11,191 research outputs found

    Flame front analysis of ethanol, butanol, iso-octane and gasoline in a spark-ignition engine using laser tomography and integral length scale measurements

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    Direct-injection spark-ignition engines have become popular due to their flexibility in injection strategies and higher efficiency; however, the high-pressure in-cylinder injection process can alter the airflow field by momentum exchange, with different effects for fuels of diverse properties. The current paper presents results from optical studies of stoichiometric combustion of ethanol, butanol, iso-octane and gasoline in a direct-injection spark-ignition engine run at 1500 RPM with 0.5 bar intake plenum pressure and early intake stroke fuel injection for homogeneous mixture preparation. The analysis initially involved particle image velocimetry measurements of the flow field at ignition timing with and without fuelling for comparison. Flame chemiluminescence imaging was used to characterise the global flame behaviour and double-pulsed Laser-sheet flame tomography by Mie scattering to quantify the local topology of the flame front. The flow measurements with fuel injection showed integral length scales of the same order to those of air only on the tumble plane, but larger regions with scales up to 9 mm on the horizontal plane. Averaged length scales over both measurement planes were between 4 and 6 mm, with ethanol exhibiting the largest and butanol the smallest. In non-dimensional form, the integral length scales were up to 20% of the clearance height and 5–12% of the cylinder bore. Flame tomography showed that at radii between 8 and 12 mm, ethanol was burning the fastest, followed by butanol, iso-octane and gasoline. The associated turbulent burning velocities were 4.6–6.5 times greater than the laminar burning velocities and about 13–20% lower than those obtained by flame chemiluminescence imaging. Flame roundness was 10–15% on the tomography plane, with largest values for ethanol, followed by butanol, gasoline and iso-octane; chemiluminescence imaging showed larger roundness (18–25%), albeit with the same order amongst fuels. The standard deviation of the displacement of the instantaneous flame contour from one filtered by its equivalent radius was obtained as a measure of flame brush thickness and correlated strongly with the equivalent flame radius; when normalised by the radius, it was 4–6% for all fuels. The number of crossing points between instantaneous and filtered flame contour showed a strong negative correlation with flame radius, independent of fuel type. The crossing point frequency was 0.5–1.6 mm−1. The flame brush thickness was about 1/10th of the integral length scale. A positive correlation was found between integral length scale and flame brush thickness and a negative correlation with crossing frequency

    Application of a portable FTIR for measuring on-road emissions

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    The objective of this work was the development of an onroad in-vehicle emissions measurement technique utilizing a relatively new, commercial, portable Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) Spectrometer capable of identifying and measuring (at approximately 3 second intervals) up to 51 different compounds. The FTIR was installed in a medium class EURO1 spark ignition passenger vehicle in order to measure on-road emissions. The vehicle was also instrumented to allow the logging of engine speed, road speed, global position, throttle position, air-fuel ratio, air flow and fuel flow in addition to engine, exhaust and catalyst temperatures. This instrumentation allowed the calculation of massbased emissions from the volume-based concentrations measured by the FTIR. To validate the FTIR data, the instrument was used to measure emissions from an engine subjected to a real-world drive cycle using an AC dynamometer. Standard analyzers were operated simultaneously for comparison with the FTIR and the standard analyzer results showed that most pollutants (NOx, CO2, CO) were within ~10% of a standard analyzer during steady state conditions and within 20% during transients. The exception to this was total HC which was generally 50% or less than actual total HC, but this was due to the limited number of hydrocarbons measured by the FTIR. In addition to the regulated emissions, five toxic hydrocarbon species were analyzed and found to be sensitive to cold starts in varying proportions. Finally, FTIR data was compared to results from a commercially available on-road measurement system (Horiba OBS- 1000), and there was good agreement

    An analytical approach to converting vibration signal to combustion characteristics of homogeneous charge compression ignition engines

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    Homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) is a promising low-temperature combustion technique for low-emission internal combustion engines. Unlike conventional engines, HCCI lacks a direct ignition control mechanism, necessitating closed-loop combustion control. This study proposes a phenomenological-based, cost-effective, and non-intrusive approach using vibration data analysis to determine essential combustion parameters. Experiments were conducted on a single-cylinder research engine with an accelerometer attached to the engine head. The engine operation envelope covered the whole engine’s operating area in naturally aspirated HCCI mode. Wavelet analysis revealed that combustion-related frequencies centered around 500 Hz, independent of operating conditions. The correlation-seeking analysis included peak acceleration amplitude and its crank angle with peak heat release rate (HRR) data. The peak HRR location was accurately identified within one degree when vibration amplitude exceeded the 100 m/s2 threshold. This encompassed 98.5% of the analyzed combustion cycles. The peak HRR prediction accuracy had a maximum error below 21% and was suitable to monitor reaction rates, especially in incomplete combustion and high ringing cycles.© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Analytical study of interior noise control by fuselage design techniques on high-speed, propeller-driven aircraft

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    The acoustical treatment mass penalties required to achieve an interior noise level of 80 dBA for high speed, fuel efficient propfan-powered aircraft are determined. The prediction method used is based on theory developed for the outer shell dynamics, and a modified approach for add-on noise control element performance. The present synthesis of these methods is supported by experimental data. Three different sized aircraft are studied, including a widebody, a narrowbody and a business sized aircraft. Noise control penalties are calculated for each aircraft for two kinds of noise control designs: add-on designs, where the outer wall structure cannot be changed, and advanced designs where the outer wall stiffness level and the materials usage can be altered. For the add-on designs, the mass penalties range from 1.7 to 2.4 percent of the takeoff gross weight (TOGW) of the various aircraft, similar to preliminary estimates. Results for advanced designs show significant reductions of the mass penalties. For the advanced aluminum designs the penalties are 1.5% of TOGW, and for an all composite aircraft the penalties range from 0.74 to 1.4% of TOGW

    Excess Air Ratio Management in a Diesel Engine with Exhaust Backpressure Compensation

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    The paper investigates the operation of a wideband universal exhaust gas oxygen (UEGO) sensor in a diesel engine under elevated exhaust backpressure. Although UEGO sensors provide the excess air ratio feedback signal primarily in spark ignition engines, they are also used in diesel engines to facilitate low-emission combustion. The excess air signal is used as an input for the fuel mass observer, as well as to run the engine in the low-emission regime and enable smokeless acceleration. To ensure a short response time and individual cylinder control, the UEGO sensor can be installed upstream of a turbocharger; however, this means that the exhaust gas pressure affects the measured oxygen concentration. Therefore, this study determines the sensor’s sensitivity to the exhaust pressure under typical conditions for lean burn low-emission diesel engines. Identification experiments are carried out on a supercharged single-cylinder diesel engine with an exhaust system mimicking the operation of the turbocharger. The apparent excess air measured with the UEGO sensor is compared to that obtained in a detailed exhaust gas analysis. The comparison of reference and apparent signals shows that the pressure compensation correlations used in gasoline engines do not provide the correct values for diesel engine conditions. Therefore, based on the data analysis, a new empirical formula is proposed, for which the suitability for lean burn diesel engines is verified.© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Spectroscopic Measurement of Gas Temperature in Small Internal Combustion Engines

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    The Small Engine Research Bench (SERB) was used previously to measure spatially and temporally averaged heat flux, as well as local, instantaneous heat flux at several external locations, for a series of small engines (1 - 10 kW). This investigation obtained time averaged crank angle resolved measurements of the in-cylinder gas temperature using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) absorption thermometry. The results, coupled with heat flux measurements, will enable the validation or refinement of existing thermal energy loss models

    automatic calibration of control parameters based on merit function spectral analysis

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    Abstract The number of actuations influencing the combustion is increasing, and, as a consequence, the calibration of control parameters is becoming challenging. One of the most effective factors influencing performance and efficiency is the combustion phasing: for gasoline engines control variables such as Spark Advance (SA), Air-to-Fuel Ratio (AFR), Variable Valve Timing (VVT), Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) are mostly used to set the combustion phasing. The optimal control setting can be chosen according to a cost function, taking into account performance indicators, such as Indicated Mean Effective Pressure (IMEP), Brake Specific Fuel Consumption (BSFC), pollutant emissions, or other indexes inherent to reliability issues, such as exhaust gas temperature, or knock intensity. The paper proposes the use of the extremum seeking approach during the calibration process. The main idea consists in changing the values of each control parameter at the same time, identifying its effect on the monitored cost function, allowing to shift automatically the control setting towards the optimum solution throughout the calibration procedure. Obviously, the nodal point is to establish how the various control parameters affect the monitored cost function and to determine the direction of the required variation, in order to approach the optimum. This task is carried out by means of a spectral analysis of the cost function: each control variable is varied according to a sine wave, thus its effect on the cost function can be determined by evaluating the amplitude of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of the cost function, for the given excitation frequency. The FFT amplitude is representative of the cost function sensitivity to the control variable variations, while the phase can be used to assess the direction of the variation that must be applied to the control settings in order to approach the optimum configuration. Each control parameter is excited with a different frequency, thus it is possible to recognize the effect of a single parameter by analyzing the spectrum of the cost function for the given excitation frequency. The methodology has been applied to data referring to a PFI engine, trying to maximize IMEP, while limiting the knock intensity and exhaust gas temperature, using SA and AFR as control variables. The approach proved to be efficient in reaching the optimum control setting, showing that the optimal setting can be achieved rapidly and consistently
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