Rumah Jurnal Online - Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
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    584 research outputs found

    Produksi Biomassa, Analisis Nutrisi dan Senyawa Bioaktif Jamur Grigit (Schizophyllum commune)

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    Schizophyllum commune, a wild edible mushroom, has gained significant attention due to its potential as a valuable source of biomass, nutrients, and bioactive compounds. This study aims to explore the production of mycelial biomass and analyze its nutrient and bioactive compound content to be applied as a raw material in food production. The Schizophyllum commune was cultivated in potato dextrose broth media with temperature (25, 30, 35, and 40oC) and pH treatments (3, 7, and 8) to determine the optimal conditions for biomass production. Mycelia biomass was harvested and extracted. Nutrient and bioactive compounds were analyzed. Results showed that 30oC and pH 7 give the highest biomass production. Proximate analysis revealed that the mushroom's mycelia biomass contained high protein, low fat, and fiber. The analysis also demonstrated a rich profile of bioactive compounds, including flavonoid and phenolic compounds, respectively1 2,32 ± 0,95 dan 415,72 ± 15,23 g/100 g mycelia dry weight. Schizophyllum commune exhibits promising prospects for mycelial biomass production

    Karakteristik Bakteri Pendegradasi Bahan Pangan Asal Saluran Pencernaan Kecoa Amerika (Periplaneta americana) dari Pasar Tradisional

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    American cockroach (Periplaneta americana) is one of the most common pests found in houses, apartments, and public facilities such as markets. As vector insects, cockroaches have symbiosis with microorganisms. Some of these microorganisms can live in cockroaches' cuticles and digestive tracts. Besides being able to pose a danger to human health, the microbes in cockroach bodies also have the potential to cause food damage. This study aimed to determine the diversity of microorganisms originating from the digestive tract of the American cockroach and their potential to cause food spoilage. The research was conducted in several stages: sampling cockroaches at a traditional market, isolating bacteria from the digestive tract of cockroaches, qualitatively testing amylolytic, proteolytic, and lipolytic potentials, and characterizing bacterial isolate by morphologically and biochemically character. The results showed that there were 26 isolates of bacteria isolated from the digestive tract of American cockroaches from the market, 62.96% of the isolates were found to have the ability to degrade protein, 37.04% of the isolates had the ability to degrade starch, and 40.74% of the total isolates can degrade fat. These isolates had various morphological and biochemical characteristics. Bacterial isolates derived from American cockroaches from traditional markets have the potential to degrade food

    Analisis Daya Dukung Tata Air untuk Monitoring Kinerja Pengelolaan DAS Poleang, Sulawesi Tenggara

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    The carrying capacity of water resources for various uses is highly dependent on the condition of the quality, quantity and continuity of water in a watershed. The lack of research conducted in the Poleang Watershed greatly limits information regarding the carrying capacity of the watershed. This study aims to determine the carrying capacity of the watershed based on water management indicators in the Poleang watershed. The method used in this study uses Minister of Forestry No. P.61/Menhut-II/2014 concerning monitoring and evaluation of watershed management with 5 parameters namely Flow Regime Coefficient, Annual Flow Coefficient, Sediment Load, Flood, and Water Use Index. The results showed that KRA in the Poleang watershed was in the category of KRA ≤ 20 with very low class, KAT was in the category of 0.2 < KAT ≤0.3 with low class, MS reached 97.25 tons/day so it was in the category of M> 20 with very high class, flooding occurs 1 time a year with high class, IPA reaches 1,299.9, so it is in the category of IPA ≤1,700 with very bad class. So that it can be concluded that the carrying capacity of the Poleang water system is included in the medium carrying capacity classDaya dukung sumberdaya air untuk berbagai peruntukan sangat tergantung pada kondisi kualitas, kuantitas dan kontinuitas air pada suatu Daerah Aliran Sungai. Minimnya penelitian yang dilakukan di DAS Poleang sangat membatasi informasi mengenai daya dukung DAS tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui daya dukung DAS berdasarkan indikator tata air di DAS Poleang, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Permenhut RI No. P.61/Menhut-II/2014 tentang monitoring dan evalusi pengelolaan DAS dengan 5 parameter yaitu Koefisien Rezim Aliran (KRA), Koefisien Aliran Tahunan (KAT), Muatan Sedimen (MS), Banjir, dan Indek Pengunaan Air (IPA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa KRA DAS Poleang masuk kategori nilai KRA ≤ 20 dengan kelas sangat rendah, KAT masuk kategori 0,2< KAT ≤0,3 dengan kelas rendah, MS mencapai 97,25 ton/hari sehingga masuk kategori nilai M > 20 dengan kelas sangat tinggi, banjir terjadi 1 kali dalam setahun dengan kelas tinggi, IPA mencapai 1.299,9, sehingga masuk kategori nilai IPA ≤1.700 dengan kelas sangat jelek. Berdasarkan hasil analisis daya dukung DAS Poleang berdasarkan kondisi tata air masuk pada kategori 90< DDD ≤110 dengan kelas daya dukung sedan

    Evaluasi Performa Panel Surya Terintegrasi Bangunan berdasarkan Standar Greenship: Menuju Bangunan Sekolah Net Zero Energi

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    generated from a variety of sources, both renewable and nonrenewable. Switching from nonrenewable to renewable energy sources is one of many strategies that can be used to achieve net-zero buildings. In Indonesia, this strategy is very feasible due to its abundant renewable energy resources, particularly solar energy. This research presents a school building as the proposed case. The school, SCK Citra Garden, is chosen as the pilot project due to its access to solar radiation and its minimum shading conditions. Using Helioscope software, BIPV modelling was simulated on its roof, and the electrical energy output from BIPV was calculated. The substitution percentages of BIPV energy output for conventional electrical energy consumed by the building were then measured. This percentage was compared to the National Energy Mix target and Greenhouse Gas Standard to assess its performance towards net-zero school buildings. The result shows that BIPV has a good performance. Even though the substitution percentage is still below the national energy mix target, it exceeds the greenhouse gas standard target for on-site renewable energy tools.Bangunan di setiap tahap kehidupannya memiliki tantangan dalam hal produksi energi. Produksi energi dapat berasal dari berbagai sumber, baik dari energi terbarukan maupun tak terbarukan. Mengalihkan sumber energi dari yang tidak terbarukan ke energi terbarukan merupakan salah satu dari sekian banyak strategi yang dapat diterapkan untuk menciptakan Net Zero Building. Di Indonesia, strategi ini sangat mungkin untuk diterapkan mengingat ketersediaan sumber energi terbarukan yang melimpah, khususnya energi surya. Penelitian ini menghadirkan gedung sekolah sebagai obyek studinya. Sekolah SCK Citra Garden dipilih sebagai proyek percontohan karena lokasinya yang memungkinkan akses terhadap radiasi matahari dan kondisi pembayangan yang minim. Permodelan BIPV pada atap disimulasikan dan bangkitan energi listrik diprediksi dengan menggunakan Helioscope. Persentase substitusi dari bangkitan energi listrik yang dihasilkan BIPV terhadap energi listrik konvensional kemudian dihitung. Kinerja Net Zero School Building diukur dengan membandingkan persentase tersebut dengan target Bauran Energi Nasional dan standar Greenship. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa BIPV memiliki kinerja yang baik. Meskipun persentase subsitutsinya masih di bawah target bauran energi nasional, namun sudah melebihi target standar Greenship untuk bangkitan energi terbarukan pada tapak

    Evaluasi Pengelolaan Sampah Kecamatan Gresik Kabupaten Gresik Ditinjau Dari Aspek Teknis

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    Solid waste management is a serious challenge for the government in making policies, so integrated and sustainable waste management is needed. Gresik Regency is one of the areas that support the development of the city of Surabaya so it is experiencing rapid growth in all sectors. The condition of the capacity of the Ngipik landfill waste cell serving the Gresik sub-district has experienced an overload. The problem in this research is how solid waste management in Gresik district is viewed from the technical aspect with an evaluation that refers to the applicable laws and regulations on waste so that the research objectives are obtained by analyzing the technical aspects. This study uses quantitative data and qualitative data methods and then analyzed them by conducting a review of aspects related to the validity of existing conditions according to normative standards and waste management theory. The evaluation results obtained as follows: The level of waste reduction has not yet reached 30% and waste services in Gresik sub-district by: 100%, there is still at least a willingness to store segregated containers, there are still TPS without roofs, transportation has been fulfilled but the fleet and containers are still available, not feasible, the location of the Ngipik landfill is feasible based on SNI 03-3141-1994.Pengelolaan sampah merupakan tantangan serius bagi pemerintah dalam mengambil kebijakan, sehingga dibutuhkan pengelolaan sampah yang terintregasi dan berkelanjutan. Kabupaten Gresik merupakan salah satu daerah yang mendukung perkembangan kota Surabaya sehingga mengalami pertumbuhan disegala sektor secara pesat. kondisi kapasitas sel sampah TPA Ngipik yang melayani kecamatan Gresik telah mengalami overload. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini yaitu bagaimana pengelolaan sampah dikecamatan Gresik ditinjau dari aspek teknis dengan evaluasi yang mengacu pada paraturan perundang – undangan tentang persampahan yang berlaku, sehingga diperoleh tujuan penelitian dengan cara menganalisis aspek teknis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode data kuantitatif dan data kualitatif kemudian dianalisis dengan melakukan tinjauan terhadap aspek yang berkaitan dengan keabsahan kondisi eksisting menurut standar normatif dan teori pengelolaan sampah. Dari hasil evaluasi diperoleh sebagai berikut Tingkat pengurangan sampah belum mencapai 30% dan layanan persampahan di Kecamatan Gresik sebesar: 100 %, masih sedikitnya kesediaan pewadahan terpilah, masih ada TPS tanpa atap, pengangkutan sudah memenuhi namun armada dan kontainer masih ada yg kurang layak, lokasi TPA Ngipik layak berdasarkan SNI 03-3141-1994

    Analisis Mikrobiologi Dengke Naniura Ikan Mas (Cyprinus carpio L) Terhadap Pengaruh Konsentrasi Andaliman (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC)

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    Dengke naniura is a traditional fermented food made from carp which is often consumed in the traditional ceremonies of the Batak people. This study aims to determine the effect of the concentration of andaliman (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC) the best concentration of andaliman (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC) on microbes in dengke naniura. The method used in this research is an experimental method. The experimental design that will be used is a non-factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD), with 4 variations of andaliman concentrations of 0 g (A0), 25 g (A1), 27.5 g (A2), 30 ( A3). Dengke naniura’s microbial testing was carried out at the Samudra University Laboratory. The best concentration after addition andaliman to the microbial colonies that appeared after incubation was at the  A3  (30 g) concentration. The number of microbes that can be counted on the addition 30 g andaliman is 3.66 x 104 colonies/g had met the standardization of SNI for food maximum 5.0 x 105 colonies/g

    Evaluasi Jejak Karbon pada Produksi Black Garlic Sembalun menggunakan Pendekatan Penilaian Daur Hidup (Life Cycle Assessment)

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    Abstract Sembalun is well known as one of tourism destination in Lombok Island with main attraction is Rinjani Mountain hiking. Currently, there are also some other tourism attractions such as hill climbing, garden and fruit tours, and photo spots. In addition, many people come to spend their weekend in Sembalun.  The increase in the number of tourist visits to Sembalun is an opportunity to develop various Sembalun souvenirs. One of them is Sembalun black garlic. Black Garlic Sembalun uses garlic as a raw material. The purpose of this study is to estimate the carbon footprint of Sembalun black garlic production where the method used is a Life Cycle Assessment. The unit function used is the production of black garlic in a month. A case study was taken from the UMKM KWT Putri Rinjani in Sembalun Bumbung Village which produces black garlic. There are five stages in the black garlic production process, namely transportation, drying, peeling, roasting, and packaging. From the results of the analysis using the OpenLCA software, three process stages contributed to the carbon footprint of Sembalun black garlic production, namely the transportation stage (52.125 KgCO2eq), the roasting stage (46.707 KgCO2eq), and the packaging process (6.930 KgCO2eq). To reduce the carbon footprint, several sustainable improvement alternatives that can be carried out include storing (stock) raw material to reduce the number of transportation trip and using transportation vehicles that have better combustion efficiency and the use of electric vehicles. Keywords: carbon footprint, black garlic, transporting, roasting, packaging.Abstrak Sembalun terkenal sebagai salah satu tujuan destinasi utama wisata di Pulau Lombok dengan daya tarik utama adalah pendakian ke Gunung Rinjani. Dalam perkembangannya, berkembang atraksi lainnya seperti mendaki bukit, wisata kebun dan buah, tempat foto. Selain itu, banyak warga yang datang untuk menikmati akhir pekan di Sembalun. Peningkatan jumlah kunjungan wisatawan ke Sembalun ini menjadi peluang pengembangan berbagai oleh-oleh khas Sembalun. Salah satunya adalah black garlic Sembalun.  Black garlic Sembalun ini menggunakan bahan baku bawang putih. Tujuan dari kajian ini adalah melakukan estimasi jejak karbon dari produksi black garlic Sembalun dimana metode yang digunakan adalah penilaian daur hidup (Life Cycle Assesment). Unit fungsi yang digunakan adalah produksi black garlic dalam sebulan. Sebuah studi kasus diambil dari UMKM KWT Putri Rinjani di Desa Sembalun Bumbung yang memproduksi black garlic. Ada lima tahapan dalam proses produksi black garlic yaitu transportasi, penjemuran, pengupasan, pemanggangan, dan pengemasan. Dari hasil analisa menggunakan software OpenLCA dihasilkan tiga tahapan proses yang memberikan kontribusi pada jejak karbon produksi black garlic Sembalun yaitu tahapan transportasi  (52,125 KgCO2eq), tahapan pemanggangang (46,707 KgCO2eq), dan proses pengemasan (6,930 KgCO2eq). Untuk mengurangi jejak karbon maka beberapa alternatif perbaikan berkelanjutan yang bisa dilakukan antara lain melakukan penyimpanan (stock) raw material untuk mengurangi jumlah ritase pengangkutan dan menggunakan kendaraan pengangkutan yang memiliki efisiensi pembakaran yang lebih baik serta penggunaan kendaraan listrik. Kata Kunci: jejak karbon, black garlic, sembalun, pengangkutan, pemanggangan, pengemasan

    Evaluasi Pewadahan Sampah Berdasarkan Perilaku Masyarakat (Studi Kasus: Kelurahan Karang Rejo Kota Balikpapan)

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    Transfer Station is one of the most important parts of waste management operational aspects. The condition of Transfer Station container is often neglected whether it meets the standards based on SNI 19-2454-2002 and Minister of Public Works Regulation Number 3 of 2013 concerning waste containers. The container of Transfer Station can be seen from the characteristics of it such as the shape, nature and material. Waste problems in Karang Rejo Village are caused by several factors such as the decrease in quality, the distribution of Transfer Station points, and community’s behaviour in disposing the solid waste. This study aims to analyze the distribution and provision of Transfer Station, analyze community behavior in disposing of waste and evaluate Transfer Station in Karang Rejo Village based on community behavior in waste disposal. This research is a qualitative research, the research procedures carried out are observation, identification of the provision and distribution of Transfer Station, analysis of Transfer Station conditions in a descriptive qualitative way, distribution and collection of questionnaires, data processing and the evaluation stage of waste containers according to people's behavior in disposing of waste. The results showed that in Karang Rejo Village there were 16 Transfer Station units where the distribution of it, was disproportionate, in terms of supply there were 8 out of 16 Transfer Station units whose buildings were in damaged condition (percentage <60%), 99% of the behavior of the Karang Rejo Village community in disposing of garbage by how to get off the vehicle and throw garbage into the Transfer Station and 90% of the Karang Rejo Village community did not know information about waste containers. The evaluation results showed that the Transfer Station in Karang Rejo Village was not in accordance with the standards and there were 10 units that required total renovation, and 6 units requires the addition of components such as lids on containers.Permasalahan persampahan di Kelurahan Karang Rejo disebabkan beberapa faktor seperti penurunan kualitas TPS, persebaran titik TPS, serta perilaku masyarakat dalam membuang sampah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis persebaran dan penyediaan TPS, menganalisis perilaku masyarakat dalam melakukan pembuangan sampah dan mengevaluasi TPS di Kelurahan Karang Rejo berdasarkan perilaku masyarakat dalam membuang sampah dan SNI 19-2454-2002. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, prosedur penelitian yang dilakukan adalah observasi, identifikasi penyediaan dan persebaran TPS, analisis kondisi TPS secara deskriptif kualitatif, penyebaran dan pengumpulan kuesioner, pengolahan data dan tahap evaluasi pewadahan sampah sesuai perilaku masyarakat dalam membuang sampah dan SNI 19-2454-2002. Hasil penelitian menunjukan pada Kelurahan Karang Rejo terdapat 16 TPS dimana persebaran TPS tidak proporsional, dari segi penyediaan terdapat 8 dari 16 TPS yang memiliki persentase kondisi bangunan dibawah 60%, sebesar 99% perilaku masyarakat Kelurahan Karang Rejo dalam membuang sampah dengan cara turun dari kendaraan dan membuang sampah ke dalam TPS serta sebesar 90% masyarakat Kelurahan Karang Rejo tidak mengetahui informasi tentang pewadahan sampah, hasil evaluasi menunjukan TPS pada Kelurahan Karang Rejo tidak sesuai dengan SNI 19-2454-2002 dan terdapat 10 TPS yang memerlukan renovasi secara total, 6 TPS yang memerlukan renovasi tidak total

    Gambaran Kualitas Lingkungan Sungai Cimandiri Akibat Cemaran Merkuri di Wilayah Penambangan Emas Skala Kecil (PESK) Kabupaten Sukabumi

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    In Indonesia, ASGM has increased. This results in an increased risk of mercury pollution in the environment (Minamata Initial Assessment Report, 2019).  The amalgamation process for ASGM in Sukabumi, it used mercury as basic material for amalgamation process. It can increase to negative impacts on the environment and humans. This study aims to describe the impact of mercury contamination on the environmental quality of the Cimandiri River around ASGM in Sukabumi District. This research was conducted using a laboratory test method with reference to PP No. 22 at 2021 and SNI 7387 at   2009. The results of the tests found that the highest mercury exposure occurred in aquatic biota (catfish, snakehead and eel) which exceeded the quality standard, although the media water and sediment does not exceed the quality standard. This indicates that the quality of the Cimandiri River is unsafe for biota due to mercury contamination in local biota around ASGM. Therefore, there is a need for further studies on the safety of local food products from the Cimandiri River

    Optimization of RNA Extraction from Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus

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    RNA extraction is the critical initial stage in analyzing certain gene expressions, further analysis using Real Time PCR technology, and performing virus detection. However, the process of extracting RNA is often hampered by the risk of contamination, resulting in low concentrations of RNA and low purity of RNA. This is often an obstacle in extracting mosquito RNA especially detecting Dengue Virus (Den-V). Dengue virus (Den-V) can cause dangerous diseases in humans such as Dengue Fever (DHF) which is transmitted through the bites of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes. This study aims to find out the effective steps for extracting RNA from Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes. The method being compared is a commercial RNA extraction kit with modification (addition of β-mercaptoethanol) and without modification. The results showed that the best DNA concentration and purity were obtained in mosquito samples from modified process. The purity ratio of RNA extracted without modification was 1.971 (0.021 ± 0.800) while with modification it was 2.003 (0.011 ± 0.112). Aedes aegypti had a better average concentration of 7.146 µg/ml for unmodified RNA and 7.613 µg/ml for modified RNA. This research is expected to be a reference for further studies on viruses in Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus


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