1,650 research outputs found

    Todo dia era dia de índio: manifestações culturais relativas à semana do dia do índio nas Terras Indígenas de Chapecó, Santa Catarina, Brasil

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    proposta deste artigo é a reflexão sobre os múltiplos planos que articulam asatividades desenvolvidas nos últimos anos, por ocasião do dia 19 de abril, em terras indígenasdo Sul do Brasil, mais especificamente em Chapecó, SC. A Terra Indígena ToldoChimbangue está localizada às margens dos rios Irani e Lajeado Lambedor, a uma distânciade 18 km da cidade de Chapecó, já a Terra Indígena Reserva Aldeia Condá localiza-se nalinha Gramadinho, a 15 Km da área urbana de Chapecó. A etnografia desenvolvida procuroumapear as diferentes etapas, estratégias e significados da preparação e realização daSemana Cultural. A observação participante nas atividades culturais aconteceu desde 2004até 2012. A Semana Cultural, manifestação pública relativa ao dia do índio, nas TerrasIndígenas de Chapecó foi e é ainda organizada pelos professores das Escolas Indígenas deEnsino Fundamental das respectivas Terras indígenas. Durante a Semana acontecem apresentaçõesde danças, exposição de artesanato, degustação de culinária típica; é o momentodo encontro entre a população indígena e os visitantes, contexto que se constitui em umespaço de negociações de sentidos e trocas culturais. Os professores indígenas acreditam que aSemana Cultural é a possibilidade de mostrar com dignidade a versão da história do pontode vista Kaingang, deste modo, a cultura passa a ser positivada e valorizada num contextoem que historicamente foi negativada e desvalorizada


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    Background: The Coronavirus Disease 19 (COVID-19) pandemic has severely impacted sexual health service provision with consequences at both individual and public health level. The collection of real-time high-quality data is of utmost importance to monitor the impact on service delivery and disruption in case of future health emergencies. Aims: This is a 3-year study, implemented in the framework of a broader collaboration between World Health Organization (WHO) Department of Sexual and Reproductive Health Research and University of Brighton (UOB) with the University Hospital Verona (UHVR). The overarching study aim was to develop and pilot a secure, standardised, web-based electronic case report form (eCRF), via Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) system, for sexually transmitted infection (STIs) and HIV clinical data management. The eCRF constituted the basis for a research infrastructure aimed at conducting multi-centric implementation studies able to answer selected research questions and guide decision making processes. Methods: The eCRF construction required a multidisciplinary approach (9 study experts from UHVR and UOB with different backgrounds) and consisted of a series of distinct steps: i) identification of a minimum set of standardised HIV-STIs core variables required to increase study consistency; ii) design of the eCRF framework according to literature key-principles with particular focus on a structure based on modularity, longitudinal mode, flexibility, intuitive workflow, and compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation; iii) set up of a series of quality checks at different levels to minimise errors and ensure data integrity at time of data entry; iv) eCRF piloting by 12 healthcare providers external to the study, who were asked to assess and provide feedback on key eCRF aspects; v) testing of entry procedure and quality checks efficiency using clinical routine data on HIV-Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) users accessing UHVR Centro MISTRA from January 2108 to September 2022. Mixed manual and automatic entry processes (with import of a pre-existing Excel sheet) were performed for checking feasibility of both tasks. The tool usability was evaluated via an implementation study which tested data entry system (data reconciliation) and data processing through exploratory statistical analyses, which focused on the assessment of COVID-19 impact on PrEP users in pre-pandemic, pandemic, and post-pandemic periods. Results: Four instruments were developed (Demographics, Past Medical History, Standard Visits, Antimicrobial Prescription) hosting 7 modules. The modular approach was used to test the current set of instruments and, in the future, to add further functionalities allowing an interchangeable, dynamic, and independent modules development without impacting the overall eCRF frame. The repeatable Standard Visit instrument (including sexual behaviour, PrEP intake, signs & symptoms, and laboratory assessment modules) is the eCRF core. Given the longitudinal mode, baseline instrument is populated only at enrolment and then can be further filled in at various time points (patient follow-up visits), if needed. The core eCRF feature is the possibility of completing visits based on patients’ needs with little burden for physician or data collector. The reconciliation process uploading already collected data into the eCRF was straightforward with 95% of successful import without need of further review. Exploratory analyses were conducted on 256 PrEP users and 1595 visits. Main findings showed significant decrease in visits number and increase in PrEP discontinuation during pandemic period. Conclusion: The study led to the implementation of an easy-to-use eCRF able to host standardised, real-time, high-quality data. The eCRF suggests a wide range of applicability in both research and clinical areas to be adopted in case of future health emergencies, potentially useful to guide clinical decision-making and support healthcare practice with telehealth implementation


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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Sócio-Econômico. Relações Internacionais.Este estudo situa-se no campo da justiça de transição, um tema que ganhou destaque no cenário internacional devido à onda de democratizações ocorrida no final do século XX. Ancorada pelo do método de estudo de caso, a pesquisa tem como objetivo observar a contribuição do papel educacional e de fortificação da confiança no Estado dos mecanismos de justiça de transição adotados pela Alemanha pós 1989 para a unificação e consolidação do novo Estado Democrático de Direito. Como objetivos específicos esta monografia procura: a) discorrer sobre o campo teórico da justiça de transição e seus mecanismos, bem como relatar a situação alemã no período de tempo em que viveu sob dois regimes político-ideológicos distintos; b) apresentar modelo de Justiça de Transição aplicado pelo Estado alemão pós comunismo a fim de reparar as violações de direitos humanos cometidas sob o regime do Partido Comunista Unificado; c) avaliar as consequências do modelo de justiça de transição elaborado pela Alemanha e verificar se seu papel educacional e de restauração da confiança foi cumprido de maneira satisfatória. Este trabalho tem por característica um pioneirismo e pretende contribuir teoricamente para as investigações dentro da temática da justiça de transição a partir da ótica das Relações Internacionais, ao lançar luz sobre a discussão a respeito dos mecanismos transicionais aplicados pela Alemanha no período pós-comunista

    On Poisson structures of hydrodynamic type and their deformations

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    Systems of quasilinear partial differential equations of the first order, known as hydrodynamic type systems, are one of the most important classes of nonlinear partial differential equations in the modern theory of integrable systems. They naturally arise in continuum mechanics and in a wide range of applications, both in pure and applied mathematics. Deep connections between the mathematical theory of hydrodynamic type systems with differential geometry, firstly revealed by Riemann in the nineteenth century, have been thoroughly investigated in the eighties by Dubrovin and Novikov. They introduced and studied a class of Poisson structures generated by a flat pseudo-Riemannian metric, called first-order Poisson brackets of hydrodynamic type. Subsequently, these structures have been generalised in a whole variety of different ways: degenerate, non-homogeneous, higher order, multi-dimensional, and non-local. The first part of this thesis is devoted to the classification of such structures in two dimensions, both non-degenerate and degenerate. Complete lists of such structures are provided for a small number of components, as well as partial results in the multi-component non-degenerate case. In the second part of the thesis we deal with deformations of Poisson structures of hydrodynamic type. The deformation theory of Poisson structures is of great interest in the theory of integrable systems, and also plays a key role in the theory of Frobenius manifolds. In particular, we investigate deformations of two classes of structures of hydrodynamic type: degenerate one-dimensional Poisson brackets and non-semisimple bi-Hamiltonian structures associated with Balinskii-Novikov algebras. Complete classification of second-order deformations are presented for two-component structures


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    In this study the only one specimen collected and attributed to Sicista cf. subtilis from the Caverna Generosa has been described: a right mandible with first molar and m/2-m/3 alveoli. The Sicista specimen shows a morphological and morphometrical similarity to Sicista subtilis and it may represent the first record in Italy and the third in the whole Europe of the latter species. The discovery defines advancement in the Sicista paleogeography in the North of Italy and it certainly demonstrates that an important faunal migration during the Last Maximum Glacial involved the Western part of the Po valley, too.&nbsp

    in vitro evaluation of loop design influencing the sliding of orthodontic wires a preliminary study

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    Aim:Resistance to sliding between bracket and wire is present, in a different magnitude, in most orthodontic treatments and it affects the biomechanics of the tooth movement. However, the influence of loop design on resistance to sliding is currently unknown.Methods:In total, 12 stainless steel orthodontic wires of different sizes (0.016″×0.022″; 0.017″×0.025″), loop height (6mm, 8mm, 10mm), and loop type (open, close) were analyzed. Wires were tied with elastic ligatures to a bracket and tested during sliding at 0.5 mm/min. Straight wires were used as controls. Differences in the force to start the sliding (N), force during the sliding (N), and displacement to start the sliding (mm), were evaluated with Kruskal–Wallis one-way analysis of variance and Mann–Whitney tests (α=0.05).Results:Open loops had a lower force to start the sliding compared to straight wires (p<0.05), and some closed loops showed a similar trend. Open loops had lower force during the sliding compared to straight wires, but closed loop..