918 research outputs found

    Cue validity and object-based attention

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    In a previous study, Egly, Driver, and Rafal (1994) observed both space- and object-based components of visual selective attention. However, the mechanisms underlying these two components and the relationship between them are not well understood. In the present research, with a similar paradigm, these issues were addressed by manipulating cue validity. Behavioral results indicated the presence of both space- and object-based components under high cue validity, similar to the results of Egly et al.'s study. In addition, under low cue validity, the space-based component was absent, whereas the object-based component was maintained. Further event-related potential results demonstrated an object-based effect at a sensory level over the posterior areas of brain, and a space-based effect over the anterior region. The present data suggest that the space- and object-based components reflect mainly voluntary and reflexive mechanisms, respectively

    The role of spatial frequency information for ERP components sensitive to faces and emotional facial expression

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    To investigate the impact of spatial frequency on emotional facial expression analysis, ERPs were recorded in response to low spatial frequency (LSF), high spatial frequency (HSF), and unfiltered broad spatial frequency (BSF) faces with fearful or neutral expressions, houses, and chairs. In line with previous findings, BSF fearful facial expressions elicited a greater frontal positivity than BSF neutral facial expressions, starting at about 150 ms after stimulus onset. In contrast, this emotional expression effect was absent for HSF and LSF faces. Given that some brain regions involved in emotion processing, such as amygdala and connected structures, are selectively tuned to LSF visual inputs, these data suggest that ERP effects of emotional facial expression do not directly reflect activity in these regions. It is argued that higher order neocortical brain systems are involved in the generation of emotion-specific waveform modulations. The face-sensitive N170 component was neither affected by emotional facial expression nor by spatial frequency information

    Elektrophysiologische und bildgebende Untersuchungen zum Einfluss visueller Aufmerksamkeit auf die Objektwahrnehmung des Menschen

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    Attention is essential component of visual perception. The present thesis contains experimental results of several studies investigating the influence of selective attention mechanisms on visual perception using electrophysiological and functional neuroimaging recordings in humans. Feature-based attention represents the focusing of visual perception towards a specific feature attribute (e.g. blue ) and facilitates its processing throughout the visual field. Two studies provide evidence that feature-based attention comprises two distinct mechanisms acting in a global manner. While the attribute-specific process enables the discrimination of feature attributes ( blue ) within the behaviorally relevant dimension, the dimension-specific process was shown to be likewise acting in a global way enhancing the processing of non-target attributes assigned to the relevant dimension ( color ). Differences in event-related potentials (ERPs) were found both for the processing of color- and motion-defined objects. The dimension of color can further be subdivided into categories providing the categorical perception of color. The third study investigated neural correlates of categorical color perception using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The results show a faster/more accurate discrimination of colors assigned to different categories (e.g. blue and green ) than to the same category (e.g. blue1 and blue2 ). FMRI analysis revealed correlates of color category effects in language related brain regions as well as the primary visual cortex. While performing a visual attention task, temporal expectation can be very useful in order to optimize behavior. Preliminary results of an additional study show that the stimulus structure itself can also be a critical factor. Both behavioral and ERP data were strongly influenced by different probability distributions and illustrate the impact of temporal expectation on the experimental design of a spatial-cueing task

    Electrophysiological correlates of event segmentation: how does the human mind process ongoing activity?

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    The human mind decodes, processes, and makes sense of a continual flow of dynamic information, taken from an array of sensory inputs. Compelling behavioural and neuroimaging evidence reveals that humans segment activities into meaningful chunks for processing, and this phenomenon has profound implications for learning, memory and understanding the world around us (Newtson, 1973; Zacks and Tversky, 2001; Zacks et al., 2001). Whilst the existence of event segmentation is widely accepted, it remains unclear what cognitive mechanisms drive this ability.This thesis constitutes a series of behavioural and neuroimaging experiments that investigate top-down and bottom-up influences on event segmentation. The neuroimaging studies presented here are novel; they extend the field by investigating event segmentation using scalp-recorded electroencephalography (EEG). Event Related Potentials (ERPs, derived from EEG using signal-averaging procedures) showed that the perceptual processing of event boundaries is differentially sensitive to the segmentation of activities into small or large chunks, consistent with findings from previous neuroimaging research (Zacks et al., 2001). In contrast with previous findings, the electrophysiological investigations elicited responses that were clearly affected by manipulating top-down information (e.g., participant's knowledge about the activity being segmented). The results from the studies reported in the thesis support an account of the perceptual processing of event boundaries, which incorporates both top-down and bottom-up influences

    Detecting the neural correlates of episodic memory with mobile EEG: Recollecting objects in the real world

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    Episodic memory supports recognition of the details of complex real world experiences, providing a continuous record of events embedded within spatial and temporal context. Despite the inherently dynamic nature of real events, the bulk of neuroscientific research to date examines recognition in absence of the detailed contextual information that is known to be a defining characteristic. Given the importance of environmental context for episodic memory, examining ERP correlates of memory in more naturalistic settings is vital for progress in understanding how retrieval operates in daily life. The current study capitalized on recent advances in mobile EEG technology to address this issue and is the first to investigate ERP correlates of episodic retrieval in real world contexts. Participants were guided around a pre-defined route inside a building on campus, while performing a recognition memory task, which paired images of objects with actual physical locations in the building to provide context. Importantly, the findings clearly demonstrate that it is possible to observe reliable neural correlates of memory in real world contexts. Replicating two well established ERP correlates of episodic retrieval reported in prior laboratory based studies, we detected FN400 old/new effects traditionally associated with familiarity between 300 and 500 ms, and a late posterior negativity (LPN) often linked to reconstructive processing or evaluation of retrieval outcomes between 500 and 800 ms. Moreover, the FN400 effect was found to be sensitive to retrieval of context, with more sustained effects for objects encountered in a different context at study and test. Overall, the current work highlights the power of mobile EEG technology for examining complex cognitive functions in more naturalistic real world settings

    EEG analysis of visually-induced vection in left- and right-handers

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    NĂ€gemistaju automaatsete protsesside eksperimentaalne uurimine

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneVĂ€itekiri keskendub nĂ€gemistaju protsesside eksperimentaalsele uurimisele, mis on suuremal vĂ”i vĂ€hemal mÀÀral automaatsed. Uurimistöös on kasutatud erinevaid eksperimentaalseid katseparadigmasid ja katsestiimuleid ning nii kĂ€itumuslikke- kui ka ajukuvamismeetodeid. Esimesed kolm empiirilist uurimust kĂ€sitlevad liikumisinformatsiooni töötlust, mis on evolutsiooni kĂ€igus kujunenud ĂŒheks olulisemaks baasprotsessiks nĂ€gemistajus. Esmalt huvitas meid, kuidas avastatakse liikuva objekti suunamuutusi, kui samal ajal toimub ka taustal liikumine (Uurimus I). NĂ€gemistaju uurijad on pikka aega arvanud, et liikumist arvutatakse alati mĂ”ne vĂ€lise objekti vĂ”i tausta suhtes. Meie uurimistulemused ei kinnitanud taolise suhtelise liikumise printsiibi paikapidavust ning toetavad pigem seisukohta, et eesmĂ€rkobjekti liikumisinformatsiooni töötlus on automaatne protsess, mis tuvastab silma pĂ”hjas toimuvaid nihkeid, ja taustal toimuv seda eriti ei mĂ”juta. Teise uurimuse tulemused (Uurimus II) nĂ€itasid, et nĂ€gemissĂŒsteem töötleb vĂ€ga edukalt ka seda liikumisinformatsiooni, millele vaatleja teadlikult tĂ€helepanu ei pööra. See tĂ€hendab, et samal ajal, kui inimene on mĂ”ne tĂ€helepanu hĂ”lmava tegevusega ametis, suudab tema aju taustal toimuvaid sĂŒndmusi automaatselt registreerida. IgapĂ€evaselt on inimese nĂ€gemisvĂ€ljas alati palju erinevaid objekte, millel on erinevad omadused, mistĂ”ttu jĂ€rgmiseks huvitas meid (Uurimus III), kuidas ĂŒhe tunnuse (antud juhul vĂ€rvimuutuse) töötlemist mĂ”jutab mĂ”ne teise tunnusega toimuv (antud juhul liikumiskiiruse) muutus. NĂ€itasime, et objekti liikumine parandas sama objekti vĂ€rvimuutuse avastamist, mis viitab, et nende kahe omaduse töötlemine ajus ei ole pĂ€ris eraldiseisev protsess. Samuti tĂ€hendab taoline tulemus, et hoolimata ĂŒhele tunnusele keskendumisest ei suuda inimene ignoreerida teist tĂ€helepanu tĂ”mbavat tunnust (liikumine), mis viitab taas kord automaatsetele töötlusprotsessidele. Neljas uurimus keskendus emotsionaalsete nĂ€ovĂ€ljenduste töötlusele, kuna need kannavad keskkonnas hakkamasaamiseks vajalikke sotsiaalseid signaale, mistĂ”ttu on alust arvata, et nende töötlus on kujunenud suuresti automaatseks protsessiks. NĂ€itasime, et emotsiooni vĂ€ljendavaid nĂ€gusid avastati kiiremini ja kergemini kui neutraalse ilmega nĂ€gusid ning et vihane nĂ€gu tĂ”mbas rohkem tĂ€helepanu kui rÔÔmus (Uurimus IV). VĂ€itekirja viimane osa puudutab visuaalset lahknevusnegatiivsust (ingl Visual Mismatch Negativity ehk vMMN), mis nĂ€itab aju vĂ”imet avastada automaatselt erinevusi enda loodud mudelist ĂŒmbritseva keskkonna kohta. Selle automaatse erinevuse avastamise mehhanismi uurimisse andsid oma panuse nii Uurimus II kui Uurimus IV, mis mĂ”lemad pakuvad vĂ€lja tĂ”endusi vMMN tekkimise kohta eri tingimustel ja katseparadigmades ning ka vajalikke metodoloogilisi tĂ€iendusi. Uurimus V on esimene kogu siiani ilmunud temaatilist teadustööd hĂ”lmav ĂŒlevaateartikkel ja metaanalĂŒĂŒs visuaalsest lahknevusnegatiivsusest psĂŒhhiaatriliste ja neuroloogiliste haiguste korral, mis panustab oluliselt visuaalse lahknevusnegatiivsuse valdkonna arengusse.The research presented and discussed in the thesis is an experimental exploration of processes in visual perception, which all display a considerable amount of automaticity. These processes are targeted from different angles using different experimental paradigms and stimuli, and by measuring both behavioural and brain responses. In the first three empirical studies, the focus is on motion detection that is regarded one of the most basic processes shaped by evolution. Study I investigated how motion information of an object is processed in the presence of background motion. Although it is widely believed that no motion can be perceived without establishing a frame of reference with other objects or motion on the background, our results found no support for relative motion principle. This finding speaks in favour of a simple and automatic process of detecting motion, which is largely insensitive to the surrounding context. Study II shows that the visual system is built to automatically process motion information that is outside of our attentional focus. This means that even if we are concentrating on some task, our brain constantly monitors the surrounding environment. Study III addressed the question of what happens when multiple stimulus qualities (motion and colour) are present and varied, which is the everyday reality of our visual input. We showed that velocity facilitated the detection of colour changes, which suggests that processing motion and colour is not entirely isolated. These results also indicate that it is hard to ignore motion information, and processing it is rather automatically initiated. The fourth empirical study focusses on another example of visual input that is processed in a rather automatic way and carries high survival value – emotional expressions. In Study IV, participants detected emotional facial expressions faster and more easily compared with neutral facial expressions, with a tendency towards more automatic attention to angry faces. In addition, we investigated the emergence of visual mismatch negativity (vMMN) that is one of the most objective and efficient methods for analysing automatic processes in the brain. Study II and Study IV proposed several methodological gains for registering this automatic change-detection mechanism. Study V is an important contribution to the vMMN research field as it is the first comprehensive review and meta-analysis of the vMMN studies in psychiatric and neurological disorders

    Aerospace Medicine and Biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 314)

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    This bibliography lists 139 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in August, 1988

    Combining EEG and Eye Tracking: Using Fixation-Locked Potentials in Visual Search

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    Visual search is a complex task that involves many neural pathways to identify relevant areas of interest within a scene. Humans remain a critical component in visual search tasks, as they can effectively perceive anomalies within complex scenes. However, this task can be challenging, particularly under time pressure. In order to improve visual search training and performance, an objective, process-based measure is needed. Eye tracking technology can be used to drive real-time parsing of EEG recordings, providing an indication of the analysis process. In the current study, eye fixations were used to generate ERPs during a visual search task. Clear differences were observed following performance, suggesting that neurophysiological signatures could be developed to prevent errors in visual search tasks

    Elektroentsefalograafiline vaade emotsionaalse tÀhelepanu mehhanismidele

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Miks ilus inimene rahvasummas silma jÀÀb? VĂ”i ka kauguses kostuv pidurikrigin liiklusmĂŒrast ĂŒle kostab? Tartu Ülikoolis valminud doktoritöö kohaselt vĂ”ib pĂ”hjuseks olla emotsionaalse informatsiooni kiirendatud töötlus. Aju on varustatud tĂ€helepanumehhanismidega, mis valivad meeleorganite vahendatud infotulvast vĂ€lja kĂ”ige olulisema teabe. NĂ€iteks tahtlik tĂ€helepanu aitab keskenduda kĂ€esolevale ning tahtmatu tĂ€helepanu mĂ€rgata ootamatusi. Neile sekundeerib ka kolmas sĂŒsteem, mis tĂ”stab esile emotsionaalse tĂ€hendusega infot. Just afektiivne tĂ€helepanu viib fookuse potentsiaalsetele hĂŒvedele nagu kaunis kaaslane ja ohtudele nagu liiklusĂ”nnetus. Seni on aga lahendamata kĂŒsimus, mis tĂ€pselt toimub ajus siis, kui erinevad tĂ€helepanusĂŒsteemid omavahel konkureerivad. NĂ€iteks kui veebiuudise lugeja silm haarab ĂŒhtaegu nii pooleliolevat teksti kui mahlakat kĂ”mupealkirja kĂŒlgribal. MĂ”nikord jÀÀb vĂ”itjaks emotsionaalne tĂ€helepanu ning kĂ”mulugu saab oodatud kliki. Teinekord suudab aga tahtlik tĂ€helepanu ebaolulise ahvatluse kĂ”rvale tĂ”rjuda ja loo lugemine vĂ”ib jĂ€tkuda. Oma doktoritöös uuris Andero Uusberg lĂ€hemalt vĂ”imalust, et tĂ€helepanulises vĂ”istluses toimub esimese sekundikolmandiku jooksul liidritevahetus. Emotsionaalne tĂ€helepanu reageerib stardis kiiremini, kuid umbes 350 ms jĂ€rel on tahtlik sĂŒsteem seisu viigistanud ning aju fookust juhitakse edaspidi koostöös. Mitmed selle mĂ”ttemudeli ennustused leidsid kinnitust emotsionaalse sisuga fotode vaatamise ajal mÔÔdetud aju elektrilise aktiivsuse analĂŒĂŒsimisel. Üldisemalt aitab tĂ€helepanusĂŒsteemide erinev stardikiirus seletada, miks tegelikkuses ohutud stiimulid nagu kauge pidurikrigin kipuvad siiski tĂ€helepanu haarama – kulub hetk, ette kui konteksti arvestav tahtlik tĂ€helepanu jĂ”uab korrigeerida primitiivsema emotsionaalse sĂŒsteemi esialgset valikut. Doktoritööst leiab ka vihjeid igapĂ€evaseks emotsioonide reguleerimiseks. Ebameeldiva raviprotseduuri vĂ”i muu Ă€revust tekitava olukorraga toimetulemiseks soovitatakse vahel mĂ”elda millestki muust. Uusbergi uurimistöö nĂ€itas aga, et selline strateegia on suurema tĂ”enĂ€osusega edukas siis, kui mĂ”te juhitakse millelegi piisavalt keerukale. NĂ€iteks kui katseisikutel paluti vĂ”imalikult detailirohkelt kujutleda jalutamist kodulinnas, vĂ€henes samal ajal esitletud emotsionaalsete piltide sisusse sĂŒvemine ning neile reageerimise intensiivsus. Kui ĂŒlesandeks oli aga keskenduda emotsionaalsete piltide neutraalsetele omadustele, vĂ€henes afektiivne tĂ€helepanu vaid mĂ”nevĂ”rra.Why does a beautiful face stand out from a crowd? Or even a distant braking screech captures attention? A recent doctoral thesis suggests the reason may be faster processing of emotional information. The brain is equipped with various attention mechanisms for sorting out important information from potentially overwhelming sensory input. While top-down attention enables us to concentrate and bottom-up attention to remain vigilant for unexpected aspects of the environment, there is also a third system sensitive to emotional information. This affective attention is responsible for spotting opportunities such as a valuable mate or threats such as a traffic accident. Scientists do not fully comprehend however, how does competition between attention systems is resolved in the brain. As an example, consider a reader of an online news story whose eyes also capture a juicy headline at a sidebar. Sometimes affective attention succeeds in breaking the concentration on the story in favour of the emotional distraction. At other times however, top-down attention prevails and reading continues uninterrupted. In his thesis, Andero Uusberg investigated the idea that the competition between attentional systems changes across time. More specifically, affective attention may be faster off the mark while after about a third of a second however, top-down attention catches up and the subsequent focus is determined in co-operation. This framework explained several aspects of electrical brain activity measured while participants viewed emotionally evocative photographs. More broadly, different onsets can explain why safe stimuli such as a distant braking screech still captivates us – it takes a moment for the more context-aware top-down attention system to correct the early reaction of the more primitive affective attention. The thesis also has implications for everyday emotion regulation. To cope with unpleasant events such as medical procedures, people are sometimes advised to distract themselves by thinking of something else. In this regard, the present findings imply that this strategy requires the distractive mental activity to be reasonably difficult. For instance, when participants were asked to imagine their neighbourhoods with high level of detail, they indeed paid less attention to unpleasant photographs as well as experienced less intense emotional reactions. When they merely thought of nonaffective features of affective images however, emotional attention was attenuated only modestly
