16 research outputs found

    Broad phase collision detection using multi-core processor

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    Collision detection is a very important component in computer graphics applications. However, due to its high algorithm complexity, collision detection usually forms a bottleneck in many of these applications causing the simulation performance to deteriorate. Earlier algorithms for collision detection are sequential in nature. The multi-core processor technology is seen as an opportunity to reduce and eliminate this bottleneck by parallelizing the collision detection algorithm. Therefore, this paper implements the sphere bounding volume in the broad phase collision detection using the sequential and parallel approach separately, in order to identify the simulation performance differences between both approaches. The algorithm used to implement the broad phase collision detection involved the all-pair test where it is based on the comparison of the object bounding volume to determine if collision occurs. As an extension, this paper utilizes the graphics processing unit to implement the parallel approach. The implementation of the broad phase parallel collision detection shows improved frame rate for larger number of objects involved up to 1.2 x faster compared to the sequential implementation


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    Dela Hana Amadeh (1513617072). Sistem Kontrol Turntable pada Alat Bantu Pengukuran Pola Radiasi Antena Berbasis Mikrokontroler Arduino. Skripsi. Jakarta. Program Studi Pendidikan Teknik Elektronika Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Jakarta 2021. Dosen Pembimbing : Dr. Efri Sandi, M.T. dan Drs. Jusup Bintoro, M.T. Selama ini, proses pengukuran pola radiasi antena pada Laboratorium Telekomunikasi gedung Elektro, Universitas Negeri Jakarta untuk memonitoring antena menggunakan metode manual dan belum adanya alat bantu pengukuran pola radiasi otomatis. Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan adalah membuat dan menguji sistem rancangan kontrol turntable untuk memudahkan dalam mengatur perputaran derajat dan jarak sebagai alat bantu pendukung pada pengukuran pola radiasi antena secara otomatis. Dalam meneliti, merancang, dan merealisasikan prototipe sistem kontrol turntable pada alat bantu pengukuran pola radiasi antena dilakukan di rumah peneliti, serta laboratorium Telekomunikasi gedung Elektro, Universitas Negeri Jakarta pada semester 113 ganjil hingga semester ganjil 115 tahun akademik 2020/2021. Prototipe sistem yang direalisasikan terdiri dari 3 sistem : (1) Arduino uno sebagai kontroler (2) Aplikasi Processing sebagai antarmuka untuk memberikan input yang terhubung dengan bluetooth (3) Motor DC dan motor stepper untuk dikontrol. Alat kontrol turntable pada alat bantu pengukuran pola radiasi antena dapat berfungsi dengan baik dalam mengontrol putaran derajat pada stepper dengan beban pada penyangga antena 1,25 kg dan gerak pada motor DC yang telah diberikan beban total kurang lebih 5 kg. Kata kunci : Arduino Uno, Turntable, Kontrol, Alat Bantu, Pola Radiasi Dela Hana Amadeh (1513617072). Turntable Control System on Arduino Microcontroller Based Antenna Radiation Pattern Measurement Tool. Essay. Jakarta. Electronic Engineering Education Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Jakarta State University 2021. Supervisor : Dr. Efri Sandi, M.T. and Drs. Jusup Bintoro, M.T. So far, the antenna radiation pattern measurement process at the Telecommunication Laboratory of the Electrical Building, Jakarta State University for monitoring antennas uses the manual method and there is no automatic radiation pattern measurement tool. The purpose of this research is to create and test a turntable control design system to make it easier to adjust the rotation of degrees and distances as a supporting tool for measuring the antenna radiation pattern automatically. In researching, designing, and realizing a prototype of a turntable control system on an antenna radiation pattern measurement tool, it was carried out at the researcher's house, as well as the Telecommunication Laboratory of the Electrical Building, Jakarta State University in semester 113 odd to semester 115 for the academic year 2020/2021. The prototype system that is realized consists of 3 systems: (1) Arduino uno as a controller (2) Processing application as an interface to provide input connected to bluetooth (3) DC motor and stepper motor to be controlled. The turntable control tool on the antenna radiation pattern measurement tool can function properly in controlling the degree rotation on the stepper with a load on the antenna support 1.25 kg and motion on a DC motor that has been given a total load of approximately 5 kg. Keywords: Arduino Uno, Turntable, Control, Tool, Radiation Patter

    Hardware accelerator for anti-aliasing Wu's line algorithm using FPGA

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    Digital images are suffering from the stair-step effect because they are built from small pixels. This effect termes aliasing and the method uses to decrease so-called anti-aliasing. This paper offers a hardware accelerator of an anti-aliasing algorithm using HLS (high level synthesis) along straight-line segments or edges. These straight-line segments are smoothed by modifying the intensity of the pixel. The hardware implementation of two different architectures which is based on Zynq FPGA are presented in this work. The first architecture is built from one core while the second architecture is built from multi-core and uses a parallel technique to speed up the algorithm by dividing line segments into sub-segments and drawing them after smoothing instantaneously to formulate the main line. This parallel usage leads to a very fast execution of Wu's algorithm which is represented one-tenth hardware runtime for one core only. Also, the optimized resource utilization and power consumption for different cores have been compared, through single-core design which utilizes 8% and consumes 1.6 W, while utilized resources using 10 cores are 77% with a power consumption of 2 W

    Educational Painter for Preschool Children

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    A lot of people are trying to educate their children via ICT from the early stages of their age. Thus, the learning by drawing using computers is important to promote children skills because drawing develops children imagination. There are a lot of educational programs about the education of children on the drawing, but these programs are designed at a high level in which it is difficult for children to use it. The proposed painter application is designed to teach children drawing, by providing relevant drawing tools. It is also equipped with alphabet learning and it is pronunciation, so that can learn letters while drawing


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    Computer graphics is the study of how to create images and animations (image sequences) involving computers, both hardware (hardware) and software (the software). In this paper, we will discuss the basics of using the Processing programming language computer graphics. The author conducted basic experiments using Processing on making size (size) in the window display, point (point), line (line), triangle (triangle), quadrilateral (quad), rectangular (rect), and ellipse (ellipse), as well as the shape coordinate system. Of the experiments that have been performed, resulting in a positive y coordinate position starting from zero which is located in the top left corner heading down, and look up the appropriate forms with the dharapkan


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    The paper presents approach that allows to automate roof area calculation process as well as other accompanying actions. These actions include: figure recognition, calculation of necessary dimensions, recognition of connections between roof surfaces, visualization of the roof in three-dimensional space and calculation of the roof area based on processed data. The aim of proposed approach is to automate as much actions as it is possible to reduce calculation errors and moreover increase the efficiency of whole process. Presented idea has been implemented and then tested for accuracy of calculations and capabilities. Performed tests showed that presented method is flexible and gives relatively small error in case of roof area calculation

    Proses Clipping Menggunakan Algoritma Cohen-Sutherland pada Ruang Dimensi Tiga

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    Menentukan potongan garis yang perlu atau tidak perlu digambar di daerah jendela dikenal dengan istilah clipping. Salah satu algoritma clipping diusulkan oleh Danny Cohen and Ivan Sutherland pada tahun 1967 yaitu algoritma Cohen-Sutherland. Algoritma ini digunakan untuk menentukan apakah terdapat potongan garis yang digambar di dalam jendela dan sebaliknya akan menghilangkan potongan garis yang berada di luar jendela. Penggambaran obyek di jendela dapat menggunakan pendekatan dimensi dua atau dimensi tiga.Analisa dilakukan terhadap proses pemotongan garis (clipping) pada ruang dimensi tiga menggunakan algoritma Cohen-Sutherland. Disediakan contoh enam buah garis dengan letak titik ujung bervariasi seperti pada kode pembagian area Cohen-Sutherland. Ruang dimensi tiga, ruas garis, dan hasil pemotongan garis dalam ruang dimensi tiga digambarkan menggunakan perangkat lunak Processing. Pada pendekatan dimensi tiga, untuk pengujian pada titik awal dan titik akhir garis maka algoritma Cohen-Sutherland membagi sebanyak 27 macam wilayah. Masing-masing wilayah diberi kode yang unik


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    This article discusses the development of a system for manipulating virtual objects in a three-dimensional environment, using a glove and helmet visor VR1280. The system consists of two subsystems: navigation and software. The navigation subsystem consists of an accelerometer, microcontroller and analog / digital converter, whereby the user interacts with the virtual environment. The software subsystem is developed in Java 3D and simulate the virtual environment, which contains three-dimensional objects, communication subsystems is done through the computer serial port. The system allows the user to interact with a virtual environment, one of the main problems the speed of system response to manipulation, in part due to the architecture and technologies used.El presente artículo trata sobre el desarrollo de un Sistema para la manipulación de objetos virtuales, en un ambiente tridimensional, para inversión virtual utilizando un guante de navegación y el casco virtual visor VR1280. El Sistema está compuesto por dos subsistemas: navegación y software. El subsistema de navegación consta de un acelerómetro, microcontrolador y conversor análogo/digital; mediante el cual el usuario interactúa con el ambiente virtual. El subsistema software está desarrollado en Java 3D y simula el ambiente virtual donde se alojan los objetos tridimensionales; la comunicación de los subsistemas se realiza a través del puerto serial del computador. El Sistema permite interactuar al usuario con un ambiente virtual, siendo uno de los principales problemas la velocidad de reacción del sistema ante la manipulación, en parte debido a la arquitectura y tecnologías utilizadas

    3D model

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    Cílem bakalářské práce je vytvoření prostorového modelu ze snímků zachycujících objekt nasvícený laserovým vzorem. V práci jsou uvedena možná řešení problému pomocí metod aktivní triangulace a stereoskopie. Metody jsou navrženy pro laboratorní a venkovní měření. Jsou definovány požadavky, které by mělo splňovat měřicí pracoviště a následně je prezentováno realizované pracoviště. Každá z navržených metod je otestována snímáním řady objektů.The aim of this bachelor thesis is to create a spatial model from images capturing an object illuminated by a laser pattern. The thesis presents possible solutions to the problem using methods of active triangulation and stereoscopy. Methods are designed for laboratory and outdoor measurements. The requirements for the measuring workplace are defined and then the implemented workplace is presented. Each of the designed methods is tested by scanning a series of objects.

    Representing and Indexing Archaeological Information

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    The need to preserve and remember the past is a particular human trait. The richness of our cultural history is approached by a vast array of disciplines, that investigate and manage it. However, their effectiveness can be hindered by several technical issues. One of the concerns of experts in this area is the way the importance of cultural heritage is communicated in order to cultivate interest, curiosity and respect. Another concern is the lack of suitable tools that can handle the dimension and complexity of the collections with which they interact. With the emergence of digital tools and the creation of online repositories for the collections of cultural institutions, it is possible to suggest different solutions to tackle these problems. The proposed solution aims to facilitate access and interaction with cultural information, through the implementation of an application capable of integrating multiple forms of representation of historical artifacts. The application tackles two problems that arise from distinct goals. One is the need to represent, in a single view, collections of related items from different repositories. The other is how to, effectively, communicate the information associated with an artifact and its context. This MSc dissertation is part of a collaborative effort between NOVA LINCS researchers and several archaeological institutions of the Iberian Extremadura, aiming to develop tools that will support research and help sharing the cultural wealth of archaeological sites and artifacts from the region. In this dissertation, the developed application covers a general view of the aforementioned problems, while being flexible to the customization of the representation of cultural data. The solution was evaluated on usability and effectiveness on reaching the proposed goals, during a process that involved target audience users and experts in the area of culture and history, as well as human-computer interaction. The results provided positive conclusions