432 research outputs found

    NAT-resilient Gossip Peer Sampling

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    International audienceCet article explique comment réaliser un protocole de diffusion par gossip fonctionnant en présence de NATs

    Gozar: NAT-friendly Peer Sampling with One-Hop Distributed NAT Traversal

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    Gossip-based peer sampling protocols have been widely used as a building block for many large-scale distributed applications. However, Network Address Translation gateways (NATs) cause most existing gossiping protocols to break down, as nodes cannot establish direct connections to nodes behind NATs (private nodes). In addition, most of the existing NAT traversal algorithms for establishing connectivity to private nodes rely on third party servers running at a well-known, public IP addresses. In this paper, we present Gozar, a gossip-based peer sampling service that: (i) provides uniform random samples in the presence of NATs, and (ii) enables direct connectivity to sampled nodes using a fully distributed NAT traversal service, where connection messages require only a single hop to connect to private nodes. We show in simulation that Gozar preserves the randomness properties of a gossip-based peer sampling service. We show the robustness of Gozar when a large fraction of nodes reside behind NATs and also in catastrophic failure scenarios. For example, if 80% of nodes are behind NATs, and 80% of the nodes fail, more than 92% of the remaining nodes stay connected. In addition, we compare Gozar with existing NAT-friendly gossip-based peer sampling services, Nylon and ARRG. We show that Gozar is the only system that supports one-hop NAT traversal, and its overhead is roughly half of Nylon’s

    Shuffling with a Croupier: Nat-Aware Peer-Sampling

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    Despite much recent research on peer-to-peer (P2P) protocols for the Internet, there have been relatively few practical protocols designed to explicitly account for Network Address Translation gateways (NATs). Those P2P protocols that do handle NATs circumvent them using relaying and hole-punching techniques to route packets to nodes residing behind NATs. In this paper, we present Croupier, a peer sampling service (PSS) that provides uniform random samples of nodes in the presence of NATs in the network. It is the first NAT-aware PSS that works without the use of relaying or hole-punching. By removing the need for relaying and hole-punching, we decrease the complexity and overhead of our protocol as well as increase its robustness to churn and failure. We evaluated Croupier in simulation, and, in comparison with existing NAT-aware PSS’, our results show similar randomness properties, but improved robustness in the presence of both high percentages of nodes behind NATs and massive node failures. Croupier also has substantially lower protocol overhead

    Distributed Optimization of P2P Media Delivery Overlays

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    Media streaming over the Internet is becoming increasingly popular. Currently, most media is delivered using global content-delivery networks, providing a scalable and robust client-server model. However, content delivery infrastructures are expensive. One approach to reduce the cost of media delivery is to use peer-to-peer (P2P) overlay networks, where nodes share responsibility for delivering the media to one another. The main challenges in P2P media streaming using overlay networks include: (i) nodes should receive the stream with respect to certain timing constraints, (ii) the overlay should adapt to the changes in the network, e.g., varying bandwidth capacity and join/failure of nodes, (iii) nodes should be intentivized to contribute and share their resources, and (iv) nodes should be able to establish connectivity to the other nodes behind NATs. In this work, we meet these requirements by presenting P2P solutions for live media streaming, as well as proposing a distributed NAT traversal solution. First of all, we introduce a distributed market model to construct an approximately minimal height multiple-tree streaming overlay for content delivery, in gradienTv. In this system, we assume all the nodes are cooperative and execute the protocol. However, in reality, there may exist some opportunistic nodes, free-riders, that take advantage of the system, without contributing to content distribution. To overcome this problem, we extend our market model in Sepidar to be effective in deterring free-riders. However, gradienTv and Sepidar are tree-based solutions, which are fragile in high churn and failure scenarios. We present a solution to this problem in GLive that provides a more robust overlay by replacing the tree structure with a mesh. We show in simulation, that the mesh-based overlay outperforms the multiple-tree overlay. Moreover, we compare the performance of all our systems with the state-of-the-art NewCoolstreaming, and observe that they provide better playback continuity and lower playback latency than that of NewCoolstreaming under a variety of experimental scenarios. Although our distributed market model can be run against a random sample of nodes, we improve its convergence time by executing it against a sample of nodes taken from the Gradient overlay. The Gradient overlay organizes nodes in a topology using a local utility value at each node, such that nodes are ordered in descending utility values away from a core of the highest utility nodes. The evaluations show that the streaming overlays converge faster when our market model works on top of the Gradient overlay. We use a gossip-based peer sampling service in our streaming systems to provide each node with a small list of live nodes. However, in the Internet, where a high percentage of nodes are behind NATs, existing gossiping protocols break down. To solve this problem, we present Gozar, a NAT-friendly gossip-based peer sampling service that: (i) provides uniform random samples in the presence of NATs, and (ii) enables direct connectivity to sampled nodes using a fully distributed NAT traversal service. We compare Gozar with the state-of-the-art NAT-friendly gossip-based peer sampling service, Nylon, and show that only Gozar supports one-hop NAT traversal, and its overhead is roughly half of Nylon’s

    Live Streaming in P2P and Hybrid P2P-Cloud Environments for the Open Internet

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    Peer-to-Peer (P2P) live media streaming is an emerging technology that reduces the barrier to stream live events over the Internet. However, providing a high quality media stream using P2P overlay networks is challenging and gives raise to a number of issues: (i) how to guarantee quality of the service (QoS) in the presence of dynamism, (ii) how to incentivize nodes to participate in media distribution, (iii) how to avoid bottlenecks in the overlay, and (iv) how to deal with nodes that reside behind Network Address Translators gateways (NATs). In this thesis, we answer the above research questions in form of new algorithms and systems. First of all, we address problems (i) and (ii) by presenting our P2P live media streaming solutions: Sepidar, which is a multiple-tree overlay, and GLive, which is a mesh overlay. In both models, nodes with higher upload bandwidth are positioned closer to the media source. This structure reduces the playback latency and increases the playback continuity at nodes, and also incentivizes the nodes to provide more upload bandwidth. We use a reputation model to improve participating nodes in media distribution in Sepidar and GLive. In both systems, nodes audit the behaviour of their directly connected nodes by getting feedback from other nodes. Nodes who upload more of the stream get a relatively higher reputation, and proportionally higher quality streams. To construct our streaming overlay, we present a distributed market model inspired by Bertsekas auction algorithm, although our model does not rely on a central server with global knowledge. In our model, each node has only partial information about the system. Nodes acquire knowledge of the system by sampling nodes using the Gradient overlay, where it facilitates the discovery of nodes with similar upload bandwidth. We address the bottlenecks problem, problem (iii), by presenting CLive that satisfies real-time constraints on delay between the generation of the stream and its actual delivery to users. We resolve this problem by borrowing some resources (helpers) from the cloud, upon need. In our approach, helpers are added on demand to the overlay, to increase the amount of total available bandwidth, thus increasing the probability of receiving the video on time. As the use of cloud resources costs money, we model the problem as the minimization of the economical cost, provided that a set of constraints on QoS is satisfied. Finally, we solve the NAT problem, problem (iv), by presenting two NAT-aware peer sampling services (PSS): Gozar and Croupier. Traditional gossip-based PSS breaks down, where a high percentage of nodes are behind NATs. We overcome this problem in Gozar using one-hop relaying to communicate with the nodes behind NATs. Croupier similarly implements a gossip-based PSS, but without the use of relaying

    LayStream: composing standard gossip protocols for live video streaming

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    Gossip-based live streaming is a popular topic, as attested by the vast literature on the subject. Despite the particular merits of each proposal, all need to implement and deal with common challenges such as membership management, topology construction and video packets dissemination. Well-principled gossip-based protocols have been proposed in the literature for each of these aspects. Our goal is to assess the feasibility of building a live streaming system, \sys, as a composition of these existing protocols, to deploy the resulting system on real testbeds, and report on lessons learned in the process. Unlike previous evaluations conducted by simulations and considering each protocol independently, we use real deployments. We evaluate protocols both independently and as a layered composition, and unearth specific problems and challenges associated with deployment and composition. We discuss and present solutions for these, such as a novel topology construction mechanism able to cope with the specificities of a large-scale and delay-sensitive environment, but also with requirements from the upper layer. Our implementation and data are openly available to support experimental reproducibility

    Using current uptime to improve failure detection in peer-to-peer networks

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    Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks share computer resources or services through the exchange of information between participating nodes. These nodes form a virtual network overlay by creating a number of connections with one another. Due to the transient nature of nodes within these systems any connection formed should be monitored and maintained to ensure the routing table is kept up-to-date. Typically P2P networks predefine a fixed keep-alive period, a maximum interval in which connected nodes must exchange messages. If no other message has been sent within this interval then keep-alive messages are exchanged to ensure the corresponding node has not left the system. A fixed periodic interval can be viewed as a centralised, static and deterministic mechanism; maintaining overlays in an predictable, reliable and non-adaptive fashion. Several studies have shown that older peers are more likely to remain in the network longer than their short-lived counterparts. Therefore using the distribution of peer session times and the current age of peers as key attributes, we propose three algorithms which allow connections to extend the interval between successive keep-alive messages based upon the likelihood that a corresponding node will remain in the system. By prioritising keep-alive messages to nodes that are more likely to fail, our algorithms reduce the expected delay between failures occurring and their subsequent detection. Using extensively empirical analysis, we analyse the properties of these algorithms and compare them to the standard periodic approach in unstructured and structured network topologies, using tracedriven simulations based upon measured network data. Furthermore we also investigate the effect of nodes that misreport their age upon our adaptive algorithms and detail an efficient keep-alive algorithm that can adapt to the limitations network address translation devices

    Enabling Internet-Scale Publish/Subscribe In Overlay Networks

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    As the amount of data in todays Internet is growing larger, users are exposed to too much information, which becomes increasingly more difficult to comprehend. Publish/subscribe systems leverage this problem by providing loosely-coupled communications between producers and consumers of data in a network. Data consumers, i.e., subscribers, are provided with a subscription mechanism, to express their interests in a subset of data, in order to be notified only when some data that matches their subscription is generated by the producers, i.e., publishers. Most publish/subscribe systems today, are based on the client/server architectural model. However, to provide the publish/subscribe service in large scale, companies either have to invest huge amount of money for over-provisioning the resources, or are prone to frequent service failures. Peer-to-peer overlay networks are attractive alternative solutions for building Internet-scale publish/subscribe systems. However, scalability comes with a cost: a published message often needs to traverse a large number of uninterested (unsubscribed) nodes before reaching all its subscribers. We refer to this undesirable traffic, as relay overhead. Without careful considerations, the relay overhead might sharply increase resource consumption for the relay nodes (in terms of bandwidth transmission cost, CPU, etc) and could ultimately lead to rapid deterioration of the system’s performance once the relay nodes start dropping the messages or choose to permanently abandon the system. To mitigate this problem, some solutions use unbounded number of connections per node, while some other limit the expressiveness of the subscription scheme. In this thesis work, we introduce two systems called Vitis and Vinifera, for topic-based and content-based publish/subscribe models, respectively. Both these systems are gossip-based and significantly decrease the relay overhead. We utilize novel techniques to cluster together nodes that exhibit similar subscriptions. In the topic-based model, distinct clusters for each topic are constructed, while clusters in the content-based model are fuzzy and do not have explicit boundaries. We augment these clustered overlays by links that facilitate routing in the network. We construct a hybrid system by injecting structure into an otherwise unstructured network. The resulting structures resemble navigable small-world networks, which spans along clusters of nodes that have similar subscriptions. The properties of such overlays make them an ideal platform for efficient data dissemination in large-scale systems. The systems requires only a bounded node degree and as we show, through simulations, they scale well with the number of nodes and subscriptions and remain efficient under highly complex subscription patterns, high publication rates, and even in the presence of failures in the network. We also compare both systems against some state-of-the-art publish/subscribe systems. Our measurements show that both Vitis and Vinifera significantly outperform their counterparts on various subscription and churn scenarios, under both synthetic workloads and real-world traces

    Brisa: combining efficiency and reliability in epidemic data dissemination

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    There is an increasing demand for efficient and robust systems able to cope with today's global needs for intensive data dissemination, e.g., media content or news feeds. Unfortunately, traditional approaches tend to focus on one end of the efficiency/robustness design spectrum, by either leveraging rigid structures such as trees to achieve efficient distribution, or using loosely-coupled epidemic protocols to obtain robustness. In this paper we present BRISA, a hybrid approach combining the robustness of epidemic-based dissemination with the effi- ciency of tree-based structured approaches. This is achieved by having dissemination structures such as trees implicitly emerge from an underlying epidemic substrate by a judicious selection of links. These links are chosen with local knowledge only and in such a way that the completeness of data dissemination is not compromised, i.e., the resulting structure covers all nodes. Failures are treated as an integral part of the system as the dissemination structures can be promptly compensated and repaired thanks to the underlying epidemic substrate. Besides presenting the protocol design, we conduct an extensive evaluation in a real environment, analyzing the effectiveness of the structure creation mechanism and its robustness under faults and churn. Results confirm BRISA as an efficient and robust approach to data dissemination in the large scale.This work was supported in part by the Swiss National Foundation under agreement number 200021-127271/1 and by the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT) grants SFRH/BD/62380/2009 and PTDC/EIA-CCO/115570/200