89 research outputs found

    Quality management of surveillance multimedia streams via federated SDN controllers in Fiwi-iot integrated deployment environments

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    Traditionally, hybrid optical-wireless networks (Fiber-Wireless - FiWi domain) and last-mile Internet of Things edge networks (Edge IoT domain) have been considered independently, with no synergic management solutions. On the one hand, FiWi has primarily focused on high-bandwidth and low-latency access to cellular-equipped nodes. On the other hand, Edge IoT has mainly aimed at effective dispatching of sensor/actuator data among (possibly opportunistic) nodes, by using direct peer-to-peer and base station (BS)-assisted Internet communications. The paper originally proposes a model and an architecture that loosely federate FiWi and Edge IoT domains based on the interaction of FiWi and Edge IoT software defined networking controllers: The primary idea is that our federated controllers can seldom exchange monitoring data and control hints the one with the other, thus mutually enhancing their capability of end-to-end quality-aware packet management. To show the applicability and the effectiveness of the approach, our original proposal is applied to the notable example of multimedia stream provisioning from surveillance cameras deployed in the Edge IoT domain to both an infrastructure-side server and spontaneously interconnected mobile smartphones; our solution is able to tune the BS behavior of the FiWi domain and to reroute/prioritize traffic in the Edge IoT domain, with the final goal to reduce latency. In addition, the reported application case shows the capability of our solution of joint and coordinated exploitation of resources in FiWi and Edge IoT domains, with performance results that highlight its benefits in terms of efficiency and responsiveness

    Integrating Wireless Sensor Networks and Mobile Ad-hoc NETworks for enhanced value-added services

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    In some situations where the standard telecommunication infrastructure is not available, Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANETs) can be deployed to provide the required communication. These networks are established "on the fly" without a need for prior communication organization and are composed of autonomous mobile devices, such as cell phones, PDAs or laptops. In similar conditions, such as in emergency response operations, integrating MANETs and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) can notably enhance the MANET participant's end-user experience. WSNs sense and aggregate ambient information, such as physiological, environmental or physical data related to a nearby phenomenon. The integration, which provides end-user availability to WSN required information, is feasible via gateways. However, when the ambient information collected by WSNs is intended for applications residing in MANETs, centralized and fixed gateways are not practicably feasible. This is mainly due to ad-hoc nature, lack of centralized control and constraints on the end-user devices that are used in MANETs. These devices are usually limited in power and capacity and cannot host centralized gateways. In this thesis we exploit the integration of WSN and MANET in order to provide novel value-added services which enhance the end-user experience of MANET participants. Motivating scenarios are introduced, background information is presented, requirements are derived and the state of the art regarding the integration of WSN with existing networks, including MANETs, is evaluated. Based on the evaluation, none of the existing solutions satisfies all of our derived requirements. Therefore, we propose an overall two-level overlay architecture to integrate WSNs (with mobile sinks) and MANETs. This architecture is based on the distributed gateway and applications which form the P2P overlays. Overlays are application-layer networks which are created on top of the exiting MANET. To interconnect gateway and application overlays we derive corresponding requirements and evaluate the existing approaches. Since none of these approaches fulfills all of our requirements, we propose protocols, mechanisms and design corresponding modules for the interconnection of overlays. Finally we refine our overall architecture based on the interconnection aspects. As a proof of concept, we implement a prototype for the inter-overlay information exchange. This implementation is based on SIP extensions and uses two existing P2P middlewares. We also simulate our prototype using Oversim simulation tool and collect experimental results. Based on these results, we can see that our architecture is a valid and promising approach for interconnecting different P2P overlays and can be deployed to provide the overall solution for WSN and MANET integrated system

    QoE on media deliveriy in 5G environments

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    231 p.5G expandirá las redes móviles con un mayor ancho de banda, menor latencia y la capacidad de proveer conectividad de forma masiva y sin fallos. Los usuarios de servicios multimedia esperan una experiencia de reproducción multimedia fluida que se adapte de forma dinámica a los intereses del usuario y a su contexto de movilidad. Sin embargo, la red, adoptando una posición neutral, no ayuda a fortalecer los parámetros que inciden en la calidad de experiencia. En consecuencia, las soluciones diseñadas para realizar un envío de tráfico multimedia de forma dinámica y eficiente cobran un especial interés. Para mejorar la calidad de la experiencia de servicios multimedia en entornos 5G la investigación llevada a cabo en esta tesis ha diseñado un sistema múltiple, basado en cuatro contribuciones.El primer mecanismo, SaW, crea una granja elástica de recursos de computación que ejecutan tareas de análisis multimedia. Los resultados confirman la competitividad de este enfoque respecto a granjas de servidores. El segundo mecanismo, LAMB-DASH, elige la calidad en el reproductor multimedia con un diseño que requiere una baja complejidad de procesamiento. Las pruebas concluyen su habilidad para mejorar la estabilidad, consistencia y uniformidad de la calidad de experiencia entre los clientes que comparten una celda de red. El tercer mecanismo, MEC4FAIR, explota las capacidades 5G de analizar métricas del envío de los diferentes flujos. Los resultados muestran cómo habilita al servicio a coordinar a los diferentes clientes en la celda para mejorar la calidad del servicio. El cuarto mecanismo, CogNet, sirve para provisionar recursos de red y configurar una topología capaz de conmutar una demanda estimada y garantizar unas cotas de calidad del servicio. En este caso, los resultados arrojan una mayor precisión cuando la demanda de un servicio es mayor

    Data Storage and Dissemination in Pervasive Edge Computing Environments

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    Nowadays, smart mobile devices generate huge amounts of data in all sorts of gatherings. Much of that data has localized and ephemeral interest, but can be of great use if shared among co-located devices. However, mobile devices often experience poor connectivity, leading to availability issues if application storage and logic are fully delegated to a remote cloud infrastructure. In turn, the edge computing paradigm pushes computations and storage beyond the data center, closer to end-user devices where data is generated and consumed. Hence, enabling the execution of certain components of edge-enabled systems directly and cooperatively on edge devices. This thesis focuses on the design and evaluation of resilient and efficient data storage and dissemination solutions for pervasive edge computing environments, operating with or without access to the network infrastructure. In line with this dichotomy, our goal can be divided into two specific scenarios. The first one is related to the absence of network infrastructure and the provision of a transient data storage and dissemination system for networks of co-located mobile devices. The second one relates with the existence of network infrastructure access and the corresponding edge computing capabilities. First, the thesis presents time-aware reactive storage (TARS), a reactive data storage and dissemination model with intrinsic time-awareness, that exploits synergies between the storage substrate and the publish/subscribe paradigm, and allows queries within a specific time scope. Next, it describes in more detail: i) Thyme, a data storage and dis- semination system for wireless edge environments, implementing TARS; ii) Parsley, a flexible and resilient group-based distributed hash table with preemptive peer relocation and a dynamic data sharding mechanism; and iii) Thyme GardenBed, a framework for data storage and dissemination across multi-region edge networks, that makes use of both device-to-device and edge interactions. The developed solutions present low overheads, while providing adequate response times for interactive usage and low energy consumption, proving to be practical in a variety of situations. They also display good load balancing and fault tolerance properties.Resumo Hoje em dia, os dispositivos móveis inteligentes geram grandes quantidades de dados em todos os tipos de aglomerações de pessoas. Muitos desses dados têm interesse loca- lizado e efêmero, mas podem ser de grande utilidade se partilhados entre dispositivos co-localizados. No entanto, os dispositivos móveis muitas vezes experienciam fraca co- nectividade, levando a problemas de disponibilidade se o armazenamento e a lógica das aplicações forem totalmente delegados numa infraestrutura remota na nuvem. Por sua vez, o paradigma de computação na periferia da rede leva as computações e o armazena- mento para além dos centros de dados, para mais perto dos dispositivos dos utilizadores finais onde os dados são gerados e consumidos. Assim, permitindo a execução de certos componentes de sistemas direta e cooperativamente em dispositivos na periferia da rede. Esta tese foca-se no desenho e avaliação de soluções resilientes e eficientes para arma- zenamento e disseminação de dados em ambientes pervasivos de computação na periferia da rede, operando com ou sem acesso à infraestrutura de rede. Em linha com esta dico- tomia, o nosso objetivo pode ser dividido em dois cenários específicos. O primeiro está relacionado com a ausência de infraestrutura de rede e o fornecimento de um sistema efêmero de armazenamento e disseminação de dados para redes de dispositivos móveis co-localizados. O segundo diz respeito à existência de acesso à infraestrutura de rede e aos recursos de computação na periferia da rede correspondentes. Primeiramente, a tese apresenta armazenamento reativo ciente do tempo (ARCT), um modelo reativo de armazenamento e disseminação de dados com percepção intrínseca do tempo, que explora sinergias entre o substrato de armazenamento e o paradigma pu- blicação/subscrição, e permite consultas num escopo de tempo específico. De seguida, descreve em mais detalhe: i) Thyme, um sistema de armazenamento e disseminação de dados para ambientes sem fios na periferia da rede, que implementa ARCT; ii) Pars- ley, uma tabela de dispersão distribuída flexível e resiliente baseada em grupos, com realocação preventiva de nós e um mecanismo de particionamento dinâmico de dados; e iii) Thyme GardenBed, um sistema para armazenamento e disseminação de dados em redes multi-regionais na periferia da rede, que faz uso de interações entre dispositivos e com a periferia da rede. As soluções desenvolvidas apresentam baixos custos, proporcionando tempos de res- posta adequados para uso interativo e baixo consumo de energia, demonstrando serem práticas nas mais diversas situações. Estas soluções também exibem boas propriedades de balanceamento de carga e tolerância a faltas

    QoE on media deliveriy in 5G environments

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    231 p.5G expandirá las redes móviles con un mayor ancho de banda, menor latencia y la capacidad de proveer conectividad de forma masiva y sin fallos. Los usuarios de servicios multimedia esperan una experiencia de reproducción multimedia fluida que se adapte de forma dinámica a los intereses del usuario y a su contexto de movilidad. Sin embargo, la red, adoptando una posición neutral, no ayuda a fortalecer los parámetros que inciden en la calidad de experiencia. En consecuencia, las soluciones diseñadas para realizar un envío de tráfico multimedia de forma dinámica y eficiente cobran un especial interés. Para mejorar la calidad de la experiencia de servicios multimedia en entornos 5G la investigación llevada a cabo en esta tesis ha diseñado un sistema múltiple, basado en cuatro contribuciones.El primer mecanismo, SaW, crea una granja elástica de recursos de computación que ejecutan tareas de análisis multimedia. Los resultados confirman la competitividad de este enfoque respecto a granjas de servidores. El segundo mecanismo, LAMB-DASH, elige la calidad en el reproductor multimedia con un diseño que requiere una baja complejidad de procesamiento. Las pruebas concluyen su habilidad para mejorar la estabilidad, consistencia y uniformidad de la calidad de experiencia entre los clientes que comparten una celda de red. El tercer mecanismo, MEC4FAIR, explota las capacidades 5G de analizar métricas del envío de los diferentes flujos. Los resultados muestran cómo habilita al servicio a coordinar a los diferentes clientes en la celda para mejorar la calidad del servicio. El cuarto mecanismo, CogNet, sirve para provisionar recursos de red y configurar una topología capaz de conmutar una demanda estimada y garantizar unas cotas de calidad del servicio. En este caso, los resultados arrojan una mayor precisión cuando la demanda de un servicio es mayor

    Collaborative Traffic Offloading for Mobile Systems

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    Due to the popularity of smartphones and mobile streaming services, the growth of traffic volume in mobile networks is phenomenal. This leads to huge investment pressure on mobile operators' wireless access and core infrastructure, while the profits do not necessarily grow at the same pace. As a result, it is urgent to find a cost-effective solution that can scale to the ever increasing traffic volume generated by mobile systems. Among many visions, mobile traffic offloading is regarded as a promising mechanism by using complementary wireless communication technologies, such as WiFi, to offload data traffic away from the overloaded mobile networks. The current trend to equip mobile devices with an additional WiFi interface also supports this vision. This dissertation presents a novel collaborative architecture for mobile traffic offloading that can efficiently utilize the context and resources from networks and end systems. The main contributions include a network-assisted offloading framework, a collaborative system design for energy-aware offloading, and a software-defined networking (SDN) based offloading platform. Our work is the first in this domain to integrate energy and context awareness into mobile traffic offloading from an architectural perspective. We have conducted extensive measurements on mobile systems to identify hidden issues of traffic offloading in the operational networks. We implement the offloading protocol in the Linux kernel and develop our energy-aware offloading framework in C++ and Java on commodity machines and smartphones. Our prototype systems for mobile traffic offloading have been tested in a live environment. The experimental results suggest that our collaborative architecture is feasible and provides reasonable improvement in terms of energy saving and offloading efficiency. We further adopt the programmable paradigm of SDN to enhance the extensibility and deployability of our proposals. We release the SDN-based platform under open-source licenses to encourage future collaboration with research community and standards developing organizations. As one of the pioneering work, our research stresses the importance of collaboration in mobile traffic offloading. The lessons learned from our protocol design, system development, and network experiments shed light on future research and development in this domain.Yksi mobiiliverkkojen suurimmista haasteista liittyy liikennemäärien eksponentiaaliseen kasvuun. Tämä verkkoliikenteen kasvu johtuu pitkälti suosituista videopalveluista, kuten YouTube ja Netflix, jotka lähettävät liikkuvaa kuvaa verkon yli. Verkon lisääntynyt kuormitus vaatii investointeja verkon laajentamiseksi. On tärkeää löytää kustannustehokkaita tapoja välittää suuressa mittakaavassa sisältöä ilman mittavia infrastruktuuri-investointeja. Erilaisia liikennekuormien ohjausmenetelmiä on ehdotettu ratkaisuksi sisällönvälityksen tehostamiseen mobiiliverkoissa. Näissä ratkaisuissa hyödynnetään toisiaan tukevia langattomia teknologioita tiedonvälityksen tehostamiseen, esimerkiksi LTE-verkosta voidaan delegoida tiedonvälitystä WiFi-verkoille. Useimmissa kannettavissa laitteissa on tuki useammalle langattomalle tekniikalle, joten on luonnollista hyödyntää näiden tarjoamia mahdollisuuksia tiedonvälityksen tehostamisessa. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkitaan liikennekuormien ohjauksen toimintaa ja mahdollisuuksia mobiiliverkoissa. Työssä esitetään uusi yhteistyöpohjainen liikennekuormien ohjausjärjestelmä, joka hyödyntää päätelaitteiden ja verkon tilannetietoa liikennekuormien optimoinnissa. Esitetty järjestelmä ja arkkitehtuuri on ensimmäinen, joka yhdistää energiankulutuksen ja kontekstitiedon liikennekuormien ohjaukseen. Väitöskirjan keskeisiä tuloksia ovat verkon tukema liikennekuormien ohjauskehikko, yhteistyöpohjainen energiatietoinen optimointiratkaisu sekä avoimen lähdekoodin SoftOffload-ratkaisu, joka mahdollistaa ohjelmistopohjaisen liikennekuormien ohjauksen. Esitettyjä järjestelmiä arvioidaan kokeellisesti kaupunkiympäristöissä älypuhelimia käyttäen. Työn tulokset mahdollistavat entistä energiatehokkaammat liikennekuormien ohjausratkaisut ja tarjoavat ideoita ja lähtökohtia tulevaan 5G kehitystyöhön

    Conception d’un support de communication opportuniste pour les services pervasifs

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    The vision of pervasive computing of building interactive smart spaces in the physical environment is gradually heading from the research domain to reality. Computing capacity is moving beyond personal computers to many day-to-day devices, and these devices become, thanks to multiple interfaces, capable of communicating directly with one another or of connecting to the Internet.In this thesis, we are interested in a kind of pervasive computing environment that forms what we call an Intermittently Connected Hybrid Network (ICHN). An ICHN is a network composed of two parts: a fixed and a mobile part. The fixed part is formed of some fixed infostations (potentially connected together with some fixed infrastructure, typically the Internet). The mobile part, on the other hand, is formed of smartphones carried by nomadic people. While the fixed part is mainly stable, the mobile part is considered challenging and form what is called an Opportunistic Network. Indeed, relying on short-range communication means coupled with the free movements of people and radio interferences lead to frequent disconnections. To perform a network-wide communication, the "store, carry and forward" approach is usually applied. With this approach, a message can be stored temporarily on a device, in order to be forwarded later when circumstances permit. Any device can opportunistically be used as an intermediate relay to facilitate the propagation of a message from one part of the network to another. In this context, the provisioning of pervasive services is particularly challenging, and requires revisiting important components of the provisioning process, such as performing pervasive service discovery and invocation with the presence of connectivity disruptions and absence of both end-to-end paths and access continuity due to user mobility. This thesis addresses the problems of providing network-wide service provisioning in ICHNs and proposes solutions for pervasive service discovery, invocation and access continuity. Concerning service discovery challenge, we propose TAO-DIS, a service discovery protocol that performs an automatic and fast service discovery mechanism. TAO-DIS takes into account the hybrid nature of an ICHN and that the majority of services are provided by infostations. It permits mobile users to discover all the services in the surrounding environment in order to identify and choose the most convenient ones. To allow users to interact with the discovered services, we introduce TAO-INV. TAO-INV is a service invocation protocol specifically designed for ICHNs. It relies on a set of heuristics and mechanisms that ensures performing efficient routing of messages (both service requests and responses) between fixed infostations and mobile clients while preserving both low values of overhead and round trip delays. Since some infostations in the network might be connected, we propose a soft handover mechanism that modifies the invocation process in order to reduce service delivery delays. This handover mechanism takes into consideration the opportunistic nature of the mobile part of the ICHN. We have performed various experiments to evaluate our solutions and compare them with other protocols designed for ad hoc and opportunistic networks. The obtained results tend to prove that our solutions outperform these protocols, namely thanks to the optimizations we have developed for ICHNs. In our opinion, building specialized protocols that benefit from techniques specifically designed for ICHNs is an approach that should be pursued, in complement with research works on general-purpose communication protocolsLa vision de l'informatique ubiquitaire permettant de construire des espaces intelligents interactifs dans l'environnement physique passe, peu à peu, du domaine de la recherche à la réalité. La capacité de calcul ne se limite plus à l'ordinateur personnel mais s'intègre dans de multiples appareils du quotidien, et ces appareils deviennent, grâce à plusieurs interfaces, capables de communiquer directement les uns avec les autres ou bien de se connecter à Internet.Dans cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés à un type d'environnement cible de l'informatique ubiquitaire qui forme ce que nous appelons un réseau hybride à connexions intermittentes (ICHN). Un ICHN est un réseau composé de deux parties : une partie fixe et une partie mobile. La partie fixe est constituée de plusieurs infostations fixes (potentiellement reliées entre elles avec une infrastructure fixe, typiquement l'Internet). La partie mobile, quant à elle, est constituée de smartphones portés par des personnes nomades. Tandis que la partie fixe est principalement stable, la partie mobile pose un certain nombre de défis propres aux réseaux opportunistes. En effet, l'utilisation de moyens de communication à courte portée couplée à des déplacements de personnes non contraints et à des interférences radio induit des déconnexions fréquentes. Le concept du "store, carry and forward" est alors habituellement appliqué pour permettre la communication sur l'ensemble du réseau. Avec cette approche, un message peut être stocké temporairement sur un appareil avant d'être transféré plus tard quand les circonstances sont plus favorables. Ainsi, n'importe quel appareil devient un relai de transmission opportuniste qui permet de faciliter la propagation d'un message dans le réseau. Dans ce contexte, la fourniture de services est particulièrement problématique, et exige de revisiter les composants principaux du processus de fourniture, tels que la découverte et l'invocation de service, en présence de ruptures de connectivité et en l'absence de chemins de bout en bout. Cette thèse aborde les problèmes de fourniture de service sur l'ensemble d'un ICHN et propose des solutions pour la découverte de services, l'invocation et la continuité d'accès. En ce qui concerne le défi de la découverte de services, nous proposons TAO-DIS, un protocole qui met en œuvre un mécanisme automatique et rapide de découverte de services. TAO-DIS tient compte de la nature hybride d'un ICHN et du fait que la majorité des services sont fournis par des infostations. Il permet aux utilisateurs mobiles de découvrir tous les services dans l'environnement afin d'identifier et de choisir les plus intéressants. Pour permettre aux utilisateurs d'interagir avec les services découverts, nous introduisons TAO-INV. TAO-INV est un protocole d'invocation de service spécialement conçu pour les ICHN. Il se fonde sur un ensemble d'heuristiques et de mécanismes qui assurent un acheminement efficace des messages (des requêtes et des réponses de services) entre les infostations fixes et les clients mobiles tout en conservant un surcoût et des temps de réponses réduits. Puisque certaines infostations dans le réseau peuvent être reliées entre elles, nous proposons un mécanisme de continuité d'accès (handover) qui modifie le processus d'invocation pour réduire les délais de délivrance. Dans sa définition, il est tenu compte de la nature opportuniste de la partie mobile de l'ICHN. Nous avons mené diverses expérimentations pour évaluer nos solutions et les comparer à d'autres protocoles conçus pour des réseaux ad hoc et des réseaux opportunistes. Les résultats obtenus tendent à montrer que nos solutions surpassent ces autres protocoles, notamment grâce aux optimisations que nous avons développées pour les ICHN. À notre avis, construire des protocoles spécialisés qui tirent parti des techniques spécifiquement conçues pour les ICHN est une approche à poursuivre en complément des recherches sur des protocoles de communication polyvalent

    Soluções de broadcast para redes 4G

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e de TelecomunicaçõesA primeira difusão de conteúdos video e audio teve um forte impacto no quotidiano da população que assistiu a uma revolução nos modelos de transmissão de informação e de entretenimento. A evolução desde então foi significativa, e já na era digital, encontramo-nos face a uma nova sub-elevação da metodologia e do conceito subjacentes à transmissão de conteudos multimédia. O mundo actual apresenta, contudo, diferentes requisitos, de entre os quais se destacam a procura pela alta definição e mobilidade. A mobilidade tem sido um particular foco de atenção por parte dos operadores que exploram agora modelos para entregar uma vasta gama de serviços que sejam atractivos para os utilizadores. Esta dissertação apresenta um sumário das tecnologias emergentes de broadcast que se distinguem nas várias partes do mundo com a sua particular incidência geográfica, características e cenários de aplicação. É ainda apresentada uma arquitectura 4G abordando assuntos inerentes à mobilidade e qualidade de serviço com particular incidência nos aspectos relacionados com a integração de uma tecnologia de broadcast particular. Para avaliação da arquitectura proposta foram efectuados estudos com base num equipamento de broadcast na sua versão comercial, permitindo desta forma obter uma análise que ilustra o que os operadores podem esperar do estado actual dos dispositivos. Os resultados permitiram retirar ilações sobre o comportamento de um equipamento considerado como um produto final a disponibilizar aos operadores, quando integrado num ambiente 4G com suporte de mobilidade e QoS. Nomeadamente é discutida a sua aplicabildiade tendo em linha de conta as desvantagens introduzidas pelas características inerentes à própria tecnologia.Broadcast of video and audio through analogical television completely changed the paradigm of information and entertainment divulgation. Today, in the “digital era”, the Analogue Switch Off revolution is being held. Manufacturers and operators already show concerns regarding the support of mobility, quality of experience and of service. Delivering competitive High Definition contents and providing solutions for the average “on-the-move” user are two of the most important issues to be dealt by the service providers, which are also within the analysis scope of this work. This dissertation presents an overview on the most relevant broadcast technologies which are assumed to be of relative acceptance in their respective target market. It presents their main characteristics and applicability. 4G architectural concepts are also analyzed, closely dealing with mobility and quality of service provisioning, with particular focus on the seamless integration of broadcast technologies. As a mean to evaluate the feasibility of integrating broadcast technologies with 4G architectures, a performance evaluation study was performed using commercial equipment. In this way a several set of considerations constructed illustrating the features and functionalities which operators can expect or disregard from professional commercial broadcasting devices. Results allow the withdrawing of conclusions concerning the integration of a final broadcasting solution when incorporated within a 4G environment with QoS and mobility support. Its applicability is evaluated having in mind the performance drawbacks introduced by the specific technology, and generalized towards the gathering of more general conclusions which consider the main characteristics of the commercial broadcasting devices

    A study of mobile phone ad hoc networks via bluetooth with different routing protocols

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    The growth of mobile computing is changing the way people communicate. Mobile devices, especially mobile phones, have become cheaper and more powerful, and are able to run more applications and provide networking services. Mobile phones use fixed cellular infrastructure such as base stations and transmission towers to enable users to share multimedia content and access the internet at any time or place. However, using the internet is costly. Therefore, one of the solutions is to create impromptu ad hoc networks to share information among users. Such networks are infrastructureless and self-organising, much like mobile ad hoc networks. This dissertation therefore investigates how mobile phones with low-power Bluetooth technology can be used to create ad hoc networks that connect mobile phones and allow them to share information. The mobile phones should be able organise themselves for multi-hop communication. Routing becomes important in order to achieve effciency in data communication. Several existing routing protocols were developed and evaluated for this network to determine how effciently they deliver data and deal with network disruptions such as a device moving out of transmission range. Representative routing protocols in mobile ad hoc networking, peer-to-peer networks and publish/subscribe systems were evaluated according to performance metrics defidened in the research, namely total traffc, data traffc, control traffc, delay, convergence time, and positive response. Prototypes for Nokia phones were developed and tested in a small ad hoc network. For practical networking setup, a simple routing protocol that uses the limited mobile phone resources effciently would be better than a sophisticated routing protocol that keeps routing information about the network participants