of classical control, model reference adaptive control (MRAC), and intelligent control for controlling the (ABS). The ABS controller's goal is to keep the wheel slip ratio, which includes nonlinearities, parametric uncertainties, and disturbances as close to an optimal slip value as possible. This will decrease the stopping distance and guarantee safe vehicle operation during braking. A Bang-bang controller, PID, PID based Model Reference Adaptive Control (PID-MRAD), Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC), and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) controller are used to control the vehicle model. The car was tested on a dry asphalt and ice road with only straight-line braking. Based on slip ratio, vehicle speed, angular velocity, and stopping time, comparisons are performed between all control strategies. To analyze braking characteristics, the simulation changes the road surface condition, vehicle weight, and control methods. The simulation results revealed that our objectives were met. The simulation results clearly show that the ANFIS provides more flexibility and improves system-tracking precision in control action compared to the Bang-bang, PID, PID-MRAC, and FLC

    A hardware-in-the-loop test rig for development of electric vehicle battery identification and state estimation algorithms

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    This paper describes a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) test rig for the test and development of electric vehicle battery parameterisation and state-estimation algorithms in the presence of realistic real-world duty cycles. The rig includes two electric machines, a battery pack, a real-time simulator, a thermal chamber and a PC for human-machine interface. Other parts of a vehicle powertrain system are modelled and used in the real-time simulator. A generic framework has been developed for real-time battery measurement, model identification and state estimation. Measurements are used to extract parameters of an equivalent circuit network model. Outputs of the identification unit are then used by an estimation unit trained to find the relationship between the battery parameters and state-of-charge. The results demonstrate that even with a high noise level in measured data, the proposed identification and estimation algorithms are able to work well in real-time

    Design and Electronic Implementation of Machine Learning-based Advanced Driving Assistance Systems

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    200 p.Esta tesis tiene como objetivo contribuir al desarrollo y perfeccionamiento de sistemas avanzados a la conducción (ADAS). Para ello, basándose en bases de datos de conducción real, se exploran las posibilidades de personalización de los ADAS existentes mediante técnicas de machine learning, tales como las redes neuronales o los sistemas neuro-borrosos. Así, se obtienen parámetros característicos del estilo cada conductor que ayudan a llevar a cabo una personalización automatizada de los ADAS que equipe el vehículo, como puede ser el control de crucero adaptativo. Por otro lado, basándose en esos mismos parámetros de estilo de conducción, se proponen nuevos ADAS que asesoren a los conductores para modificar su estilo de conducción, con el objetivo de mejorar tanto el consumo de combustible y la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero, como el confort de marcha. Además, dado que esta personalización tiene como objetivo que los sistemas automatizados imiten en cierta manera, y siempre dentro de parámetros seguros, el estilo del conductor humano, se espera que contribuya a incrementar la aceptación de estos sistemas, animando a la utilización y, por tanto, contribuyendo positivamente a la mejora de la seguridad, de la eficiencia energética y del confort de marcha. Además, estos sistemas deben ejecutarse en una plataforma que sea apta para ser embarcada en el automóvil, y, por ello, se exploran las posibilidades de implementación HW/SW en dispositivos reconfigurables tipo FPGA. Así, se desarrollan soluciones HW/SW que implementan los ADAS propuestos en este trabajo con un alto grado de exactitud, rendimiento, y en tiempo real

    Intelligent energy management in hybrid electric vehicles

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    The modelling and simulation approach is employed to develop an intelligent energy management system for hybrid electric vehicles. The aim is to optimize fuel consumption and reduce emissions. An analysis of the role of drivetrain, energy management control strategy and the associated impacts on the fuel consumption with combined wind/drag, slope, rolling, and accessories loads are included.<br /

    Fuzzy Logic Controller for Parallel Plug-in Hybrid Vehicle

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    Hybrid electric vehicles combine two methods for propelling a vehicle. In a parallel hybrid vehicle, the two propulsion methods work in parallel to meet the total power demand. Among different combination of power sources, internal combustion engine and electric motor drive system are the most popular because of their availability and controllability. Plug-in hybrid vehicle is the latest version in hybrid vehicle family. In plug-in hybrid vehicle, battery is directly recharged from the electrical power grid and it can be used for a long distance with higher efficiency. Most of the hybrid vehicles on the road are parallel in nature and battery is recharged directly by the engine. If it is possible to convert existing hybrid vehicle into plug-in hybrid vehicle, it will lead to significant improvements in fuel economy and emissions.In this thesis, two fuzzy logic controllers have been developed for the energy management system of the hybrid vehicle. For the first controller, it is assumed that the vehicle will work like a plug-in hybrid vehicle. For the second controller it is assumed that the battery will always recharged by the engine. It is found that with the help of developed fuzzy logic controller, the plug-in hybrid vehicle can run up to 200 miles with high efficiency. Both controllers are developed and their performance is tested on the highly reliable vehicle modeling and simulation software AUTONOMIE. The main objective of developing the controllers is increasing the fuel economy of the vehicle. The results from the both developed controllers are compared with the default controller in AUTONOMIE in order to show performance improvements

    State of the art of control schemes for smart systems featuring magneto-rheological materials

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    This review presents various control strategies for application systems utilizing smart magneto-rheological fluid (MRF) and magneto-rheological elastomers (MRE). It is well known that both MRF and MRE are actively studied and applied to many practical systems such as vehicle dampers. The mandatory requirements for successful applications of MRF and MRE include several factors: advanced material properties, optimal mechanisms, suitable modeling, and appropriate control schemes. Among these requirements, the use of an appropriate control scheme is a crucial factor since it is the final action stage of the application systems to achieve the desired output responses. There are numerous different control strategies which have been applied to many different application systems of MRF and MRE, summarized in this review. In the literature review, advantages and disadvantages of each control scheme are discussed so that potential researchers can develop more effective strategies to achieve higher control performance of many application systems utilizing magneto-rheological materials

    Intelligent Torque Vectoring Approach For Electric Vehicles With Per-Wheel Motors

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    Transport electrification is currently a priority for authorities, manufacturers, and research centers around the world. The development of electric vehicles and the improvement of their functionalities are key elements in this strategy. As a result, there is a need for further research in emission reduction, efficiency improvement, or dynamic handling approaches. In order to achieve these objectives, the development of suitable Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS) is required. Although traditional control techniques have been widely used for ADAS implementation, the complexity of electric multimotor powertrains makes intelligent control approaches appropriate for these cases. In this work, a novel intelligent Torque Vectoring (TV) system, composed of a neuro-fuzzy vertical tire forces estimator and a fuzzy yaw moment controller, is proposed, which allows enhancing the dynamic behaviour of electric multimotor vehicles. The proposed approach is compared with traditional strategies using the high fidelity vehicle dynamics simulator Dynacar. Results show that the proposed intelligent Torque Vectoring system is able to increase the efficiency of the vehicle by 10%, thanks to the optimal torque distribution and the use of a neuro-fuzzy vertical tire forces estimator which provides 3 times more accurate estimations than analytical approaches.The research leading to these results has been supported by the ECSEL Joint Undertaking under Grant agreement no. 662192 (3Ccar). This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation program and the ECSEL member states

    Implementation of Automatic DC Motor Braking PID Control System on (Disc Brakes)

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    The vital role of an automated braking system in ensuring the safety of motorized vehicles and their passengers cannot be overstated. It simplifies the braking process during driving, enhancing control and reducing the chances of accidents. This study is centered on the design of an automatic braking device for DC motors utilizing disc brakes. The instrument employed in this study was designed to accelerate the vehicle in two primary scenarios - before the collision with an obstacle and upon crossing the safety threshold. It achieves this by implementing the Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control method. A significant part of this system comprises ultrasonic sensors, used for detecting the distance to obstructions, and rotary encoder sensors, which are utilized to measure the motor's rotational speed. These distance and speed readings serve as essential reference points for the braking process. The system is engineered to initiate braking when the distance value equals or falls below 60cm or when the speed surpasses 8000rpm. During such events, the disc brake is activated to reduce the motor's rotary motion. The suppression of the disc brake lever is executed pneumatically, informed by the sensor readings. Applying the PID method to the automatic braking system improved braking outcomes compared to a system without the PID method. This was proven by more effective braking results when the sensors detected specific distance and speed values. Numerous PID tuning tests achieved optimal results with K_p = 5, K_i = 1, and K_d = 3. These values can be integrated into automatic braking systems for improved performance. The PID method yielded more responsive braking outcomes when applied in distance testing. On the contrary, the braking results were largely unchanged in the absence of PID. Regarding speed testing, the PID method significantly improved the slowing down of the motor speed when it exceeded the maximum speed limit of 8000 rpm. This eliminates the possibility of sudden braking, thus maintaining the system within a safe threshold. The average time taken by the system to apply braking was 01.09 seconds, an indication of its quick responsiveness. This research is a valuable addition to control science, applying the PID control method to automatic DC motor braking. It provides valuable insights and concrete applications of PID control to complex mechatronic systems. It is also noteworthy for its development and optimization of suitable PID parameters to achieve responsive and stable braking. The study, therefore, offers a profound understanding of how PID control can be employed to manage braking systems on automatic DC motors, thereby advancing knowledge and application of control in control science and mechatronics

    Modelling and control of hybrid electric vehicles (a comprehensive review)

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    The gradual decline in global oil reserves and presence of ever so stringent emissions rules around the world, have created an urgent need for the production of automobiles with improved fuel economy. HEVs (hybrid electric vehicles) have proved a viable option to guarantying improved fuel economy and reduced emissions.The fuel consumption benefits which can be realised when utilising HEV architecture are dependent on how much braking energy is regenerated, and how well the regenerated energy is utilized. The challenge in developing an HEV control strategy lies in the satisfaction of often conflicting control constraints involving fuel consumption, emissions and driveability without over-depleting the battery state of charge at the end of the defined driving cycle.To this effect, a number of power management strategies have been proposed in literature. This paper presents a comprehensive review of these literatures, focusing primarily on contributions in the aspect of parallel hybrid electric vehicle modelling and control. As part of this treatise, exploitable research gaps are also identified. This paper prides itself as a comprehensive reference for researchers in the field of hybrid electric vehicle development, control and optimization