772 research outputs found

    La polarización socioeconómica interna de barrios urbanos, el caso de Marsella

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    The socio-economic inequalities of the different metropolitan neighborhoods have been carefully documented and analyzed in the social science literature. Starting from this premise, this article focuses on the less common neighborhoods in which two extremes coexist: very low-income households and high-income households. The objective is to identify the neighborhoods with a high internal socioeconomic polarization, geolocate them in the urban space, characterize their population and housing stock, and measure their recent evolutionary trends. The empirical analysis focuses on the neighborhoods of Marseille (France), a city characterized by strong socio-spatial segregation between poor neighborhoods in the north and rich neighborhoods on the southern coast, and the presence of neighborhoods in which populations coexist with unequal resources. This empirical study is based on the fiscal and social data (Filosofi file) that allow knowing the income distribution and based on the census data to characterize the socio-demography and the type of housing of the population. In order to identify neighborhoods with intense internal socio-economic polarization and measure their evolution of income distribution, original poverty and wealth indexes have been developed, which synthesize the two extremes of this distribution. These neighborhoods with a high internal socio-economic polarization usually present certain distinctive aspects, such as their geographical location or a more or less rapid and intense gentrification process. However, some of them seem to escape this process, as evidenced by the contrasting trends in the recent evolution of income distribution and structural heterogeneity of the housing stock, in which small apartments and old buildings are very overrepresented.Las desigualdades socio-económicas de los distintos barrios metropolitanos han sido documentadas y analizadas acuradamente en el ámbito de las ciencias sociales. Partiendo de esta premisa, este artículo se centra en los barrios, poco frecuentes, en los que coexisten dos extremos: hogares con muy bajos ingresos y hogares con altos ingresos. El objetivo es identificar los barrios con una alta polarización socio-económica interna, geolocalizarlos en el espacio urbano, caracterizar su población y su parque de viviendas, así como medir sus tendencias evolutivas recientes. El análisis empírico se centra en los barrios de Marsella (Francia), una ciudad caracterizada por una fuerte segregación socio-espacial entre los barrios pobres del norte y los barrios ricos de la costa sur, además de la presencia de barrios en los que conviven poblaciones con recursos desiguales. Este estudio empírico se basa en los datos fiscales y sociales (fichero Filosofi), que permiten conocer la distribución de la renta, y en los datos censales, para caracterizar la socio-demografía y la tipología de vivienda de su población. Para identificar los barrios con una fuerte polarización socio-económica interna y medir su evolución de la distribución de la renta, se han desarrollado índices originales de pobreza y riqueza, que sintetizan los dos extremos de esta distribución. Estos barrios con una fuerte polarización socio-económica interna suelen presentar ciertos aspectos distintivos, como su ubicación geográfica o un proceso de gentrificación más o menos rápido e intenso. Sin embargo, algunos de ellos parecen escapar a ese proceso, como demuestran las tendencias contrastadas en la evolución reciente de la distribución de la renta y una heterogeneidad estructural del parque de viviendas, en la que los apartamentos pequeños y los edificios antiguos están sobrerepresentados

    Mémoire émotionnelle du soi

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    International audienceLes émotions structurent la mémoire autobiographique (MA) en distinguant les événements importants pour le soi narratif, c'est-à-dire pour la poursuite de buts à long terme. Le rappel en MA est un processus de reconstruction qui fournit au soi une trame narrative cohérente dans le temps à l'origine d'un sentiment d'identité. Alors que le cortex préfrontal sous-tend les processus de reconstruction et de référence à soi, respectivement par ses régions latérales et médiales, le cortex temporal sous-tend les aspects sémantiques et épisodiques du rappel en MA, respectivement par ses régions latérales et médiales. De plus, les structures corticales médianes postérieures et l'amygdale sont impliquées dans les aspects visuels et émotionnels du souvenir. Toutes ces régions ont un fonctionnement anormal dans la dépression majeure, qui, sans surprise, est associé à des troubles de la MA combinant congruence à l'humeur, surgénéralisation, souvenirs intrusifs et perspective visuelle à la troisième personne

    An evolutionist analysis of sectoral dynamics (In French)

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    The purpose of this chapter is to highlight how evolutionary theory can provide an adequate framework for sectoral studies. It sets out the broad outlines of such an approach focusing on key concepts, while suggesting lines of interpretation of industrial dynamics. The concrete illustrations provided are seeking to show that these concepts are not ready-made tools within an applied industrial economy approach.technological change ; innovation ; sectoral trajectories ; technological regimes ; sectoral innovation and production systems

    Revisiting the Role of Exercise Countermeasure on the Regulation of Energy Balance During Space Flight

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    A body mass loss has been consistently observed in astronauts. This loss is of medical concern since energy deficit can exacerbate some of the deleterious physiological changes observed during space flight including cardiovascular deconditioning, bone density, muscle mass and strength losses, impaired exercise capacity, and immune deficiency among others. These may jeopardize crew health and performance, a healthy return to Earth and mission’s overall success. In the context of planning for planetary exploration, achieving energy balance during long-term space flights becomes a research and operational priority. The regulation of energy balance and its components in current longer duration missions in space must be re-examined and fully understood. The purpose of this review is to summarize current understanding of how energy intake, energy expenditure, and hence energy balance are regulated in space compared to Earth. Data obtained in both actual and simulated microgravity thus far suggest that the obligatory exercise countermeasures program, rather than the microgravity per se, may be partly responsible for the chronic weight loss in space. Little is known of the energy intake, expenditure, and balance during the intense extravehicular activities which will become increasingly more frequent and difficult. The study of the impact of exercise on energy balance in space also provides further insights on lifestyle modalities such as intensity and frequency of exercise, metabolism, and the regulation of body weight on Earth, which is currently a topic of animated debate in the field of energy and obesity research. While not dismissing the significance of exercise as a countermeasure during space flight, data now challenge the current exercise countermeasure program promoted and adopted for many years by all the International Space Agencies. An alternative exercise approach that has a minimum impact on total energy expenditure in space, while preventing muscle mass loss and other physiological changes, is needed in order to better understand the in-flight regulation of energy balance and estimate daily energy requirements. A large body of data generated on Earth suggests that alternate approaches, such as high intensity interval training (HIIT), in combination or not with sessions of resistive exercise, might fulfill such needs

    Le devenir des orphelins au Burundi (analyse des conséquences de l'expérience précoce du décès parental dans un contexte de crise socio-politique)

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    Ce travail se propose d examiner les conséquences du décès parental précoce sur la trajectoire biographique des enfants, dans un régime de mortalité où la principale perturbation n est pas le VIH/SIDA, mais une grave crise socio-politique. Le Burundi est l un des épicentres du conflit traversé dans les années 90 par la région des Grands Lacs. A l aide des données de l Enquête Socio-Démographique et de Santé de la Reproduction (ESDSR) menée au Burundi en 2002, nous analysons l impact du décès parental précoce sur un grand nombre de dimensions du parcours de vie des enfants burundais: mortalité, violence et exploitation sexuelle, séparation des membres de la fratrie, scolarité, entrée précoce dans le travail, ressources, conditions de l héritage, entrée dans la vie reproductive et familiale. Ces analyses sont menées selon l âge de l enfant au moment du décès d au moins un de ses parents, tout en cherchant à évaluer l effet de la cause de décès des parents (crise/autre cause) sur les résultats obtenus. On montre que la perturbation du parcours de vie des enfants ayant précocement vécu le décès de leur père est mineure. A l inverse l expérience précoce de la mère ou du dernier parent survivant affecte la plupart des dimensions de la trajectoire biographique des enfants. La crise burundaise amplifie et, dans certains cas, transforme voire renverse la relation entre l expérience précoce du décès d au moins un parent et la trajectoire des enfants. L orphelin à cause des massacres de masse de 1993 est un orphelin politique dont la protection et le soutien par les instances politiques, militaires, administratives et humanitaires est devenu un enjeu de la crise elle-même.The aim of this paper is to analyze lifetime effects of parental death during childhood, in a country context where HIV/AIDS isn t the main cause of death among young adults but deaths caused by a major socio-political crisis. During the 90 s, Burundi hosted the cradle of the regional conflict in the Great Lakes. A 2002 demographic, social and reproductive health survey in Burundi (ESDSR) will provide us the information required to analyze impact of early parental death, on a complex panel of life perspectives for children: mortality, violence and sexual abuse, separation of siblings, schooling, working at early age, resources, heritage, early marriage and age at first birth. These analyses are led by child age at early parental death, along with an attempt to estimate the effect from the cause of this death (crisis or other) on results. The strength of leading conclusions is consolidated by the mean of exchanging results, these results being derived from several analysis methods: bivariate and multivariate logistic models adapted or not to clustered data (standard, multilevel, marginal and fixed-effects logistic regressions).We bring lights on the minor effect of early father loss on child life trajectory. On the contrary, early mother or last living parent death experience affects almost every child life trajectory. Burundi crisis emphases but in some cases, reverses those effects from negative to positive. 1993 mass slaughters orphans are political orphans. Their political, military, administrative and humanitarian protections became part of the main goals, in the crisis itself.BORDEAUX4-Bib. électronique (335229904) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Decoding illusory self-location from activity in the human hippocampus

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    Decades of research have demonstrated a role for the hippocampus in spatial navigation and episodic and spatial memory. However, empirical evidence linking hippocampal activity to the perceptual experience of being physically located at a particular place in the environment is lacking. In this study, we used a multisensory out-of-body illusion to perceptually ‘teleport’ six healthy participants between two different locations in the scanner room during high-resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The participants were fitted with MRI-compatible head-mounted displays that changed their first-person visual perspective to that of a pair of cameras placed in one of two corners of the scanner room. To elicit the illusion of being physically located in this position, we delivered synchronous visuo-tactile stimulation in the form of an object moving toward the cameras coupled with touches applied to the participant’s chest. Asynchronous visuo-tactile stimulation did not induce the illusion and served as a control condition. We found that illusory self-location could be successfully decoded from patterns of activity in the hippocampus in all of the participants in the synchronous (P 0.05). At the group-level, the decoding accuracy was significantly higher in the synchronous than in the asynchronous condition (P = 0.012). These findings associate hippocampal activity with the perceived location of the bodily self in space, which suggests that the human hippocampus is involved not only in spatial navigation and memory but also in the construction of our sense of bodily self-location

    Voluntary environmental approaches in French wine growing: a variety of adhesion factors (In French)

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    One main environmental issue in wine growing is the non point source pollution of underground water by excessive use of pesticides. The aim of our paper is to present the diversity of voluntary environmental approaches (VEA) .We explain this diversity by the different values that suppose the actors submission to rules and standards, which determine adhesion factors. The analysis is empirically based on original survey conducted towards a sample of more than 1500 wine producers. In a first part, we show that there are two VEA standard models in wine growing: integrated production and organic production. In a second part, we specify these two standard models by different motivation criteria (controlling factor). In organic farming, the relationships with nature are important whereas economic factor determine the choice of integrated farming.Non point source pollution - Integrated farming - Organic farming - Organized proximity - Wine growing - Adhesion factors- Voluntary Environmental Approaches

    Mondes de production et protection de l’environnement dans deux filières agricoles

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    Les activités viticole et arboricole sont confrontées à un phénomène de pollution diffuse par les pesticides. En réponse, certains producteurs adoptent des Démarches Environnementales Volontaires (DEV). Ces diverses DEV se mettent en place dans un contexte d’incertitude radicale et reposent donc sur des logiques plurielles et conventionnelles. L’objectif de cet articleest de mettre en évidence les différences de ces modes de coordination mais aussi leurs transformations du fait de leur coexistence. Pour cela nous adaptons aux questions environnementales le cadre d’analyse des « mondes de production » de Salais et Storper (1993) qui permet d’incorporer d’emblée la pluralité des registres d’action qui se construisent autour d’un produit. Il s’agit ensuite de présenter pour chaque DEV son monde d’appartenance et les changements institutionnels qui peuvent modifier cette appartenance.Wine growing and fruit arboriculture activities are concerned with nonpoint source pollution by pesticides. In response to these problems, some producers adopt Voluntary Environmental Approaches (VEAs). These approaches carry out in a state of radical uncertainty and base on plural logics. The aim of this article is to show these different modes of coordination and their dynamics. We appropriate to environmental issues the worlds of production model of Salais and Storper (1993) that enables to incorporate in the analysis the different actions, which are organized to create products adequate to market expectations. Then we expose the world of belonging of each VEAs and the institutional changes that can modify this belonging

    Environmental questions within Bordeaux area wine growing (In French)

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    Today, environment is the wine growing main “focusing problem” because it questions the dynamics of its activities. Evolutionism allows an appraisal of this dynamics in a specific perspective aiming the integration of environmental innovations into technological trajectories. Starting from the hypothesis that innovations are realized in a selective, finalized and cumulative path, the present paper tries to characterize environmental trajectories by focusing on the innovative behavior of Bordeaux area wine growers. On the basis of the results of a questionnaire interviewing these actors, the paper shows that the main environmental question relates to the uses of pesticides, wine growing being strongly dependent on the diffusion and uses of these products. In the same time, this survey points that regulation and economic incentives do not lead to sufficient changes, as environmental innovations suppose a change in the wine growers knowledge base.Environment, Knowledge base, Innovations, Pesticides, Reasoned agriculture, Wine growing, Technological trajectories