1,217 research outputs found

    Online disturbance prediction for enhanced availability in smart grids

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    A gradual move in the electric power industry towards Smart Grids brings new challenges to the system's efficiency and dependability. With a growing complexity and massive introduction of renewable generation, particularly at the distribution level, the number of faults and, consequently, disturbances (errors and failures) is expected to increase significantly. This threatens to compromise grid's availability as traditional, reactive management approaches may soon become insufficient. On the other hand, with grids' digitalization, real-time status data are becoming available. These data may be used to develop advanced management and control methods for a sustainable, more efficient and more dependable grid. A proactive management approach, based on the use of real-time data for predicting near-future disturbances and acting in their anticipation, has already been identified by the Smart Grid community as one of the main pillars of dependability of the future grid. The work presented in this dissertation focuses on predicting disturbances in Active Distributions Networks (ADNs) that are a part of the Smart Grid that evolves the most. These are distribution networks with high share of (renewable) distributed generation and with systems in place for real-time monitoring and control. Our main goal is to develop a methodology for proactive network management, in a sense of proactive mitigation of disturbances, and to design and implement a method for their prediction. We focus on predicting voltage sags as they are identified as one of the most frequent and severe disturbances in distribution networks. We address Smart Grid dependability in a holistic manner by considering its cyber and physical aspects. As a result, we identify Smart Grid dependability properties and develop a taxonomy of faults that contribute to better understanding of the overall dependability of the future grid. As the process of grid's digitization is still ongoing there is a general problem of a lack of data on the grid's status and especially disturbance-related data. These data are necessary to design an accurate disturbance predictor. To overcome this obstacle we introduce a concept of fault injection to simulation of power systems. We develop a framework to simulate a behavior of distribution networks in the presence of faults, and fluctuating generation and load that, alone or combined, may cause disturbances. With the framework we generate a large set of data that we use to develop and evaluate a voltage-sag disturbance predictor. To quantify how prediction and proactive mitigation of disturbances enhance availability we create an availability model of a proactive management. The model is generic and may be applied to evaluate the effect of proactive management on availability in other types of systems, and adapted for quantifying other types of properties as well. Also, we design a metric and a method for optimizing failure prediction to maximize availability with proactive approach. In our conclusion, the level of availability improvement with proactive approach is comparable to the one when using high-reliability and costly components. Following the results of the case study conducted for a 14-bus ADN, grid's availability may be improved by up to an order of magnitude if disturbances are managed proactively instead of reactively. The main results and contributions may be summarized as follows: (i) Taxonomy of faults in Smart Grid has been developed; (ii) Methodology and methods for proactive management of disturbances have been proposed; (iii) Model to quantify availability with proactive management has been developed; (iv) Simulation and fault-injection framework has been designed and implemented to generate disturbance-related data; (v) In the scope of a case study, a voltage-sag predictor, based on machine- learning classification algorithms, has been designed and the effect of proactive disturbance management on downtime and availability has been quantified

    Condition-based maintenance of wind turbine blades

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    The blades of offshore wind farms (OWTs) are susceptible to a wide variety of diverse sources of damage. Internal impacts are caused primarily by structure deterioration, so even though outer consequences are the consequence of harsh marine ecosystems. We examine condition-based maintenance (CBM) for a multiblade OWT system that is exposed to environmental shocks in this work. In recent years, there has been a significant rise in the number of wind turbines operating offshore that make use of CBMs. The gearbox, generator, and drive train all have their own vibration-based monitoring systems, which form most of their foundation. For the blades, drive train, tower, and foundation, a cost analysis of the various widely viable CBM systems as well as their individual prices has been done. The purpose of this article is to investigate the potential benefits that may result from using these supplementary systems in the maintenance strategy. Along with providing a theoretical foundation, this article reviews the previous research that has been conducted on CBM of OWT blades. Utilizing the data collected from condition monitoring, an artificial neural network is employed to provide predictions on the remaining life. For the purpose of assessing and forecasting the cost and efficacy of CBM, a simple tool that is based on artificial neural networks (ANN) has been developed. A CBM technique that is well-established and is based on data from condition monitoring is used to reduce cost of maintenance. This can be accomplished by reducing malfunctions, cutting down on service interruption, and reducing the number of unnecessary maintenance works. In MATLAB, an ANN is used to research both the failure replacement cost and the preventative maintenance cost. In addition to this, a technique for optimization is carried out to gain the optimal threshold values. There is a significant opportunity to save costs by improving how choices are made on maintenance to make the operations more cost-effective. In this research, a technique to optimizing CBM program for elements whose deterioration may be characterized according to the level of damage that it has sustained is presented. The strategy may be used for maintenance that is based on inspections as well as maintenance that is based on online condition monitoring systems

    Federated Robust Embedded Systems: Concepts and Challenges

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    The development within the area of embedded systems (ESs) is moving rapidly, not least due to falling costs of computation and communication equipment. It is believed that increased communication opportunities will lead to the future ESs no longer being parts of isolated products, but rather parts of larger communities or federations of ESs, within which information is exchanged for the benefit of all participants. This vision is asserted by a number of interrelated research topics, such as the internet of things, cyber-physical systems, systems of systems, and multi-agent systems. In this work, the focus is primarily on ESs, with their specific real-time and safety requirements. While the vision of interconnected ESs is quite promising, it also brings great challenges to the development of future systems in an efficient, safe, and reliable way. In this work, a pre-study has been carried out in order to gain a better understanding about common concepts and challenges that naturally arise in federations of ESs. The work was organized around a series of workshops, with contributions from both academic participants and industrial partners with a strong experience in ES development. During the workshops, a portfolio of possible ES federation scenarios was collected, and a number of application examples were discussed more thoroughly on different abstraction levels, starting from screening the nature of interactions on the federation level and proceeding down to the implementation details within each ES. These discussions led to a better understanding of what can be expected in the future federated ESs. In this report, the discussed applications are summarized, together with their characteristics, challenges, and necessary solution elements, providing a ground for the future research within the area of communicating ESs

    Predicting Electrical Faults in Power Distribution Network

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    Electricity is becoming increasingly important in modern civilization, and as a result, the emphasis on and use of power infrastructure is gradually expanding. Simultaneously, investment and distribution modes are shifting from the large-scale centralized generation of electricity and sheer consumption to decentralized generators and extremely sophisticated clients. This transformation puts further strain on old infrastructure, necessitating significant expenditures in future years to ensure a consistent supply. Subsequent technical and prediction technologies can help to maximize the use of the current grid while lowering the probability of faults. This study discusses some of the local grid difficulties as well as a prospective maintenance and failure probabilistic model. To provide an effective and convenient power source to consumers, a high Volta protects and maintains under fault conditions. Most of the fault identification and localization approaches rely on real and reactive power converter observations of electronic values. This can be seen in metrics and ground evaluations derived via internet traffic. This paper provides a thorough examination of the mechanisms for error detection, diagnosis, and localization in overhead lines. The proposal is then able to make suggestions about the ways that can be incorporated to predict foreseen faults in the electrical network. The three classifiers, Random Forest, XGBoost and Decision tree are producing high accuracies, while Logistic Regression and SVM are producing realistic accuracy results

    AI-driven approaches for optimizing the energy efficiency of integrated energy system

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    To decarbonize the global energy system and replace the unidirectional architecture of existing grid networks, integrated and electrified energy systems are becoming more demanding. Energy integration is critical for renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and hydropower. However, there are still specific challenges to overcome, such as their high reliance on the weather and the complexity of their integrated operation. As a result, this research goes through the study of a new approach to energy service that has arisen in the shape of data-driven AI technologies, which hold tremendous promise for system improvement while maximizing energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions. This research aims to evaluate the use of data-driven AI techniques in electrical integrated energy systems, focusing on energy integration, operation, and planning of multiple energy supplies and demand. Based on the formation point, the main research question is: "To what extent do AI algorithms contribute to attaining greater efficiency of integrated grid systems?". It also included a discussion on four key research areas of AI application: Energy and load prediction, fault prediction, AI-based technologies IoT used for smart monitoring grid system optimization such as energy storage, demand response, grid flexibility, and Business value creation. The study adopted a two-way approach that includes empirical research on energy industry expert interviews and a Likert scale survey among energy sector representatives from Finland, Norway, and Nepal. On the other hand, the theoretical part was from current energy industry optimization models and a review of publications linked to a given research issue. The research's key findings were AI's significant potential in electrically integrated energy systems, which concluded AI's implication as a better understanding of energy consumption patterns, highly effective and precise energy load and fault prediction, automated energy management, enhanced energy storage system, more excellent business value, a smart control center, smooth monitoring, tracking, and communication of energy networks. In addition, further research directions are prospects towards its technical characteristics on energy conversion

    Calidad de servicio en computación en la nube: técnicas de modelado y sus aplicaciones

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    Recent years have seen the massive migration of enterprise applications to the cloud. One of the challenges posed by cloud applications is Quality-of-Service (QoS) management, which is the problem of allocating resources to the application to guarantee a service level along dimensions such as performance, availability and reliability. This paper aims at supporting research in this area by providing a survey of the state of the art of QoS modeling approaches suitable for cloud systems. We also review and classify their early application to some decision-making problems arising in cloud QoS management

    Time Series Forecasting of Reactive Power Support from Smart Converters in SDN Using Machine Learning

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    The climate changes in the last few years created a major need to integrate more renewable energy sources and other low-carbon technologies into the power system network. This causes to face more changes in the power system network, which are particularly visible in distribution power networks. A higher penetration of the distributed energy resources, installed at low- voltage and or medium-voltage levels, creates new challenges for distribution system operators. One of the important issues is to effectively manage the reactive power in a smart distribution network, as the mismatch of the reactive power in a power system network can cause voltage violations in the network. By timely predicting the reactive power, a distribution system operator can make better decisions to avoid any voltage violations. Several conventional techniques like optimal power flow (OPF) control and droop control are used, which are highly dependent on grid models. But machine learning (ML) is an effective approach due to its capability of handling multiple variable data sets and its performance is being independent of grid constraints. Therefore, in this thesis, we propose a machine learning-based approach for time series prediction of reactive power in a smart distribution network. After going through a literature review to find research gaps, a detailed methodology is discussed, highlighting tools used and how they impact on our objectives. Moving forward, a power flow analysis is performed to see the impact of reactive power on SDN. After acquiring all the data required for training algorithms, ML is implemented, and the results are also compared with the optimal power flow method. The results show that the predicted reactive power by the ML approach is very close to the OPF results. However, more improvements can be made by increasing the dataset and changing in the layers of ML algorithms


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    Road accidents are concerningly increasing in Andhra Pradesh. In 2021, Andhra Pradesh experienced a 20 percent upsurge in road accidents. The state's unfortunate position of being ranked eighth in terms of fatalities, with 8,946 lives lost in 22,311 traffic accidents, underscores the urgent nature of the problem. The significant financial impact on the victims and their families stresses the necessity for effective actions to reduce road accidents. This study proposes a framework that collects accident data from regions, namely Patamata, Penamaluru, Mylavaram, Krishnalanka, Ibrahimpatnam, and Gandhinagar in Vijayawada (India) from 2019 to 2021. The dataset comprises over 12,000 records of accident data. Deep learning techniques are applied to classify the severity of road accidents into Fatal, Grievous, and Severe Injuries. The classification procedure leverages advanced neural network models, including the Multilayer Perceptron, Long-Short Term Memory, Recurrent Neural Network, and Gated Recurrent Unit. These models are trained on the collected data to accurately predict the severity of road accidents. The project study to make important contributions for suggesting proactive measures and policies to reduce the severity and frequency of road accidents in Andhra Pradesh.Liczba wypadków drogowych w Andhra Pradesh niepokojąco rośnie. W 2021 r. stan Andhra Pradesh odnotował 20% wzrost liczby wypadków drogowych. Niefortunna pozycja stanu, który zajmuje ósme miejsce pod względem liczby ofiar śmiertelnych, z 8 946 ofiarami śmiertelnymi w 22 311 wypadkach drogowych, podkreśla pilny charakter problemu. Znaczący wymiar finansowy dla ofiar i ich rodziny podkreśla konieczność podjęcia skutecznych działań w celu ograniczenia liczby wypadków drogowych. W niniejszym badaniu zaproponowano system gromadzenia danych o wypadkach z regionów Patamata, Penamaluru, Mylavaram, Krishnalanka, Ibrahimpatnam i Gandhinagar w Vijayawada (India) w latach 2019–2021. Zbiór danych obejmuje ponad 12 000 rekordów danych o wypadkach. Techniki głębokiego uczenia są stosowane do klasyfikowania wagi wypadków drogowych na śmiertelne, poważne i ciężkie obrażenia. Procedura klasyfikacji wykorzystuje zaawansowane modele sieci neuronowych, w tym wielowarstwowy perceptron, pamięć długoterminową i krótkoterminową, rekurencyjną sieć neuronową i Gated Recurrent Unit. Modele te są trenowane na zebranych danych w celu dokładnego przewidywania wagi wypadków drogowych. Projekt ma wnieść istotny wkład w sugerowanie proaktywnych środków i polityk mających na celu zmniejszenie dotkliwości i częstotliwości wypadków drogowych w Andhra Pradesh

    Assessing the areas of concern regarding decarbonisation of industrial microgrids based on a novel classification framework

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    This thesis is made for a technology company in Vaasa, Finland which has the focus on decarbonisation of microgrids through optimisation with different aspects in mind, such as, reducing emissions, decreasing fuel consumption, increasing grid reliability and asset availability, and lowering operation costs. The aim of the thesis is to investigate the fundamental areas of concern, when making an early assessment of the potential for decarbonisation through optimisation in industrial microgrids. This is done through a qualitative study based on semi-structured interviews with experts with different areas of expertise in the company. The interviews are then analysed and compared to relevant literature in the field. The outcome is a proposed classification framework grouped into three different sections: generation, network & control, and load. These sections are further divided into different sub-sections with own themes, where categories are listed. Additionally, some suggestions on further utilisation are also proposed in the work, for example, in customer conversations or as an aid for experts.Detta diplomarbete är gjort åt ett teknologiföretag beläget i Vasa, Finland, vilket fokuserar på utfasning av fossila bränslen (eng. decarbonisation) i mikronätverk genom optimering inom olika fokusområden. Exempel på dessa är minskning av utsläpp och bränsleförbrukning, ökning av nätverksstabilitet och tillgänglighet av elproduktionsanläggningar samt optimering av driftskostnader. Målet med diplomarbetet är att utreda inom vilka områden det kan uppstå utmaningar när man i ett tidigt skede kartlägger möjligheterna för utfasning av fossila bränslen genom optimering i industriella mikronätverk. Det här är gjort genom en kvalitativ studie baserad på semistrukturerade intervjuer med sakkunniga med olika expertisområden inom företaget i fråga. Intervjuerna är sedan analyserade och jämförda med relevant litteratur inom ämnet. Resultatet av studien är ett klassificeringssystem indelat i tre olika huvudområden: generering, nätverk & kontroll och last. Dessa är vidare uppdelade i underområden med egna teman i vilka olika kategorier är listade. Därtill i arbetet ges även förslag på användningsområden för detta klassificeringssystem, exempelvis i kundsamtal eller som hjälpmedel för experter