73 research outputs found

    RASCAL: calculation of graph similarity using maximum common edge subgraphs

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    A new graph similarity calculation procedure is introduced for comparing labeled graphs. Given a minimum similarity threshold, the procedure consists of an initial screening process to determine whether it is possible for the measure of similarity between the two graphs to exceed the minimum threshold, followed by a rigorous maximum common edge subgraph (MCES) detection algorithm to compute the exact degree and composition of similarity. The proposed MCES algorithm is based on a maximum clique formulation of the problem and is a significant improvement over other published algorithms. It presents new approaches to both lower and upper bounding as well as vertex selection

    A general computational tool for structure synthesis

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    Synthesis of structures is a very difficult task even with only a small number of components that form a system; yet it is the catalyst of innovation. Molecular structures and nanostructures typically have a large number of similar components but different connections, which manifests a more challenging task for their synthesis. This thesis presents a novel method and its related algorithms and computer programs for the synthesis of structures. This novel method is based on several concepts: (1) the structure is represented by a graph and further by the adjacency matrix; and (2) instead of only exploiting the eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix, both the eigenvalue and the eigenvector are exploited; specifically the components of the eigenvector have been found very useful in algorithm development. This novel method is called the Eigensystem method. The complexity of the Eigensystem method is equal to that of the famous program called Nauty in the combinatorial world. However, the Eigensystem method can work for the weighted and both directed and undirected graph, while the Nauty program can only work for the non-weighted and both directed and undirected graph. The cause for this is the different philosophies underlying these two methods. The Nauty program is based on the recursive component decomposition strategy, which could involve some unmanageable complexities when dealing with the weighted graph, albeit no such an attempt has been reported in the literature. It is noted that in practical applications of structure synthesis, weighted graphs are more useful than non-weighted graphs for representing physical systems. Pivoted at the Eigensystem method, this thesis presents the algorithms and computer programs for the three fundamental problems in structure synthesis, namely the isomorphism/automorphism, the unique labeling, and the enumeration of the structures or graphs

    An investigation into graph isomorphism based zero-knowledge proofs.

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    Zero-knowledge proofs protocols are effective interactive methods to prove a node's identity without disclosing any additional information other than the veracity of the proof. They are implementable in several ways. In this thesis, I investigate the graph isomorphism based zero-knowledge proofs protocol. My experiments and analyses suggest that graph isomorphism can easily be solved for many types of graphs and hence is not an ideal solution for implementing ZKP

    Novel techniques for automorphism group computation

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    Graph automorphism (GA) is a classical problem, in which the objective is to compute the automorphism group of an input graph. In this work we propose four novel techniques to speed up algorithms that solve the GA problem by exploring a search tree. They increase the performance of the algorithm by allowing to reduce the depth of the search tree, and by effectively pruning it. We formally prove that a GA algorithm that uses these techniques correctly computes the automorphism group of the input graph. We also describe how the techniques have been incorporated into the GA algorithm conauto, as conauto-2.03, with at most an additive polynomial increase in its asymptotic time complexity. We have experimentally evaluated the impact of each of the above techniques with several graph families. We have observed that each of the techniques by itself significantly reduces the number of processed nodes of the search tree in some subset of graphs, which justifies the use of each of them. Then, when they are applied together, their effect is combined, leading to reductions in the number of processed nodes in most graphs. This is also reflected in a reduction of the running time, which is substantial in some graph families

    Impact of Symmetries in Graph Clustering

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    Diese Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der durch die Automorphismusgruppe definierten Symmetrie von Graphen und wie sich diese auf eine Knotenpartition, als Ergebnis von Graphenclustering, auswirkt. Durch eine Analyse von nahezu 1700 Graphen aus verschiedenen Anwendungsbereichen kann gezeigt werden, dass mehr als 70 % dieser Graphen Symmetrien enthalten. Dies bildet einen Gegensatz zum kombinatorischen Beweis, der besagt, dass die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines zufälligen Graphen symmetrisch zu sein bei zunehmender Größe gegen Null geht. Das Ergebnis rechtfertigt damit die Wichtigkeit weiterer Untersuchungen, die auf mögliche Auswirkungen der Symmetrie eingehen. Bei der Analyse werden sowohl sehr kleine Graphen (10 000 000 Knoten/>25 000 000 Kanten) berücksichtigt. Weiterhin wird ein theoretisches Rahmenwerk geschaffen, das zum einen die detaillierte Quantifizierung von Graphensymmetrie erlaubt und zum anderen Stabilität von Knotenpartitionen hinsichtlich dieser Symmetrie formalisiert. Eine Partition der Knotenmenge, die durch die Aufteilung in disjunkte Teilmengen definiert ist, wird dann als stabil angesehen, wenn keine Knoten symmetriebedingt von der einen in die andere Teilmenge abgebildet werden und dadurch die Partition verändert wird. Zudem wird definiert, wie eine mögliche Zerlegbarkeit der Automorphismusgruppe in unabhängige Untergruppen als lokale Symmetrie interpretiert werden kann, die dann nur Auswirkungen auf einen bestimmten Bereich des Graphen hat. Um die Auswirkungen der Symmetrie auf den gesamten Graphen und auf Partitionen zu quantifizieren, wird außerdem eine Entropiedefinition präsentiert, die sich an der Analyse dynamischer Systeme orientiert. Alle Definitionen sind allgemein und können daher für beliebige Graphen angewandt werden. Teilweise ist sogar eine Anwendbarkeit für beliebige Clusteranalysen gegeben, solange deren Ergebnis in einer Partition resultiert und sich eine Symmetrierelation auf den Datenpunkten als Permutationsgruppe angeben lässt. Um nun die tatsächliche Auswirkung von Symmetrie auf Graphenclustering zu untersuchen wird eine zweite Analyse durchgeführt. Diese kommt zum Ergebnis, dass von 629 untersuchten symmetrischen Graphen 72 eine instabile Partition haben. Für die Analyse werden die Definitionen des theoretischen Rahmenwerks verwendet. Es wird außerdem festgestellt, dass die Lokalität der Symmetrie eines Graphen maßgeblich beeinflusst, ob dessen Partition stabil ist oder nicht. Eine hohe Lokalität resultiert meist in einer stabilen Partition und eine stabile Partition impliziert meist eine hohe Lokalität. Bevor die obigen Ergebnisse beschrieben und definiert werden, wird eine umfassende Einführung in die verschiedenen benötigten Grundlagen gegeben. Diese umfasst die formalen Definitionen von Graphen und statistischen Graphmodellen, Partitionen, endlichen Permutationsgruppen, Graphenclustering und Algorithmen dafür, sowie von Entropie. Ein separates Kapitel widmet sich ausführlich der Graphensymmetrie, die durch eine endliche Permutationsgruppe, der Automorphismusgruppe, beschrieben wird. Außerdem werden Algorithmen vorgestellt, die die Symmetrie von Graphen ermitteln können und, teilweise, auch das damit eng verwandte Graphisomorphie Problem lösen. Am Beispiel von Graphenclustering gibt die Dissertation damit Einblicke in mögliche Auswirkungen von Symmetrie in der Datenanalyse, die so in der Literatur bisher wenig bis keine Beachtung fanden

    An efficient algorithm for discovering frequent subgraphs

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    Abstract — Over the years, frequent itemset discovery algorithms have been used to find interesting patterns in various application areas. However, as data mining techniques are being increasingly applied to non-traditional domains, existing frequent pattern discovery approach cannot be used. This is because the transaction framework that is assumed by these algorithms cannot be used to effectively model the datasets in these domains. An alternate way of modeling the objects in these datasets is to represent them using graphs. Within that model, one way of formulating the frequent pattern discovery problem is as that of discovering subgraphs that occur frequently over the entire set of graphs. In this paper we present a computationally efficient algorithm, called FSG, for finding all frequent subgraphs in large graph datasets. We experimentally evaluate the performance of FSG using a variety of real and synthetic datasets. Our results show that despite the underlying complexity associated with frequent subgraph discovery, FSG is effective in finding all frequently occurring subgraphs in datasets containing over 200,000 graph transactions and scales linearly with respect to the size of the dataset. Index Terms — Data mining, scientific datasets, frequent pattern discovery, chemical compound datasets

    Analysis of Generative Chemistries

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    For the modelling of chemistry we use undirected, labelled graphs as explicit models of molecules and graph transformation rules for modelling generalised chemical reactions. This is used to define artificial chemistries on the level of individual bonds and atoms, where formal graph grammars implicitly represent large spaces of chemical compounds. We use a graph rewriting formalism, rooted in category theory, called the Double Pushout approach, which directly expresses the transition state of chemical reactions. Using concurrency theory for transformation rules, we define algorithms for the composition of rewrite rules in a chemically intuitive manner that enable automatic abstraction of the level of detail in chemical pathways. Based on this rule composition we define an algorithmic framework for generation of vast reaction networks for specific spaces of a given chemistry, while still maintaining the level of detail of the model down to the atomic level. The framework also allows for computation with graphs and graph grammars, which is utilised to model non-trivial chemical systems. The graph generation relies on graph isomorphism testing, and we review the general individualisation-refinement paradigm used in the state-of-the-art algorithms for graph canonicalisation, isomorphism testing, and automorphism discovery. We present a model for chemical pathways based on a generalisation of network flows from ordinary directed graphs to directed hypergraphs. The model allows for reasoning about the flow of individual molecules in general pathways, and the introduction of chemically motivated routing constraints. It further provides the foundation for defining specialised pathway motifs, which is illustrated by defining necessary topological constraints for both catalytic and autocatalytic pathways. We also prove that central types of pathway questions are NP-complete, even for restricted classes of reaction networks. The complete pathway model, including constraints for catalytic and autocatalytic pathways, is implemented using integer linear programming. This implementation is used in a tree search method to enumerate both optimal and near-optimal pathway solutions. The formal methods are applied to multiple chemical systems: the enzyme catalysed beta-lactamase reaction, variations of the glycolysis pathway, and the formose process. In each of these systems we use rule composition to abstract pathways and calculate traces for isotope labelled carbon atoms. The pathway model is used to automatically enumerate alternative non-oxidative glycolysis pathways, and enumerate thousands of candidates for autocatalytic pathways in the formose process
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