49 research outputs found

    Recent Advances of Manifold Regularization

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    Semi-supervised learning (SSL) that can make use of a small number of labeled data with a large number of unlabeled data to produce significant improvement in learning performance has been received considerable attention. Manifold regularization is one of the most popular works that exploits the geometry of the probability distribution that generates the data and incorporates them as regularization terms. There are many representative works of manifold regularization including Laplacian regularization (LapR), Hessian regularization (HesR) and p-Laplacian regularization (pLapR). Based on the manifold regularization framework, many extensions and applications have been reported. In the chapter, we review the LapR and HesR, and we introduce an approximation algorithm of graph p-Laplacian. We study several extensions of this framework for pairwise constraint, p-Laplacian learning, hypergraph learning, etc

    The Information of Spam

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    This paper explores the value of information contained in spam tweets as it pertains to prediction accuracy. As a case study, tweets discussing Bitcoin were collected and used to predict the rise and fall of Bitcoin value. Precision of prediction both with and without spam tweets, as identified by a naive Bayesian spam filter, were measured. Results showed a minor increase in accuracy when spam tweets were included, indicating that spam messages likely contain information valuable for prediction of market fluctuations

    Transfer nonnegative matrix factorization for image representation

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    Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) has received considerable attention due to its psychological and physiological interpretation of naturally occurring data whose representation may be parts based in the human brain. However, when labeled and unlabeled images are sampled from different distributions, they may be quantized into different basis vector space and represented in different coding vector space, which may lead to low representation fidelity. In this paper, we investigate how to extend NMF to cross-domain scenario. We accomplish this goal through TNMF - a novel semi-supervised transfer learning approach. Specifically, we aim to minimize the distribution divergence between labeled and unlabeled images, and incorporate this criterion into the objective function of NMF to construct new robust representations. Experiments show that TNMF outperforms state-of-the-art methods on real dataset

    Distinctive action sketch for human action recognition

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    Recent developments in the field of computer vision have led to a renewed interest in sketch correlated research. There have emerged considerable solid evidence which revealed the significance of sketch. However, there have been few profound discussions on sketch based action analysis so far. In this paper, we propose an approach to discover the most distinctive sketches for action recognition. The action sketches should satisfy two characteristics: sketchability and objectiveness. Primitive sketches are prepared according to the structured forests based fast edge detection. Meanwhile, we take advantage of Faster R-CNN to detect the persons in parallel. On completion of the two stages, the process of distinctive action sketch mining is carried out. After that, we present four kinds of sketch pooling methods to get a uniform representation for action videos. The experimental results show that the proposed method achieves impressive performance against several compared methods on two public datasets.The work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation of China (61472103, 61772158, 61702136, and 61701273) and Australian Research Council (ARC) grant (DP150104645)

    Analysis of single‑ and dual‑dictionary strategies in pedestrian classifcation

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    Sparse coding has recently been a hot topic in visual tasks in image processing and computer vision. It has applications and brings benefts in reconstruction-like tasks and in classifcation-like tasks as well. However, regarding binary classifcation problems, there are several choices to learn and use dictionaries that have not been studied. In particular, how single-dictionary and dual-dictionary approaches compare in terms of classifcation performance is largely unexplored. We compare three single-dictionary strategies and two dual-dictionary strategies for the problem of pedestrian classifcation (“pedestrian” vs “background” images). In each of these fve cases, images are represented as the sparse coefcients induced from the respective dictionaries, and these coefcients are the input to a regular classifer both for training and subsequent classifcation of novel unseen instances. Experimental results with the INRIA pedestrian dataset suggest, on the one hand, that dictionaries learned from only one of the classes, even from the background class, are enough for obtaining competitive good classifcation performance. On the other hand, while better performance is generally obtained when instances of both classes are used for dictionary learning, the representation induced by a single dictionary learned from a set of instances from both classes provides comparable or even superior performance over the representations induced by two dictionaries learned separately from the pedestrian and background classes

    A Review of Physical Human Activity Recognition Chain Using Sensors

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    In the era of Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), healthcare monitoring has gained a vital role nowadays. Moreover, improving lifestyle, encouraging healthy behaviours, and decreasing the chronic diseases are urgently required. However, tracking and monitoring critical cases/conditions of elderly and patients is a great challenge. Healthcare services for those people are crucial in order to achieve high safety consideration. Physical human activity recognition using wearable devices is used to monitor and recognize human activities for elderly and patient. The main aim of this review study is to highlight the human activity recognition chain, which includes, sensing technologies, preprocessing and segmentation, feature extractions methods, and classification techniques. Challenges and future trends are also highlighted.

    Real-time action recognition using a multilayer descriptor with variable size

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Video analysis technology has become less expensive and more powerful in terms of storage resources and resolution capacity, promoting progress in a wide range of applications. Video-based human action detection has been used for several tasks in surveillance environments, such as forensic investigation, patient monitoring, medical training, accident prevention, and traffic monitoring, among others. We present a method for action identification based on adaptive training of a multilayer descriptor applied to a single classifier. Cumulative motion shapes (CMSs) are extracted according to the number of frames present in the video. Each CMS is employed as a self-sufficient layer in the training stage but belongs to the same descriptor. A robust classification is achieved through individual responses of classifiers for each layer, and the dominant result is used as a final outcome. Experiments are conducted on five public datasets (Weizmann, KTH, MuHAVi, IXMAS, and URADL) to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method in terms of accuracy in real time. (C) 2016 SPIE and IS&TVideo analysis technology has become less expensive and more powerful in terms of storage resources and resolution capacity, promoting progress in a wide range of applications. Video-based human action detection has been used for several tasks in surveill2501FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)SEM INFORMAÇÃOSEM INFORMAÇÃ

    Analyzing Data Mining Statistical Models of Bio Medical

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    The main goal of this thesis is to investigate the preformance of different data mining models on Biomedical datasets (heart disease data). I used different data mining models as, neural networks, support vector machine and logictic regression will be executed on these datasets. Some performance metrics such as accurary, precision and recall will be calculated and recorded. I compare the data mining models by using the recorded values of the performance metrics to find the best model for the datasets

    Learning Identifiable Representations: Independent Influences and Multiple Views

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    Intelligent systems, whether biological or artificial, perceive unstructured information from the world around them: deep neural networks designed for object recognition receive collections of pixels as inputs; living beings capture visual stimuli through photoreceptors that convert incoming light into electrical signals. Sophisticated signal processing is required to extract meaningful features (e.g., the position, dimension, and colour of objects in an image) from these inputs: this motivates the field of representation learning. But what features should be deemed meaningful, and how to learn them? We will approach these questions based on two metaphors. The first one is the cocktail-party problem, where a number of conversations happen in parallel in a room, and the task is to recover (or separate) the voices of the individual speakers from recorded mixtures—also termed blind source separation. The second one is what we call the independent-listeners problem: given two listeners in front of some loudspeakers, the question is whether, when processing what they hear, they will make the same information explicit, identifying similar constitutive elements. The notion of identifiability is crucial when studying these problems, as it specifies suitable technical assumptions under which representations are uniquely determined, up to tolerable ambiguities like latent source reordering. A key result of this theory is that, when the mixing is nonlinear, the model is provably non-identifiable. A first question is, therefore, under what additional assumptions (ideally as mild as possible) the problem becomes identifiable; a second one is, what algorithms can be used to estimate the model. The contributions presented in this thesis address these questions and revolve around two main principles. The first principle is to learn representation where the latent components influence the observations independently. Here the term “independently” is used in a non-statistical sense—which can be loosely thought of as absence of fine-tuning between distinct elements of a generative process. The second principle is that representations can be learned from paired observations or views, where mixtures of the same latent variables are observed, and they (or a subset thereof) are perturbed in one of the views—also termed multi-view setting. I will present work characterizing these two problem settings, studying their identifiability and proposing suitable estimation algorithms. Moreover, I will discuss how the success of popular representation learning methods may be explained in terms of the principles above and describe an application of the second principle to the statistical analysis of group studies in neuroimaging

    Action recognition in visual sensor networks: a data fusion perspective

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    Visual Sensor Networks have emerged as a new technology to bring computer vision algorithms to the real world. However, they impose restrictions in the computational resources and bandwidth available to solve target problems. This thesis is concerned with the definition of new efficient algorithms to perform Human Action Recognition with Visual Sensor Networks. Human Action Recognition systems apply sequence modelling methods to integrate the temporal sensor measurements available. Among sequence modelling methods, the Hidden Conditional Random Field has shown a great performance in sequence classification tasks, outperforming many other methods. However, a parameter estimation procedure has not been proposed with feature and model selection properties. This thesis fills this lack proposing a new objective function to optimize during training. The L2 regularizer employed in the standard objective function is replaced by an overlapping group-L1 regularizer that produces feature and model selection effects in the optima. A gradient-based search strategy is proposed to find the optimal parameters of the objective function. Experimental evidence shows that Hidden Conditional Random Fields with their parameters estimated employing the proposed method have a higher predictive accuracy than those estimated with the standard method, with an smaller inference cost. This thesis also deals with the problem of human action recognition from multiple cameras, with the focus on reducing the amount of network bandwidth required. A multiple view dimensionality reduction framework is developed to obtain similar low dimensional representation for the motion descriptors extracted from multiple cameras. An alternative is proposed predicting the action class locally at each camera with the motion descriptors extracted from each view and integrating the different action decisions to make a global decision on the action performed. The reported experiments show that the proposed framework has a predictive performance similar to 3D state of the art methods, but with a lower computational complexity and lower bandwidth requirements. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Las Redes de Sensores Visuales son una nueva tecnología que permite el despliegue de algoritmos de visión por computador en el mundo real. Sin embargo, estas imponen restricciones en los recursos de computo y de ancho de banda disponibles para la resolución del problema en cuestión. Esta tesis tiene por objeto la definición de nuevos algoritmos con los que realizar reconocimiento de actividades humanas en redes de sensores visuales, teniendo en cuenta las restricciones planteadas. Los sistemas de reconocimiento de acciones aplican métodos de modelado de secuencias para la integración de las medidas temporales proporcionadas por los sensores. Entre los modelos para el modelado de secuencias, el Hidden Conditional Random Field a mostrado un gran rendimiento en la clasificación de secuencias, superando a otros métodos existentes. Sin embargo, no se ha definido un procedimiento para la integración de sus parámetros que incluya selección de atributos y selección de modelo. Esta tesis tiene por objeto cubrir esta carencia proponiendo una nueva función objetivo para optimizar durante la estimación de los parámetros obtimos. El regularizador L2 empleado en la función objetivo estandar se va a remplazar for un regularizador grupo-L1 solapado que va a producir los efectos de selección de modelo y atributos deseados en el óptimo. Se va a proponer una estrategia de búsqueda con la que obtener el valor óptimo de estos parámetros. Los experimentos realizados muestran que los modelos estimados utilizando la función objetivo prouesta tienen un mayor poder de predicción, reduciendo al mismo tiempo el coste computacional de la inferencia. Esta tesis también trata el problema del reconocimiento de acciones humanas emepleando multiples cámaras, centrándonos en reducir la cantidad de ancho de banda requerido par el proceso. Para ello se propone un nueva estructura en la que definir algoritmos de reducción de dimensionalidad para datos definidos en multiples vistas. Mediante su aplicación se obtienen representaciones de baja dimensionalidad similares para los descriptores de movimiento calculados en cada una de las cámaras.También se propone un método alternativo basado en la predicción de la acción realizada con los descriptores obtenidos en cada una de las cámaras, para luego combinar las diferentes predicciones en una global. La experimentación realizada muestra que estos métodos tienen una eficacia similar a la alcanzada por los métodos existentes basados en reconstrucción 3D, pero con una menor complejidad computacional y un menor uso de la red