18 research outputs found

    A Review on Edge Based Image Steganography

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    Security of the information has always been the interesting area for researchers. Integrity, Confidentiality, and Authentication are main security principles. There are so many techniques developed to achieve these security principles using cryptography. But all these techniques are unable to keep the communication secret. Although the attacker is unable to access the secret message but he knows about the existence of the message. To overcome this limitation of cryptography a new idea is proposed by researchers that is Steganography. Steganography is the art of concealing secret message in a carrier such as text, image, audio, video and protocol messages. Different Steganography techniques are used based on these carrier messages and way of hiding. The choice of these method is depends on the requirements of application. Some application requires huge data embedding and some require high secrecy. This paper gives a review on image Steganography based on edge detection and their comparative study. It also gives an overview of basic edge detection techniques

    An Adaptive Image Steganography Technique Using LSB and MSB

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    IN modern years Steganography is playing a significant role in secure communication. It is a technique of embedding secret information into cover media (image, video, audio and text) such that only the sender and the authoritative receiver can detect the occurrence of hidden information. The two essential properties of Steganography are good visual imperceptibility of the payload which is crucial for security of hidden communication and payload is essential for conveying huge quantity of secret information. Steganography has to satisfy two requirements, one is capability and the other is transparency. Capability means embedding large payload into media. Transparency means an ability to prevent distinction between stego and cover image by statistical analysis. Earlier they have used least significant bit (LSB), the simplest form of Steganography. In LSB method, data is inserted in the least significant bit which leads to a negligible change on the cover image that is not visible to the naked eye. Since this method can be easily cracked, it is more exposed to attacks. In the proposed system we propose Spatial Domain Steganography using 1-Bit Most Significant Bit (MSB) with confused manner

    Corners-based Image Information Hiding Method

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    The huge explosion of information over World Wide Web forces us to use information security methods to keep it away fromintruders. One of these security methods is information hiding method. Advantage of this method over other security methods is hidingexistence of data using carrier to hold this data embedding inside it. Image-based information hiding represents one of widely usedhiding methods due to the image capability of holding large amount of data as well as its resistance to detectable distortion. In lastdecades, statistical methods (types of stego-analysis methods) are used to detect existing of hidden data. Therefore, areas that have colorvariation (edges area) are used to hide data instead of smooth areas. In this paper, Corners points are proposed to hide data instead ofedges, this to avoid statistical attacks that are used to expose hidden message. Additionally, this paper proposes clearing least significantbit (CLSB) method to retrieve data from stego-image without sending pixels' map; this will increase security of the proposed cornerbasedhiding method. Experimental results show that the proposed method is robust against statistical attacks compared with edge-and sequential-based hiding methods. SVM classifier also confirms the outperformance of the proposed method over the previous methods by using Corel-1000image dataset

    Information Hiding in Images Using Steganography Techniques

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    Innovation of technology and having fast Internet make information to distribute over the world easily and economically. This is made people to worry about their privacy and works. Steganography is a technique that prevents unauthorized users to have access to the important data. The steganography and digital watermarking provide methods that users can hide and mix their information within other information that make them difficult to recognize by attackers. In this paper, we review some techniques of steganography and digital watermarking in both spatial and frequency domains. Also we explain types of host documents and we focused on types of images

    Image Steganography using Hybrid Edge Detector and Ridgelet Transform

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    Steganography is the art of hiding high sensitive information in digital image, text, video, and audio. In this paper, authors have proposed a frequency domain steganography method operating in the Ridgelet transform. Authors engage the advantage of ridgelet transform, which represents the digital image with straight edges. In the embedding phase, the proposed hybrid edge detector acts as a preprocessing step to obtain the edge image from the cover image, then the edge image is partitioned into several blocks to operate with straight edges and Ridgelet transform is applied to each block. Then, the most significant gradient vectors (or significant edges) are selected to embed the secret data. The proposed method has shown the advantages of imperceptibility of the stego image is increased because the secret data is hidden in the significant gradient vector. Authors employed the hybrid edge detector to obtain the edge image, which increases the embedding capacity. Experimental results demonstrates that peak signal-to-noise (PSNR) ratio of stego image generated by this method versus the cover image is guaranteed to be above 49 dB. PSNR is much higher than that of all data hiding techniques reported in the literature.Defence Science Journal, Vol. 65, No. 3, May 2015, pp.214-219, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.65.787

    Bit Plane Coding Based Steganography Technique for JPEG2000 Images and Videos

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    In this paper, a Bit Plane Coding (BPC) based steganography technique for JPEG2000 images and Motion JPEG2000 video is proposed. Embedding in this technique is performed in the lowest significant bit planes of the wavelet coefficients of a cover image. In JPEG2000 standard, the number of bit planes of wavelet coefficients to be used in encoding is dependent on the compression rate and are used in Tier-2 process of JPEG2000. In the proposed technique, Tier-1 and Tier-2 processes of JPEG2000 and Motion JPEG2000 are executed twice on the encoder side to collect the information about the lowest bit planes of all code blocks of a cover image, which is utilized in embedding and transmitted to the decoder. After embedding secret data, Optimal Pixel Adjustment Process (OPAP) is applied on stego images to enhance its visual quality. Experimental results show that proposed technique provides large embedding capacity and better visual quality of stego images than existing steganography techniques for JPEG2000 compressed images and videos. Extracted secret image is similar to the original secret image

    A High Payload Steganography Mechanism Based on Wavelet Packet Transformation and Neutrosophic Set

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    In this paper a steganographic method is proposed to improve the capacity of the hidden secret data and to provide an imperceptible stego-image quality. The proposed steganography algorithm is based on the wavelet packet decomposition (WPD) and neutrosophic set. First, an original image is decomposed into wavelet packet coefficients. Second, the generalized parent-child relationships of spatial orientation trees for wavelet packet decomposition are established among the wavelet packet subbands. An edge detector based on the neutrosophic set named (NSED) is then introduced and applied on a number of subbands. This leads to classify each wavelet packet tree into edge/non-edge tree to embed more secret bits into the coefficients in the edge tree than those in the non-edge tree. The embedding is done based on the least significant bit substitution scheme. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves higher embedding capacity with better imperceptibility compared to the published steganographic methods

    Solving the threat of LSB steganography within data loss prevention systems

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    With the recent spate of data loss breaches from industry and commerce, especially with the large number of Advanced Persistent Threats, companies are increasing their network boundary security. As network defences are enhanced through the use of Data Loss Prevention systems (DLP), attackers seek new ways of exploiting and extracting confidential data. This is often done by internal parties in large-scale organisations through the use of steganography. The successful utilisation of steganography makes the exportation of confidential data hard to detect, equipped with the ability of escaping even the most sophisticated DLP systems. This thesis provides two effective solutions to prevent data loss from effective LSB image steganographic behaviour, with the potential to be applied in industrial DLP systems