346 research outputs found

    Dependable and Certifiable Real-World Systems – Issue of Software Engineering Education

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    Embedded software and dedicated hardware are vital elements of the modern world, from personal electronics to transportation, from communication to aerospace, from military to gaming, from medical systems to banking. Combinations of even minor hardware or software defects in a complex system may lead to violation of safety with or even without evident system failure, a major problem that the computing profession faces is the lack of a universal approach to unite the dissimilar viewpoints presented by computer science, with its discrete and mathematical underpinnings, and by computer engineering, which focuses on building real systems and considering spatial and material constraints of space, energy, and time. Modern embedded systems include both viewpoints: microprocessors running software and programmable electronic hardware created with an extensive use of software. The gap between science and engineering approaches is clearly visible in engineering education. This survey paper focuses on exploring the commonalities between building software and building hardware in an attempt to establish a new framework for rejuvenating computing education, specifically software engineering for dependable systems. We present here a perspective on software/hardware relationship, aviation system certification, role of software engineering education, and future directions in computing

    Reliability and Security Assessment of Modern Embedded Devices

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    The 1991 3rd NASA Symposium on VLSI Design

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    Papers from the symposium are presented from the following sessions: (1) featured presentations 1; (2) very large scale integration (VLSI) circuit design; (3) VLSI architecture 1; (4) featured presentations 2; (5) neural networks; (6) VLSI architectures 2; (7) featured presentations 3; (8) verification 1; (9) analog design; (10) verification 2; (11) design innovations 1; (12) asynchronous design; and (13) design innovations 2

    State of the Art and Open Research Topics in Embedded Hard Real-Time Systems Design

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    The most important and necessary properties of embedded real-time systems, and the ways to achieve them, are explored. The basic and most prominent domains of real-time systems design are discussed, starting with processor and system hardware architectures, ranging over operating systems, tasking and scheduling, high level real-time programming languages, worst case execution time and schedulability analysis, to application design engineering and safety related applications. Common misconceptions, which are still strongly present in control systems design, are identified. Guidelines for consistent implementation are proposed, and sample solutions in certain areas presented. Finally, directions for future research are indicated

    Dataflow computers: a tutorial and survey

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    Journal ArticleThe demand for very high performance computer has encouraged some researchers in the computer science field to consider alternatives to the conventional notions of program and computer organization. The dataflow computer is one attempt to form a new collection of consistent systems ideas to improve both computer performance and to alleviate the software design problems induced by the construction of highly concurrent programs

    Real-Time Trace Decoding and Monitoring for Safety and Security in Embedded Systems

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    Integrated circuits and systems can be found almost everywhere in today’s world. As their use increases, they need to be made safer and more perfor mant to meet current demands in processing power. FPGA integrated SoCs can provide the ideal trade-off between performance, adaptability, and energy usage. One of today’s vital challenges lies in updating existing fault tolerance techniques for these new systems while utilizing all available processing capa bilities, such as multi-core and heterogeneous processing units. Control-flow monitoring is one of the primary mechanisms described for error detection at the software architectural level for the highest grade of hazard level clas sifications (e.g., ASIL D) described in industry safety standards ISO-26262. Control-flow errors are also known to compose the majority of detected errors for ICs and embedded systems in safety-critical and risk-susceptible environ ments [5]. Software-based monitoring methods remain the most popular [6–8]. However, recent studies show that the overheads they impose make actual reliability gains negligible [9, 10]. This work proposes and demonstrates a new control flow checking method implemented in FPGA for multi-core embedded systems called control-flow trace checker (CFTC). CFTC uses existing trace and debug subsystems of modern processors to rebuild their execution states. It can iden tify any errors in real-time by comparing executed states to a set of permitted state transitions determined statically. This novel implementation weighs hardware resource trade-offs to target mul tiple independent tasks in multi-core embedded applications, as well as single core systems. The proposed system is entirely implemented in hardware and isolated from all monitored software components, requiring 2.4% of the target FPGA platform resources to protect an execution unit in its entirety. There fore, it avoids undesired overheads and maintains deterministic error detection latencies, which guarantees reliability improvements without impairing the target software system. Finally, CFTC is evaluated under different software i Resumo fault-injection scenarios, achieving detection rates of 100% of all control-flow errors to wrong destinations and 98% of all injected faults to program binaries. All detection times are further analyzed and precisely described by a model based on the monitor’s resources and speed and the software application’s control-flow structure and binary characteristics.Circuitos integrados estão presentes em quase todos sistemas complexos do mundo moderno. Conforme sua frequência de uso aumenta, eles precisam se tornar mais seguros e performantes para conseguir atender as novas demandas em potência de processamento. Sistemas em Chip integrados com FPGAs conseguem prover o balanço perfeito entre desempenho, adaptabilidade, e uso de energia. Um dos maiores desafios agora é a necessidade de atualizar técnicas de tolerância à falhas para estes novos sistemas, aproveitando os novos avanços em capacidade de processamento. Monitoramento de fluxo de controle é um dos principais mecanismos para a detecção de erros em nível de software para sistemas classificados como de alto risco (e.g. ASIL D), descrito em padrões de segurança como o ISO-26262. Estes erros são conhecidos por compor a maioria dos erros detectados em sistemas integrados [5]. Embora métodos de monitoramento baseados em software continuem sendo os mais populares [6–8], estudos recentes mostram que seus custos adicionais, em termos de performance e área, diminuem consideravelmente seus ganhos reais em confiabilidade [9, 10]. Propomos aqui um novo método de monitora mento de fluxo de controle implementado em FPGA para sistemas embarcados multi-core. Este método usa subsistemas de trace e execução de código para reconstruir o estado atual do processador, identificando erros através de com parações entre diferentes estados de execução da CPU. Propomos uma implementação que considera trade-offs no uso de recuros de sistema para monitorar múltiplas tarefas independetes. Nossa abordagem suporta o monitoramento de sistemas simples e também de sistemas multi-core multitarefa. Por fim, nossa técnica é totalmente implementada em hardware, evitando o uso de unidades de processamento de software que possa adicionar custos indesejáveis à aplicação em perda de confiabilidade. Propomos, assim, um mecanismo de verificação de fluxo de controle, escalável e extensível, para proteção de sistemas embarcados críticos e multi-core

    Real-time trace decoding and monitoring for safety and security in embedded systems

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    Integrated circuits and systems can be found almost everywhere in today’s world. As their use increases, they need to be made safer and more perfor mant to meet current demands in processing power. FPGA integrated SoCs can provide the ideal trade-off between performance, adaptability, and energy usage. One of today’s vital challenges lies in updating existing fault tolerance techniques for these new systems while utilizing all available processing capa bilities, such as multi-core and heterogeneous processing units. Control-flow monitoring is one of the primary mechanisms described for error detection at the software architectural level for the highest grade of hazard level clas sifications (e.g., ASIL D) described in industry safety standards ISO-26262. Control-flow errors are also known to compose the majority of detected errors for ICs and embedded systems in safety-critical and risk-susceptible environ ments [5]. Software-based monitoring methods remain the most popular [6–8]. However, recent studies show that the overheads they impose make actual reliability gains negligible [9, 10]. This work proposes and demonstrates a new control flow checking method implemented in FPGA for multi-core embedded systems called control-flow trace checker (CFTC). CFTC uses existing trace and debug subsystems of modern processors to rebuild their execution states. It can iden tify any errors in real-time by comparing executed states to a set of permitted state transitions determined statically. This novel implementation weighs hardware resource trade-offs to target mul tiple independent tasks in multi-core embedded applications, as well as single core systems. The proposed system is entirely implemented in hardware and isolated from all monitored software components, requiring 2.4% of the target FPGA platform resources to protect an execution unit in its entirety. There fore, it avoids undesired overheads and maintains deterministic error detection latencies, which guarantees reliability improvements without impairing the target software system. Finally, CFTC is evaluated under different software i Resumo fault-injection scenarios, achieving detection rates of 100% of all control-flow errors to wrong destinations and 98% of all injected faults to program binaries. All detection times are further analyzed and precisely described by a model based on the monitor’s resources and speed and the software application’s control-flow structure and binary characteristics.Circuitos integrados estão presentes em quase todos sistemas complexos do mundo moderno. Conforme sua frequência de uso aumenta, eles precisam se tornar mais seguros e performantes para conseguir atender as novas demandas em potência de processamento. Sistemas em Chip integrados com FPGAs conseguem prover o balanço perfeito entre desempenho, adaptabilidade, e uso de energia. Um dos maiores desafios agora é a necessidade de atualizar técnicas de tolerância à falhas para estes novos sistemas, aproveitando os novos avanços em capacidade de processamento. Monitoramento de fluxo de controle é um dos principais mecanismos para a detecção de erros em nível de software para sistemas classificados como de alto risco (e.g. ASIL D), descrito em padrões de segurança como o ISO-26262. Estes erros são conhecidos por compor a maioria dos erros detectados em sistemas integrados [5]. Embora métodos de monitoramento baseados em software continuem sendo os mais populares [6–8], estudos recentes mostram que seus custos adicionais, em termos de performance e área, diminuem consideravelmente seus ganhos reais em confiabilidade [9, 10]. Propomos aqui um novo método de monitora mento de fluxo de controle implementado em FPGA para sistemas embarcados multi-core. Este método usa subsistemas de trace e execução de código para reconstruir o estado atual do processador, identificando erros através de com parações entre diferentes estados de execução da CPU. Propomos uma implementação que considera trade-offs no uso de recuros de sistema para monitorar múltiplas tarefas independetes. Nossa abordagem suporta o monitoramento de sistemas simples e também de sistemas multi-core multitarefa. Por fim, nossa técnica é totalmente implementada em hardware, evitando o uso de unidades de processamento de software que possa adicionar custos indesejáveis à aplicação em perda de confiabilidade. Propomos, assim, um mecanismo de verificação de fluxo de controle, escalável e extensível, para proteção de sistemas embarcados críticos e multi-core

    Architectures for dependable modern microprocessors

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    Η εξέλιξη των ολοκληρωμένων κυκλωμάτων σε συνδυασμό με τους αυστηρούς χρονικούς περιορισμούς καθιστούν την επαλήθευση της ορθής λειτουργίας των επεξεργαστών μία εξαιρετικά απαιτητική διαδικασία. Με κριτήριο το στάδιο του κύκλου ζωής ενός επεξεργαστή, από την στιγμή κατασκευής των πρωτοτύπων και έπειτα, οι τεχνικές ελέγχου ορθής λειτουργίας διακρίνονται στις ακόλουθες κατηγορίες: (1) Silicon Debug: Τα πρωτότυπα ολοκληρωμένα κυκλώματα ελέγχονται εξονυχιστικά, (2) Manufacturing Testing: ο τελικό ποιοτικός έλεγχος και (3) In-field verification: Περιλαμβάνει τεχνικές, οι οποίες διασφαλίζουν την λειτουργία του επεξεργαστή σύμφωνα με τις προδιαγραφές του. Η διδακτορική διατριβή προτείνει τα ακόλουθα: (1) Silicon Debug: Η εργασία αποσκοπεί στην επιτάχυνση της διαδικασίας ανίχνευσης σφαλμάτων και στον αυτόματο εντοπισμό τυχαίων προγραμμάτων που δεν περιέχουν νέα -χρήσιμη- πληροφορία σχετικά με την αίτια ενός σφάλματος. Η κεντρική ιδέα αυτής της μεθόδου έγκειται στην αξιοποίηση της έμφυτης ποικιλομορφίας των αρχιτεκτονικών συνόλου εντολών και στην δυνατότητα από-διαμόρφωσης τμημάτων του κυκλώματος, (2) Manufacturing Testing: προτείνεται μία μέθοδο για την βελτιστοποίηση του έλεγχου ορθής λειτουργίας των πολυνηματικών και πολυπύρηνων επεξεργαστών μέσω της χρήση λογισμικού αυτοδοκιμής, (3) Ιn-field verification: Αναλύθηκε σε βάθος η επίδραση που έχουν τα μόνιμα σφάλματα σε μηχανισμούς αύξησης της απόδοσης. Επιπρόσθετα, προτάθηκαν τεχνικές για την ανίχνευση και ανοχή μόνιμων σφαλμάτων υλικού σε μηχανισμούς πρόβλεψης διακλάδωσης.Technology scaling, extreme chip integration and the compelling requirement to diminish the time-to-market window, has rendered microprocessors more prone to design bugs and hardware faults. Microprocessor validation is grouped into the following categories, based on where they intervene in a microprocessor’s lifecycle: (a) Silicon debug: the first hardware prototypes are exhaustively validated, (b) Μanufacturing testing: the final quality control during massive production, and (c) In-field verification: runtime error detection techniques to guarantee correct operation. The contributions of this thesis are the following: (1) Silicon debug: We propose the employment of deconfigurable microprocessor architectures along with a technique to generate self-checking random test programs to avoid the simulation step and triage the redundant debug sessions, (2) Manufacturing testing: We propose a self-test optimization strategy for multithreaded, multicore microprocessors to speedup test program execution time and enhance the fault coverage of hard errors; and (3) In-field verification: We measure the effect of permanent faults performance components. Then, we propose a set of low-cost mechanisms for the detection, diagnosis and performance recovery in the front-end speculative structures. This thesis introduces various novel methodologies to address the validation challenges posed throughout the life-cycle of a chip

    On Energy Efficient Computing Platforms

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    In accordance with the Moore's law, the increasing number of on-chip integrated transistors has enabled modern computing platforms with not only higher processing power but also more affordable prices. As a result, these platforms, including portable devices, work stations and data centres, are becoming an inevitable part of the human society. However, with the demand for portability and raising cost of power, energy efficiency has emerged to be a major concern for modern computing platforms. As the complexity of on-chip systems increases, Network-on-Chip (NoC) has been proved as an efficient communication architecture which can further improve system performances and scalability while reducing the design cost. Therefore, in this thesis, we study and propose energy optimization approaches based on NoC architecture, with special focuses on the following aspects. As the architectural trend of future computing platforms, 3D systems have many bene ts including higher integration density, smaller footprint, heterogeneous integration, etc. Moreover, 3D technology can signi cantly improve the network communication and effectively avoid long wirings, and therefore, provide higher system performance and energy efficiency. With the dynamic nature of on-chip communication in large scale NoC based systems, run-time system optimization is of crucial importance in order to achieve higher system reliability and essentially energy efficiency. In this thesis, we propose an agent based system design approach where agents are on-chip components which monitor and control system parameters such as supply voltage, operating frequency, etc. With this approach, we have analysed the implementation alternatives for dynamic voltage and frequency scaling and power gating techniques at different granularity, which reduce both dynamic and leakage energy consumption. Topologies, being one of the key factors for NoCs, are also explored for energy saving purpose. A Honeycomb NoC architecture is proposed in this thesis with turn-model based deadlock-free routing algorithms. Our analysis and simulation based evaluation show that Honeycomb NoCs outperform their Mesh based counterparts in terms of network cost, system performance as well as energy efficiency.Siirretty Doriast