44 research outputs found

    Disruption of transfer entropy and inter-hemispheric brain functional connectivity in patients with disorder of consciousness

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    Severe traumatic brain injury can lead to disorders of consciousness (DOC) characterized by deficit in conscious awareness and cognitive impairment including coma, vegetative state, minimally consciousness, and lock-in syndrome. Of crucial importance is to find objective markers that can account for the large-scale disturbances of brain function to help the diagnosis and prognosis of DOC patients and eventually the prediction of the coma outcome. Following recent studies suggesting that the functional organization of brain networks can be altered in comatose patients, this work analyzes brain functional connectivity (FC) networks obtained from resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI). Two approaches are used to estimate the FC: the Partial Correlation (PC) and the Transfer Entropy (TE). Both the PC and the TE show significant statistical differences between the group of patients and control subjects; in brief, the inter-hemispheric PC and the intra-hemispheric TE account for such differences. Overall, these results suggest two possible rs-fMRI markers useful to design new strategies for the management and neuropsychological rehabilitation of DOC patients.Comment: 25 pages; 4 figures; 3 tables; 1 supplementary figure; 4 supplementary tables; accepted for publication in Frontiers in Neuroinformatic

    Intralaminar and medial thalamic influence on cortical synchrony, information transmission and cognition

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    The intralaminar and medial thalamic nuclei are part of the higher-order thalamus, which receives little sensory input, and instead forms extensive cortico-thalamo-cortical pathways. The large mediodorsal thalamic nucleus predominantly connects with the prefrontal cortex, the adjacent intralaminar nuclei connect with fronto-parietal cortex, and the midline thalamic nuclei connect with medial prefrontal cortex and medial temporal lobe. Taking into account this connectivity pattern, it is not surprising that the intralaminar and medial thalamus has been implicated in a variety of cognitive functions, including memory processing, attention and orienting, as well as reward-based behavior. This review addresses how the intralaminar and medial thalamus may regulate information transmission in cortical circuits. A key neural mechanism may involve intralaminar and medial thalamic neurons modulating the degree of synchrony between different groups of cortical neurons according to behavioral demands. Such a thalamic-mediated synchronization mechanism may give rise to large-scale integration of information across multiple cortical circuits, consequently influencing the level of arousal and consciousness. Overall, the growing evidence supports a general role for the higher-order thalamus in the control of cortical information transmission and cognitive processing

    On the Intraoperative Awareness General Anesthesia

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    General anesthesia is a crucial component of modern medical practice, enabling surgeons to perform complex procedures and ensuring patient comfort. However, within the realm of general anesthesia, a rare but significant phenomenon called intraoperative awareness has garnered attention. Intraoperative awareness refers to the state of partial or complete consciousness experienced by some patients during surgery, despite being under anesthesia. This article aims to explore the concept of general anesthesia and intraoperative awareness, shedding light on its prevalence, causes, impact, and management strategies. Understanding this phenomenon is vital for healthcare professionals to improve patient outcomes and enhance the safety of surgical procedures. &nbsp

    Physiological Response of Elasmobrachs During Propofol Immersion

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    Sensory experiments require anesthesia so the animal is immobilized, however fish anesthetics have shown to depress sensory responses. Newer anesthetics may offer similar anesthetic relief, but differ in means of action so sensory responses may be unaffected. Propofol has been used intravenously on small elasmobranchs but may provide prolonged effects if used as an immersion anesthetic. Objectives of this study were 1. Determine appropriate concentration of anesthetic to minimize induction and recovery for animals anesthetized at a surgical plane of anesthesia and 2. Measure physiological response of the pupil to light stimuli during anesthetic immersion. To address these objectives, I used the coral catshark (Atelomycterus marmoratus) and the Atlantic stingray (Hypanus sabinus). Ventilation rate and reflex responses were recorded to measure induction and recovery in increasing concentrations of tricaine and propofol. Appropriate concentrations of anesthetics are approximately 160 and 1.4, and 140 and 0.7 mg L-1of tricaine and propofol in A. marmoratus and H. sabinus, respectively. After 1.5 hours of dark adaptation in anesthetic (50, 100, or 150 mg L-1 tricaine or 0.5, 1, or 1.5 mg L-1 propofol) or no anesthesia (control), tricaine 100 mg L-1 trials show reduction in percent pupil constriction (p-1 trials in Atlantic stingrays (p-1 of propofol (p anesthetized using 1.5 mg L-1of propofol (

    The Quantum Mitochondrion and Optimal Health

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    A sufficiently complex set of molecules, if subject to perturbation, will self-organise and show emergent behaviour. If such a system can take on information it will become subject to natural selection. This could explain how self-replicating molecules evolved into life and how intelligence arose. A pivotal step in this evolutionary process was of course the emergence of the eukaryote and the advent of the mitochondrion, which both enhanced energy production per cell and increased the ability to process, store and utilise information. Recent research suggest that from its inception life embraced quantum effects such as “tunnelling” and “coherence” while competition and stressful conditions provided a constant driver for natural selection. We believe that the biphasic adaptive response to stress described by hormesis – a process that captures information to enable adaptability, is central to this whole process. Critically, hormesis could improve mitochondrial quantum efficiency, improving the ATP/ROS ratio, while inflammation, which is tightly associated with the aging process, might do the opposite. This all suggests that to achieve optimal health and healthy ageing, one has to sufficiently stress the system to ensure peak mitochondrial function, which itself could reflect selection of optimum efficiency at the quantum level

    Identification of the General Anesthesia Induced Loss of Consciousness by Cross Fuzzy Entropy-Based Brain Network.

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    Although the spatiotemporal complexity and network connectivity are clarified to be disrupted during the general anesthesia (GA) induced unconsciousness, it remains to be difficult to exactly monitor the fluctuation of consciousness clinically. In this study, to track the loss of consciousness (LOC) induced by GA, we first developed the multi-channel cross fuzzy entropy method to construct the time-varying networks, whose temporal fluctuations were then explored and quantitatively evaluated. Thereafter, an algorithm was further proposed to detect the time onset at which patients lost their consciousness. The results clarified during the resting state, relatively stable fuzzy fluctuations in multi-channel network architectures and properties were found; by contrast, during the LOC period, the disrupted frontal-occipital connectivity occurred at the early stage, while at the later stage, the inner-frontal connectivity was identified. When specifically exploring the early LOC stage, the uphill of the clustering coefficients and the downhill of the characteristic path length were found, which might help resolve the propofol-induced consciousness fluctuation in patients. Moreover, the developed detection algorithm was validated to have great capacity in exactly capturing the time point (in seconds) at which patients lost consciousness. The findings demonstrated that the time-varying cross-fuzzy networks help decode the GA and are of great significance for developing anesthesia depth monitoring technology clinically

    Interhemispheric claustral circuits coordinate sensory and motor cortical areas that regulate exploratory behaviors

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    The claustrum has a role in the interhemispheric transfer of certain types of sensorimotor information. Whereas the whisker region in rat motor (M1) cortex sends dense projections to the contralateral claustrum, the M1 forelimb representation does not. The claustrum sends strong ipsilateral projections to the whisker regions in M1 and somatosensory (S1) cortex, but its projections to the forelimb cortical areas are weak. These distinctions suggest that one function of the M1 projections to the contralateral claustrum is to coordinate the cortical areas that regulate peripheral sensor movements during behaviors that depend on bilateral sensory acquisition. If this hypothesis is true, then similar interhemispheric circuits should interconnect the frontal eye fields (FEF) with the contralateral claustrum and its network of projections to vision-related cortical areas. To test this hypothesis, anterograde and retrograde tracers were placed in physiologically-defined parts of the FEF and primary visual cortex (V1) in rats. We observed dense FEF projections to the contralateral claustrum that terminated in the midst of claustral neurons that project to both FEF and V1. While the FEF inputs to the claustrum come predominantly from the contralateral hemisphere, the claustral projections to FEF and V1 are primarily ipsilateral. Detailed comparison of the present results with our previous studies on somatomotor claustral circuitry revealed a well-defined functional topography in which the ventral claustrum is connected with visuomotor cortical areas and the dorsal regions are connected with somatomotor areas. These results suggest that subregions within the claustrum play a critical role in coordinating the cortical areas that regulate the acquisition of modality-specific sensory information during exploration and other behaviors that require sensory attention

    Modeling an auditory stimulated brain under altered states of consciousness using the generalized ising model

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    Propofol is a short-acting medication that results in decreased levels of consciousness and is used for general anesthesia. Although it is the most commonly used anesthetic in the world, much remains unknown about the mechanisms by which it induces a loss of consciousness. Characterizing anesthesia-induced alterations to brain network activity might provide a powerful framework for understanding the neural mechanisms of unconsciousness. The aim of this work was to model brain activity in healthy brains during various stages of consciousness, as induced by propofol, in the auditory paradigm. We used the generalized Ising model (GIM) to fit the empirical fMRI data of healthy subjects while they listened to an audio clip from a movie. The external stimulus (audio clip) is believed to be at least partially driving a synchronization process of the brain activity and provides a similar conscious experience in different subjects. In order to observe the common synchronization among the subjects, a novel technique called the inter subject correlation (ISC) was implemented. We showed that the GIM—modified to incorporate the naturalistic external field—was able to fit the empirical task fMRI data in the awake state, in mild sedation, in deep sedation, and in recovery, at a temperature T* which is well above the critical temperature. To our knowledge this is the first study that captures human brain activity in response to real-life external stimuli at different levels of conscious awareness using mathematical modeling. This study might be helpful in future to assess the level of consciousness of patients with disorders of consciousness and help in regaining their consciousness

    Consciousness as a Physical Process Caused by the Organization of Energy in the Brain

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    To explain consciousness as a physical process we must acknowledge the role of energy in the brain. Energetic activity is fundamental to all physical processes and causally drives biological behavior. Recent neuroscientific evidence can be interpreted in a way that suggests consciousness is a product of the organization of energetic activity in the brain. The nature of energy itself, though, remains largely mysterious, and we do not fully understand how it contributes to brain function or consciousness. According to the principle outlined here, energy, along with forces and work, can be described as actualized differences of motion and tension. By observing physical systems, we can infer there is something it is like to undergo actualized difference from the intrinsic perspective of the system. Consciousness occurs because there is something it is like, intrinsically, to undergo a certain organization of actualized differences in the brain