465 research outputs found

    Development of speech prostheses: current status and recent advances

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Expert Review of Medical Devices on September, 2010, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1586/erd.10.34.Brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) have been developed over the past decade to restore communication to persons with severe paralysis. In the most severe cases of paralysis, known as locked-in syndrome, patients retain cognition and sensation, but are capable of only slight voluntary eye movements. For these patients, no standard communication method is available, although some can use BCIs to communicate by selecting letters or words on a computer. Recent research has sought to improve on existing techniques by using BCIs to create a direct prediction of speech utterances rather than to simply control a spelling device. Such methods are the first steps towards speech prostheses as they are intended to entirely replace the vocal apparatus of paralyzed users. This article outlines many well known methods for restoration of communication by BCI and illustrates the difference between spelling devices and direct speech prediction or speech prosthesis

    Speech decoding from stereo-electroencephalography (sEEG) signals using advanced deep learning methods

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    Objective: Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are technologies that bypass damaged or disrupted neural pathways and directly decode brain signals to perform intended actions. BCIs for speech have the potential to restore communication by decoding the intended speech directly. Many studies have demonstrated promising results using invasive micro-electrode arrays and electrocorticography. However, the use of stereo-electroencephalography (sEEG) for speech decoding has not been fully recognized. Approach: In this research, recently released sEEG data were used to decode Dutch words spoken by epileptic participants. We decoded speech waveforms from sEEG data using advanced deep-learning methods. Three methods were implemented: a linear regression method, an recurrent neural network (RNN)-based sequence-to-sequence model (RNN), and a transformer model. Main results: Our RNN and transformer models outperformed the linear regression significantly, while no significant difference was found between the two deep-learning methods. Further investigation on individual electrodes showed that the same decoding result can be obtained using only a few of the electrodes. Significance: This study demonstrated that decoding speech from sEEG signals is possible, and the location of the electrodes is critical to the decoding performance.</p

    Speech decoding from stereo-electroencephalography (sEEG) signals using advanced deep learning methods

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    Objective: Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are technologies that bypass damaged or disrupted neural pathways and directly decode brain signals to perform intended actions. BCIs for speech have the potential to restore communication by decoding the intended speech directly. Many studies have demonstrated promising results using invasive micro-electrode arrays and electrocorticography. However, the use of stereo-electroencephalography (sEEG) for speech decoding has not been fully recognized. Approach: In this research, recently released sEEG data were used to decode Dutch words spoken by epileptic participants. We decoded speech waveforms from sEEG data using advanced deep-learning methods. Three methods were implemented: a linear regression method, an recurrent neural network (RNN)-based sequence-to-sequence model (RNN), and a transformer model. Main results: Our RNN and transformer models outperformed the linear regression significantly, while no significant difference was found between the two deep-learning methods. Further investigation on individual electrodes showed that the same decoding result can be obtained using only a few of the electrodes. Significance: This study demonstrated that decoding speech from sEEG signals is possible, and the location of the electrodes is critical to the decoding performance.</p

    Synthesizing Speech from Intracranial Depth Electrodes using an Encoder-Decoder Framework

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    Speech Neuroprostheses have the potential to enable communication for people with dysarthria or anarthria. Recent advances have demonstrated high-quality text decoding and speech synthesis from electrocorticographic grids placed on the cortical surface. Here, we investigate a less invasive measurement modality in three participants, namely stereotactic EEG (sEEG) that provides sparse sampling from multiple brain regions, including subcortical regions. To evaluate whether sEEG can also be used to synthesize high-quality audio from neural recordings, we employ a recurrent encoder-decoder model based on modern deep learning methods. We find that speech can indeed be reconstructed with correlations up to 0.8 from these minimally invasive recordings, despite limited amounts of training data

    Understanding and Decoding Imagined Speech using Electrocorticographic Recordings in Humans

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    Certain brain disorders, resulting from brainstem infarcts, traumatic brain injury, stroke and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, limit verbal communication despite the patient being fully aware. People that cannot communicate due to neurological disorders would benefit from a system that can infer internal speech directly from brain signals. Investigating how the human cortex encodes imagined speech remains a difficult challenge, due to the lack of behavioral and observable measures. As a consequence, the fine temporal properties of speech cannot be synchronized precisely with brain signals during internal subjective experiences, like imagined speech. This thesis aims at understanding and decoding the neural correlates of imagined speech (also called internal speech or covert speech), for targeting speech neuroprostheses. In this exploratory work, various imagined speech features, such as acoustic sound features, phonetic representations, and individual words were investigated and decoded from electrocorticographic signals recorded in epileptic patients in three different studies. This recording technique provides high spatiotemporal resolution, via electrodes placed beneath the skull, but without penetrating the cortex In the first study, we reconstructed continuous spectrotemporal acoustic features from brain signals recorded during imagined speech using cross-condition linear regression. Using this technique, we showed that significant acoustic features of imagined speech could be reconstructed in seven patients. In the second study, we decoded continuous phoneme sequences from brain signals recorded during imagined speech using hidden Markov models. This technique allowed incorporating a language model that defined phoneme transitions probabilities. In this preliminary study, decoding accuracy was significant across eight phonemes in one patients. In the third study, we classified individual words from brain signals recorded during an imagined speech word repetition task, using support-vector machines. To account for temporal irregularities during speech production, we introduced a non-linear time alignment into the classification framework. Classification accuracy was significant across five patients. In order to compare speech representations across conditions and integrate imagined speech into the general speech network, we investigated imagined speech in parallel with overt speech production and/or speech perception. Results shared across the three studies showed partial overlapping between imagined speech and speech perception/production in speech areas, such as superior temporal lobe, anterior frontal gyrus and sensorimotor cortex. In an attempt to understanding higher-level cognitive processing of auditory processes, we also investigated the neural encoding of acoustic features during music imagery using linear regression. Despite this study was not directly related to speech representations, it provided a unique opportunity to quantitatively study features of inner subjective experiences, similar to speech imagery. These studies demonstrated the potential of using predictive models for basic decoding of speech features. Despite low performance, results show the feasibility for direct decoding of natural speech. In this respect, we highlighted numerous challenges that were encountered, and suggested new avenues to improve performances

    Neurolinguistics Research Advancing Development of a Direct-Speech Brain-Computer Interface

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    A direct-speech brain-computer interface (DS-BCI) acquires neural signals corresponding to imagined speech, then processes and decodes these signals to produce a linguistic output in the form of phonemes, words, or sentences. Recent research has shown the potential of neurolinguistics to enhance decoding approaches to imagined speech with the inclusion of semantics and phonology in experimental procedures. As neurolinguistics research findings are beginning to be incorporated within the scope of DS-BCI research, it is our view that a thorough understanding of imagined speech, and its relationship with overt speech, must be considered an integral feature of research in this field. With a focus on imagined speech, we provide a review of the most important neurolinguistics research informing the field of DS-BCI and suggest how this research may be utilized to improve current experimental protocols and decoding techniques. Our review of the literature supports a cross-disciplinary approach to DS-BCI research, in which neurolinguistics concepts and methods are utilized to aid development of a naturalistic mode of communication. : Cognitive Neuroscience; Computer Science; Hardware Interface Subject Areas: Cognitive Neuroscience, Computer Science, Hardware Interfac
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