7 research outputs found

    Implementation of Kalman filter for the indoor location system of a Lego NXT mobile robot

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    This paper shows the implementation of an estimation technique based on Kalman filter to correct accumulated errors that occur along a trajectory when tracking location over a mobile platform (Lego NXT 2.0 type) in a known environment. The implementation begins with kinematic models and odometers to subsequently construct the filter and conduct the corresponding experimentation


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    En el proyecto de investigaci贸n Dise帽o e implementaci贸n de agentes robots, actuando de manera cooperativa, en una zona colapsada simulada, como apoyo a organismos de b煤squeda y rescate urbano, se planearon diferentes rutas para la b煤squeda y rescate de las v铆ctimas, las cuales eran seguidas por los agentes, present谩ndose errores de localizaci贸n debidos a las condiciones f铆sicas de las plataformas. En este art铆culo se presenta la implementaci贸n del filtro de Kalman en una plataforma m贸vil Lego NXT con el software LabVIEW, para estimar la posici贸n y corregir los errores de localizaci贸n.

    Mobile Robot Localisation and Navigation Using LEGO NXT and Ultrasonic Sensor

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    A Robotics Framework for Simulation and Control of a Robotic Arm for Use in Higher Education

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    Robotic arms have been in common use for a several decades now in many areas from manufacturing and industrial uses to hobby projects and amusement park rides. However, there have been very few attempts to make an inexpensive robot arm with a software stack for use in higher education. This paper will outline a control and interfacing software stack built on the Robot Operating System (ROS) and a simulation of the 5 degree of freedom (DoF) robotic arm

    A Novel Real-Time MATLAB/Simulink/LEGO EV3 Platform for Academic Use in Robotics and Computer Science

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    Over the last years, mobile robot platforms are having a key role in education worldwide. Among others, LEGO Robots and MATLAB/Simulink are being used mainly in universities to improve the teaching experience. Most LEGO systems used in the literature are based on NXT, as the EV3 version is relatively recent. In contrast to the previous versions, the EV3 allows the development of real-time applications for teaching a wide variety of subjects as well as conducting research experiments. The goal of the research presented in this paper was to develop and validate a novel real-time educational platform based on the MATLAB/Simulink package and the LEGO EV3 brick for academic use in the fields of robotics and computer science. The proposed framework is tested here in different university teaching situations and several case studies are presented in the form of interactive projects developed by students. Without loss of generality, the platform is used for testing different robot path planning algorithms. Classical algorithms like rapidly-exploring random trees or artificial potential fields, developed by robotics researchers, are tested by bachelor students, since the code is freely available on the Internet. Furthermore, recent path planning algorithms developed by the authors are also tested in the platform with the aim of detecting the limits of its applicability. The restrictions and advantages of the proposed platform are discussed in order to enlighten future educational applications