96 research outputs found

    Parsing Large XES Files for Discovering Process Models: A Big Data Problem

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    Process mining is a group of techniques for retrieving de-facto models using system traces. Discovering algorithms can obtain mathematical models exploiting the information contained into list of events of activities. Completeness of the traces is relevant for the accuracy of the final results. Noiseless traces appear as an ideal scenario. The performance of the algorithms is significant reduce if the log files are not processed efficiently. XES is a logical model for process logs stored in data centric xml files. In real processes the sizes of the logs increase exponentially. Parsing XES files is presented as a big data problem in real scenarios with dense traces. Lazy parsers and DOM models are not enough appropriate in scenarios with large volumes of data. We discuss this problematic and how to use indexing techniques for retrieving useful information for process mining. An XES compression schema is also discussed for reducing the index construction time

    Strain state detection in composite structures: Review and new challenges

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    Developing an advanced monitoring system for strain measurements on structural components represents a significant task, both in relation to testing of in-service parameters and early identification of structural problems. This paper aims to provide a state-of-the-art review on strain detection techniques in composite structures. The review represented a good opportunity for direct comparison of different novel strain measurement techniques. Fibers Bragg grating (FBG) was discussed as well as non-contact techniques together with semiconductor strain gauges (SGs), specifically infrared (IR) thermography and the digital image correlation (DIC) applied in order to detect strain and failure growth during the tests. The challenges of the research community are finally discussed by opening the current scenario to new objectives and industrial applications

    Strain State Detection in Composite Structures: Review and New Challenges

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    Developing an advanced monitoring system for strain measurements on structural components represents a significant task, both in relation to testing of in-service parameters and early identification of structural problems. This paper aims to provide a state-of-the-art review on strain detection techniques in composite structures. The review represented a good opportunity for direct comparison of different novel strain measurement techniques. Fibers Bragg grating (FBG) was discussed as well as non-contact techniques together with semiconductor strain gauges (SGs), specifically infrared (IR) thermography and the digital image correlation (DIC) applied in order to detect strain and failure growth during the tests. The challenges of the research community are finally discussed by opening the current scenario to new objectives and industrial applications

    Technologies, routing policies and relationships between autonomous systems in inter-domain routing

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    A deep exploration of the issues related to routing decisions in inter-domain routing is the scope of this thesis, through the analysis of the interconnection structure and the network hierarchy, the examination of the inter-domain routing protocol used to exchange network reachability information with other systems, the examination of the routing decision process between the entities according to their attributes and policies, the study of the topology generators of the AS relationships, reviewing the most interesting proposals in this area, describing why these issues are difficult to solve, and proposing solutions allowing to better understand the routing process and optimally solve the trade-off of implementing a Peering Engagement between two Autonomous Systems, against the extra cost that this solution represent. More specifically this thesis introduces a new scheme for the routing decision in a BGP speaker through a formalization of the routing decision process, and proposes a formulation of a real and exhaustive mathematical model of a Peering Engagement between Autonomous Systems, to be solved as a problem of maximization with an ad-hoc built Decision Support System (XESS) able to find an optimal reduced set of solutions to the proposed problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABSTRACT [IT] Un’analisi approfondita delle tematiche inerenti le decisioni di routing nel routing interdominio è oggetto di questa tesi, attraverso l’esame della struttura di interconnessione e delle gerarchia del network, lo studio del protocollo utilizzato nel routing interdominio per scambiare le informazioni di reachability con gli altri sistemi, l’analisi del processo decisionale tra le entità coinvolte nello scambio di tali informazioni in accordo con le politiche e gli attributi, lo studio delle topologie sintetiche derivate dallo studio delle relazioni tra gli AS, attraverso i lavori di ricerca in quest’area, la descrizione dei problemi e delle difficoltà, e offrendo un contributo atto a fornire una maggiore comprensione del processo decisionale nel routing interdominio e una soluzione per l’implementazione di un processo di Peering tra Autonomous System. In particolare, questa tesi introduce un nuovo modello per il processo decisionale in uno speaker BGP attraverso la formalizzazione del routing decision process, e propone un modello matematico esaustivo delle meccaniche legate al processo di Peering Engagement tra Autonomous System, da analizzare come problema di massimizzazione e da risolvere con un Decision Support System (XESS) creato per trovare un sottoinsieme ottimo di soluzioni al problema matematico proposto

    Booleovská faktorová analýza atraktorovou neuronovou sítí

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    Import 23/08/2017Methods for the discovery of hidden structures of high-dimensional binary data rank among the most important challenges facing the community of machine learning researchers at present. There are many approaches in the literature that try to solve this hitherto rather ill-defined task. The Boolean factor analysis (BFA) studied in this work represents a hidden structure of binary data as Boolean superposition of binary factors complied with the BFA generative model of signals, and the criterion of optimality of BFA solution is given. In these terms, the BFA is a well-defined task completely analogous to linear factor analysis. The main contributions of the dissertation thesis are as follows: Firstly, an efficient BFA method, based on the original attractor neural network with increasing activity (ANNIA), which is subsequently improved through a combination with the expectation-maximization method(EM),so LANNIA method has been developed. Secondly, the characteristics of the ANNIA that are important for LANNIA and ANNIA methods functioning were analyzed. Then the functioning of both methods was validated on artificially generated data sets. Next, the method was applied to real-world data from different areas of science to demonstrate their contribution to this type of analysis. Finally, the BFA method was compared with related methods, including applicability analysis.Jednou z nejdůležitějších výzev současnosti, která stojí před komunitou badatelů z oblasti strojového učení je výzkum metod pro analýzu vysoce-dimenzionálních binárních dat s cílem odhalení jejich skryté struktury. V literatuře můžeme nalézt mnoho přístupů, které se snaží tuto doposud poněkud vágně definovanou úlohu řešit. Booleovská Faktorová Analýza (BFA), jež je předmětem této práce, předpokládá, že skrytou strukturu binárních dat lze reprezentovat jako booleovskou superpozici binárních faktorů tak, aby co nejlépe odpovídala generativnímu modelu signálů BFA a danému kritériu optimálnosti. Za těchto podmínek je BFA dob��e definovaná úloha zcela analogická lineární faktorové analýze. Hlavní přínosy disertační práce, jsou následující: Za prvé byl vyvinut efektivní způsob BFA založený na původní atraktorové neuronové síti s rostoucí aktivitou (ANNIA), která byla následně zlepšena kombinací s metodou expectation–maximization (EM)a tak vytvo5ena metoda LANNIA. Dále byly provedeny analýzy charakteristik ANNIA, které jsou důležité pro fungování obou metod. Funkčnost obou metod byla také ověřena na uměle vytvořených souborech dat pokrývajících celou škálu parametrů generativního modelu. Dále je v práci ukázáno použití metod na reálných datech z různých oblastí vědy s cílem prokázat jejich přínos pro tento typ analýzy. A konečně bylo provedeno i srovnání metod BFA se podobnými metodami včetně analýzy jejich použitelnosti.460 - Katedra informatikyvyhově

    Nuclear Power - Control, Reliability and Human Factors

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    Advances in reactor designs, materials and human-machine interfaces guarantee safety and reliability of emerging reactor technologies, eliminating possibilities for high-consequence human errors as those which have occurred in the past. New instrumentation and control technologies based in digital systems, novel sensors and measurement approaches facilitate safety, reliability and economic competitiveness of nuclear power options. Autonomous operation scenarios are becoming increasingly popular to consider for small modular systems. This book belongs to a series of books on nuclear power published by InTech. It consists of four major sections and contains twenty-one chapters on topics from key subject areas pertinent to instrumentation and control, operation reliability, system aging and human-machine interfaces. The book targets a broad potential readership group - students, researchers and specialists in the field - who are interested in learning about nuclear power

    Personalizing the web: A tool for empowering end-users to customize the web through browser-side modification

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    167 p.Web applications delegate to the browser the final rendering of their pages. Thispermits browser-based transcoding (a.k.a. Web Augmentation) that can be ultimately singularized for eachbrowser installation. This creates an opportunity for Web consumers to customize their Web experiences.This vision requires provisioning adequate tooling that makes Web Augmentation affordable to laymen.We consider this a special class of End-User Development, integrating Web Augmentation paradigms.The dominant paradigm in End-User Development is scripting languages through visual languages.This thesis advocates for a Google Chrome browser extension for Web Augmentation. This is carried outthrough WebMakeup, a visual DSL programming tool for end-users to customize their own websites.WebMakeup removes, moves and adds web nodes from different web pages in order to avoid tabswitching, scrolling, the number of clicks and cutting and pasting. Moreover, Web Augmentationextensions has difficulties in finding web elements after a website updating. As a consequence, browserextensions give up working and users might stop using these extensions. This is why two differentlocators have been implemented with the aim of improving web locator robustness

    Characterization and Modelling of Composites

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    Composites have increasingly been used in various structural components in the aerospace, marine, automotive, and wind energy sectors. The material characterization of composites is a vital part of the product development and production process. Physical, mechanical, and chemical characterization helps developers to further their understanding of products and materials, thus ensuring quality control. Achieving an in-depth understanding and consequent improvement of the general performance of these materials, however, still requires complex material modeling and simulation tools, which are often multiscale and encompass multiphysics. This Special Issue aims to solicit papers concerning promising, recent developments in composite modeling, simulation, and characterization, in both design and manufacturing areas, including experimental as well as industrial-scale case studies. All submitted manuscripts will undergo a rigorous review process and will only be considered for publication if they meet journal standards. Selected top articles may have their processing charges waived at the recommendation of reviewers and the Guest Editor

    Personalizing the web: A tool for empowering end-users to customize the web through browser-side modification

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    167 p.Web applications delegate to the browser the final rendering of their pages. Thispermits browser-based transcoding (a.k.a. Web Augmentation) that can be ultimately singularized for eachbrowser installation. This creates an opportunity for Web consumers to customize their Web experiences.This vision requires provisioning adequate tooling that makes Web Augmentation affordable to laymen.We consider this a special class of End-User Development, integrating Web Augmentation paradigms.The dominant paradigm in End-User Development is scripting languages through visual languages.This thesis advocates for a Google Chrome browser extension for Web Augmentation. This is carried outthrough WebMakeup, a visual DSL programming tool for end-users to customize their own websites.WebMakeup removes, moves and adds web nodes from different web pages in order to avoid tabswitching, scrolling, the number of clicks and cutting and pasting. Moreover, Web Augmentationextensions has difficulties in finding web elements after a website updating. As a consequence, browserextensions give up working and users might stop using these extensions. This is why two differentlocators have been implemented with the aim of improving web locator robustness