201 research outputs found

    Modelling evolvability in genetic programming

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    We develop a tree-based genetic programming system, capable of modelling evolvability during evolution through artificial neural networks (ANN) and exploiting those networks to increase the generational fitness of the system. This thesis is empirically focused; we study the effects of evolvability selection under varying conditions to demonstrate the effectiveness of evolvability selection. Evolvability is the capacity of an individual to improve its future fitness. In genetic programming (GP), we typically measure how well a program performs a given task at its current capacity only. We improve upon GP by directly selecting for evolvability. We construct a system, Sample-Evolvability Genetic Programming (SEGP), that estimates the true evolvability of a program by conducting a limited number of evolvability samples. Evolvability is sampled by conducting a number of genetic operations upon a program and comparing the fitnesses of resulting programs with the original. SEGP is able to achieve an increase in fitness at a cost of increased computational complexity. We then construct a system which improves upon SEGP, Model-Evolvability Genetic Programming (MEGP), that models the true evolvability of a program by training an ANN to predict its evolvability. MEGP reduces the computational cost of sampling evolvability while maintaining the fitness gains. MEGP is empirically shown to improve generational fitness for a streaming domain, in exchange for an upfront increase in computational time

    Weighted Hierarchical Grammatical Evolution

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    Grammatical evolution (GE) is one of the most widespread techniques in evolutionary computation. Genotypes in GE are bit strings while phenotypes are strings, of a language defined by a user-provided context-free grammar. In this paper, we propose a novel procedure for mapping genotypes to phenotypes that we call weighted hierarchical GE (WHGE). WHGE imposes a form of hierarchy on the genotype and encodes grammar symbols with a varying number of bits based on the relative expressive power of those symbols. WHGE does not impose any constraint on the overall GE framework, in particular, WHGE may handle recursive grammars, uses the classical genetic operators, and does not need to define any bound in advance on the size of phenotypes. We assessed experimentally our proposal in depth on a set of challenging and carefully selected benchmarks, comparing the results of the standard GE framework as well as two of the most significant enhancements proposed in the literature: 1) position-independent GE and 2) structured GE. Our results show that WHGE delivers very good results in terms of fitness as well as in terms of the properties of the genotype-phenotype mapping procedure

    Meta-parametric design: Developing a computational approach for early stage collaborative practice

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    Computational design is the study of how programmable computers can be integrated into the process of design. It is not simply the use of pre-compiled computer aided design software that aims to replicate the drawing board, but rather the development of computer algorithms as an integral part of the design process. Programmable machines have begun to challenge traditional modes of thinking in architecture and engineering, placing further emphasis on process ahead of the final result. Just as Darwin and Wallace had to think beyond form and inquire into the development of biological organisms to understand evolution, so computational methods enable us to rethink how we approach the design process itself. The subject is broad and multidisciplinary, with influences from design, computer science, mathematics, biology and engineering. This thesis begins similarly wide in its scope, addressing both the technological aspects of computational design and its application on several case study projects in professional practice. By learning through participant observation in combination with secondary research, it is found that design teams can be most effective at the early stage of projects by engaging with the additional complexity this entails. At this concept stage, computational tools such as parametric models are found to have insufficient flexibility for wide design exploration. In response, an approach called Meta-Parametric Design is proposed, inspired by developments in genetic programming (GP). By moving to a higher level of abstraction as computational designers, a Meta-Parametric approach is able to adapt to changing constraints and requirements whilst maintaining an explicit record of process for collaborative working

    Modeling And Applying Biomimetic Metaheuristics To Product Life Cycle Engineering

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    Due to its potential for significant impact, interest continues to grow in the assessment of products from a life cycle perspective. As the nature of products shifts from mechanized and Newtonian to more adaptive and complex, the behavior of products more closely resembles biological organisms in community. The change in product nature is increasingly mirrored at the component level. The work presented in this dissertation is twofold. First, the research proposes a general, systematic and holistic classification of life cycle data to transform the design problem into an optimization problem. Second, the research proposes two new metaheuristics (bio-inspired and socio-inspired) to solve optimization problems to produce grouped solutions that are efficient, evolvable and sustainable. The bio-inspired approach is schooling genetic algorithms (SGA), while the socio-inspired approach is referred to as genetic social networks (GSN). SGA is an approach that combines fish schooling concepts with genetic algorithms (GAs) to enable a dynamic search process. The application of GA operators is subject to the perception of the immediate local environment by clusters of candidate solutions behaving as schools of fish. GSN is an approach that adds social network concepts to GAs, implementing single and dyadic social interactions of social groups (clusters of similar candidate solutions) with GA operators. SGA and GSN both use phenotypic representations of a hypothetical product or system as input. The representations are derived from the proposed life cycle engineering (LCE) data classification. The outputs of either method are the representations that are more than likely to perform better, longer, and more autonomously within their environment during their life cycle. Both methods can also be used as a decision making tool. Both approaches were tested on product design problems with differing parametric relations, underlying solution space, and problem size

    Hardware evolution of a digital circuit using a custom VLSI architecture

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    This research investigates three solutions to overcoming portability and scalability concerns in the Evolutionary Hardware (EHW) field. Firstly, the study explores if the V-FPGA—a new, portable Virtual-Reconfigurable-Circuit architecture—is a practical and viable evolution platform. Secondly, the research looks into two possible ways of making EHW systems more scalable: by optimising the system’s genetic algorithm; and by decomposing the solution circuit into smaller, evolvable sub-circuits or modules. GA optimisation is done is by: omitting a canonical GA’s crossover operator (i.e. by using an algorithm); applying evolution constraints; and optimising the fitness function. The circuit decomposition is done in order to demonstrate modular evolution. Three two-bit multiplier circuits and two sub-circuits of a simple, but real-world control circuit are evolved. The results show that the evolved multiplier circuits, when compared to a conventional multiplier, are either equal or more efficient. All the evolved circuits improve two of the four critical paths, and all are unique. Thus, it is experimentally shown that the V-FPGA is a viable hardware-platform on which hardware evolution can be implemented; and how hardware evolution is able to synthesise novel, optimised versions of conventional circuits. By comparing the and canonical GAs, the results verify that optimised GAs can find solutions quicker, and with fewer attempts. Part of the optimisation also includes a comprehensive critical-path analysis, where the findings show that the identification of dependent critical paths is vital in enhancing a GA’s efficiency. Finally, by demonstrating the modular evolution of a finite-state machine’s control circuit, it is found that although the control circuit as a whole makes use of more than double the available hardware resources on the V-FPGA and is therefore not evolvable, the evolution of each state’s sub-circuit is possible. Thus, modular evolution is shown to be a successful tool when dealing with scalability

    A strategic planning methodology for aircraft redesign

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    Due to a progressive market shift to a customer-driven environment, the influence of engineering changes on the product's market success is becoming more prominent. This situation affects many long lead-time product industries including aircraft manufacturing. Derivative development has been the key strategy for many aircraft manufacturers to survive the competitive market and this trend is expected to continue in the future. Within this environment of design adaptation and variation, the main market advantages are often gained by the fastest aircraft manufacturers to develop and produce their range of market offerings without any costly mistakes. This realization creates an emphasis on the efficiency of the redesign process, particularly on the handling of engineering changes. However, most activities involved in the redesign process are supported either inefficiently or not at all by the current design methods and tools, primarily because they have been mostly developed to improve original product development. In view of this, the main goal of this research is to propose an aircraft redesign methodology that will act as a decision-making aid for aircraft designers in the change implementation planning of derivative developments. The proposed method, known as Strategic Planning of Engineering Changes (SPEC), combines the key elements of the product redesign planning and change management processes. Its application is aimed at reducing the redesign risks of derivative aircraft development, improving the detection of possible change effects propagation, increasing the efficiency of the change implementation planning and also reducing the costs and the time delays due to the redesign process. To address these challenges, four research areas have been identified: baseline assessment, change propagation prediction, change impact analysis and change implementation planning. Based on the established requirements for the redesign planning process, several methods and tools that are identified within these research areas have been abstracted and adapted into the proposed SPEC method to meet the research goals. The proposed SPEC method is shown to be promising in improving the overall efficiency of the derivative aircraft planning process through two notional aircraft system redesign case studies that are presented in this study.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Prof. Dimitri Mavris; Committee Member: Dr. Elena Garcia; Committee Member: Dr. Neil Weston; Committee Member: Mathias Emeneth; Committee Member: Prof. Daniel P. Schrag

    Evolvability-guided Optimization of Linear Deformation Setups for Evolutionary Design Optimization

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    Richter A. Evolvability-guided Optimization of Linear Deformation Setups for Evolutionary Design Optimization. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2019.Andreas Richter gratefully acknowledges the financial support from Honda Research Institute Europe (HRI-EU).This thesis targets efficient solutions for optimal representation setups for evolutionary design optimization problems. The representation maps the abstract parameters of an optimizer to a meaningful variation of the design model, e.g., the shape of a car. Thereby, it determines the convergence speed to and the quality of the final result. Thus, engineers are eager to employ well-tuned representations to achieve high-quality design solutions. But, setting up optimal representations is a cumbersome process because the setup procedure requires detailed knowledge about the objective functions, e.g., a fluid dynamics simulation, and the parameters of the employed representation itself. Thus, we target efficient routines to set up representations automatically to support engineers from their tedious, partly manual work. Inspired by the concept of evolvability, we present novel quality criteria for the evaluation of linear deformations commonly applied as representations. We define and analyze the criteria variability, regularity, and improvement potential which measure the expected quality and convergence speed of an evolutionary design optimization process based on the linear deformation setup. Moreover, we target the efficient optimization of deformation setups with respect to these three criteria. In dynamic design optimization scenarios a suitable compromise between exploration and exploitation is crucial for efficient solutions. We discuss the construction of optimal compromises for these dynamic scenarios with our criteria because they characterize exploration and exploitation. As a result an engineer can initialize and adjust the deformation setup for improved convergence speed of a design process and for enhanced quality of the design solutions with our methods
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