17 research outputs found

    Introductory Computer Forensics

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    INTERPOL (International Police) built cybercrime programs to keep up with emerging cyber threats, and aims to coordinate and assist international operations for ?ghting crimes involving computers. Although signi?cant international efforts are being made in dealing with cybercrime and cyber-terrorism, ?nding effective, cooperative, and collaborative ways to deal with complicated cases that span multiple jurisdictions has proven dif?cult in practic

    Authentication and Data Protection under Strong Adversarial Model

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    We are interested in addressing a series of existing and plausible threats to cybersecurity where the adversary possesses unconventional attack capabilities. Such unconventionality includes, in our exploration but not limited to, crowd-sourcing, physical/juridical coercion, substantial (but bounded) computational resources, malicious insiders, etc. Our studies show that unconventional adversaries can be counteracted with a special anchor of trust and/or a paradigm shift on a case-specific basis. Complementing cryptography, hardware security primitives are the last defense in the face of co-located (physical) and privileged (software) adversaries, hence serving as the special trust anchor. Examples of hardware primitives are architecture-shipped features (e.g., with CPU or chipsets), security chips or tokens, and certain features on peripheral/storage devices. We also propose changes of paradigm in conjunction with hardware primitives, such as containing attacks instead of counteracting, pretended compliance, and immunization instead of detection/prevention. In this thesis, we demonstrate how our philosophy is applied to cope with several exemplary scenarios of unconventional threats, and elaborate on the prototype systems we have implemented. Specifically, Gracewipe is designed for stealthy and verifiable secure deletion of on-disk user secrets under coercion; Hypnoguard protects in-RAM data when a computer is in sleep (ACPI S3) in case of various memory/guessing attacks; Uvauth mitigates large-scale human-assisted guessing attacks by receiving all login attempts in an indistinguishable manner, i.e., correct credentials in a legitimate session and incorrect ones in a plausible fake session; Inuksuk is proposed to protect user files against ransomware or other authorized tampering. It augments the hardware access control on self-encrypting drives with trusted execution to achieve data immunization. We have also extended the Gracewipe scenario to a network-based enterprise environment, aiming to address slightly different threats, e.g., malicious insiders. We believe the high-level methodology of these research topics can contribute to advancing the security research under strong adversarial assumptions, and the promotion of software-hardware orchestration in protecting execution integrity therein

    Advances of mobile forensic procedures in Firefox OS

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    The advancement of smartphone technology has attracted many companies in developing mobile operating system (OS). Mozilla Corporation recently released Linux-based open source mobile OS, named Firefox OS. The emergence of Firefox OS has created new challenges, concentrations and opportunities for digital investigators. In general, Firefox OS is designed to allow smartphones to communicate directly with HTML5 applications using JavaScript and newly introduced WebAPI. However, the used of JavaScript in HTML5 applications and solely no OS restriction might lead to security issues and potential exploits. Therefore, forensic analysis for Firefox OS is urgently needed in order to investigate any criminal intentions. This paper will present an overview and methodology of mobile forensic procedures in forensically sound manner for Firefox OS

    Study of Peer-to-Peer Network Based Cybercrime Investigation: Application on Botnet Technologies

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    The scalable, low overhead attributes of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Internet protocols and networks lend themselves well to being exploited by criminals to execute a large range of cybercrimes. The types of crimes aided by P2P technology include copyright infringement, sharing of illicit images of children, fraud, hacking/cracking, denial of service attacks and virus/malware propagation through the use of a variety of worms, botnets, malware, viruses and P2P file sharing. This project is focused on study of active P2P nodes along with the analysis of the undocumented communication methods employed in many of these large unstructured networks. This is achieved through the design and implementation of an efficient P2P monitoring and crawling toolset. The requirement for investigating P2P based systems is not limited to the more obvious cybercrimes listed above, as many legitimate P2P based applications may also be pertinent to a digital forensic investigation, e.g, voice over IP, instant messaging, etc. Investigating these networks has become increasingly difficult due to the broad range of network topologies and the ever increasing and evolving range of P2P based applications. In this work we introduce the Universal P2P Network Investigation Framework (UP2PNIF), a framework which enables significantly faster and less labour intensive investigation of newly discovered P2P networks through the exploitation of the commonalities in P2P network functionality. In combination with a reference database of known network characteristics, it is envisioned that any known P2P network can be instantly investigated using the framework, which can intelligently determine the best investigation methodology and greatly expedite the evidence gathering process. A proof of concept tool was developed for conducting investigations on the BitTorrent network.Comment: This is a thesis submitted in fulfilment of a PhD in Digital Forensics and Cybercrime Investigation in the School of Computer Science, University College Dublin in October 201

    An examination of the Asus WL-HDD 2.5 as a nepenthes malware collector

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    The Linksys WRT54g has been used as a host for network forensics tools for instance Snort for a long period of time. Whilst large corporations are already utilising network forensic tools, this paper demonstrates that it is quite feasible for a non-security specialist to track and capture malicious network traffic. This paper introduces the Asus Wireless Hard disk as a replacement for the popular Linksys WRT54g. Firstly, the Linksys router will be introduced detailing some of the research that was undertaken on the device over the years amongst the security community. It then briefly discusses malicious software and the impact this may have for a home user. The paper then outlines the trivial steps in setting up Nepenthes 0.1.7 (a malware collector) for the Asus WL-HDD 2.5 according to the Nepenthes and tests the feasibility of running the malware collector on the selected device. The paper then concludes on discussing the limitations of the device when attempting to execute Nepenthes

    A Comprehensive Digital Forensic Investigation Model and Guidelines for Establishing Admissible Digital Evidence

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    Information technology systems are attacked by offenders using digital devices and networks to facilitate their crimes and hide their identities, creating new challenges for digital investigators. Malicious programs that exploit vulnerabilities also serve as threats to digital investigators. Since digital devices such as computers and networks are used by organisations and digital investigators, malicious programs and risky practices that may contaminate the integrity of digital evidence can lead to loss of evidence. For some reasons, digital investigators face a major challenge in preserving the integrity of digital evidence. Not only is there no definitive comprehensive model of digital forensic investigation for ensuring the reliability of digital evidence, but there has to date been no intensive research into methods of doing so. To address the issue of preserving the integrity of digital evidence, this research improves upon other digital forensic investigation model by creating a Comprehensive Digital Forensic Investigation Model (CDFIM), a model that results in an improvement in the investigation process, as well as security mechanism and guidelines during investigation. The improvement is also effected by implementing Proxy Mobile Internet Protocol version 6 (PMIPv6) with improved buffering based on Open Air Interface PIMIPv6 (OAI PMIPv6) implementation to provide reliable services during handover in Mobile Node (MN) and improve performance measures to minimize loss of data which this research identified as a factor affecting the integrity of digital evidence. The advantage of this is to present that the integrity of digital evidence can be preserved if loss of data is prevented. This research supports the integration of security mechanism and intelligent software in digital forensic investigation which assist in preserving the integrity of digital evidence by conducting experiments which carried out two different attack experiment to test CDFIM. It found that when CDFIM used security mechanism and guidelines with the investigation process, it was able to identify the attack and also ensured that the integrity of the digital evidence was preserved. It was also found that the security mechanism and guidelines incorporated in the digital investigative process are useless when the security guidelines are ignored by digital investigators, thus posing a threat to the integrity of digital evidence

    Considerations towards the development of a forensic evidence management system

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    The decentralized nature of the Internet forms its very foundation, yet it is this very nature that has opened networks and individual machines to a host of threats and attacks from malicious agents. Consequently, forensic specialists - tasked with the investigation of crimes commissioned through the use of computer systems, where evidence is digital in nature - are often unable to adequately reach convincing conclusions pertaining to their investigations. Some of the challenges within reliable forensic investigations include the lack of a global view of the investigation landscape and the complexity and obfuscated nature of the digital world. A perpetual challenge within the evidence analysis process is the reliability and integrity associated with digital evidence, particularly from disparate sources. Given the ease with which digital evidence (such as metadata) can be created, altered, or destroyed, the integrity attributed to digital evidence is of paramount importance. This dissertation focuses on the challenges relating to the integrity of digital evidence within reliable forensic investigations. These challenges are addressed through the proposal of a model for the construction of a Forensic Evidence Management System (FEMS) to preserve the integrity of digital evidence within forensic investigations. The Biba Integrity Model is utilized to maintain the integrity of digital evidence within the FEMS. Casey's Certainty Scale is then employed as the integrity classifcation scheme for assigning integrity labels to digital evidence within the system. The FEMS model consists of a client layer, a logic layer and a data layer, with eight system components distributed amongst these layers. In addition to describing the FEMS system components, a fnite state automata is utilized to describe the system component interactions. In so doing, we reason about the FEMS's behaviour and demonstrate how rules within the FEMS can be developed to recognize and pro le various cyber crimes. Furthermore, we design fundamental algorithms for processing of information by the FEMS's core system components; this provides further insight into the system component interdependencies and the input and output parameters for the system transitions and decision-points infuencing the value of inferences derived within the FEMS. Lastly, the completeness of the FEMS is assessed by comparing the constructs and operation of the FEMS against the published work of Brian D Carrier. This approach provides a mechanism for critically analyzing the FEMS model, to identify similarities or impactful considerations within the solution approach, and more importantly, to identify shortcomings within the model. Ultimately, the greatest value in the FEMS is in its ability to serve as a decision support or enhancement system for digital forensic investigators. CopyrightDissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2010.Computer Scienceunrestricte

    Матеріали 4-го семінару молодих вчених з комп'ютерних наук та програмної інженерії (CS&SE@SW 2021), віртуальний захід, м. Кривий Ріг, Україна, 18 грудня 2021 р.

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    Матеріали 4-го семінару молодих вчених з комп'ютерних наук та програмної інженерії (CS&SE@SW 2021), віртуальний захід, м. Кривий Ріг, Україна, 18 грудня 2021 р.Proceedings of the 4th Workshop for Young Scientists in Computer Science & Software Engineering (CS&SE@SW 2021), Virtual Event, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, December 18, 2021

    Methods for Detecting and Analyzing Hidden FAT32 Volumes Created with the Use of Cryptographic Tools

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