885 research outputs found


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    This research aims to reveal the author's worldview, namely Ghassan Kanafani as a collective subject in his short story entitled "Ardhu al-Burtuqol al-Haziin" in an anthology of short stories with the same title using the genetic structuralism perspective of Lucian Goldmann. Goldmann's genetic structuralism emphasizes the analysis of the author's worldview as a representative of a particular social group, with his analysis departing from the structure of the literature work itself. Three research variables in genetic structuralism are the structure of literary works, worldview, and social structures. This research is qualitative-descriptive research with a dialectical method of analysis. The result of the discussion is there are many binary oppositions found in this short story “Ardhu al-Burtuqol al-Haziin”. Ghassan’s worldview in this short story is the economic downturn of the Palestinian people due to the 1948 Nakba Day and the loss of their national identity which was symbolized by an orange. This Ghassan Kanafani's worldview is the view of his group, namely the nationalist social group of workers and peasants

    Freedom Of Thought In Saman Novel By Ayu Utami (1998): A Genetic Structuralism Approach

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    This study is aimed to show freedom of thought which is represented by all major and some minor characters in Saman novel by using genetic structuralism approach. It is done by establishing two objectives: the first is analyzing the novel based on its structural elements and the second is analyzing the novel based on the genetic structuralism approach This research is descriptive qualitative research. In this method, there are two types of data sources, namely primary and secondary data source. The primary data source is Saman novel written by Ayu Utami and translated by Pamela Allen in 2005. Meanwhile the secondary data sources are other materials taken from books, journals, and internet related to the study. Both data are collected through library research and analyzed by descriptive analysis. Based on the analysis, the researcher draws the following conclusions. First, based on the structural analysis of each element, it shows that the character and characterization, setting, plot, point of view, style, and theme are related to each other and form a unity of good novel. Second, based on the genetic structuralism approach, there is a close relationship between the novel and the realities of Indonesian life. The novel is as an object in which the author presents her world view

    The Reflection of Social and Political Background on George Orwell’s The Road To Wigan Pier

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    This research analysis about the reflection of social and political background as the revolution period that appeared in the novel entitled by The Road To Wigan Pier. The novel is reflecting the social and political background in social real life of the author. There was reflected about the capitalist society which obtained the class system in England. All at one, this research study about the historical values in the novel. The writer using the social-politic realism and genetic structuralism as grand theory. The social-politic realism and genetic structuralism have the same purpose. Both of them discuss about the reflection of the circumtances social and pollitical background in the novel. The object of this research is novel entitled The Road To Wigan Pier by George Orwell. In analyzing the subject of material, this research used the genetic structuralism appoarch that focused on the origin of the creation author’s literary work. The data of the resarch are form and substance contains the words, phrases, and sentences which identified the social and polical issues with the technique of collecting data by using library research, and the technique of analysing data step are; identifying, categorizing, analyzing, and making the conclusion. The result showed that social and political aspect in the novel can be found according to Genetic structuralism by Goldmann theory. The social aspect in this novel is represented by the circumstance of the society inWigan and his relationship with the worker or miners in Wigan. Orwell reflecting his social life in his novel was frankly, because the reflection of social and political background in the novel as real as his social life. Besides, there were several suggestions that can be offered that the reader should consider with the phenomena which happened in the story of the novel that reflected in the story which happened in real life of the author in order we would realize about history and get the more values

    The Author’s Worldview in Jack London’s The Call of The Wild

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    This research discusses about the genetic structuralism in Jack London’s The Call of the Wild which aims to find the way of author’s world view. This research is based on Lucien Goldmann’s theory of genetic structuralism which not only referres to intrinsic elements but also it discusses about the extrinsic elements. The research applied qualitative method. The researchers used note taking as the instrument to reveal the valid data. The findings show that the author talked about the cruelty competition of capitalism as a worker. The researchers found all of the elements of worldview namely 1) God, 2) Science, 3) Reality, 4) Self, 5) Ethics, and 6) Society in the Novel. The researchers conclude that the author described the social conditions of society that cannot be separated from his hard life journey.Keywords: World View, Genetic Structuralism, Human Facts, Literary Work                                                              AbstrakPenelitian ini membahas tentang strukturalisme genetik dalam The Call of the Wild Novel karya Jack London yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui cara pandang penulis terhadap dunia. Penelitian ini didasarkan pada teori strukturalisme genetik Lucien Goldmann yang tidak hanya mengacu pada unsur intrinsik tetapi juga membahas tentang unsur ekstrinsik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif. Peneliti menggunakan pencatatan sebagai instrumen untuk mengungkap data yang valid. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penulis berbicara tentang persaingan kejam kapitalisme sebagai pekerja. Peneliti menemukan semua unsur pandangan dunia yaitu 1) Tuhan, 2) Sains, 3) Realitas, 4) Diri, 5) Etika, dan 6) Masyarakat dalam Novel. Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa penulis menggambarkan kondisi sosial masyarakat yang tidak lepas dari perjalanan hidupnya yang keras. Kata Kunci: Pandangan Dunia, Strukturalisme Genetik, Fakta Manusia, Karya Sastra


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    Timur Tengah adalah daerah yang sering menjadi langganan konflik perang. Sejak Perang Dunia I hingga II, negara-negara di Timur Tengah menjadi sasaran empuk negara-negara hyper-power yang datang menjajah untuk mengeksploitasi ladang minyak mereka. Tak terhenti sampai disitu, pengeksploitasian minyak masih menjadi topik hangat pada saat terjadi perang di Timur Tengah. Perang Teluk merupakan episode lanjutan dari perang perebutan ladang minyak antara negara barat, yang diwakili oleh Amerika dan sekutunya, dengan negara Timur Tengah, dalam hal ini Irak. Perang Irak di tahun 2003 sendiri adalah warisan dari perang Teluk yang tak kunjung usai. Dalam skripsi ini, penulis tertarik untuk membahas tentang refleksi keprihatinan terhadap Perang Irak yang tidak henti - hentinya merenggut nyawa warga sipil Irak dan memporak-porandakan wilayah Irak yang sedang dilanda krisis. Dalam hal ini, penulis menggunakan lirik lagu ciptaan John Trudell yang berjudul “Bombs over Baghdad” sebagai media untuk menganalisis masalah yang diangkat dalam skripsi ini. Tujuan penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk menjelaskan refleksi keprihatinan terhadap Perang Irak yang tertuang di dalam lirik lagu “Bombs over Baghdad”. Penulis menggunakan metode pendekatan genetic-structuralism dari Goldmann untuk menganalisa unsur intrinsik di dalam lirik lagu tersebut dan menghubungkannya dengan aspek-aspek ekstrinsik tentang keprihatinan terhadap perang Irak. Untuk mendukung penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan metode penelitian library research dengan mengumpulkan semua sumber data dan informasi dari perpustakaan melalui buku-buku referensi maupun data dari internet. Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa lirik “Bombs over Baghdad” merupakan hasil dari pemikiran dan pengalaman sang penulis lagu tentang situasi yang terjadi di Irak selama Perang Irak. Kedua lirik tersebut mewakili keprihatinan sang penulis lagu terhadap segala aspek yang nampak pada Perang Irak, dan melalui lirik lagu tersebutlah, mereka ingin mengajak para pendengar atau pembacanya untuk lebih memahami apa yang sebenarnya terjadi di Irak


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    ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze the movie script through intrinsic and extrinsic approaches. The object of this research is the Just Mercy movie script. Through an intrinsic approach, the elements described focus on characterization, plot, and background. Meanwhile, for the extrinsic approach, I analyze racial discrimination through the theory of genetic structuralism. This research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive method. Furthermore, research on the main character is carried out by elaborating between intrinsic and extrinsic elements, as well as looking at the various types of acts of racial discrimination obtained by the main character through a genetic structuralism theory approach. The result of this study is that there are acts of racial discrimination such as verbal, non-verbal, and intimidation in the Just Mercy movie script. apart from that all these acts of racial discrimination are like bad history that keeps repeating itself. Key Words: Discrimination, Racial, Genetic Structuralism, Intrinsic, Extrinsic ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis naskah film melalui pendekatan intrinsik dan ekstrinsik. Objek penelitian ini adalah naskah film Just Mercy. Melalui pendekatan intrinsic, unsur – unsur yang diuraikan berfokus pada penokohan, plot, dan latarbelakang. Sementara itu untuk pendekatan ekstrinsik saya menganalisis diskriminasi ras melalui teori strukturalisme genetic. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Selanjutnya, penelitian pada karakter utama dilakukan dengan melakukan elaborasi antara unsur intrinsik dan ekstrinsik, serta melihat berbagai jenis tindakan diskriminasi rasial yang didapatkan oleh karakter utama melalui pendekatan teori strukturalism genetik. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah terdapatnya tindakan diskriminasi ras seperti verbal, non-verbal, dan intimidasi pada naskah film Just Mercy. selain itu semua tindakan diskriminasi ras tersebut seperti sejarah buruk yang terus berulang. Kata Kunci : Diskriminasi, Ras, Structuralism Genetik, Intrinsik, Ekstrinsik &nbsp

    The Myth And Reality of Oral Literature of Ciacia People in The Island of Batuatas as Cultural Power

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    This study aims to introduce a variety of oral literatures of the fisheries community in the island of Batuatas that contain elements of myth and those that do not, (2) to reveal various elements of the myth in the oral literature, and (3) to express the relationship between myth and reality in the oral literature as a determinant of cultural power. All of the data are derived from a research report which untitled “Sastra Lisan Ciacia di Pulau Batuatas” conducted in 1994. The analysis of myth and reality is conducted by the approach of genetic structuralism that is proposed by Lucien Goldman. Result of the analysis showed that (1) the oral tradition of fisheries community in Batuatas island is containing elements of myth and there are not also. (2) The oral tradition that contains elements of the old myth are more likely to survive (as a cultural force) than those that do not. (3) The myth in the oral tradition of Ciacia Batuatas community can be a source of cultural strength when considered as a reality, but it does not become a source of cultural strength when only regarded as a myth

    Chinese Society as Depicted in Early Twentieth Century Chinese-Malay Literature

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    Representasi Novel Siti Nurbaya sebagai Pengejawantahan Mimikri Budaya

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    AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan Representasi Novel Siti Nurbaya sebagai Pengejawantahan Mimikri Budaya dengan menggunakan perspektif Strkturalisme Genetik. Mimikri budaya tersebut diuraikan dan dianalisis dengan teori sosiologi sastra khususnya strukturalisme genetik. Hal yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah nasionalisme, adat, dan budaya yang terejawantahkan dalam karya sastra terutama novel Siti Nurbaya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan studi pustaka, sedangkan analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif sintesis. Kata Kunci: representasi novel siti nurbaya, mimikri, budayaAbstractThis study aims to reveal the Representation of Siti Nurbaya's Novel as the Embodiment of Cultural Mimicry by using the perspective of Genetic Structuralism. The cultural mimicry is described and analyzed with the sociological theory of literature, especially genetic structuralism. The things studied in this study are nationalism, customs, and culture which are embodied in literary works, especially the novel Siti Nurbaya. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The data was collected by means of a literature study, while the data analysis was carried out by means of a descriptive synthesis.Keywords: novel siti nurbaya representation, mimikri, cultur


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    This article figure out the concept of jihād and its correlation with the concept of patience through Muhammad Husein al-ṬabaṬaba’ī perspective. This research set out from a study that often separates the concept of Jihād from the concept of patience, which makes the understanding of jihād used as the basis for violence action in the Qur'an. Meanwhile, some jihād verses are often juxtaposed with patience.  By using the thematic interpretation research method (al-tafsīr al-maudū’ī) and Lucien Goldman's theory of genetic structuralism on the jihād and patient verses in Muhammad Husein al-Tabataba’ī’s Tafsīr, al-Mizān, this study found two conclusions: First, according to ṬabaṬabā’ī, jihād and patience have a strong correlation. Although jihād is a description of one’s faith, the greatest jihad is to be patient with the anger, lust and temptations of satan. A mujāhid is someone who has a patient nature in himself, so even jihād in the form of war must be done with patience. Second, from the analysis of genetic structuralism, the view of ṬabaṬaba’ī was come from an academic situation that emphasizes moderation and logical thinking. Thus, the jihād interpretation in the Tafsīr al-Mizān is peacefull Jihād