71 research outputs found

    Brain activation in Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory: The role of the precuneus in the autobiographical memory retrieval network

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    This is the first study to examine functional brain activation in a single case of Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM) who shows no sign of OCD. While previous work has documented the existence of HSAM, information about brain areas involved in this exceptional form of memory for personal events relies on structural and resting state connectivity data, with mixed results so far. In this first task-based fMRI study of a normal individual with HSAM, dates were presented as cues and two phases were assessed during memory retrieval, initial access and later elaboration. Results showed that initial access was very fast, did not activate the hippocampus, and involved activation of predominantly posterior visual areas, including the praecuneus. These areas typically become active during later stages of elaboration of personal memories rather than during initial access. Elaboration involved a balanced bilateral activation of most of the autobiographical network areas, rather than the more typical shifts observed in people without HSAM. Overall, the pattern of brain activations, which rests on repeated observations in a single individual, highlights a strong involvement of the praecuneus and an idiosyncratic initial access to personal memory representations. Implications for the nature of personal memories in HSAM are discussed

    Visuo-Spatial Imagery Impairment in Posterior Cortical Atrophy: A Cognitive and SPECT Study

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    Shifting visual perspective during retrieval shapes autobiographical memories

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    The dynamic and flexible nature of memories is evident in our ability to adopt multiple visual perspectives. Although autobiographical memories are typically encoded from the visual perspective of our own eyes they can be retrieved from the perspective of an observer looking at our self. Here, we examined the neural mechanisms of shifting visual perspective during long-term memory retrieval and its influence on online and subsequent memories using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Participants generated specific autobiographical memories from the last five years and rated their visual perspective. In a separate fMRI session, they were asked to retrieve the memories across three repetitions while maintaining the same visual perspective as their initial rating or by shifting to an alternative perspective. Visual perspective shifting during autobiographical memory retrieval was supported by a linear decrease in neural recruitment across repetitions in the posterior parietal cortices. Additional analyses revealed that the precuneus, in particular, contributed to both online and subsequent changes in the phenomenology of memories. Our findings show that flexibly shifting egocentric perspective during autobiographical memory retrieval is supported by the precuneus, and suggest that this manipulation of mental imagery during retrieval has consequences for how memories are retrieved and later remembered

    Intuitive physics ability in systemizers relies on differential use of the internalizing system and long-term spatial representations

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    According to the Empathizing-Systemizing theory (E-S Theory), individual differences in how people understand the physical world (systemizing) and the social world (empathizing), are two continuums in the general population with several implications, from vocational interests to skills in the social and physical domains. The underlying mechanisms of intuitive physics performance among individuals with strong systemizing and weak empathizing (systemizers) are, however, unknown. Our results affirm higher intuitive physics skills in healthy adult systemizers (N=36), and further reveal the brain mechanisms that are characteristic for those individuals in carrying out such tasks. When the participants performed intuitive physics tasks during functional magnetic resonance imaging, combined higher systemizing and lower empathizing was associated with stronger activations in parts of the default mode network (DMN, cuneus and posterior cingulate gyrus), middle occipital gyrus, and parahippocampal region. The posterior cingulate gyrus and parahippocampal gyrus were specifically associated with systemizing "brain type" even after controlling for task performance, while especially in the parietal cortex, the activation changes were simply explained by higher task performance. We therefore suggest that utilization of DMN-parahippocampal complex, suggested to play a role in internalizing and activating long-term spatial memory representations, is the factor that distinguishes systemizers from empathizers with the opposite "brain type" in intuitive physics tasks.Peer reviewe

    The functional role of dreaming in emotional processes

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    Dream experience (DE) represents a fascinating condition linked to emotional processes and the human inner world. Although the overlap between REM sleep and dreaming has been overcome, several studies point out that emotional and perceptually vivid contents are more frequent when reported upon awakenings from this sleep stage. Actually, it is well-known that REM sleep plays a pivotal role in the processing of salient and emotional waking-life experiences, strongly contributing to the emotional memory consolidation. In this vein, we highlighted that, to some extent, neuroimaging studies showed that the processes that regulate dreaming and emotional salience in sleep mentation share similar neural substrates of those controlling emotions during wakefulness. Furthermore, the research on EEG correlates of the presence/absence of DE and the results on EEG pattern related to the incorporated memories converged to assign a crucial role of REM theta oscillations in emotional re-processing. In particular, the theta activity is involved in memory processes during REM sleep as well as during the waking state, in line with the continuity hypothesis. Also, the gamma activity seems to be related to emotional processes and dream recall as well as to lucid dreams. Interestingly, similar EEG correlates of DE have been found in clinical samples when nightmares or dreams occur. Research on clinical samples revealed that promoting the rehearsal of frightening contents aimed to change them is a promising method to treat nightmares, and that lucid dreams are associated with an attenuation of nightmares. In this view, DE can defuse emotional traumatic memories when the emotional regulation and the fear extinction mechanisms are compromised by traumatic and frightening events. Finally, dreams could represent a sort of simulation of reality, providing the possibility to create a new scenario with emotional mastery elements to cope with dysphoric items included in nightmares. In addition, it could be hypothesized that the insertion of bizarre items besides traumatic memories might be functional to “impoverish” the negative charge of the experiences

    Increased Functional Connectivity in the Default Mode Network in Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Maladaptive Compensatory Mechanism Associated with Poor Semantic Memory Performance

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    Semantic memory decline and changes of default mode network (DMN) connectivity have been reported in mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Only a few studies, however, have investigated the role of changes of activity in the DMN on semantic memory in this clinical condition. The present study aimed to investigate more extensively the relationship between semantic memory impairment and DMN intrinsic connectivity in MCI. Twenty-one MCI patients and 21 healthy elderly controls matched for demographic variables took part in this study. All participants underwent a comprehensive semantic battery including tasks of category fluency, visual naming and naming from definition for objects, actions and famous people, word-association for early and late acquired words and reading. A subgroup of the original sample (16 MCI patients and 20 healthy elderly controls) was also scanned with resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging and DMN connectivity was estimated using a seed-based approach. Compared with healthy elderly, patients showed an extensive semantic memory decline in category fluency, visual naming, naming from definition, words-association, and reading tasks. Patients presented increased DMN connectivity between the medial prefrontal regions and the posterior cingulate and between the posterior cingulate and the parahippocampus and anterior hippocampus. MCI patients also showed a significant negative correlation of medial prefrontal gyrus connectivity with parahippocampus and posterior hippocampus and visual naming performance. Our findings suggest that increasing DMN connectivity may contribute to semantic memory deficits in MCI, specifically in visual naming. Increased DMN connectivity with posterior cingulate and medio-temporal regions seems to represent a maladaptive reorganization of brain functions in MCI, which detrimentally contributes to cognitive impairment in this clinical population

    Imaging of cognitive outcomes in patients with autoimmune encephalitis

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    Die Autoimmunenzephalitis ist eine kĂŒrzlich beschriebene entzĂŒndliche Erkrankung des zentralen Nervensystems, die GedĂ€chtnisdefizite, Psychosen, oder epileptische AnfĂ€lle hervorrufen kann. Derzeit ist hingegen noch nicht ausreichend verstanden, welche pathologischen VerĂ€nderungen zu den kognitiven Defiziten fĂŒhren und welche neuropsychologischen und bildgebenden Langzeitoutcomes zu erwarten sind. Anhand von strukturellen und funktionellen Bildgebungsanalysen zeigt diese Dissertation, dass kognitive Defizite auch nach der akuten Phase der Autoimmunenzephalitis fortbestehen können. Bei der LGI1-Enzephalitis gehen GedĂ€chtnisdefizite mit fokalen strukturellen LĂ€sionen im Hippocampus einher. Durch eine funktionelle Störung der Resting-State-KonnektivitĂ€t des Default-Mode- und Salienznetzwerkes beeintrĂ€chtigen diese HippocampuslĂ€sionen auch Hirnregionen außerhalb des limbischen Systems. Bei Patient:innen mit NMDA-Rezeptor-Enzephalitis finden sich in der longitudinalen neuropsychologischen Untersuchung trotz guter allgemeiner Genesung auch noch mehrere Jahre nach der Akutphase persistierende Defizite des GedĂ€chtnisses und exekutiver Funktionen. Zuletzt zeigt eine transdiagnostische Analyse, dass der anteriore Hippocampus eine erhöhte VulnerabilitĂ€t gegenĂŒber immunvermittelten pathologischen Prozessen aufweist. Diese Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass kognitive Symptome auch noch nach der Entlassung aus der stationĂ€ren Behandlung fortbestehen können. Sowohl umschriebene strukturelle HippocampuslĂ€sionen als auch VerĂ€nderungen in makroskopischen funktionellen Hirnnetzwerken tragen zur pathophysiologischen ErklĂ€rung dieser Symptome bei. Zudem erlauben diese Ergebnisse einen Einblick in neuroplastische VerĂ€nderungen des Gehirns und haben weitreichende Implikationen fĂŒr die Langzeitversorgung und das Design zukĂŒnftiger klinischer Studien.Autoimmune encephalitis is a recently described inflammatory disease of the central nervous system that can cause memory deficits, psychosis, or seizures. The trajectory of cognitive dysfunction and the underlying long-term imaging correlates are, however, not yet fully understood. By using advanced structural and functional neuroimaging, this thesis shows that cognitive deficits persist beyond the acute phase. In LGI1 encephalitis, MRI postprocessing revealed that memory deficits are related to focal structural hippocampal lesions. These hippocampal lesions propagate to brain areas outside the limbic system through aberrant resting-state connectivity of the default mode network (DMN) and the salience network. In NMDA receptor encephalitis, a longitudinal analysis of neuropsychological data describes persistent cognitive deficits, especially in the memory and executive domains, despite good physical recovery several years after the acute disease. Lastly, a transdiagnostic analysis reveals that the anterior hippocampus is particularly vulnerable to immune-mediated damage. In conclusion, these results demonstrate that cognitive symptoms in autoimmune encephalitis can persist beyond discharge from neurological care. Both discrete structural hippocampal damage and changes in macroscopic functional networks shed light on the pathophysiological basis of these symptoms. These findings help to explain how the brain responds to pathological damage and have substantial implications for long-term patient care and the design of future clinical studies
