107 research outputs found

    Realistic Visualization of Animated Virtual Cloth

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    Photo-realistic rendering of real-world objects is a broad research area with applications in various different areas, such as computer generated films, entertainment, e-commerce and so on. Within photo-realistic rendering, the rendering of cloth is a subarea which involves many important aspects, ranging from material surface reflection properties and macroscopic self-shadowing to animation sequence generation and compression. In this thesis, besides an introduction to the topic plus a broad overview of related work, different methods to handle major aspects of cloth rendering are described. Material surface reflection properties play an important part to reproduce the look & feel of materials, that is, to identify a material only by looking at it. The BTF (bidirectional texture function), as a function of viewing and illumination direction, is an appropriate representation of reflection properties. It captures effects caused by the mesostructure of a surface, like roughness, self-shadowing, occlusion, inter-reflections, subsurface scattering and color bleeding. Unfortunately a BTF data set of a material consists of hundreds to thousands of images, which exceeds current memory size of personal computers by far. This work describes the first usable method to efficiently compress and decompress a BTF data for rendering at interactive to real-time frame rates. It is based on PCA (principal component analysis) of the BTF data set. While preserving the important visual aspects of the BTF, the achieved compression rates allow the storage of several different data sets in main memory of consumer hardware, while maintaining a high rendering quality. Correct handling of complex illumination conditions plays another key role for the realistic appearance of cloth. Therefore, an upgrade of the BTF compression and rendering algorithm is described, which allows the support of distant direct HDR (high-dynamic-range) illumination stored in environment maps. To further enhance the appearance, macroscopic self-shadowing has to be taken into account. For the visualization of folds and the life-like 3D impression, these kind of shadows are absolutely necessary. This work describes two methods to compute these shadows. The first is seamlessly integrated into the illumination part of the rendering algorithm and optimized for static meshes. Furthermore, another method is proposed, which allows the handling of dynamic objects. It uses hardware-accelerated occlusion queries for the visibility determination. In contrast to other algorithms, the presented algorithm, despite its simplicity, is fast and produces less artifacts than other methods. As a plus, it incorporates changeable distant direct high-dynamic-range illumination. The human perception system is the main target of any computer graphics application and can also be treated as part of the rendering pipeline. Therefore, optimization of the rendering itself can be achieved by analyzing human perception of certain visual aspects in the image. As a part of this thesis, an experiment is introduced that evaluates human shadow perception to speedup shadow rendering and provides optimization approaches. Another subarea of cloth visualization in computer graphics is the animation of the cloth and avatars for presentations. This work also describes two new methods for automatic generation and compression of animation sequences. The first method to generate completely new, customizable animation sequences, is based on the concept of finding similarities in animation frames of a given basis sequence. Identifying these similarities allows jumps within the basis sequence to generate endless new sequences. Transmission of any animated 3D data over bandwidth-limited channels, like extended networks or to less powerful clients requires efficient compression schemes. The second method included in this thesis in the animation field is a geometry data compression scheme. Similar to the BTF compression, it uses PCA in combination with clustering algorithms to segment similar moving parts of the animated objects to achieve high compression rates in combination with a very exact reconstruction quality.Realistische Visualisierung von animierter virtueller Kleidung Das photorealistisches Rendering realer Gegenstände ist ein weites Forschungsfeld und hat Anwendungen in vielen Bereichen. Dazu zählen Computer generierte Filme (CGI), die Unterhaltungsindustrie und E-Commerce. Innerhalb dieses Forschungsbereiches ist das Rendern von photorealistischer Kleidung ein wichtiger Bestandteil. Hier reichen die wichtigen Aspekte, die es zu berücksichtigen gilt, von optischen Materialeigenschaften über makroskopische Selbstabschattung bis zur Animationsgenerierung und -kompression. In dieser Arbeit wird, neben der Einführung in das Thema, ein weiter Überblick über ähnlich gelagerte Arbeiten gegeben. Der Schwerpunkt der Arbeit liegt auf den wichtigen Aspekten der virtuellen Kleidungsvisualisierung, die oben beschrieben wurden. Die optischen Reflektionseigenschaften von Materialoberflächen spielen eine wichtige Rolle, um das so genannte look & feel von Materialien zu charakterisieren. Hierbei kann ein Material vom Nutzer identifiziert werden, ohne dass er es direkt anfassen muss. Die BTF (bidirektionale Texturfunktion)ist eine Funktion die abhängig von der Blick- und Beleuchtungsrichtung ist. Daher ist sie eine angemessene Repräsentation von Reflektionseigenschaften. Sie enthält Effekte wie Rauheit, Selbstabschattungen, Verdeckungen, Interreflektionen, Streuung und Farbbluten, die durch die Mesostruktur der Oberfläche hervorgerufen werden. Leider besteht ein BTF Datensatz eines Materials aus hunderten oder tausenden von Bildern und sprengt damit herkömmliche Hauptspeicher in Computern bei weitem. Diese Arbeit beschreibt die erste praktikable Methode, um BTF Daten effizient zu komprimieren, zu speichern und für Echtzeitanwendungen zum Visualisieren wieder zu dekomprimieren. Die Methode basiert auf der Principal Component Analysis (PCA), die Daten nach Signifikanz ordnet. Während die PCA die entscheidenen visuellen Aspekte der BTF erhält, können mit ihrer Hilfe Kompressionsraten erzielt werden, die es erlauben mehrere BTF Materialien im Hauptspeicher eines Consumer PC zu verwalten. Dies erlaubt ein High-Quality Rendering. Korrektes Verwenden von komplexen Beleuchtungssituationen spielt eine weitere, wichtige Rolle, um Kleidung realistisch erscheinen zu lassen. Daher wird zudem eine Erweiterung des BTF Kompressions- und Renderingalgorithmuses erläutert, die den Einsatz von High-Dynamic Range (HDR) Beleuchtung erlaubt, die in environment maps gespeichert wird. Um die realistische Erscheinung der Kleidung weiter zu unterstützen, muss die makroskopische Selbstabschattung integriert werden. Für die Visualisierung von Falten und den lebensechten 3D Eindruck ist diese Art von Schatten absolut notwendig. Diese Arbeit beschreibt daher auch zwei Methoden, diese Schatten schnell und effizient zu berechnen. Die erste ist nahtlos in den Beleuchtungspart des obigen BTF Renderingalgorithmuses integriert und für statische Geometrien optimiert. Die zweite Methode behandelt dynamische Objekte. Dazu werden hardwarebeschleunigte Occlusion Queries verwendet, um die Sichtbarkeitsberechnung durchzuführen. Diese Methode ist einerseits simpel und leicht zu implementieren, anderseits ist sie schnell und produziert weniger Artefakte, als vergleichbare Methoden. Zusätzlich ist die Verwendung von veränderbarer, entfernter HDR Beleuchtung integriert. Das menschliche Wahrnehmungssystem ist das eigentliche Ziel jeglicher Anwendung in der Computergrafik und kann daher selbst als Teil einer erweiterten Rendering Pipeline gesehen werden. Daher kann das Rendering selbst optimiert werden, wenn man die menschliche Wahrnehmung verschiedener visueller Aspekte der berechneten Bilder analysiert. Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Beschreibung eines Experimentes, das menschliche Schattenwahrnehmung untersucht, um das Rendern der Schatten zu beschleunigen. Ein weiteres Teilgebiet der Kleidungsvisualisierung in der Computergrafik ist die Animation der Kleidung und von Avataren für Präsentationen. Diese Arbeit beschreibt zwei neue Methoden auf diesem Teilgebiet. Einmal ein Algorithmus, der für die automatische Generierung neuer Animationssequenzen verwendet werden kann und zum anderen einen Kompressionsalgorithmus für eben diese Sequenzen. Die automatische Generierung von völlig neuen, anpassbaren Animationen basiert auf dem Konzept der Ähnlichkeitssuche. Hierbei werden die einzelnen Schritte von gegebenen Basisanimationen auf Ähnlichkeiten hin untersucht, die zum Beispiel die Geschwindigkeiten einzelner Objektteile sein können. Die Identifizierung dieser Ähnlichkeiten erlaubt dann Sprünge innerhalb der Basissequenz, die dazu benutzt werden können, endlose, neue Sequenzen zu erzeugen. Die Übertragung von animierten 3D Daten über bandbreitenlimitierte Kanäle wie ausgedehnte Netzwerke, Mobilfunk oder zu sogenannten thin clients erfordert eine effiziente Komprimierung. Die zweite, in dieser Arbeit vorgestellte Methode, ist ein Kompressionsschema für Geometriedaten. Ähnlich wie bei der Kompression von BTF Daten wird die PCA in Verbindung mit Clustering benutzt, um die animierte Geometrie zu analysieren und in sich ähnlich bewegende Teile zu segmentieren. Diese erkannten Segmente lassen sich dann hoch komprimieren. Der Algorithmus arbeitet automatisch und erlaubt zudem eine sehr exakte Rekonstruktionsqualität nach der Dekomprimierung

    Embedded System Optimization of Radar Post-processing in an ARM CPU Core

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    Algorithms executed on the radar processor system contributes to a significant performance bottleneck of the overall radar system. One key performance concern is the latency in target detection when dealing with hard deadline systems. Research has shown software optimization as one major contributor to radar system performance improvements. This thesis aims at software optimizations using a manual and automatic approach and analyzing the results to make informed future decisions while working with an ARM processor system. In order to ascertain an optimized implementation, a question put forward was whether the algorithms on the ARM processor could work with a 6-antenna implementation without a decline in the performance. However, an answer would also help project how many additional algorithms can still be added without performance decline. The manual optimization was done based on the quantitative analysis of the software execution time. The manual optimization approach looked at the vectorization strategy using the NEON vector register on the ARM CPU to reimplement the initial Constant False Alarm Rate(CFAR) Detection algorithm. An additional optimization approach was eliminating redundant loops while going through the Range Gates and Doppler filters. In order to determine the best compiler for automatic code optimization for the radar algorithms on the ARM processor, the GCC and Clang compilers were used to compile the initial algorithms and the optimized implementation on the radar post-processing stage. Analysis of the optimization results showed that it is possible to run the radar post-processing algorithms on the ARM processor at the 6-antenna implementation without system load stress. In addition, the results show an excellent headroom margin based on the defined scenario. The result analysis further revealed that the effect of dynamic memory allocation could not be underrated in situations where performance is a significant concern. Additional statements from the result demonstrated that the GCC and Clang compiler has their strength and weaknesses when used in the compilation. One limiting factor to note on the optimization using the NEON register is the sample size’s effect on the optimization implementation. Although it fits into the test samples used based on the defined scenario, there might be varying results in varying window cell size situations that might not necessarily improve the time constraints

    Differentiable world programs

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    L'intelligence artificielle (IA) moderne a ouvert de nouvelles perspectives prometteuses pour la création de robots intelligents. En particulier, les architectures d'apprentissage basées sur le gradient (réseaux neuronaux profonds) ont considérablement amélioré la compréhension des scènes 3D en termes de perception, de raisonnement et d'action. Cependant, ces progrès ont affaibli l'attrait de nombreuses techniques ``classiques'' développées au cours des dernières décennies. Nous postulons qu'un mélange de méthodes ``classiques'' et ``apprises'' est la voie la plus prometteuse pour développer des modèles du monde flexibles, interprétables et exploitables : une nécessité pour les agents intelligents incorporés. La question centrale de cette thèse est : ``Quelle est la manière idéale de combiner les techniques classiques avec des architectures d'apprentissage basées sur le gradient pour une compréhension riche du monde 3D ?''. Cette vision ouvre la voie à une multitude d'applications qui ont un impact fondamental sur la façon dont les agents physiques perçoivent et interagissent avec leur environnement. Cette thèse, appelée ``programmes différentiables pour modèler l'environnement'', unifie les efforts de plusieurs domaines étroitement liés mais actuellement disjoints, notamment la robotique, la vision par ordinateur, l'infographie et l'IA. Ma première contribution---gradSLAM--- est un système de localisation et de cartographie simultanées (SLAM) dense et entièrement différentiable. En permettant le calcul du gradient à travers des composants autrement non différentiables tels que l'optimisation non linéaire par moindres carrés, le raycasting, l'odométrie visuelle et la cartographie dense, gradSLAM ouvre de nouvelles voies pour intégrer la reconstruction 3D classique et l'apprentissage profond. Ma deuxième contribution - taskography - propose une sparsification conditionnée par la tâche de grandes scènes 3D encodées sous forme de graphes de scènes 3D. Cela permet aux planificateurs classiques d'égaler (et de surpasser) les planificateurs de pointe basés sur l'apprentissage en concentrant le calcul sur les attributs de la scène pertinents pour la tâche. Ma troisième et dernière contribution---gradSim--- est un simulateur entièrement différentiable qui combine des moteurs physiques et graphiques différentiables pour permettre l'estimation des paramètres physiques et le contrôle visuomoteur, uniquement à partir de vidéos ou d'une image fixe.Modern artificial intelligence (AI) has created exciting new opportunities for building intelligent robots. In particular, gradient-based learning architectures (deep neural networks) have tremendously improved 3D scene understanding in terms of perception, reasoning, and action. However, these advancements have undermined many ``classical'' techniques developed over the last few decades. We postulate that a blend of ``classical'' and ``learned'' methods is the most promising path to developing flexible, interpretable, and actionable models of the world: a necessity for intelligent embodied agents. ``What is the ideal way to combine classical techniques with gradient-based learning architectures for a rich understanding of the 3D world?'' is the central question in this dissertation. This understanding enables a multitude of applications that fundamentally impact how embodied agents perceive and interact with their environment. This dissertation, dubbed ``differentiable world programs'', unifies efforts from multiple closely-related but currently-disjoint fields including robotics, computer vision, computer graphics, and AI. Our first contribution---gradSLAM---is a fully differentiable dense simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) system. By enabling gradient computation through otherwise non-differentiable components such as nonlinear least squares optimization, ray casting, visual odometry, and dense mapping, gradSLAM opens up new avenues for integrating classical 3D reconstruction and deep learning. Our second contribution---taskography---proposes a task-conditioned sparsification of large 3D scenes encoded as 3D scene graphs. This enables classical planners to match (and surpass) state-of-the-art learning-based planners by focusing computation on task-relevant scene attributes. Our third and final contribution---gradSim---is a fully differentiable simulator that composes differentiable physics and graphics engines to enable physical parameter estimation and visuomotor control, solely from videos or a still image

    Analysis of Alterations in Cellular Architecture by cryo-Soft X-ray Tomography and Ultrastructure Expansion Microscopy

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    The central aim of this thesis was to visualize changes in cellular architecture induced by environmental factors such as drug treatment or viral infection. High-resolution microscopic analysis of such alterations is crucial to elucidate the mechanisms of disease, as well as to develop potential therapies. The importance thereof was clearly underscored by the COVID 19 pandemic, whose causative agent, the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS CoV 2), infected and killed millions of people across the globe. By using high-resolution 3D imaging by cryo soft X ray tomography (cryo SXT), rapid changes in the cellular ultrastructure upon infection with SARS CoV 2 or feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIPV) could be visualized. The changes induced by viral infection were affected by treatment with FDA-approved drugs, which had previously emerged as candidates from drug-repurposing screens to combat SARS CoV 2. Cryo SXT analysis revealed formation of lysosome-associated dark-rimmed vesicles (DRVs), which were demonstrated to be multilamellar lipid deposits by transmission electron microscopy. The observed striking interplay of drug- and virus-induced alterations on the level of size and number of lysosome-associated DRVs suggests involvement of lysosomal function in the inhibition of the viruses by the drugs. It is likely that this inhibition is either due to impairment of lysosomal escape or due to reduced lipid availability for membrane remodeling essential for virus replication. To comprehensively test these models, complementary screening tools are required, which allow ultrastructural analysis at a higher throughput than cryo SXT. For that, the recently developed ultrastructure expansion microscopy (U ExM) is a promising technique. Comparing the structural preservation of cell organelles after the U ExM sample preparation to that of cells acquired under near-native conditions in cryo SXT, it emerged that the morphology of large organelles such as nuclei and plasma membrane can be visualized efficiently by U ExM, while very small or lipid-dense structures were more difficult to preserve accurately. These results highlight the benefits of cryo SXT, but also the potential of U ExM to complement cryo SXT with its higher throughput of ultrastructure visualization, even if its resolution is lower than that of cryo SXT. Therefore, U ExM can be used for experimental characterization for cryo SXT, as one step towards more efficiency of cryo SXT. Another step is to automate the segmentation of cryo SXT tomograms. To that end, a deep learning platform was trained and validated on a large pool of cryo SXT data acquired in this work. This convoluted neural network performs full annotation of cellular features in cryo SXT tomograms within less than half an hour on consumer-grade GPUs, thereby significantly reducing the time required for data analysis. Taken together, these results illustrate how cryo SXT, U ExM and deep learning can be used complementarily to address highly relevant biological questions

    Advances in Molecular Simulation

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    Molecular simulations are commonly used in physics, chemistry, biology, material science, engineering, and even medicine. This book provides a wide range of molecular simulation methods and their applications in various fields. It reflects the power of molecular simulation as an effective research tool. We hope that the presented results can provide an impetus for further fruitful studies

    Example Based Caricature Synthesis

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    The likeness of a caricature to the original face image is an essential and often overlooked part of caricature production. In this paper we present an example based caricature synthesis technique, consisting of shape exaggeration, relationship exaggeration, and optimization for likeness. Rather than relying on a large training set of caricature face pairs, our shape exaggeration step is based on only one or a small number of examples of facial features. The relationship exaggeration step introduces two definitions which facilitate global facial feature synthesis. The first is the T-Shape rule, which describes the relative relationship between the facial elements in an intuitive manner. The second is the so called proportions, which characterizes the facial features in a proportion form. Finally we introduce a similarity metric as the likeness metric based on the Modified Hausdorff Distance (MHD) which allows us to optimize the configuration of facial elements, maximizing likeness while satisfying a number of constraints. The effectiveness of our algorithm is demonstrated with experimental results

    Biologically Inspired Visual Control of Flying Robots

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    Insects posses an incredible ability to navigate their environment at high speed, despite having small brains and limited visual acuity. Through selective pressure they have evolved computationally efficient means for simultaneously performing navigation tasks and instantaneous control responses. The insect’s main source of information is visual, and through a hierarchy of processes this information is used for perception; at the lowest level are local neurons for detecting image motion and edges, at the higher level are interneurons to spatially integrate the output of previous stages. These higher level processes could be considered as models of the insect's environment, reducing the amount of information to only that which evolution has determined relevant. The scope of this thesis is experimenting with biologically inspired visual control of flying robots through information processing, models of the environment, and flight behaviour. In order to test these ideas I developed a custom quadrotor robot and experimental platform; the 'wasp' system. All algorithms ran on the robot, in real-time or better, and hypotheses were always verified with flight experiments. I developed a new optical flow algorithm that is computationally efficient, and able to be applied in a regular pattern to the image. This technique is used later in my work when considering patterns in the image motion field. Using optical flow in the log-polar coordinate system I developed attitude estimation and time-to-contact algorithms. I find that the log-polar domain is useful for analysing global image motion; and in many ways equivalent to the retinotopic arrange- ment of neurons in the optic lobe of insects, used for the same task. I investigated the role of depth in insect flight using two experiments. In the first experiment, to study how concurrent visual control processes might be combined, I developed a control system using the combined output of two algorithms. The first algorithm was a wide-field optical flow balance strategy and the second an obstacle avoidance strategy which used inertial information to estimate the depth to objects in the environment - objects whose depth was significantly different to their surround- ings. In the second experiment I created an altitude control system which used a model of the environment in the Hough space, and a biologically inspired sampling strategy, to efficiently detect the ground. Both control systems were used to control the flight of a quadrotor in an indoor environment. The methods that insects use to perceive edges and control their flight in response had not been applied to artificial systems before. I developed a quadrotor control system that used the distribution of edges in the environment to regulate the robot height and avoid obstacles. I also developed a model that predicted the distribution of edges in a static scene, and using this prediction was able to estimate the quadrotor altitude

    GPU Ray-Traced Collision Detection: Fine Pipeline Reorganization

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    International audienceRay-tracing algorithms can be used to render a virtual scene and to detect collisions between objects. Numerous ray-tracing algorithms have been proposed which use data structures optimized for specific cases (rigid objects, deformable objects, etc.). Some solutions try to optimize performance by combining several algorithms to use the most efficient algorithm for each ray. This paper presents a ray-traced collision detection pipeline that improves the performance on a graphicd processing unit (GPU) when several ray-tracing algorithms are used. When combining several ray-tracing algorithms on a GPU, a well-known drawback is thread divergence among work-groups that can cause loss of performance by causing idle threads. In this paper we avoid branch divergence by dividing the ray tracing into three steps with append buffers in between. We also show that prediction can be used to avoid unnecessary synchronizations between the CPU and GPU. Applied to a narrow-phase collision detection algorithm, results show an improvement of performance up to 2.7 times