621,849 research outputs found

    Executive Information Systems' Multidimensional Models

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    Executive Information Systems are design to improve the quality of strategic level of management in organization through a new type of technology and several techniques for extracting, transforming, processing, integrating and presenting data in such a way that the organizational knowledge filters can easily associate with this data and turn it into information for the organization. These technologies are known as Business Intelligence Tools. But in order to build analytic reports for Executive Information Systems (EIS) in an organization we need to design a multidimensional model based on the business model from the organization. This paper presents some multidimensional models that can be used in EIS development and propose a new model that is suitable for strategic business requests.Executive Information Systems (EIS), Decision Support Systems (DSS), multidimensional models, Business Intelligence tools, On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP)

    Engineering management of large scale systems

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    The organization of high technology and engineering problem solving, has given rise to an emerging concept. Reasoning principles for integrating traditional engineering problem solving with system theory, management sciences, behavioral decision theory, and planning and design approaches can be incorporated into a methodological approach to solving problems with a long range perspective. Long range planning has a great potential to improve productivity by using a systematic and organized approach. Thus, efficiency and cost effectiveness are the driving forces in promoting the organization of engineering problems. Aspects of systems engineering that provide an understanding of management of large scale systems are broadly covered here. Due to the focus and application of research, other significant factors (e.g., human behavior, decision making, etc.) are not emphasized but are considered


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    The growing importance of Electronic Data Interchange for the rapid transmission of intra- and interorganizational communications is becoming widely recognized. EDI itself is little more than a faster mail service: it is the opportunity to integrate EDI with internal application systems and organizational functions which separates it from other forms of electronic telecommunications - and makes EDI a truly strategic application, offering comparative advantage at the organizational national and international levels. This paper discusses the results of a series of case studies of Australian organizations involved with EDI, undertaken to determine whether integration with internal application systems can be defined as a series of comparatively standard and recurring stages. The results of the analysis indicate that while such integration does, indeed, occur in a relatively standard manner for a large class of EDI-using organizations, there are also three other classes of organization for each of which a different model is appropriate. Although these additional classes are small in terms of the number of organizations of which they are composed, they are significant in terms of their importance and influence on industry in general and on EDI penetration in particular

    Prediction, Retrodiction, and The Amount of Information Stored in the Present

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    We introduce an ambidextrous view of stochastic dynamical systems, comparing their forward-time and reverse-time representations and then integrating them into a single time-symmetric representation. The perspective is useful theoretically, computationally, and conceptually. Mathematically, we prove that the excess entropy--a familiar measure of organization in complex systems--is the mutual information not only between the past and future, but also between the predictive and retrodictive causal states. Practically, we exploit the connection between prediction and retrodiction to directly calculate the excess entropy. Conceptually, these lead one to discover new system invariants for stochastic dynamical systems: crypticity (information accessibility) and causal irreversibility. Ultimately, we introduce a time-symmetric representation that unifies all these quantities, compressing the two directional representations into one. The resulting compression offers a new conception of the amount of information stored in the present.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, 1 table; http://users.cse.ucdavis.edu/~cmg/compmech/pubs/pratisp.ht

    Cultivating Purpose & Meaning in Health Care Employees: A Case Study of Spirituality Integrated Within an Organization

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    This case study explores the impact of spirituality between an organization and employee. The literature supports a growing interest among leaders in the idea of integrating spirituality into the workplace. Many leaders are recognizing the role of spirituality in fostering the human spirit to create relationships and systems that allow people to feel valued and supported. These values contribute to a sense of community within the work environment. This study seeks to understand more about the attributes, characteristics and outcomes of an organization that integrates spirituality throughout its organizational culture

    Combining economic and social goals in the design of production systems by using ergonomics standards

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    In designing of production systems, economic and social goals can be combined, if ergonomics is integrated into the design process. More than 50 years of ergonomics research and practice have resulted in a large number of ergonomics standards for designing physical and organizational work environments. This paper gives an overview of the 174 international ISO and European CEN standards in this field, and discusses their applicability in design processes. The available standards include general recommendations for integrating ergonomics into the design process, as well as specific requirements for manual handling, mental load, task design, human-computer-interaction, noise, heat, body measurements, and other topics. The standards can be used in different phases of the design process: allocation of system functions between humans and machines, design of the work organization, work tasks and jobs, design of work environment, design of work equipment, hardware and software, and design of workspace and workstation. The paper is meant to inform engineers and managers involved in the design of production systems about the existence of a large number of ISO and CEN standards on ergonomics, which can be used to optimize human well-being and overall system performance.review;standard;standardization;ergonomics;CEN;ISO;human factors;production engineering;production planning

    Integrating nutrition into health systems: What the evidence advocates

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    There is considerable evidence of positive health and nutrition outcomes resulting from integrating nutrition-specific interventions into health systems; however, current knowledge on establishing and sustaining effective integration of nutrition into health systems is limited. The objective of this review is to map the existing types of integration platforms and review the evidence on integrated health and nutrition programmes\u27 impacts on specific nutrition outcomes. A literature search was conducted, and integrated nutrition programmes were examined through the lens of the six World Health Organization (WHO) building blocks, including the demand side. Forty-five studies were included in this review, outlining the integration of nutrition-specific interventions with various programmes, including integrated community case management and Integrated Management of Childhood Illness, Child Health Days, immunization, early child development, and cash transfers. Limited quantitative data were suggestive of some positive impact on nutrition and non-nutrition outcomes with no adverse effects on primary programme delivery. Through the lens of the six WHO building blocks, service delivery and health workforce were found to be well-integrated, but governance, information systems, finance and supplies and technology were less well-integrated. Integrating nutrition-specific interventions into health systems may ensure efficient service delivery while having an impact on nutrition outcomes. There is no single successful model of integration; it varies according to the context and demands of the particular setting in which integration occurs. There is a need for more well-planned programmes considering all the health systems building blocks to ensure compliance and sustainability


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    Implementation of levers of controlhas an influence on organizational performance. The purpose of this research is to know the role of levers of control in order to improve organizational performance in a television industry. This research uses qualitative approach and done by using data collecting technique, interview, observation and also document analysis. The object used in this research is a business entity engaged in the industry of television in East Java. The results of the analysis and discussion show with the application of good levers of control can improve the performance of the organization and bring the business into a better direction. As expressed by Widener (2007) that by integrating the four existing systems, belief system, boundary system, diagnostic control system, and interactive control system, the business strategy can be achieved. Belief systems and interactive control systems motivate members of an organization to seek opportunities for space in more creative, broader way and to be translated as positive energy. Otherwise, to align the positive energy, boundary system and diagnostic control system are used to limit behavior and divert attention translated as negative energy


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    Implementation of levers of controlhas an influence on organizational performance. The purpose of this research is to know the role of levers of control in order to improve organizational performance in a television industry. This research uses qualitative approach and done by using data collecting technique, interview, observation and also document analysis. The object used in this research is a business entity engaged in the industry of television in East Java. The results of the analysis and discussion show with the application of good levers of control can improve the performance of the organization and bring the business into a better direction. As expressed by Widener (2007) that by integrating the four existing systems, belief system, boundary system, diagnostic control system, and interactive control system, the business strategy can be achieved. Belief systems and interactive control systems motivate members of an organization to seek opportunities for space in more creative, broader way and to be translated as positive energy. Otherwise, to align the positive energy, boundary system and diagnostic control system are used to limit behavior and divert attention translated as negative energy

    Using Ada to implement the operations management system in a community of experts

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    An architecture is described for the Space Station Operations Management System (OMS), consisting of a distributed expert system framework implemented in Ada. The motivation for such a scheme is based on the desire to integrate the very diverse elements of the OMS while taking maximum advantage of knowledge based systems technology. Part of the foundation of an Ada based distributed expert system was accomplished in the form of a proof of concept prototype for the KNOMES project (Knowledge-based Maintenance Expert System). This prototype successfully used concurrently active experts to accomplish monitoring and diagnosis for the Remote Manipulator System. The basic concept of this software architecture is named ACTORS for Ada Cognitive Task ORganization Scheme. It is when one considers the overall problem of integrating all of the OMS elements into a cooperative system that the AI solution stands out. By utilizing a distributed knowledge based system as the framework for OMS, it is possible to integrate those components which need to share information in an intelligent manner