9 research outputs found

    Leolani: a reference machine with a theory of mind for social communication

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    Our state of mind is based on experiences and what other people tell us. This may result in conflicting information, uncertainty, and alternative facts. We present a robot that models relativity of knowledge and perception within social interaction following principles of the theory of mind. We utilized vision and speech capabilities on a Pepper robot to build an interaction model that stores the interpretations of perceptions and conversations in combination with provenance on its sources. The robot learns directly from what people tell it, possibly in relation to its perception. We demonstrate how the robot's communication is driven by hunger to acquire more knowledge from and on people and objects, to resolve uncertainties and conflicts, and to share awareness of the per- ceived environment. Likewise, the robot can make reference to the world and its knowledge about the world and the encounters with people that yielded this knowledge.Comment: Invited keynote at 21st International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue, https://www.tsdconference.org/tsd2018

    A Survey of Knowledge-based Sequential Decision Making under Uncertainty

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    Reasoning with declarative knowledge (RDK) and sequential decision-making (SDM) are two key research areas in artificial intelligence. RDK methods reason with declarative domain knowledge, including commonsense knowledge, that is either provided a priori or acquired over time, while SDM methods (probabilistic planning and reinforcement learning) seek to compute action policies that maximize the expected cumulative utility over a time horizon; both classes of methods reason in the presence of uncertainty. Despite the rich literature in these two areas, researchers have not fully explored their complementary strengths. In this paper, we survey algorithms that leverage RDK methods while making sequential decisions under uncertainty. We discuss significant developments, open problems, and directions for future work

    Interactive Task Learning via Embodied Corrective Feedback

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    The design, education and evolution of a robotic baby

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    Inspired by Alan Turing’s idea of a child machine, I introduce the formal definition of a robotic baby, an integrated system with minimal world knowledge at birth, capable of learning incrementally and interactively, and adapting to the world. Within the definition, fundamental capabilities and system characteristics of the robotic baby are identified and presented as the system-level requirements. As a minimal viable prototype, the Baby architecture is proposed with a systems engineering design approach to satisfy the system-level requirements, which has been verified and validated with simulations and experiments on a robotic system. The capabilities of the robotic baby are demonstrated in natural language acquisition and semantic parsing in English and Chinese, as well as in natural language grounding, natural language reinforcement learning, natural language programming and system introspection for explainability. Furthermore, the education and evolution of the robotic baby are illustrated with real-world robotic demonstrations. Inspired by the genetic inheritance in human beings, knowledge inheritance in robotic babies and its benefits regarding evolution are discussed.Ph.D