152 research outputs found

    Proper holomorphic mappings, Bells formula and the Lu Qi-Keng problem on tetrablock

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    We consider a proper holomorphic map form D to G domains in C^n and show that it induces a unitary isomorphism between the Bergman space A^2(G) and some subspace of A^2(D). Using this isomorphism we construct orthogonal projection onto that subspace and we derive Bells transformation formula for the Bergman kernel under proper holomorphic mappings. As a consequence of the formula we get that the tetrablock is not a Lu Qi-Keng domain.Comment: 6 page

    Meeting the Needs of the 21st Century Workforce: Nanotechnology Safety Training

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    Developing an education effort in a completely new field is very difficult at best. The identification of a need for Nano-Safety education was realized and promoted in 2006. It took a combined effort among a number of institutes of higher-education to even raise the awareness of a need for an education effort. Developing a new area requires not only expertise in the field but plans on how to develop the material to be covered, how to present the material, and how to evaluate the results of the program developed. There are many steps required to be successful. The OSHA Susan Harwood Grant addressing Nano-Safety training for workers was critical to build a path for future training/education courses in Nano-Safety. This grant was the first of its kind to be awarded. The duration of the grant was one year 2010-2011 to facilitate training and to assess the outcomes of the participants’ knowledge. Two trainers went to four sites to conduct courses addressing Engineered Nanomaterials (ENM) occupational health and safety emphasizing human exposure. A survey was distributed to the participants at the end of the course to assess the quality of the course as well as the quality of the instructors. Overwhelming approximately 95%, the participants were satisfied with the course and training. A pretest was given to the participants to assess their knowledge of Nano-Safety and a post test was given after the training course. To test the hypothesis to determine if the training was effective, a Paired Samples t-test was used. The findings indicated a statistically significant difference between the group mean scores from the pretest to the posttest. In essence, the participants improved drastically from the pretest to the posttest scores as a result of the training. However, there are cautions were addressing these results as the sole indicator of the participants’ success

    The Emergence of Nanotechnology: Establishing the New 21st Century Workforce

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    Nanotechnology is an emerging as an important consideration for the workforce, our daily lives, and education. This paper discusses the definition of nanotechnology, it’s emergence within today’s workforce, the skills needed for workers within the emerging nanotechnology sector, nanotechnology’s impact on society, and how this new paradigm is impacting postsecondary education

    Phase coexistence in proton glass

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    Thermodynamics and complex dielectric permittivity of mixed crystals of the Rb₁-x(NH₄)xH₂PO₄ type

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    We propose a pseudospin model for proton glasses of the Rb₁₋x(NH₄)xH₂PO₄(Rb₁₋x(ND₄)xD₂PO₄) type, which takes into account the energy levels of hydrogens (deuterons) around the PO₄ group, long-range interactions between the hydrogen bonds, and an internal random deformational field. Within the framework of a cluster approximation and a mean field approximation over the long-range interactions, we derive a system of equations for the state parameters for the regions which are in the ferroelectric and antiferroelectric states, as well as in the proton glass state. Within the Glauber dynamics approach, we obtain a system of equations for the frequency-dependent linear responses of polarization and the proton glass order parameter. We obtain a qualitative description of the temperature behavior of dielectric permittivities of the K₁₋x(ND₄)xD₂PO₄ and Rb₁₋x(NH₄)xH₂AsO₄ compounds at different frequencies. The origin of low-temperature peak in the imaginary part of dielectric permittivity in proton glasses is discussed.Запропонована псевдоспiнова модель протонних стекол типу Rb₁₋x(NH₄)xH₂PO₄(Rb₁₋x(ND₄)xD₂PO₄), яка враховує енергетичнi рiвнi протонiв (дейтронiв) бiля тетраедра PO₄, далекосяжну взаємодiю мiж водневими зв’язками i внутрiшнє хаотичне деформацiйне поле. В рамках кластерного наближення i наближення середнього поля по далекодiїї виведена система рiвнянь для параметрiв стану для областей, якi знаходяться в феро-, антифероелектричному станах, i в станi протонного скла. В рамках глауберiвської динамiки виведена система рiвнянь для частотнозалежних лiнiйних вiдгукiв полярiзацiї i параметра протонного скла. Отримано якiсний опис температурної поведiнки дiелектричних проникностей сполук K₁₋x(ND₄)xD₂PO₄ and Rb₁₋x(NH₄)xH₂AsO₄ при рiзних частотах. Обговорюються причини низькотемпературного пiку уявної частини дiелектричних проникностей в протонних стеклах