109 research outputs found

    Effect Capabilities For Haskell

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    International audienceComputational effects complicate the tasks of reasoning about and maintaining software, due to the many kinds of interferences that can occur. While different proposals have been formulated to alleviate the fragility and burden of dealing with specific effects, such as state or exceptions, there is no prevalent robust mechanism that addresses the general interference issue. Build- ing upon the idea of capability-based security, we propose effect capabilities as an effective and flexible manner to control monadic effects and their interfer- ences. Capabilities can be selectively shared between modules to establish secure effect-centric coordination. We further refine capabilities with type-based per- mission lattices to allow fine-grained decomposition of authority. We provide an implementation of effect capabilities in Haskell, using type classes to establish a way to statically share capabilities between modules, as well as to check proper access permissions to effects at compile time. We exemplify how to tame effect interferences using effect capabilities, by treating state and exceptions

    Effect Capabilities For Haskell

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    International audienceComputational effects complicate the tasks of reasoning about and maintaining software, due to the many kinds of interferences that can occur. While different proposals have been formulated to alleviate the fragility and burden of dealing with specific effects, such as state or exceptions, there is no prevalent robust mechanism that addresses the general interference issue. Build- ing upon the idea of capability-based security, we propose effect capabilities as an effective and flexible manner to control monadic effects and their interfer- ences. Capabilities can be selectively shared between modules to establish secure effect-centric coordination. We further refine capabilities with type-based per- mission lattices to allow fine-grained decomposition of authority. We provide an implementation of effect capabilities in Haskell, using type classes to establish a way to statically share capabilities between modules, as well as to check proper access permissions to effects at compile time. We exemplify how to tame effect interferences using effect capabilities, by treating state and exceptions

    EbbRT: a framework for building per-application library operating systems

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    Efficient use of high speed hardware requires operating system components be customized to the application work- load. Our general purpose operating systems are ill-suited for this task. We present EbbRT, a framework for constructing per-application library operating systems for cloud applications. The primary objective of EbbRT is to enable high-performance in a tractable and maintainable fashion. This paper describes the design and implementation of EbbRT, and evaluates its ability to improve the performance of common cloud applications. The evaluation of the EbbRT prototype demonstrates memcached, run within a VM, can outperform memcached run on an unvirtualized Linux. The prototype evaluation also demonstrates an 14% performance improvement of a V8 JavaScript engine benchmark, and a node.js webserver that achieves a 50% reduction in 99th percentile latency compared to it run on Linux

    Machine Assisted Proof of ARMv7 Instruction Level Isolation Properties

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    In this paper, we formally verify security properties of the ARMv7 Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) for user mode executions. To obtain guarantees that arbitrary (and unknown) user processes are able to run isolated from privileged software and other user processes, instruction level noninterference and integrity properties are provided, along with proofs that transitions to privileged modes can only occur in a controlled manner. This work establishes a main requirement for operating system and hypervisor verification, as demonstrated for the PROSPER separation kernel. The proof is performed in the HOL4 theorem prover, taking the Cambridge model of ARM as basis. To this end, a proof tool has been developed, which assists the verification of relational state predicates semi-automatically

    EbbRT: a customizable operating system for cloud applications

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    Efficient use of hardware requires operating system components be customized to the application workload. Our general purpose operating systems are ill-suited for this task. We present Genesis, a new operating system that enables per-application customizations for cloud applications. Genesis achieves this through a novel heterogeneous distributed structure, a partitioned object model, and an event-driven execution environment. This paper describes the design and prototype implementation of Genesis, and evaluates its ability to improve the performance of common cloud applications. The evaluation of the Genesis prototype demonstrates memcached, run within a VM, can outperform memcached run on an unvirtualized Linux. The prototype evaluation also demonstrates an 14% performance improvement of a V8 JavaScript engine benchmark, and a node.js webserver that achieves a 50% reduction in 99th percentile latency compared to it run on Linux

    A functional approach to heterogeneous computing in embedded systems

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    Developing programs for embedded systems presents quite a challenge; not only should programs be resource efficient, as they operate under memory and timing constraints, but they should also take full advantage of the hardware to achieve maximum performance. Since performance is such a significant factor in the design of embedded systems, modern systems typically incorporate more than one kind of processing element to benefit from specialized processing capabilities. For such heterogeneous systems the challenge in developing programs is even greater.In this thesis we explore a functional approach to heterogeneous system development as a means to address many of the modularity problems that are typically found in the application of low-level imperative programming for embedded systems. In particular, we explore a staged hardware software co-design language that we name Co-Feldspar and embed in Haskell. The staged approach enables designers to build their applications from reusable components and skeletons while retaining control over much of the generated source code. Furthermore, by embedding the language in Haskell we can exploit its type classes to write not only hardware and software programs, but also generic programs with overloaded instructions and expressions. We demonstrate the usefulness of the functional approach for co-design on a cryptographic example and signal processing filters, and benchmark software and mixed hardware-software implementations. Co-Feldspar currently adopts a monadic interface, which provides an imperative functional programming style that is suitable for explicit memory management and algorithms that rely on a certain evaluation order. For algorithms that are better defined as pure functions operating on immutable values, we provide a signal and array library that extends a monadic language, like Co-Feldspar. These extensions permit a functional style of programming by composing high-level combinators. Our compiler transforms such high-level code into efficient programs with mutating code. In particular, we show how to execute an FFT safely in-place, and how to describe a FIR and IIR filter efficiently as streams. Co-Feldspar’s monadic interface is however quite invasive; not only is the burden of explicit memory management quite heavy on the user, it is also quite easy to shoot on eself in the foot. It is for these reasons that we also explore a dynamic memory management discipline that is based on regions but predictable enough to be of use for embedded systems. Specifically, this thesis introduces a program analysis which annotates values with dynamically allocated memory regions. By limiting our efforts to functional languages that target embedded software, we manage to define a region inference algorithm that is considerably simpler than traditional approaches

    A logical foundation for session-based concurrent computation

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    Linear logic has long been heralded for its potential of providing a logical basis for concurrency. While over the years many research attempts were made in this regard, a Curry-Howard correspondence between linear logic and concurrent computation was only found recently, bridging the proof theory of linear logic and session-typed process calculus. Building upon this work, we have developed a theory of intuitionistic linear logic as a logical foundation for session-based concurrent computation, exploring several concurrency related phenomena such as value-dependent session types and polymorphic sessions within our logical framework in an arguably clean and elegant way, establishing with relative ease strong typing guarantees due to the logical basis, which ensure the fundamental properties of type preservation and global progress, entailing the absence of deadlocks in communication. We develop a general purpose concurrent programming language based on the logical interpretation, combining functional programming with a concurrent, session-based process layer through the form of a contextual monad, preserving our strong typing guarantees of type preservation and deadlock-freedom in the presence of general recursion and higher-order process communication. We introduce a notion of linear logical relations for session typed concurrent processes, developing an arguably uniform technique for reasoning about sophisticated properties of session-based concurrent computation such as termination or equivalence based on our logical approach, further supporting our goal of establishing intuitionistic linear logic as a logical foundation for sessionbased concurrency

    Tagungsband zum 21. Kolloquium Programmiersprachen und Grundlagen der Programmierung

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    Das 21. Kolloquium Programmiersprachen und Grundlagen der Programmierung (KPS 2021) setzt eine traditionelle Reihe von Arbeitstagungen fort, die 1980 von den Forschungsgruppen der Professoren Friedrich L. Bauer (TU München), Klaus Indermark (RWTH Aachen) und Hans Langmaack(CAU Kiel) ins Leben gerufen wurde.Die Veranstaltung ist ein offenes Forum für alle interessierten deutschsprachigen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler zum zwanglosen Austausch neuer Ideen und Ergebnisse aus den Forschungsbereichen Entwurf und Implementierung von Programmiersprachen sowie Grundlagen und Methodik des Programmierens. Dieser Tagungsband enthält die wissenschaftlichen Beiträge,die bei dem 21. Kolloquium dieser Tagungsreihe präsentiert wurden, welches vom 27. bis 29. September 2021 in Kiel stattfand und von der Arbeitsgruppe Programmiersprachen und Übersetzerkonstruktion der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel organisiert wurde


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    筑波大学 (University of Tsukuba)201