33 research outputs found

    Primary educational strategies in times of digital curriculum content

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    Our contribution is based on the most noteworthy results of a research project focusing on teaching strategies at a time when the contents of the primary education curriculum are becoming digital. The expansion of the digital content industry is forcing a paradigm shift. In this paper we analyse the strategies implemented by teachers of the fifth and sixth year of primary school in relation with the digitisation of curricular content. With this aim, we planned our research following ethnographic methodology, analysing a period of two years of a case study. The main data collection tools we used are the analysis of the centre's documents and website, semi-structured interviews with different participants, and direct observation of fifth and sixth year primary education classrooms. We can infer from the analysis that technology facilitates processes of inclusion in the centre, enhancing collaborative and cooperative work. Furthermore, the use of digital devices promotes attention to diversity. The implementation of digital technologies in schools implies redefining teaching practices and teaching-learning processes. The results show that the addition of digital materials is a step forward in the centre's attention to diversity, improving accessibility and overcoming the digital gap thanks to schools' access to technological resource

    Primary Educational Strategies in Times of Digital Curriculum

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    Our contribution is based on the most noteworthy results of a research project focusing on teaching strategies at a time when the contents of the primary education curriculum are becoming digital. The expansion of the digital content industry is forcing a paradigm shift. In this paper we analyse the strategies implemented by teachers of the fifth and sixth year of primary school in relation with the digitisation of curricular content. With this aim, we planned our research following ethnographic methodology, analysing a period of two years of a case study. The main data collection tools we used are the analysis of the centre’s documents and website, semi-structured interviews with different participants, and direct observation of fifth and sixth year primary education classrooms.  We can infer from the analysis that technology facilitates processes of inclusion in the centre, enhancing collaborative and cooperative work. Furthermore, the use of digital devices promotes attention to diversity. The implementation of digital technologies in schools implies redefining teaching practices and teaching-learning processes.The results show that the addition of digital materials is a step forward in the centre’s attention to diversity, improving accessibility and overcoming the digital gap thanks to schools’ access to technological resources

    The digital metamorphosis of didactic material after the parenthesis Gutenberg

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    Este artículo es un ensayo que analiza los cambios o mutaciones que se están produciendo en las características y funcionalidades de los materiales didácticos en el contexto de la sociedad digital. Se parte de la tesis que el material didáctico hegemónico de la escuela moderna (específicamente los libros de texto) respondían a la lógica de la cultura impresa caracterizada por empaquetar el conocimiento y de un modelo de desarrollo curricular estandarizado y en masa. En este S. XXI los materiales educativos se ven afectados por la transformación digital cuya mutación se describe en función de cinco dimensiones o ámbitos: la artefactual o tecnológica, la pedagógica, la funcionalidad docente, la funcionalidad discente, y los procesos de producción, distribución y consumo. Se concluye señalando que la metamorfosis del material didáctico no consiste sólo en un cambio del formato tecnológico, sino que debe ser fundamentalmente del relato cultural y de la funcionalidad pedagógica del material.This article is an essay that analyzes the changes or mutations that are taking place in the characteristics and functionalities of educational materials in the context of the digital society. It is based on the thesis that the hegemonic didactic material of the modern school (specifically textbooks) responded to the logic of printed culture characterized by packaging knowledge and a standardized and mass curriculum development model. In this S. XXI educational materials are affected by digital transformation whose mutation is described in terms of five dimensions or areas: artifactual or technological, pedagogical, teaching functionality, learning functionality, and production processes, distribution and consumption. It concludes by pointing out that the metamorphosis of the didactic material does not consist only in a change of the technological format, but it must be fundamentally of the cultural story and of the pedagogical functionality of the material.peerReviewe

    Desain Prototype Sistem Informasi Hafalan Al Quran Berbasis Perspektif HCI

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan produk prototipe  berbasis IT yang bisa mempermudah dan meningkatkan produktivitas proses bisnis yang ada di UPTQ (Unit Pengembangan Tahfidzul Quran) berupa sistem informasi hafalan Al-Quran dengan perspektif HCI (Human Computer Interaction). Metode penelitian menggunakan Research and Developmen (R&D) level 1 dengan metode pengembangan perangkat lunak berbasis prototipe. Pengembangan prototipe Sistem Informasi Hafalan Al-Quran diuji melalui 2 (dua) metode, metode Heuristic Evaluation untuk pengujian desain interface dan ISO 9241-1 untuk pengujian aspek usability. Hasil pengujian tingkat efektifitas dari sistem “Baik“ yaitu sebesar 82,1%. Hasil pengujian tingkat efisiensi tergolong “Baik“ yaitu sebesar 81,87% dan tingkat kepuasan terhadap sistem “Cukup Baik“ yaitu sebesar 78,9%. Diperoleh hasil uji kelayakan aspek usability dari sistem sebesar 80,22% dan dinyatakan layak untuk digunakan/diimplementasikan di UPTQ UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

    Towards Human Activity-Based Interactive Communication Systems’ Design in Higher Learning Institutions: Study Conducted in Tanzania Higher Learning Institutions

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    The power of human computer interaction in interactive systems’ design processes is unimaginable as it determines their usability. However, these design processes encounter several challenges which make most of the designed interactive systems, notably in higher learning institutions fail to suitably satisfy targeted users’ needs despite the fact that they are normally designed based on their requirements. This study begins by exploring the challenges facing main communication and interaction means used in Tanzania higher learning institutions. The study then provides a review of challenges related to key research areas associated with interactive systems’ design. Based on the reviewed challenges, authors combined design science research with activity theory to come up with suited techniques through which user-involved interactive communication frameworks needed for suitable design of human activity-based interactive communication systems’ can be obtained. Based on that approach, authors came up with a suited four phase Design Science Research methodology to be used in designing of applicable frameworks. In its first phase and following a crucial user-centred design process, authors were able to come up with a Human-Activity Design Centred Framework for capturing most of the users’ needs in the design process through activities performed as well as a Human Factors’ Approach to interactive communication systems design in HLIs’

    The impact of virtual, augmented and mixed reality technologies on the customer experience

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    The arrival of Virtual-Reality, Augmented-Reality, and Mixed-Reality technologies is shaping a new environment where physical and virtual objects are integrated at different levels. Due to the development of portable and embodied devices, together with highly interactive, physical-virtual connections, the customer experience landscape is evolving into new types of hybrid experiences. However, the boundaries between these new realities, technologies and experiences have not yet been clearly established by researchers and practitioners. This paper aims to offer a better understanding of these concepts and integrate technological (embodiment), psychological (presence), and behavioral (interactivity) perspectives to propose a new taxonomy of technologies, namely the “EPI Cube”. The cube allows academics and managers to classify all technologies, current and potential, which might support or empower customer experiences, but can also produce new experiences along the customer journey. The paper concludes with theoretical and managerial implications, as well as a future research agenda

    Enhancing the customer experience with virtual and augmented reality: The impact of content and device type

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    Virtual and augmented reality are changing how companies interact with customers. However, previous research has paid little attention to compare their effectiveness. This study focuses on the perceptions of presence elicited by different types of contents (real or digital) and embodied devices (head-mounted display or smartphone), and their impact on user''s pre-experiences with hotels. Results from a lab experiment show that contents with high levels of factual realism (360-degree videos) have a positive influence on perceptions of presence, ease of imagination, and visual appeal, and on booking intentions. These effects are stronger when high embodied devices (head-mounted displays) are applied. Additionally, presence positively influences ease of imagination and visual appeal, which mediate the impact of content on booking intentions. These findings stress the importance of inducing presence as a key driver for behavioral intentions in hospitality. The comparative influence of conventional VR and AR experiences is also discussed

    The Impact of Donald Trump’s Tweets on College Student Civic Engagement in Relation to his Perceived Credibility and Expertise

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    Donald Trump’s tweets have become prevalent in today’s society. Because college students use social media so often, it would be incumbent for the researcher to examine the impact Donald Trump’s tweets might have on these young adults’, civic engagement and how the tweets may be affecting his perceived credibility and expertise. The researcher administered a questionnaire to 350 college students from a private medium sized west coast university using various modified scales examining credibility, expertise and civic engagement. Civic engagement was measured using an adapted version of several civic engagement instruments. The researcher used a correlation analysis to offer answers for the proposed research questions. It was found that Donald Trump’s tweets have a significant positive impact on the way college students perceive him to be credible while also effecting their perception of his level of expertise. The tweets did not indicate a correlation to civic engagement, but further research concluded that specific tweets have the ability to have a significant negative correlation on civic attitudes and behaviors. The correlation analysis also found that there was a significant negative correlation between which form of media students use the most and their civic engagement. A regression analysis was performed to see if the tweets had predicting power on college student perception of his credibility and expertise. The tweets demonstrated predicting power. A regression analysis was done to see if the tweets had predicting power on college student civic engagement; the regression results showed no significant predicting power between the two. These results suggest that tweets from a United States President have a significant influence on how he is perceived to be credible, the perception of his level of expertise and how his tweets may be affecting civic engagement on college campuses

    The implementation of ICT and DLM in the teaching practice of Primary Education

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    El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la implementación de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) y de los Materiales Didácticos Digitales (MDD) en las aulas de Educación Primaria, incidiendo en los efectos que el uso de estos elementos comporta para el profesorado y el alumnado implicado. Para la realización del estudio se ha utilizado metodología cualitativa mediante la realización de sesiones de observación de aula y entrevistas a docentes y alumnado. La muestra la conforman siete centros escolares de tres comunidades autónomas españolas. Los resultados apuntan a cambios en las metodologías docentes, en la organización del trabajo en el aula y a la adopción de nuevos roles y perfiles por parte de los agentes escolaresThe aim of this paper is to analyze the implementation of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Digital Learning Materials (DLM) in the Primary Education classrooms, foccus in the efeccts that the use of these elements have for the teachers and students involved. Qualitative methodology has been used to conduct the study by classroom observation sessions and interviews with teachers and students. The sample is made up of seven schools in three Spanish autonomous communities. The results point to changes in teaching methodologies, in the organization of classroom work and the adoption of new roles and profiles by school agent