103 research outputs found


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    Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs) aim at improving road safety and travel comfort, by providing self-organizing environments to disseminate traffic data, without requiring fixed infrastructure or centralized administration. Since traffic data is of public interest and usually benefit a group of users rather than a specific individual, it is more appropriate to rely on broadcasting for data dissemination in VANETs. However, broadcasting under dense networks suffers from high percentage of data redundancy that wastes the limited radio channel bandwidth. Moreover, packet collisions may lead to the broadcast storm problem when large number of vehicles in the same vicinity rebroadcast nearly simultaneously. The broadcast storm problem is still challenging in the context of VANET, due to the rapid changes in the network topology, which are difficult to predict and manage. Existing solutions either do not scale well under high density scenarios, or require extra communication overhead to estimate traffic density, so as to manage data dissemination accordingly. In this dissertation, we specifically aim at providing an efficient solution for the broadcast storm problem in VANETs, in order to support different types of applications. A novel approach is developed to provide scalable broadcast without extra communication overhead, by relying on traffic regime estimation using speed data. We theoretically validate the utilization of speed instead of the density to estimate traffic flow. The results of simulating our approach under different density scenarios show its efficiency in providing scalable multi-hop data dissemination for VANETs

    Vehicle classification in intelligent transport systems: an overview, methods and software perspective

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    Vehicle Classification (VC) is a key element of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Diverse ranges of ITS applications like security systems, surveillance frameworks, fleet monitoring, traffic safety, and automated parking are using VC. Basically, in the current VC methods, vehicles are classified locally as a vehicle passes through a monitoring area, by fixed sensors or using a compound method. This paper presents a pervasive study on the state of the art of VC methods. We introduce a detailed VC taxonomy and explore the different kinds of traffic information that can be extracted via each method. Subsequently, traditional and cutting edge VC systems are investigated from different aspects. Specifically, strengths and shortcomings of the existing VC methods are discussed and real-time alternatives like Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) are investigated to convey physical as well as kinematic characteristics of the vehicles. Finally, we review a broad range of soft computing solutions involved in VC in the context of machine learning, neural networks, miscellaneous features, models and other methods

    Performance improvement in geographic routing for vehicular Ad Hoc networks

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    Geographic routing is one of the most investigated themes by researchers for reliable and efficient dissemination of information in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs). Recently, different Geographic Distance Routing (GEDIR) protocols have been suggested in the literature. These protocols focus on reducing the forwarding region towards destination to select the Next Hop Vehicles (NHV). Most of these protocols suffer from the problem of elevated one-hop link disconnection, high end-to-end delay and low throughput even at normal vehicle speed in high vehicle density environment. This paper proposes a Geographic Distance Routing protocol based on Segment vehicle, Link quality and Degree of connectivity (SLD-GEDIR). The protocol selects a reliable NHV using the criteria segment vehicles, one-hop link quality and degree of connectivity. The proposed protocol has been simulated in NS-2 and its performance has been compared with the state-of-the-art protocols: P-GEDIR, J-GEDIR and V-GEDIR. The empirical results clearly reveal that SLD-GEDIR has lower link disconnection and end-to-end delay, and higher throughput as compared to the state-of-the-art protocols. It should be noted that the performance of the proposed protocol is preserved irrespective of vehicle density and spee

    Roteamento de tráfego veicular colaborativo e sem infraestrutura para sistemas de transportes inteligentes  

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    Orientadores: Leandro Aparecido Villas, Edmundo Roberto Mauro MadeiraTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Devido à atual tendência mundial de urbanização, a sociedade moderna enfrenta, cada vez mais, sérios problemas de mobilidade urbana. Além disso, com o aumento constante do fluxo de tráfego veicular, as atuais soluções existentes para gerenciamento de tráfego se tornaram ineficientes. Com isso, para atender às crescentes necessidades dos sistemas de transporte, é necessário sistemas de transporte inteligentes (ITS). O desenvolvimento de ITS sustentável requer integração e interoperabilidade contínuas com tecnologias emergentes, tais como as redes veiculares (VANETs). As VANETs são consideradas uma tecnologia promissora que provê aplicações críticas de segurança e serviços de entretenimento, consequentemente melhorando a experiência de viagem do motorista e dos passageiros. Esta tese propõe um sistema de gerenciamento de tráfego de veículos sem a necessidade de uma infraestrutura de apoio. Para alcançar o sistema desejado foram necessários propor soluções intermediárias que contribuíram nesta tese. A primeira contribuição reside em uma solução que emprega conhecimento histórico dos padrões de mobilidade dos motoristas para obter uma visão global da situação da rede viária. Diferentemente de outras abordagens que precisam de troca constante de informações entre os veículos e o servidor central, nossa solução utiliza informações espaciais e temporais sobre padrões de mobilidade, além das informações específicas da infraestrutura viária, a fim de identificar congestionamentos no tráfego, permitindo, assim, o planejamento de roteamento de veículos. Como segunda contribuição, foi proposta uma solução distribuída para calcular a intermediação egocêntrica nas VANETs. Por meio da métrica egocêntrica foi proposto um mecanismo inovador de ranqueamento de veículos em redes altamente dinâmicas. As principais vantagens desse mecanismo para aplicações de VANETs são: (i) a redução do consumo de largura de banda e (ii) a superação do problema de topologias altamente dinâmicas. A terceira contribuição é uma solução de planejamento de rotas colaborativo com intuito de melhorar o gerenciamento do tráfego de veículos em cenários urbanos. Como última contribuição, esta tese integra as soluções descritas acima, propondo um sistema eficiente de gerenciamento de tráfego de veículos. As soluções propostas foram amplamente comparadas com outras soluções da literatura em diferentes métricas de avaliação de desempenho. Os resultados mostram que o sistema de gerenciamento de tráfego de veículos proposto é eficiente e escalável, qual pode ser uma boa alternativa para mitigar os problemas de mobilidade urbanaAbstract: Due to the current global trend of urbanization, modern society is facing severe urban mobility problems. In addition, considering the constant increase in vehicular traffic on roads, existing traffic management solutions have become inefficient. In order to assist the increasing needs of transport systems today, there is a need for intelligent transportation systems (ITS). Developing a sustainable ITS requires seamless integration and interoperability with emerging technologies such as vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs). VANETs are considered to be a promising technology providing access to critical life-safety applications and infotainment services, consequently improving drivers¿ and passengers¿ on-road experiences. This thesis proposes an infrastructure-less vehicular traffic management system. To achieve such a system, intermediate solutions that contributed to this thesis were proposed. The first contribution lies in a solution that employs historical knowledge of driver mobility patterns to gain an overall view of the road network situation. Unlike other approaches that need constant information exchange between vehicles and the central server, our solution uses space and temporal information about mobility patterns, as well as road infrastructure information, in order to identify traffic congestion, thus allowing for vehicle routing planning. Secondly, a distributed solution to calculate egocentric betweenness in VANETs was proposed. Through the egocentric metric, an innovative vehicle ranking mechanism in highly dynamic networks was proposed. The main advantages of this mechanism for VANETs applications are (i) reduced bandwidth consumption and (ii) overcoming the problem of highly dynamic topologies. The third contribution is a collaborative route planning solution designed to improve vehicle traffic management in urban settings. As the last contribution, this thesis integrates the solutions described above, proposing an efficient vehicle traffic management system. The proposed solutions were widely compared with other literature solutions on different performance evaluation metrics. The evaluation results show that the proposed vehicle traffic management system is efficient, scalable, and cost-effective, which may be a good alternative to mitigate urban mobility problemsDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da Computação2015/25588-6FAPES

    Ant-inspired Interaction Networks For Decentralized Vehicular Traffic Congestion Control

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    Mimicking the autonomous behaviors of animals and their adaptability to changing or foreign environments lead to the development of swarm intelligence techniques such as ant colony optimization (ACO) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) now widely used to tackle a variety of optimization problems. The aim of this dissertation is to develop an alternative swarm intelligence model geared toward decentralized congestion avoidance and to determine qualities of the model suitable for use in a transportation network. A microscopic multi-agent interaction network inspired by insect foraging behaviors, especially ants, was developed and consequently adapted to prioritize the avoidance of congestion, evaluated as perceived density of other agents in the immediate environment extrapolated from the occurrence of direct interactions between agents, while foraging for food outside the base/nest. The agents eschew pheromone trails or other forms of stigmergic communication in favor of these direct interactions whose rate is the primary motivator for the agents\u27 decision making process. The decision making process at the core of the multi-agent interaction network is consequently transferred to transportation networks utilizing vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) for communication between vehicles. Direct interactions are replaced by dedicated short range communications for wireless access in vehicular environments (DSRC/WAVE) messages used for a variety of applications like left turn assist, intersection collision avoidance, or cooperative adaptive cruise control. Each vehicle correlates the traffic on the wireless network with congestion in the transportation network and consequently decides whether to reroute and, if so, what alternate route to take in a decentralized, non-deterministic manner. The algorithm has been shown to increase throughput and decrease mean travel times significantly while not requiring access to centralized infrastructure or up-to-date traffic information

    Design and Evaluation of a Traffic Safety System based on Vehicular Networks for the Next Generation of Intelligent Vehicles

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    La integración de las tecnologías de las telecomunicaciones en el sector del automóvil permitirá a los vehículos intercambiar información mediante Redes Vehiculares, ofreciendo numerosas posibilidades. Esta tesis se centra en la mejora de la seguridad vial y la reducción de la siniestralidad mediante Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte (ITS). El primer paso consiste en obtener una difusión eficiente de los mensajes de advertencia sobre situaciones potencialmente peligrosas. Hemos desarrollado un marco para simular el intercambio de mensajes entre vehículos, utilizado para proponer esquemas eficientes de difusión. También demostramos que la disposición de las calles tiene gran influencia sobre la eficiencia del proceso. Nuestros algoritmos de difusión son parte de una arquitectura más amplia (e-NOTIFY) capaz de detectar accidentes de tráfico e informar a los servicios de emergencia. El desarrollo y evaluación de un prototipo demostró la viabilidad del sistema y cómo podría ayudar a reducir el número de víctimas en carretera


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    Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) have been envisioned to be useful in road safety and many commercial applications. The growing trend to provide communication among the vehicles on the road has provided the opportunities for developing a variety of applications for VANET. The unique characteristics of VANET bring about new research challenges

    Adaptive Mechanisms to Improve Message Dissemination in Vehicular Networks

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    En el pasado, se han dedicado muchos recursos en construir mejores carreteras y autovías. Con el paso del tiempo, los objetivos fueron cambiando hacia las mejoras de los vehículos, consiguiendo cada vez vehículos más rápidos y con mayor autonomía. Más tarde, con la introducción de la electrónica en el mercado del automóvil, los vehículos fueron equipados con sensores, equipos de comunicaciones, y otros avances tecnológicos que han permitido la aparición de coches más eficientes, seguros y confortables. Las aplicaciones que nos permite el uso de las Redes Vehiculares (VNs) en términos de seguridad y eficiencia son múltiples, lo que justifica la cantidad y recursos de investigación que se están dedicando en los últimos años. En el desarrollo de esta Tesis, los esfuerzos se han centrado en el área de las Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks, una subclase de las Redes Vehiculares que se centra en las comunicaciones entre los vehículos, sin necesidad de que existan elementos de infraestructura. Con la intención de mejorar el proceso de diseminación de mensajes de alerta, imprescindibles para las aplicaciones relacionadas con la seguridad, se ha propuesto un esquema de difusión adaptativo, capaz de seleccionar automáticamente el mecanismo de difusión óptimo en función de la complejidad del mapa y de la densidad actual de vehículos. El principal objetivo es maximizar la efectividad en la difusión de mensajes, reduciendo al máximo el número de mensajes necesarios, evitando o mitigando las tormentas de difusión. Las propuestas actuales en el área de las VANETs, se centran principalmente en analizar escenarios con densidades típicas o promedio. Sin embargo, y debido a las características de este tipo de redes, a menudo se dan situaciones con densidades extremas (altas y bajas). Teniendo en cuenta los problemas que pueden ocasionar en el proceso de diseminación de los mensajes de emergencia, se han propuesto dos nuevos esquemas de difusión para bajas densidades: el \emph{Junction Store and Forward} (JSF) y el \emph{Neighbor Store and Forward} (NSF). Además, para situaciones de alta densidad de vehículos, se ha diseñado el \emph{Nearest Junction Located} (NJL), un esquema de diseminación que reduce notablemente el número de mensajes enviados, sin por ello perder prestaciones. Finalmente, hemos realizado una clasificacion de los esquemas de difusión para VANETs más importantes, analizando las características utilizadas en su diseño. Además hemos realizado una comparación de todos ellos, utilizando el mismo entorno de simulación y los mismos escenarios, permitiendo conocer cuál es el mejor esquema de diseminación a usar en cada momento