48 research outputs found

    Memory-Based Active Visual Search for Humanoid Robots

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    Real-time synthetic primate vision

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    A hierarchical active binocular robot vision architecture for scene exploration and object appearance learning

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    This thesis presents an investigation of a computational model of hierarchical visual behaviours within an active binocular robot vision architecture. The robot vision system is able to localise multiple instances of the same object class, while simultaneously maintaining vergence and directing its gaze to attend and recognise objects within cluttered, complex scenes. This is achieved by implementing all image analysis in an egocentric symbolic space without creating explicit pixel-space maps and without the need for calibration or other knowledge of the camera geometry. One of the important aspects of the active binocular vision paradigm requires that visual features in both camera eyes must be bound together in order to drive visual search to saccade, locate and recognise putative objects or salient locations in the robot's field of view. The system structure is based on the “attentional spotlight” metaphor of biological systems and a collection of abstract and reactive visual behaviours arranged in a hierarchical structure. Several studies have shown that the human brain represents and learns objects for recognition by snapshots of 2-dimensional views of the imaged scene that happens to contain the object of interest during active interaction (exploration) of the environment. Likewise, psychophysical findings specify that the primate’s visual cortex represents common everyday objects by a hierarchical structure of their parts or sub-features and, consequently, recognise by simple but imperfect 2D view object part approximations. This thesis incorporates the above observations into an active visual learning behaviour in the hierarchical active binocular robot vision architecture. By actively exploring the object viewing sphere (as higher mammals do), the robot vision system automatically synthesises and creates its own part-based object representation from multiple observations while a human teacher indicates the object and supplies a classification name. Its is proposed to adopt the computational concepts of a visual learning exploration mechanism that controls the accumulation of visual evidence and directs attention towards the spatial salient object parts. The behavioural structure of the binocular robot vision architecture is loosely modelled by a WHAT and WHERE visual streams. The WHERE stream maintains and binds spatial attention on the object part coordinates that egocentrically characterises the location of the object of interest and extracts spatio-temporal properties of feature coordinates and descriptors. The WHAT stream either determines the identity of an object or triggers a learning behaviour that stores view-invariant feature descriptions of the object part. Therefore, the robot vision is capable to perform a collection of different specific visual tasks such as vergence, detection, discrimination, recognition localisation and multiple same-instance identification. This classification of tasks enables the robot vision system to execute and fulfil specified high-level tasks, e.g. autonomous scene exploration and active object appearance learning

    Automatic lineament analysis techniques for remotely sensed imagery

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    Imperial Users onl

    Pupillary light reflex in children with autism spectrum disorders

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    Pupillary light reflex (PLR) refers to the phenomenon of pupil size changing with respect to retinal illumination. It's a noninvasive, functional test which can reveal a rich set of information about nervous system. Abnormal PLR in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) was previously reported in a small population. In this research, a series of systematic studies were carried out to investigate the association of atypical PLR with ASD in a large population. An experimental protocol was developed to measure PLR simultaneously with heart rate variability (HRV), a commonly used autonomic nervous system (ANS) measure. Our results indicate that variations of PLR and HRV are not associated in typically developing children. However, significant age effects on both PLR and HRV were observed in this population. In typically developing children, the resting pupil diameter increased with age significantly up to age 12. PLR constriction increased with age in children younger than 8 years old and reached a plateau thereafter. PLR latency decreased significantly from 6 to 9 years and stabilized thereafter. The average heart rate (AHR) decreased with age in typically developing children. Standard deviation of normal-to-normal intervals (SDNN) showed little change before 12 years of age but was increased in older children. High frequency normalized power (HFN) decreased with age in typically developing (TD) group. PLR and HRV were also measured in 152 children with ASD and 36 children with non-ASD neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs). The results showed atypical PLR in the ASD group including longer PLR latency, reduced relative constriction amplitude, and shorter constriction/redilation time. Similar atypical PLR parameters were observed in the NDD group. The ASD and NDD groups had faster AHR than the TD group. The NDD group also showed a significantly faster AHR than the ASD group. The age effect on PLR latency which was observed in typically developing children of 6-9 years old was not observed in the ASD and NDD gro

    Motion tracking of iris features to detect small eye movements

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    The inability of current video-based eye trackers to reliably detect very small eye movements has led to confusion about the prevalence or even the existence of monocular microsaccades (small, rapid eye movements that occur in only one eye at a time). As current methods often rely on precisely localizing the pupil and/or corneal reflection on successive frames, current microsaccade-detection algorithms often suffer from signal artifacts and a low signal-to-noise ratio. We describe a new video-based eye tracking methodology which can reliably detect small eye movements over 0.2 degrees (12 arcmin) with very high confidence. Our method tracks the motion of iris features to estimate velocity rather than position, yielding a better record of microsaccades. We provide a more robust, detailed record of miniature eye movements by relying on more stable, higher-order features (such as local features of iris texture) instead of lower-order features (such as pupil center and corneal reflection), which are sensitive to noise and drift

    Biologically Inspired Visual Control of Flying Robots

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    Insects posses an incredible ability to navigate their environment at high speed, despite having small brains and limited visual acuity. Through selective pressure they have evolved computationally efficient means for simultaneously performing navigation tasks and instantaneous control responses. The insect’s main source of information is visual, and through a hierarchy of processes this information is used for perception; at the lowest level are local neurons for detecting image motion and edges, at the higher level are interneurons to spatially integrate the output of previous stages. These higher level processes could be considered as models of the insect's environment, reducing the amount of information to only that which evolution has determined relevant. The scope of this thesis is experimenting with biologically inspired visual control of flying robots through information processing, models of the environment, and flight behaviour. In order to test these ideas I developed a custom quadrotor robot and experimental platform; the 'wasp' system. All algorithms ran on the robot, in real-time or better, and hypotheses were always verified with flight experiments. I developed a new optical flow algorithm that is computationally efficient, and able to be applied in a regular pattern to the image. This technique is used later in my work when considering patterns in the image motion field. Using optical flow in the log-polar coordinate system I developed attitude estimation and time-to-contact algorithms. I find that the log-polar domain is useful for analysing global image motion; and in many ways equivalent to the retinotopic arrange- ment of neurons in the optic lobe of insects, used for the same task. I investigated the role of depth in insect flight using two experiments. In the first experiment, to study how concurrent visual control processes might be combined, I developed a control system using the combined output of two algorithms. The first algorithm was a wide-field optical flow balance strategy and the second an obstacle avoidance strategy which used inertial information to estimate the depth to objects in the environment - objects whose depth was significantly different to their surround- ings. In the second experiment I created an altitude control system which used a model of the environment in the Hough space, and a biologically inspired sampling strategy, to efficiently detect the ground. Both control systems were used to control the flight of a quadrotor in an indoor environment. The methods that insects use to perceive edges and control their flight in response had not been applied to artificial systems before. I developed a quadrotor control system that used the distribution of edges in the environment to regulate the robot height and avoid obstacles. I also developed a model that predicted the distribution of edges in a static scene, and using this prediction was able to estimate the quadrotor altitude