511 research outputs found

    Probabilistic Reference to Suspect or Victim in Nationality Extraction from Unstructured Crime News Documents

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    There is valuable information in unstructured crime news documents which crime analysts must manually search for. To solve this issue, several information extraction models have been implemented, all of which are capable of being enhanced. This gap has created the motivation to propose an enhanced information extraction model that uses named entity recognition to extract the nationality from crime news documents and coreference resolution to associate the nationality to either the suspect or the victim. After the proposed model extracts the nationality, it references it to the suspect or victim by looking up all of the victim related keywords and the suspect related keywords within the text, and their corresponding distances from the position of the nationality keyword. Based on their total distances, a probability score algorithm decides whether the nationality is more likely to belong to either the victim or the suspect. Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the nationality extractor component and the reference identification component used by the model. The former experiment had achieved 90%, 94%, and 91% for precision, recall, and F-measure values respectively. The latter experiment had achieved 65%, 68%, and 66% for precision, recall, and F-measure respectively. The model had achieved promising results after evaluation. Keywords: information extraction, named entity recognition, coreference resolution, crime domai

    Language technologies for an eLearning scenario

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    One of the problems with eLearning platforms when collating together documents from different resources is the retrieval of documents and their accessibility. By providing documents with additional metadata using Language Technologies one enables users to access information more effectively. In this paper we present an overview of the objectives and results achieved for the LT4eL Project, which aims at providing Language Technologies to eLearning platforms and to integrate semantic knowledge to facilitate the management, distribution and retrieval of the learning material.peer-reviewe

    LiDom builder: Automatising the construction of multilingual domain modules

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    136 p.Laburpena Lan honetan LiDOM Builder tresnaren analisi, diseinu eta ebaluazioa aurkezten dira. Teknologian oinarritutako hezkuntzarako tresnen Domeinu Modulu Eleaniztunak testuliburu elektronikoetatik era automatikoan erauztea ahalbidetzen du LiDOM Builderek. Ezagutza eskuratzeko, Hizkuntzaren Prozesamendurako eta Ikaste Automatikorako teknikekin batera, hainbat baliabide eleaniztun erabiltzen ditu, besteak beste, Wikipedia eta WordNet.Domeinu Modulu Elebakarretik Domeinu Modulu Eleaniztunerako bidean, LiDOM Builder tresna DOM-Sortze ingurunearen (Larrañaga, 2012; Larrañaga et al., 2014) bilakaera dela esan genezake. Horretarako, LiDOM Builderek domeinua ikuspegi eleaniztun batetik adieraztea ahalbidetzen duen mekanismoa dakar. Domeinu Modulu Eleaniztunak bi maila ezberdinetako ezagutza jasotzen du: Ikaste Domeinuaren Ontologia (IDO), non hizkuntza ezberdinetan etiketatutako topikoak eta hauen arteko erlazio pedagogikoak jasotzen baitira, eta Ikaste Objektuak (IO), hau da, metadatuekin etiketatutako baliabide didaktikoen bilduma, hizkuntza horietan. LiDOM Builderek onartutako hizkuntza guztietan domeinuaren topikoak adierazteko aukera ematen du. Topiko bakoitza lotuta dago dagokion hizkuntzako bere etiketa baliokidearekin. Gainera, IOak deskribatzeko metadatu aberastuak erabiltzen ditu hizkuntza desberdinetan parekideak diren baliabide didaktikoak lotzeko.LiDOM Builderen, hasiera batean, domeinu-modulua hizkuntza jakin batean idatzitako dokumentu batetik erauziko da eta, baliabide eleaniztunak erabiliko dira, gerora, bai topikoak bai IOak beste hizkuntzetan ere lortzeko. Lan honetan, Ingelesez idatzitako liburuek osatuko dute informazio-iturri nagusia bai doitze-prozesuan bai ebaluazio-prozesuan. Zehazki, honako testuliburu hauek erabili dira: Principles of Object Oriented Programming (Wong and Nguyen, 2010), Introduction to Astronomy (Morison, 2008) eta Introduction to Molecular Biology (Raineri, 2010). Baliabide eleaniztunei dagokienez, Wikipedia, WordNet eta Wikipediatik erauzitako beste hainbat ezagutza-base erabili dira. Testuliburuetatik Domeinu Modulu Eleaniztunak eraikitzeko, LiDOM Builder hiru modulu nagusitan oinarritzen da: LiTeWi eta LiReWi moduluak IDO eleaniztuna eraikitzeaz arduratuko dira eta LiLoWi, aldiz, IO eleaniztunak eraikitzeaz. Jarraian, aipatutako modulu bakoitza xehetasun gehiagorekin azaltzen da.¿ LiTeWi (Conde et al., 2015) moduluak, edozein ikaste-domeinutako testuliburu batetik abiatuta, Hezkuntzarako Ontologia bati dagozkion hainbat termino eleaniztun identifikatuko ditu, hala nola TF-IDF, KP-Miner, CValue eta Shallow Parsing Grammar. Hori lortzeko, gainbegiratu gabeko datu-erauzketa teknikez eta Wikipediaz baliatzen da. Ontologiako topikoak erauzteak LiTeWi-n hiru urrats ditu: lehenik hautagai diren terminoen erauzketa; bigarrenik, lortutako terminoen konbinatzea eta fintzea azken termino zerrenda osatuz; eta azkenik, zerrendako terminoak beste hizkuntzetara mapatzea Wikipedia baliatuz.¿ LiReWi (Conde et al., onartzeko) moduluak Hezkuntzarako Ontologia erlazio pedagogikoez aberastuko du, beti ere testuliburua abiapuntu gisa erabilita. Lau motatako erlazio pedagogikoak erauziko ditu (isA, partOf, prerequisite eta pedagogicallyClose) hainbat teknika eta ezagutza-base konbinatuz. Ezagutza-baseen artean Wikipedia, WordNet, WikiTaxonomy, WibiTaxonomy eta WikiRelations daude. LiReWi-k ere hiru urrats emango ditu erlazioak lortzeko: hasteko, ontologiako topikoak erlazioak erauzteko erabiliko diren ezagutza-base desberdinekin mapatuko ditu; gero, hainbat erlazio-erauzle, bakoitza teknika desberdin batean oinarritzen dena, exekutatuko ditu konkurrenteki erlazio hautagaiak erauzteko; eta, bukatzeko, lortutako emaitza guztiak konbinatu eta iragaziko ditu erlazio pedagogikoen azken multzoa lortuz. Gainera, DOM-Sortzetik LiDOM Buildererako trantsizioan, tesi honetan hobetu egin dira dokumentuen indizeetatik erauzitako isA eta partOf erlazioak, Wikipedia baliabide gehigarri bezala erabilita (Conde et al., 2014).¿ LiLoWi moduluak IOak -batzuk eleaniztunak- erauziko ditu, abiapuntuko testuliburutik ez ezik Wikipedia edo WordNet bezalako ezagutza-baseetatik ere. IDO ontologiako topiko bakoitza Wikipedia eta WordNet-ekin mapatu ostean, LiLoWi-k baliabide didaktikoak erauziko ditu hainbat IO erauzlez baliatuz.IO erauzketa-prozesuan, DOM-Sortzetik LiDOM Buildereko bidean, eta Wikipedia eta WordNet erabili aurretik, ingelesa hizkuntza ere gehitu eta ebaluatu da (Conde et al., 2012).LiDOM Builderen ebaluaziori dagokionez, modulu bakoitza bere aldetik testatua eta ebaluatua izan da bai Gold-standard teknika bai aditu-ebaluazioa baliatuz. Gainera, Wikipedia eta WordNet ezagutza-baseen integrazioak IOen erauzketari ekarri dion hobekuntza ere ebaluatu da. Esan genezake kasu guztietan lortu diren emaitzak oso onak direla.Bukatzeko, eta laburpen gisa, lau dira LiDOM Builderek Domeinu Modulu Eleaniztunaren arloari egin dizkion ekarpen nagusiak:¿ Domeinu Modulu Eleaniztunak adierazteko mekanismo egokia.¿ LiTeWiren garapena. Testuliburuetatik Hezkuntzarako Ontologietarako terminologia eleaniztuna erauztea ahalbidetzen du modulu honek. Ingelesa eta Gaztelera hizkuntzentzako termino-erauzlea eskura dago https://github.com/Neuw84/LiTe URLan.¿ LiReWiren garapena. Testuliburuetatik Hezkuntzarako Ontologietarako erlazio pedagogikoak erauztea ahalbidetzen du modulu honek. Erabiltzen duen Wikipedia/WordNet mapatzailea eskura dago https://github.com/Neuw84/Wikipedia2WordNet URLan.¿ LiLoWiren garapena. Testuliburua eta Wikipedia eta WordNet ezagutza-baseak erabilita IO eleaniztunak erauztea ahalbidetzen du modulu honek

    Natural language processing

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    Beginning with the basic issues of NLP, this chapter aims to chart the major research activities in this area since the last ARIST Chapter in 1996 (Haas, 1996), including: (i) natural language text processing systems - text summarization, information extraction, information retrieval, etc., including domain-specific applications; (ii) natural language interfaces; (iii) NLP in the context of www and digital libraries ; and (iv) evaluation of NLP systems

    Knowledge Discovery and Management within Service Centers

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    These days, most enterprise service centers deploy Knowledge Discovery and Management (KDM) systems to address the challenge of timely delivery of a resourceful service request resolution while efficiently utilizing the huge amount of data. These KDM systems facilitate prompt response to the critical service requests and if possible then try to prevent the service requests getting triggered in the first place. Nevertheless, in most cases, information required for a request resolution is dispersed and suppressed under the mountain of irrelevant information over the Internet in unstructured and heterogeneous formats. These heterogeneous data sources and formats complicate the access to reusable knowledge and increase the response time required to reach a resolution. Moreover, the state-of-the art methods neither support effective integration of domain knowledge with the KDM systems nor promote the assimilation of reusable knowledge or Intellectual Capital (IC). With the goal of providing an improved service request resolution within the shortest possible time, this research proposes an IC Management System. The proposed tool efficiently utilizes domain knowledge in the form of semantic web technology to extract the most valuable information from those raw unstructured data and uses that knowledge to formulate service resolution model as a combination of efficient data search, classification, clustering, and recommendation methods. Our proposed solution also handles the technology categorization of a service request which is very crucial in the request resolution process. The system has been extensively evaluated with several experiments and has been used in a real enterprise customer service center

    Factoid question answering for spoken documents

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    In this dissertation, we present a factoid question answering system, specifically tailored for Question Answering (QA) on spoken documents. This work explores, for the first time, which techniques can be robustly adapted from the usual QA on written documents to the more difficult spoken documents scenario. More specifically, we study new information retrieval (IR) techniques designed for speech, and utilize several levels of linguistic information for the speech-based QA task. These include named-entity detection with phonetic information, syntactic parsing applied to speech transcripts, and the use of coreference resolution. Our approach is largely based on supervised machine learning techniques, with special focus on the answer extraction step, and makes little use of handcrafted knowledge. Consequently, it should be easily adaptable to other domains and languages. In the work resulting of this Thesis, we have impulsed and coordinated the creation of an evaluation framework for the task of QA on spoken documents. The framework, named QAst, provides multi-lingual corpora, evaluation questions, and answers key. These corpora have been used in the QAst evaluation that was held in the CLEF workshop for the years 2007, 2008 and 2009, thus helping the developing of state-of-the-art techniques for this particular topic. The presentend QA system and all its modules are extensively evaluated on the European Parliament Plenary Sessions English corpus composed of manual transcripts and automatic transcripts obtained by three different Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems that exhibit significantly different word error rates. This data belongs to the CLEF 2009 track for QA on speech transcripts. The main results confirm that syntactic information is very useful for learning to rank question candidates, improving results on both manual and automatic transcripts unless the ASR quality is very low. Overall, the performance of our system is comparable or better than the state-of-the-art on this corpus, confirming the validity of our approach.En aquesta Tesi, presentem un sistema de Question Answering (QA) factual, especialment ajustat per treballar amb documents orals. En el desenvolupament explorem, per primera vegada, quines tècniques de les habitualment emprades en QA per documents escrit són suficientment robustes per funcionar en l'escenari més difícil de documents orals. Amb més especificitat, estudiem nous mètodes de Information Retrieval (IR) dissenyats per tractar amb la veu, i utilitzem diversos nivells d'informació linqüística. Entre aquests s'inclouen, a saber: detecció de Named Entities utilitzant informació fonètica, "parsing" sintàctic aplicat a transcripcions de veu, i també l'ús d'un sub-sistema de detecció i resolució de la correferència. La nostra aproximació al problema es recolza en gran part en tècniques supervisades de Machine Learning, estant aquestes enfocades especialment cap a la part d'extracció de la resposta, i fa servir la menor quantitat possible de coneixement creat per humans. En conseqüència, tot el procés de QA pot ser adaptat a altres dominis o altres llengües amb relativa facilitat. Un dels resultats addicionals de la feina darrere d'aquesta Tesis ha estat que hem impulsat i coordinat la creació d'un marc d'avaluació de la taska de QA en documents orals. Aquest marc de treball, anomenat QAst (Question Answering on Speech Transcripts), proporciona un corpus de documents orals multi-lingüe, uns conjunts de preguntes d'avaluació, i les respostes correctes d'aquestes. Aquestes dades han estat utilitzades en les evaluacionis QAst que han tingut lloc en el si de les conferències CLEF en els anys 2007, 2008 i 2009; d'aquesta manera s'ha promogut i ajudat a la creació d'un estat-de-l'art de tècniques adreçades a aquest problema en particular. El sistema de QA que presentem i tots els seus particulars sumbòduls, han estat avaluats extensivament utilitzant el corpus EPPS (transcripcions de les Sessions Plenaries del Parlament Europeu) en anglès, que cónté transcripcions manuals de tots els discursos i també transcripcions automàtiques obtingudes mitjançant tres reconeixedors automàtics de la parla (ASR) diferents. Els reconeixedors tenen característiques i resultats diferents que permetes una avaluació quantitativa i qualitativa de la tasca. Aquestes dades pertanyen a l'avaluació QAst del 2009. Els resultats principals de la nostra feina confirmen que la informació sintàctica és mol útil per aprendre automàticament a valorar la plausibilitat de les respostes candidates, millorant els resultats previs tan en transcripcions manuals com transcripcions automàtiques, descomptat que la qualitat de l'ASR sigui molt baixa. En general, el rendiment del nostre sistema és comparable o millor que els altres sistemes pertanyents a l'estat-del'art, confirmant així la validesa de la nostra aproximació

    Natural language processing-based COTS software and related technologies survey.

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    Treatment of Semantic Heterogeneity in Information Retrieval

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    "Nowadays, users of information services are faced with highly decentralised, heterogeneous document sources with different content analysis. Semantic heterogeneity occurs e.g. when resources using different systems for content description are searched using a single query system. This report describes several approaches of handling semantic heterogeneity used in projects of the German Social Science Information Centre." (author's abstract

    Knowledge Gathering from Social Media to Improve Marketing in Agri-food Sector

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    none5noNowadays many small and medium companies are interested in entering into foreign markets to establish a brand presence, sell their products and beat the competitors. Before making such a marketing decision, marketing experts can be guided by the traditional analysis of reports but also by the Web, through the analysis of social networks, blogs, forums, etc. These sources can provide real-time information about the perception that users have of specific brands and products. As a result, there are several tools that can extract interesting information from these unstructured data. In this paper, we propose an innovative knowledge extraction architecture realized through the integration of some existing tools. The aim is to retrieve the more frequent concepts from unstructured sources, suggest other links of articles and images, with multi-language feature so that the research is language independent. The architecture provides a knowledge base of a specific domain, which is used to suggest concepts related to the research, and to filter the results obtained from the elaboration of the unstructured sources. We present a case of study related to marketing in agri-food sector, in order to illustrate how the software works, the results obtained, their interpretation and the managerial implications.Caione, Adriana; Paiano, Roberto; Guido, Anna Lisa; Fait, Monica; Scorrano, PaolaCaione, Adriana; Paiano, Roberto; Guido, ANNA LISA; Fait, MONICA MARIA ELENA; Scorrano, Paol
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